Stories & moral lessons

Stories & moral lessons Interesting stories are been shared here on this page �� follow up� for more interesting stories and lesson also ��

🥀💋 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 💋🥀( 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 ) 📒📒📒𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 10𝘾𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙈𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎.................................................

🥀💋 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 💋🥀

( 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 )

𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 10

𝘾𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙈𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙉𝘾𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎..............................................

The one thing I love about Fridays is that it was the day that students would leave school rather than hang around.

They would either go shopping, to Starbucks or just go somewhere to hang out and celebrate the fact that it was the weekend.

That fact came quiet clear as soon as I stepped into the school's library. There was only a handful of students in here.

Normally, it would be packed with students doing homework, but they knew that they have the entire week for homework, so not much students stayed over.

The students that were in here were either reading a book or a few book worms, studying. I, on the other hand, was coming up here to pass time.

Today was the day that Sarah and I were going shopping. I was looking forward to spending time with her and seeing what kind of person she was. I actually felt bad that it took a year for us to do something like this.

Sarah told me that she was going to pick me up from school at 3:30. I had an hour to spare, so I decided to go up to the library to wait.

I walk over to the reading books section and took up a book to read. The book that I chose was Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

This was one of my favourite books, so I know it will help me pass the time. I took a seat at a table by myself and began to read.

A few minutes later, I was so engaged in the book that I did not notice someone standing in front of me. The person was there for a few minutes, until I heard my name loudly. "Emily!"

I was pulled from the book and I looked up instantly. My eyes widen in surprise as I saw Tyler standing in front of me with an amused look on his face.

"Wow, you sure do block out when you are reading. I've been clearing my throat and calling your name for the pass two minutes."

"Tyler, what are you doing here?" I asked after my shock dissipated a little. I didn't expect to ever see Tyler in a place like this. "How did you know I was up here?"

"I saw your friend Victoria before she left. She told me you were on your way up here." He sat in the seat in front of me and look around. "So, this is the library."

I wasn't surprise that he hadn't been up here before. "Yes, Tyler, this is the library." I teased, gesturing around me with my hands. "This is where books are kept and also where you do your research."

"Are you mocking me, Samuels?" Tyler asked, a smirk on his lips.
I gave him an innocent look. "Nope." I took up the book I was reading and put a page marker inside before closing it. "Now, how can I help you?"

Tyler shook his head before resting his hands on the table. "I need a favour."

I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows curiously. "What could you possible need now?" I asked, not sure I would like the answer.

"I need help with my maths homework. Ms. D***o says that if I don't do well on this homework, I'll have to come over in the Christmas holiday for extra lessons.

I'm not really down for that, because I have better things to do with my time." He said.

I looked at him confused. Who the hell was Ms. D***o? As soon as I asked myself, it came to me. "Are you referring to Ms. Delendo?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, her." He answered and I shook my head. Most student in the school calls her that behind her back.

This is because when her name is pronounced, it sounds a lot like 'd***o' and once students picked up on the underlying naughtiness of her name, they started with it. "How did you know that I'm any good at maths?"

"Because you're in advance maths class." He said in a voice that says 'clearly, that's the obvious answer'.

"And this couldn't wait until tomorrow, because....?" I asked, hoping he will wait until then, so I could get back to my book.

"I want to get it over with, so I can have the weekend to myself." He answered.

I sighed. "Okay then. Let me see the homework."
Tyler got up from the seat. A few seconds later he returned with a book in his hand. He opened the book to a page and place it in front of me.

I glanced at the homework, before looking back at him. "This is what you are having problems with?" I asked, baffled by the simple math problem.

He grinned sheepishly. "I'm really bad a math."
"You mean you don't go to classes." I gave him a look. I brought the book closer to me and looked at the problems again. "So, what do you understand?"

"Nothing." I looked up at him, so he added. "I skip her classes. Maths just doesn't make any sense to me." He answered.
I rolled my eyes. "You're such a delinquent."

"Hey! I'm good at other subjects. Maths is the only one I have problems with." He defended.

