Oluwasegun Digitals


*One of the easiest and best ways to make a lot of money* is to inherit huge sum from your parents.

Now, if you’re like me who did not have a huge sum to inherit, here’s what you should do…

One of the proven and most effective ways to drastically reduce your money problems is to learn a skill. A relevant digital skill that is applicable globally.

If you possess a relevant skill, you will hardly hit rock bottom financially, and even if you do, you'll always bounce back easier than someone who doesn’t posses a relevant skillset.

There are many skills you can choose from and in less than 6 months, your financial story will change for the better.

Product design
Amazon Self Publishing
Digital Marketing
Media Buying
Content creation
Video Editing/transitioning
Cloud Engineering
Data Analysis & Visualization
Cyber Security
Product Management
Project Management
Technical Writing

I can continue to mention without getting tired....

Do your research and pick a skill based on what you desire to achieve in life and how you wish to contribute to the world.

Skills are intangible assets, highly profitable and can be applied across boarders.

The better you get, the higher the fees you can command.

Once you have learnt a skill, the next line of action is to learn how to sell.

Armed with a relevant skill and the ability to sell, you’ll hardly ever lack certain amount of money in your life.

I dare you to dedicate the next 90 days (3 months) of your life to learning a skill that will be beneficial and profitable to you for the rest of your life.

The truth is, whether you dedicate the next 3 months learning or not, the 3 months will come and go, and if you did not make any moves, that’s your loss.

So tell me…

Which skill would you love to learn?


You Are More Valuable Than What You Can Imagine

Do You Know, Some people charge 100X what you currently charge for your service?

They do exactly what you currently do or even less.

You have the experience and the results.

But yet you do it for free or for peanuts.

And for years your prices stay the same or keep going lower because:

❏ You feel you'll drive away all your potential or existing customers.

❏ You don't believe you're worth being paid a higher amount.

❏ You don't believe the results you provide are that valuable.

❏ You are scared of negative reactions or that people won't like you anymore.

❏ You're not sure how the market would react and that leads to heavy hesitation.

I could go on with more reasons why you're scared of raising your prices...

But I'll only tell you eight reasons why you should.

➊ Your price is never too high if the value you're offering is higher.

➋ You are the first person you have to convince of your value, not your client.

➌ Your idea of a HIGH PRICE is usually low to someone who has more money than time to spend on a solution.

➍ You can't help everyone!

╰┈➤ Not everyone will be able to afford you... But that's okay.

➎ You'll get NOs from 80% of your prospects... But the ones who say yes will make you rich.

╰┈➤ If you're getting too many YES's from people it means your price is too low.

➏ It is a great thing to love your clients, but never confuse love with giving a discount.

╰┈➤ Instead of giving a discount and decreasing your price all the time which trains them to only pay you when your price is low, increase the value you're offering.

➐ Never discuss your price with a potential client until you're ultraclear on the problem they want to solve and how you can help them.

╰┈➤ Whenever price comes first, value becomes irrelevant and vice versa.

➑ Stop comparing what you should charge to what others in your industry are charging.

╰┈➤ Most entrepreneurs (especially women) are undercharging and their low pricing strategy is a race to the bottom.

✎ Know these truths you will start charging what you're worth instead of what you feel people can afford.

Hope this helps.

*©JayandKay Digital World✒️*


He who refuses to pay for knowledge will always pay with time

- Broda Dapo


You are looking forward to making/earning Millions of Naira.

You see a course or programme of N42,000 that offers such results yet you call it *"expensive"*

Okay. I love the way you reason bro 👍


Meditate on this:

The higher the price of your product,
The less person's you need to sell to

The lesser the price of your product,
The more person's you need to sell to

Depends on how much money you want to make

This is basically how selling works.

I would say *Learn* How To Shuffle In Between Family Members, Friends, Best Friends, Colleagues etc. and your Business.....

I would say *Learn* How To Shuffle In Between Family Members, Friends, Best Friends, Colleagues etc. and your Business...

Atimes You Shouldn't Keep Mute 🤐🔕

Atimes Hard Decisions Has To Be Made.

