Tosan's Byte

Tosan's Byte Interesting and captivating stories for everyone.


The Other Twin

Set in a remote village in Abongbo Agbado Africa in the year I714.

Red and Zed were the happiest babies. They were difficult to tell apart by almost everyone. But for the birth mark on Zed's upper left arm, neither charlie nor Abike would be able to tell which twin is which.
It chatters charlie's heart that the boys are not actually twins as everyone believed.
The joy his wife has come to know since the arrival of the boys was something Charlie does not want to tamper with.
Abike dotted on her babies she was clueless that one of the boys is not biologically hers.
Guilt with its iron tong was incessantly punching holes in Charlie's heart.
His neck was tilting to one side from the strain and weight on his head which had become heavy from accommodating such enormous secret. So much so, that his legs wobbles whenever he walks.
However, h is aggro was not noticed by anyone especially Abike. She did not even noticed that since the twins were born, her husband hardly made eye contact with her.
On the boys first birthday, Charlie was tempted to tell his wife the truth, but was afraid it would affect her love for him and the other twin.

Tosan Roro-Oghoshe

I drop my pen right here.

So my wonderful readers, writers, story tellers, etcetera.
Can you express in words how Abike gave birth to twin boys and not know that one of the boys is not hers?

Way back when.

Way back when.



I am eagerly waiting for May 29th. This in coming regime, this Bola Ahmed Tinubu led government will favour me on so many levels.
I. The month of May always comes packed with blessings for me.
2. Am a positive person who only sees the good in people and situations.
3. Some of my favourite people are APC people.
4. It's socialization, charity, fun, profitable work, plus plenty to look forward to, time for me.
Okay, I beg an talking about me, God forbid I talk about another person's opinion or feelings, Who get that time.
My president elect, 21gbooooza Sir, nothing do you.