"And which subjects are those?" I asked curiously.
"Chemistry, physics, biology and English sometimes." He replied.

"Right." I said, not believing him. There is no way a boy like him was good at chemistry and biology.

I took out a paper and began to help Tyler with the problems. I knew all the formula for math solutions out of my head, so I wrote the ones for these problems on the paper, to help him solve the problems.

Helping Tyler with the simple math problems would've been easy, if he wasn't on his phone most of the time.

"Are you even hearing a word I'm saying?" I asked, after his phone ping for the fifth time and he took it up.

"Of course." He replied, not taking his eyes from the phone.
"Well, would you mind putting the phone down.

I thought you needed my help." I reply, glaring at him as he text away. "What are you doing over there, that is so important?" I asked.

He finally looked at me and grinned. "I'm sexting."
"Really? I'm trying to help you and you're busy over there doing your own thing." I asked, crossing my arms on the table.

"I'm a guy. I couldn't just ignore the messages." He said, smirking.
"You're unbelievable!" I said, then my eyes widen as a thought hit me. "Wait a minute, you're not texting a girl at this school are you?"

"Of course not. I'm not stupid. She goes to a different school from us." He replied. Then wriggling his eyebrows, he added. "I met her at a party last night."

"I don't care where you've met her, Tyler, as long as she doesn't go to our school.

I wouldn't want to lose my reputation at this school if people found out that we are fake dating."

I replied, sitting back in my seat. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to my book."
"Wait, aren't you helping me again?" Tyler asked.

"I've already told you everything you need to know. You are on your own now, buddy. All you need to do now is follow the formula and solve the problems." I took up the book from the table and continued reading.

My stepmother and I had a great time shopping. She spoke to me and I spoke to her and surprisingly it wasn't awkward. I wish that I'd done this a long time ago
She helped me pick out a costume for Halloween and a few more clothes and when we were finished, I was tired and hungry.

Sarah decided that we get something to eat at the food court on the mall. So now we were sharing a table with hamburgers and fries in front of us.

"I'm so glad we went shopping together, Sarah." I said to Sarah when we were finished eating.

She turned to me and smiled. "Me too. It was great getting to know you more."

"Yeah," I laughed. "I wish we had done this a long time ago."
Sarah's smile left her face and she looked down guiltily.

"The reason I hadn't tried spoken to you before was because I thought you hated me. I thought you didn't like the idea of your dad marrying again."

I looked at her, my eyes widen with surprise. "What? No way. I thought you hated me."

"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah." I said. "I'm glad my dad married again and I'm glad it's you. You are a great person and he is much happier since he have met you."

Sarah's smile returned as she looked at me. "Your dad was right. You are smart and you are a wonderful person as well."

I chuckled. "It's funny how we both got it wrong, huh?"
"Yes it is." She replied, then added. "I'm really glad I did this with you, Emily."

"Me too." I said, happy that everything was cleared up.
"And I want you to know that there is no way I can take the place of your mother, but I'll always be there for you and you can talk to me about anything. Okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "Okay." My eyes then caught a familiar person standing at the far corner of the food court. It was Logan. He didn't see me because he was busy checking his watch as if waiting for someone.

I really didn't want him to see me, because I really didn't want to deal with him today.

What was he doing here anyway? It didn't seem like Logan's style to come to the mall. Well, not that I knew of.

He wasn't really interested in going to the mall when we dated. He used to say that he hated the crowd.

Sarah, realizing that my attention was focused somewhere else and also the change in my mood, turned to look at me. "What is it?" She asked. She then followed the direction of my gaze.

"Isn't that your boyfriend?" She questioned, when she saw who I was looking at.
"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I said and she turned to look at me.

She knew Logan, because he would come over to my house a few times when we were dating. "He cheated on me." I added, answering her unasked question.

"Oh," she looked in his direction, before looking back to me. "You want to leave?"

"Yes." I said, giving her a grateful smile. She nodded her head and stood up.