Atimes Doing The Right Thing Will Make Some People Not To Like You Or Follow You Anymore...

Are You Truly A CEO? 🤔🤔🤔

Are You Truly A CEO? 🤔🤔🤔

The role of a founder is both dynamic and multifaceted. One of the most significant decisions a founder faces is recognizing their strengths and limitations ...

HARD PILL 💊 TO SWALLOW...What Would Happen To Your Business If You Died?


What Would Happen To Your Business If You Died?

Business EvolutionThe journey from an individual professional to a business owner is a profound metamorphosis, marked by distinct phases that delineate the g...


*Marketing is Not Selling!*

Many people confuse the act of marketing with the act of selling because both involve the act of interesting customers so that they purchase your product.

Selling occurs when the customer purchases the product or service.

Marketing, however, is the art of grabbing the potential customer’s attention, which will, hopefully, lead to a purchase.

The goal of marketing is to leave an impression on the consumers, making your brand more recognizable and memorable to them.

The key to marketing is providing knowledge about your company and your product, service or your brand. Your brand is what sets you apart from the competition.

The more customers know about your brand, the more desirable the end sale becomes to the consumer.

Building the brand and the brand awareness are the key points of marketing that can set it apart from selling.

- Freedom Obanijesu


Emeka Nobis was talking about how people who buy online course, books, coaching don't think for the future.

He told a story of how He met a lady on Instagram few years ago

The lady would push out really valuable contents consistently, sharing amazing values daily and he connected with her.

Emeka said She had a paid training that was teaching *HOW TO GET 1000 INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS EVERY MONTH.*

Said he paid her N16,500 to teach him exactly how it's done.

If you want to know the lesson behind this story, just stay with me and read this till the end.

So he said that the moment he paid for that training

He immediately started imagining what it would mean if he get 1000 Instagram followers every month

It would mean in 12 months, he would have grown from 0-12k followers ( pretty good because the followers will be well targeted)

So he pictured what this followers will help him achieve in the following years.

First, he would start getting lots of requests to promote people's products which he will charge for.

Secondly, lots of people following him would eventually end up buying one or two things from him.

Thirdly, he would start getting lots of influential benefits and all that

Now imagine if he did that for 2,3,5 years.

That would mean hundreds of thousands of followers.

But here's the shocking thing about all of this

He ONLY Paid N16,500 to learn it JUST ONCE.

And the amazing thing is that any money he makes after the training, the lady is not longer benefiting from it.

Don't you get this?

Even if he makes N20m in the long run (lesson on this shortly)

To properly drive my point home, I'll tell you a very short story.

In 2019, Paul Chinedu bought a course from Nnamani Czar Anikulapo Nonso

The name of the course is SNEAK IN MIND CONTROL METHOD

It was a training on persuasion, psychology and how to easily sell using emotions

He bought the course N9,999

After about 5 months of taking that course

He made at least 50X of what he paid simply because he bought the training(and IMPLEMENTED what he learned.

And the person that sold the course won't ever benefit from whatever he make.

I'm not sure you get it

Even if he makes N5m with the knowledge inside the training

It's all his

OK enough of the ranting...

Oh maybe I was not ranting after all..

Let me share an IMPORTANT BUSINESS LESSON you should learn from this

You will fall in love with this ..

I promise you.

*Lesson one* : If you think that paying for course or training that will make YOUR life better is making the course creator rich, you're actually doing yourself.

Because whether you learn from him/her or not, he/she already have the knowledge and will continue using them to better their own life

While you struggle ..

Lesson two: whenever you're buying a course, always think for the future.

Think about it: if you buy a course for 15k today and in the next 1 year, it made you 500k (if you implement what you learn of course)

Would you say it's a bad investment?

I want to end this lesson by saying this

If moving faster in business and in life is what you TRULY want, normalize paying for knowledge

It'll help you grow faster in this journey


There's a much easier way to follow up on clients without sounding desperate or pushy.

First of all, get a time commitment from them.

Let's say a client says today is a busy day for them and they tell you to call some other time.