I stood up too as Sarah gathered our trays and went to throw away our garbage. She came back and we left the mall.



PAINS OF A BLIND GIRLTerri Savage🖊️Chapter 11📍📍📍📍♦️Richærd’s POVI sat glumly on a chair watching as new set of doctor st...


Terri Savage

Chapter 11

♦️Richærd’s POV

I sat glumly on a chair watching as new set of doctor started working on my Sophia through the CCTV camera, I couldn’t remove my eyes from it, I can’t trusts anybody again.

How can everyone turn into Her enemy?

Even doctors that are meant to save life wanted to kill her.

Hot tears rolled down my cheek as I recalled the scene in that video clip, that part when they drew out the stitch forcefully making her belly tear, her shrill of pain, her tears, her jerk… The way she pleaded to them to stop.

Ahhhahh.. I can’t hold back my tears anymore, I cried out, the pain in me is so great that my heart was very heavy.

I felt like going back to that doctors and torture them myself but I can’t leave when Sophia is being treated, who know whether this doctors may repeat the same thing, I just needs to watch

” I’m so sorry ” Dr Smith spoke out and I glanced at him with a huge smile.

I can wait to reward him, he just saved Sophia from something so intensed and brutal.

” Thank you for saving her ” I muttered.

” That is what our occupation is all about, saving lives ” He smiled

” Who are those doctors? ” I asked

” They are workers here, I don’t know what came over them, it must be that person that they called on phone, yes, that was the person that asked them to do it ” He said and I nodded

” So are the cops on it now?” I question

” I’m sure they would be trailing that person now ” He replied and I turned back to the screen.

The doctors were done and were pulling off their medical kits.

I rushed out of the system room straight to the ward where Sophia was.

” How is she ? ” I asked as I sat down on the chair beside her bed.

” Can a doctor be this cruel?” One of the doctor sighed and I arched my brow.

” What actually happened? ” I questioned

“He injected her with a chemical that would leave her temporary paralysed, not only that, he also injected a chemical that stimulates the cells in her body to fight against themselves thereby causing severe pains to her.. She survived it just because she was treated earlier ” He paused and shook his head.

” She would have been paralysed for ever if she hadn’t been treated sooner.. I don’t know why those doctors did this ” He added and stared at her face.

My eyes were really teary as I thought of how it would feel like for your body to fight against each other, the pain would be inner and you can’t do anything about it.

I held her hand as my tears fell on the bed.

I could see the pillow she was laying her head on, it was almost drenched with tears.. A streak of tears was still visible on her cheek.

” I’m very sorry ” I mumbled placing her hand on my chest.

It pains me that I couldn’t help her, I couldn’t stop her pain, she was with me and yet her pains continues, who must be behind all this?… I need to know, as for those doctors, I would make sure they are stoned to death by the villagers.

Looking at Sophia’s face, all you can see is pain, that is all she had been subjected to almost all the day of her life, I want to put a stop to it.

I really need to do that, she has to feel the joy of being a human being, the joy of having loved ones around you, the joy of having a peaceful life.

Yes ..She needs that..I really wonder how everyone would hate a single person, that’s so bad.

” When would she wake up? ” I asked the doctor.

” Tomorrow.. I find out she is blind ” The doctor added.

“Yes ” I breathed

” Who is she to you? ” He asked and I bend my head low, I found out my heart was only telling me she is my girlfriend.

” Well, she is my girlfriend ” I said out and he nodded

” What would you do about her blindness, what actually caused it? ” He asked and I found out I don’t even know what caused it.

” Doctor should I tell you my little secret? ” I said and he shrugged

“My name is Richærd, I am the prince of this land ” I stated making him cringed with his eyes w¡dened.

” You are the prince Richærd that was out of the state for so long?” He questioned and I nodded.

” Now I need your help ” I said sighing.

” I’ll help but.. If you are Richærd then your girlfriend is Claire, she is the one betrothed to the Prince ” He said and I sighed glancing at Sophia whose face was calm and innocent.

” I no longer have feelings for her, all my heart and soul is in her ” I sighed not even knowing when I said that.

” I pray Claire understands you because she had been bragging to the whole community of being your wife.. she wouldn’t let it slide ” He said

” I would take it gradually because I don’t know if it is love I have for her or just pity, I don’t have to draw a conclusion now ” I said and he nodded

” So what help do you want from me?” He queried

” Help me to make her see, I want her to regain her sight ” I stated and he breathed

” No doctor in here can ever make her see, she would have to do series of operation, I guess taking her to India would be the best ” He said and something clocked my mind.

The caller who talked with those evil doctors told them to take her to India or south Korea, I would need to take her there and see if it is truly Claire, I would watch her reaction.

She wouldn’t know the doctors are being held.

Well, I don’t know if it is her though but with time, I would know.

” I’ll take her to India right now ” I said and the doctor shook his head.

” She is in a critical condition now, crowd would cause her more harm ” He protested

” She is going on a private jet ” I replied and he raised his brow.

“Just forgot that you are the Prince ” He bowed..

” Arrange everything and make sure she lands at the best hospital in India, I’ll clear all the bills ” I said and stood up.

” Okay it will be done right away Prince. My name is Dr Phil ” he said and bowed

” I am hiding my true identity of being the Prince so help me keep the secret ” I said and shook his hand with a smile

” Thank you very much ” I breathed before dashing out

Time to known the person behind all this.


Have you found the person that called them? ” I asked.

No.. The location is blocked and the doctors aren’t ready to spit out the truth ” The cops said.

Then they don’t value their lives, take them to court and press charge against them with my name, they should be stoned to death ” I said

Okay ” The call hung and I drove home..


I got home feeling so depressed about everything Sophia was going on, her mother is still missing and she is in pains.

I just want it all to end, her pain is turning out to be my pain, just anytime the sound of her s¢ræm echoes in my memory, I feels my whole body shudder in agony.

I just pray after the surgery, she would regain her sight and see my face once more.

It would be the greatest day in her life.. She would smile.. Yes..her smile.. I really loves it, but she rarely smiles.

I know when her sight is regained, smile will never leave her face.

Oh!… I slumped on my bed forgetting about Claire for that moment, I can’t even remember I have a girlfriend who I haven’t seen for a while.

Sophia is taking over my mind and I don’t care about Claire so much.

The door of my room opened and she walked in.

My gaze was still straight like no one came in, I suddenly doesn’t even feel happy she came back.

What is really happening?

I’m I hating her for nothing?

” Richærd where had you been? ” She asked and sat on the bed with her arm across my body.

” Do you care to know? ” I asked and she sneered at me.

” Why won’t I? ” She queried.

” I went to take Sophia to the hospital, I met her in the pool of her blood with a knife in her hand, it is a mystery how she got a knife ” I sighed

” So you stressed out your self for that blind thing? ” She seethed

” It’s myself right?.. So it isn’t your business what I do with myself?” I growled.

” You are being too harsh ” She whined.

” I need to think, Sophia is missing for the main time, she sneaked out of the hospital ” I said slowly trying to look sober.

I was staring at her face intently.

I don’t know how true it is, but I saw her eyes glisten a little bit, she really tried hærd to hide it but I must say I saw it.

“Are you happy? ” I asked and sighed.

” How can a blind girl sneak away?,,, Someone must have helped her ” She said out of point.

” You don’t seem to like this girl a bit and I am suspecting you for all this she is passing through ” I howled making her cringe.

” Are you mad!!! ” She s¢ræmed

” Mad?.. ..oh! Yes… I am mad at you, your heart is so evil when it comes to her and I hate girls like that so much!! ” I thundered making her flare up.

” You hate me because of that wasted soul?.. That curse… That blind and useless thing ” She shouted

I don’t really know what actually came over me.

I slapped Claire so hærd that she fell down on the floor with a loud thud..

” That’s what you gets when you abuse and call her names, she is far more better than you ” I seethed and dashed out of the room leaving her shocked to the core.