Ask them when exactly is a better time for you.

They say something like 12p.m

Appreciate them and say something like this, by 12p.m on X date you have given I'd put a call across.

On the D-day of the X date they gave,

Send a polite message like this before the given time.

"Mr Client, based on our last conversation, you recommended that 12p.m would be a good time for you"

If you want feedback from them, say "Please re-confirm this."

If you don't, say "When it is exactly 12p.m, I'd put a call across"

Do you see how that is?

Very gentle, professional and understanding.

Try this out when you're following up on your next client.

- Victory Mackson


The reality is that, in school, if there were no grades, no exams, and no CGPAs to pursue, COMPLACENCY will be the order of the day, in the name of "learning at your own pace."

This explains why there are more abandoned online courses than missed physical classes where attendance is required for participation in exams.

The desire to reach a goal is what keeps us on our feet. If we stop being ambitious, we will stop doing.

Never stop having something you are PURSUING, or that is PURSUING you.

This applies to academic, career, relationship and spiritual goals. And so on.

What are you pursuing? If you don't have something you are pursuing, you will always tire out and return with excuses.

- Max Engineering Tutorials

What you know with *ease*, atimes come from others with *please* - Emmanuel Akpe... Don't take what you know for granted...

What you know with *ease*, atimes come from others with *please* - Emmanuel Akpe... Don't take what you know for granted...



If you want to become a Success this year, then you need to *STOP GIVING EXCUSES.*

You can't make excuses and make money!

The difference between the rich and the poor is that when an opportunity arises, the rich seize it, transforming their finances, while the poor analyze and make excuses.

I'm a student

I lost my job

I am an orphan

My parents are poor.

I don't have anybody to support me.

I don't have a degree.

See, I empathize with you, but unfortunately, *life doesn't respond to pity.*

This is 2024. Please drop all those excuses you give. *No one gives a damn.*

Life responds to actions, *not excuses.*

You have to stand up and become 100% responsible for the way you want your life to turn out.

Whatever condition you are today, whether rich or poor, is as a result of your past action or excuse..

If you want to become a success in 2024, the action you take today will determine that.


You have 2 choices

1. Give Excuse.

2. Take Action.

Making excuses only holds you back. The difference between success and stagnation isn't luck or privilege. It's taking action.


*Content could be text, image, audio or video. it can be under any of the following* ;

✅Content Giving value

✅Content Telling a story

✅Content showing Proof

✅Content building Authority

✅Content priming them to believe what you want them to believe

✅Content Motivating them

✅Content Giving Them Hope

✅Content entertaining them

✅Content showing Different benefits of your offer

✅Content showing you are human...

Share content with your audience, it's not a waste of time and energy....

Graphic Design, Video Editing, Web Development & Others As A Skill Won't Teach You All This You Know..👇👇Whereas You Need...

Graphic Design, Video Editing, Web Development & Others As A Skill Won't Teach You All This You Know..👇👇

Whereas You Need Them Actually.

There Is Having A Skill; Separately

There Is Also Knowing The Business Of The Skill...

Be Good At Your Skill But Also Learn The Business Of It

Even if you are very skilled and no one knows about you, How do you want people to hire you or patronize ? 🤷‍♂️Put your ...

Even if you are very skilled and no one knows about you, How do you want people to hire you or patronize ? 🤷‍♂️

Put your self out there... Or why do you think people run ads or join platforms or social media. *Visibility Matters Alot!*

Can you see why you need to know about Marketing. Don't Just Reply On That Your Main Skill Alone. Know Others Things That Will Help In Promoting It...


"when a man doesn't have a purpose for waking up, sleeping becomes interesting"

Linus Okorie

Hope you have a reason to be up awake and not sleeping?


You're not the Central Bank, so you were never permitted to MAKE money in the first place.

But you can EARN it.

The money you're looking for is in somebody's pocket.

You either sell your time to have it.

You either sell a valuable asset to receive it.

You either sell a product to get it.

You either sell a service to get hold of it.

It is illegal to steal it.

It is lame to beg for it.

Go out and sell something.

-victory mackson


Dealing with your buyer's objections

A potential buyer objecting is a beautiful thing.

One of the best things you can have a potential buyer say is "It's too expensive".

Mind you, he didn't say " I don't have the money or I can't afford it".

It's a blessing in disguise if you ask me.

What this means is, he doesn't believe the money you quoted was worth it, and it's your job to make him understand why.

This calls for you to educate him.

It doesn't call for you getting angry, raining curses, and walking out on him.

I've seen lots of people do this and I wish they knew how much of a blessing they just threw away.......rather it's an opportunity for you to pitch to him.....one that doesn't always come.

He's saying "tell me why I should spend X$ on product Y".

If you know your product, the value it can give and you're good at selling..... In a few minutes, he'll be asking for your account details.

Entertain Objections..... Look for them.....

Listen......educate and pitch.

In fact, the earlier he objects, the better.....

Olive Jaja


✅I didn't die in 2023.

✅Many of my mates are dead.

✅This is enough achievement.

This is the common lie most people always tell themselves.

❌Wait, I didn't say you should not be grateful for life.


✅However, it's okay to confidently admit you've failed in 2023...
..so that the failure won't repeat itself in 2024.

Or do you want to be alive in 2024 without ANY other achievements?

Be brutally sincere with your soul.

See, lying to yourself is the biggest betrayal on earth.

Please, don't be among those people who'll say:

"God saved me in 2023; it's enough achievement."

❌Don't be mediocre.

✅You deserve more than just living on earth.

Don't let this society use this weak statement to cage your soul.

God wants you to do more & be more in life.

- Elephant Child


*Know This; Selling Becomes Super Easy For You When You Show Your Offer To The Right Person Or Right People...*

📌 Identify your target 🎯 audience and sell to them...

📌 Your product isn't meant for everyone but for some set of people...

📌 The price to your product isn't the problem, your marketing is...

📌 Everybody is *a customer* but not everyone is *your customer*


*But how do you really do it?*

From January to December, you don't invest in courses, mentorship, masterclass, books, conference and other resources to help you grow

And you are truly okay with being where you are for a whole 365 days?

Okay Na. Better Learn How To Invest In Yourself...


Products, Skills ( which can be rendered as services )
Knowledge, Information, Idea,
Experience, Expertise, Entertainment etc...

These Are things You Can Sell

*Whatever You Have Access To, You Can Sell...*

You Can Even Sell Your Time,

Yes You can. People Will Just Have To Pay You To Get Access To You...

However, you need to be valuable and have something you can offer...

Selling Goes Beyond Product & Services, Think Outside The Box 🎁 There Are Multiple Opportunities Lieing Around.


*It is a mistake to think time is going...*

Time is not going.

Time is here until the world ends. It is you that is going.

You don’t waste time. Time is infinite.

You waste yourself.

You are finite. It is you that grows old and die.

Time doesn’t.

So make better use of yourself before you expire.

And one of the worst things to do with time is comparing yourself to others.

A cow eats grass and gets fat but if dog eats grass, it will die.

Never compare yourself with others.

Run your race!

What works for one person may be that which will kill you.

Focus on the gifts and talents God gave you and don’t be envious of the blessings He gave another.

You have a unique potential, build on it.

Never look down on yourself, keep looking up!

Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal...


Nobody is too busy. Absolutely no one. People have priorities. If you are at the top, they have time for you. If you are at the bottom, they screen you out.

That is why you have to develop yourself. Make your self-development a priority. The more you develop yourself, the more others envelop you. The less you develop yourself, the more repellant you become to people.

When people tell you they are busy and will get back to you, don't be offended. Just take it as a sign that you need to develop yourself.

Become a ghost. Create scarcity of your presence. And use absence to grow yourself until you stop hearing, 'I am busy'.



The earlier you know this, the better for you.
Complaining and worrying only add to your Mental stress. The Energy and Time you spend complaining, why not use it to do other productive tasks such as, reading a book, planning your next move, learning a skill, etc.

Make the decision not to be a victim of circumstances.



Sango Otta





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