I know she will be surprised that I slap her cos she think I will never do that but I guess she don’t know me now.

TBC👉 Stories & moral lessons

🥀💋 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 💋🥀( 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 )📒📒📒𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 9𝙀𝙓𝙋𝙀𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙂𝙄𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙎.........................................."How is ...

🥀💋 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 💋🥀

( 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 )


𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 9

𝙀𝙓𝙋𝙀𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙂𝙄𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙎..........................................

"How is your fake dating with Tyler coming along?" Tori asked on Wednesday.

She was lying on her stomach across her bed, swinging her feet in the air. As soon as we left school we head over to her house and was here talking about random things.

"It's going okay. Everyone seems to believe we are actually a couple and Logan hasn't said anything to me in two days, so I guess it's working."

I responded. "At least, I hope so." I added. I was sitting in front of Tori on the bed, my back against the headboard.

"I wish I'd seen the look on his face when he saw that you were dating Tyler." She chuckled. "The cheating jerk deserves it. No me gusta nada."

I smiled at Tori's words. Ever since Logan cheated on me, Tori despised him. She never fails to express how much she hates him.

After a while, Tori turned on the bed and sat up, facing me. "So, what are you going to be for Halloween?"

"Aren't we too old to dress up for Halloween, Tori?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Nonsense, it's fun to dress up. You don't have to be a kid." Tori replied.

Of course, it would be cool for Tori. She loves Halloween. It was her favourite time of year. Every year she goes all out thinking of what she was going to be; and every year she's something different.

She looks forward to this time of year and even though Halloween was two weeks away, she began preparing for it early.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Halloween. I just don't love it as much as she does. Personally, Christmas is my favourite time of year.

What I really love about Halloween, however, is the horror shows that comes on the television.

Movies such as; Paranormal Activity, The Quiet Place and The Haunted Mansion and many more nail biting movies that grace the television on this time of year.

There are other movies that are not scream worthy, but I love them too, like; Hocus Pocus and The Halloween Town series.

Horror movies are my favourite kind of movies, so that's something I'll be looking forward to.

"But it's going to be weird; dressing up and going trick or treating." I reasoned.

Tori rolled her eyes. "Of course we are not going trick or treating, Emily.

That's for kids. However, we can still dress up in hot costumes."
I sighed. Well, she was right. I guess we could. "Okay, I'll think about it."
Tori clapped her hands together. "Great! I'll tell you what I'm going to be this year; a hot fire fighter or wonder woman."

I giggled. "They're both great ideas. I'm sure you will look good in either one. Even in a plastic bag." I added with a laugh.

It was true though. Tori could rock any look. She had a gorgeous body. Boys are always vying for her attention, but as always, she never gave anyone of them the time of day.

Tori burst out laughing too. "Hmm...a plastic bag. Maybe I'll try that one."

My eyes widen. "Tori, you wouldn't!"
Tori didn't respond. She just winked at me and grinned teasingly. I shook my head at her.

Knowing Tori and how impulsive she can be, that's exactly something she would do.

Closing my locker at the end of the day, I turned around only to come face to face with Logan.

Why doesn't he just leave me alone? Seeing him alone makes my once good day now bad. I never knew he could be this annoying.

"What do you want Logan?" I asked, sighing quietly. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with him today.

"I want you back, Emily. I want to know, why can't you give me another chance? Why is it so easy for you to throw away what we had?" He asked.

I felt my anger rising at his words. How dare him? How dare him to try and make me look like the bad guy? "I'm not the one who threw away what we had. That's all on you.

You threw away what we had the second you cheated on me and hid it from me for months!"

"I told you I was sorry. Why can't you just forgive me? I miss you, Emily." He said, frustration in his voice.

Why does he think that it's that easy to forgive him? He can't expect me to forget what he did.

To trust him again. No. He may have took my pride and dignity by using me and taking me along for a joy ride, but he won't take my self respect.

"Logan, I'm not going to forgive you. You've made your choice and now I've made mine." I said.

"And that choice is Tyler?" He said, his voice getting hard. "He's going to leave you eventually because you weren't putting out for me, so why would you do it for him?"

Before I could say anything, someone stepped beside me and put their arms around my waist. "What's going on here, babe?"

Logan shifted his gaze to Tyler, who had spoken and then his gaze fell to his hands around my waist. His eyes turned dark with anger.

He looked at Tyler and was about to say something, but deciding against it, he said instead.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He looked at me and said. "You are making a very big mistake, Emily. I will get you back." He then walked away without saying anything else.

When he was gone, Tyler turned to me. "Your ex boyfriend is an ass. What did you see in him anyway?"

I shook my head. "Believe me, he wasn't always like that."
"Right." He said, before adding. "Well, you know him best."

I was about to comment, when I spotted Tori over his shoulder. "Hold up, I'll be right back.
I walked over to Tori, who was heading in my direction. "Hey Tori, are you heading home?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm going to the mall to buy my Halloween costume." She answered.

"Great. I can come with you if you want." I offered.
"Are you kidding me? So that you can see my outfit? I don't think so." She wriggled her eyebrows, her eyes shinning with excitement.

"I want our outfits to be a surprise to each other."
I laughed. "That's a great idea. Bye then."

"Bye." I turned and walked back to my locker, but Tyler wasn't there. Where did he go?

Sighing, I began to walk out the school's building in search of Tyler. When I reach the parking lot, I searched for his car.

His car was there, so at least he wasn't foolish enough to leave me.

I wish I could just go home, but a lot of students were lounging around school and they would definitely find it weird if I leave school on foot, if Tyler was still here.

Deciding to check the place where he'd most likely be, I head in the direction of the back of the school.

When I turned the corner and was at the back of the school, I saw that I was right. Tyler was at the back of the school with Seth and of course, they were smoking.

I walked in the direction towards them. When I reached them, I fanned the cloud of smoke that was emitting from their ci******es.

"Are you guys crazy?" I asked, still fanning my hands and coughing a little. "You guys are literally asking for cancer. Don't you know that smoking is bad for you?"

"Yeah, but it also makes you feel good." Seth responded, blowing out a puff of smoke as he did so.

I rolled my eyes. So irresponsible. "You're both brainless morons."
"You want to know what else makes me feel good?" Tyler cut in, winking at me.

" I don't want to hear about your disgusting escapades." I said, wrinkling up my face in disgust and Tyler laughed. "Now, put those out and let's go."

Tyler mock bow. "As you wish, m'lady."
Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes a second time, I turned away from them and walked away. Why did I have to be stuck with these guys?


What do you think my lovelies? Do you think Logan has changed? Is he being sincere? Should Emily forgive him? Let me know in the comments. :)


PAINS OF A BLIND GIRL🌸(Her change fate)Terri Savage🖊️Chapter 10♦️ Richærd’s POVI sat in patiently waiting for the doctor...

(Her change fate)

Terri Savage

Chapter 10

♦️ Richærd’s POV

I sat in patiently waiting for the doctors to come out and tell me the present state of her condition, I was really feeling anxiety, it was like something isn’t alright.

Why would it take the doctor so long to come out and explain the condition, it was just the cut in her belly and the wounds in some part of her body, it can be treated without taking this long.

I sighed deeply with a heavy heart as I recalled her dim eyes when I drove her to the hospital… It was w-t and was showing deep pain, pain that was too deep into the heart.

She looked like someone who had the whole world against her, just the thought of her shrill of pain makes me have a w-t eyes, it is just too much for her.

When she wakes up, she would have to tell me who did this to her.

Oh no!!!.. She is blind

That means she didn’t see the face, there is no other person that I could suspect other than Claire but she can’t be this cruel.. Yes… She hates Sophia because she is a blind and poor girl.. that’s how she had always been, she hates poor people and the fact that she was even blind makes her not to want to have anything to to to her.

She may hates her, but..I know she can’t be so cruel to stab her, she won’t be so cruel to hit her, can’t be her

I was trying to push this thought away from my mind but it keeps creeping in.

How would it be Claire?

I am so confused.. I wasn’t with my phone so I don’t know if she called or not.

I buried my face into my palm as I thought of everything, why would the poor soul suffer all this anywhere she goes.

It seems like her enemies are everywhere, her mother is missing, she also wouldn’t stay in peace, always passing through pains and anguish.

I would do everything to make her life better i don’t care if Claire wants it or not, I will just do what I want and what I think is right, she has suffered enough.

I’ll spend all my money to restore her sight then she would live with me.

Nothing would make me not do this, I no longer give a damn on Claire’s reaction.

Claire’s POV

” It is done ” I heard the voice of the doctor through my phone making me smile widely.

” Next is to tell Richærd that she sneaked out of the hospital without anyone knowing, also tell Victor that she told a nurse to make him know that she doesn’t need him ” I laughed satisfactory.

” Then secretly transport her to India or north Korea ” I said and he sighed

” What if I am thoroughly asked about her whereabout? ” He questioned

” Don’t worry about that.. My men would clean up every trace ” I said and hung the call.

” It is going well ” I announced to Stella who also smiled

” What about her mother? ” I asked

” She would be killed tomorrow… I’m tired of seeing that face ” She seethed.

” Kill her if you want, I would just throw Sophia away from Richærd, I and Richærd would continue our lives together like before, I am sure Sophia is clouding his mind..When he couldn’t see her again, he would come back to his senses ” I chuckled.

” Let’s celebrate our success ” I s¢ræmed and we both grabbed bottles of wines gulping it hungrily.

Omniscient’s POV

It was just few minute to end it all, the doctors had succeeded in putting Sophia into a serious coma, a coma that would give the patient internal pains.

The patient would be feeling the pain but can’t move their body, only tears falling off their eyes.

It would seem like they are paralyzed.

” Is the flight ready? ” One of the doctor said into his phone.

” Yes ” The reply came and the doctors arranged Sophia like an emergency patient.

” I’ll take her out while you go and give Richærd the wrong information ” The doctor breathed and their faces was filled with smiles.

They were all happy it was going fine not knowing they did a great mistake, no one had remembered that a surveillance camera had been installed not long ago.

They were covered with the thought of money and hadn’t think of that..

♦️Richærd’s POV

” Prince I have something very urgent to show you ” I heard a strange voice making me raise my gaze to him.

” What is it? ” I asked

” I am Dr Smith…I was supposed to give that patient you brought in here the final treatment but all of a sudden I was changed with another doctor ” He said

” Anxiously, I went to the system room to check on this new doctor and I saw what left me trembling… They were sent to take the girl away ” He stated and I jolted up with horror.

” She had been injected with a fluid that paralyzed her whole body for some times, the fluid is equally giving her pains..I don’t know but what are we gonna do?… Watch this ” He said and handed a tablet to me.

I played the video there and a loud s¢ræm of exasperation forced itself out of my l-ips.

The scene of Sophia crying out loud really shred my heart to pieces.

I felt like dying

I quickly picked my phone and called different kind of security and agencies, those doctors would see hell or rather fire from hell for doing this to her.

In no distant time, the hospital was filled with the cops and security men.

Omniscient’s POV

Through the back door, Sophia was successfully rolled out.

” Do we shut the camera? ” One of the doctor asked and they all w¡dened their eye in total dismay.

“No!!!!! ” They gasped

We are doomed

” How couldn’t we shut the cameras?

“Jeez! ..we have to go and erase it ” One said

” I’m sorry it’s already too late ” They heard the voice of someone.

Looking up, they all saw group of cops and security men fully armed looking at them sternly.

” The three of you are under arrest ” The leader of the troupe stated and before the doctors could talk further, they were bound and smacked by the men

” You must tell us who sent you or you will die in the torture room with slow pain ” The boss seethed as they were all bundled away.

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