My tete a tete with the P***s.
Those who know me, or, have come across my writings, or, have stumbled upon any of my books, would not find this topic absurd, awkward, off limit, or strange, because my writings are always uncut and uncensored.
For years, I penned the columns S*X MISTAKES in the Sun newspapers on Saturdays and Reflections of Zam-zam in the Entertainment Express weekly.
Some of my stories and articles have also been serialized in the Vanguard newspapers and some other notable Nigerian newspapers and magazines.
Trust me, when I claim to be a notoriety on s*x matters. After all, it is not a subject that is taught in any educational institution. S*x and all related to it, could be anybody's speciality. Peeling off layers of taboos society has wrapped around s*x, is a task I carry out with utmost tenacity.
You are free to draw your conclusions on me, but be rest assured, that, your biased opinion won't make me lose a wink of sleep.
However, your honesty and open mindedness, would be highly appreciated. With that out of the way, I demand to proceed with the presentation of my case.
S*x talk is a taboo, yet everyone whatever their s*xual orientation or religious beliefs, and however, spiritual or intellectual they claim to be, all indulge in s*xual act and activities. Even those bound by oath not to engage in any form of s*xual act, do not stay true to their oaths.
The secrecy around this conspicuously integral part of life, has made man a slave to s*x.
Can anyone explain why s*x sells better than gold? S*x has been used as a bait to bring down the strongest of men. If you take time to study the animals, their s*xual activities are not shrouded in mystery. To them nothing about s*x is a secret. S*x was never meant to be, or else Adam and eve won't be stark naked in the garden or eden. The mysteries s*x is shrouded in are man made.
To a lot of people, s*x is what you do in the secret and should stay locked in the secret. Any wonder r**e cases are not talked about even though it happens on a daily basis? Well, don' t wonder too far.
Unfortunately, teenage/unwanted pregnancy/ abortions, STI, STD, HIV/AIDS and other s*xually transmitted diseases force people to give s*x talk a little bit of a side eye.
The down side still remains that, even with this harsh reality, people are still reluctant to be brutally honest about s*x. In one of my books 'Love Tangle' I was critiqued by some religious bigot for being graphic in detailing a s*xual encounter. It was suggested that I should have simply described the act with these untrue words. 'He lay with her and she concieved.' Mean while this same individual wanted to have s*x with me. I am certain he wanted to experience the blow by blow erotic detail in my book with me. When he could have easily gone home to his wife to explore what works for them.
How pathetic, that one has to live a lie for fear of being judged by others. Most infidelity is as a result of some wild, weird, mind blowing s*xual awakening.
Young boys reply on s*x workers to learn and explore their s*xuality. Young girls experiment with their friends and s*x toys. Oops! the internet, supper useful these days on s*x matters, just be well tucked under the bed before lectures start. You don't want to get caught by mum and dad.
We have been told over and over again, that s*x is an exclusive right of a certain class of people, and to others, it is immoral or illicit, what a blatant lie, ( Humans manipulating humans). Wait till you are married, don't have s*x while you are married, pray before you have s*x with your husband or wife, pray after you have had s*x, scream out the name of the lord as you ej*****te, wait till you are of age, homos*xuality is a sin, ma********on is an abomination, confess your juicy s*xual escapade to your priest so your sins will be forgiven, chop off the female cl****is to curb her s*xual desires. The rules on s*x are endless, yet this topic with so many dos and don'ts never gets an attention on the discussion table.
Guess what is the root cause of the worst societal vice in our society. All you need do, is look around and the answer will stare you right in the face.
If you can't see it, then you are a lier like the rest if them. Because even the blind can see the evident of s*xual ignorance and mistakes in our society . You can take me on any part of this story and I will be willing and ready to defend myself. In my defence, have you noticed a sale's van with sales representatives hanging on the door ready to pe*****te the crannies with their wares as they scan through streets riddled with smart, inquisitive, children? Did you by any chance also observed that blasting from a megaphone with powerful speakers the rhetoric of the potency and efficacy of various medication for p***s enlargement, weak er****on, quick ej*******on, delayed ej*******on, no ej*******on, watery s***m, thick s***m, and in the same breath the orator disses on men who can't satisfy madam at night?
It doesn't stop there, these neighbourhood sales men and women also confidently, indiscreetly, explain and describe the symptoms of a countless number of STIs and STDs and the various hues and odour of virginal discharge as they comb the streets. But when a child ask a parent why he has such medication in his possession, guess what the answer will be. Yeah, my thought exactly, so why is s*x talk such a taboo? Have you ever imagined the line of discussion between these kids as they try to trash out the issue on their own?
Why can't we talk about it the same way we talk about causes and prevention of malaria?
If you like, bring religion into it, am unwavering.
S*x is s*x, no matter the circumstance, as long as it is consensual there is no crime, no mistake but could be deceitful, unaffectionate and unloving. The nastiest lie by many after a s*xual blunder, is that the devil made them do it. But, that is not the concern here. So, whether you had a whirl wind, mind blowing, experience or you had a run off the mill s*xual encounter, it makes no difference. A girl I know fell into the claws of neighborhood con men, she was lured away to their domain right in front of her house in the full glare of those present including me. She was striped of all valuables and r**ed before sending her home to go get them some more money. Fast forward these guys were apprehended by the police but the girl left out the most devastating aspect of her ordeal. She was brutally and repeatedly r**ed by three hefty men but she could not talk about it for fear of being judged. Guess what? She caught an infection.
This sort of incidents happen all the time to all kinds of people. Boys are being r**ed by boys, men, girls, women and
Whether you enjoyed it, prayed before you did it, or whether the light in your room was turned on or off while you were doing it. Not even the playing field or who you did it with has anything to do with the definition of the word.
S*x is s*x, even the hole that is being pe*****ted does not change the fact that s*x is s*x. Some young people claiming morality engage in a**l s*x to keep their virginity. To some, it's their mouth, to them, oral s*x is not s*x, what a laugh.
Okay am digressing but don't worry this plan will not over shoot the runway and even if it does, it will land safely.
Just to set the record straight, those s*x rules and instructions that has been put in place by nobody in particular and everybody generally is the reason for the decadence in today's society.
Some affluent have their daughters cooked up in sky rise building over looking the slums, thinking they are high and above those dwelling there. That may be so, but their girls get impregnated by close friends and family members and they come running to the girls in the slums for advice and solution to their s*xual woes. They tell sweet lies to their high and mighty parents while consulting with the so call local breeds. 'Am staying back in school to do an assignment, or am going back to school early to finish a project, mean while they are cooked up in a ramshackle building where their parents can not imagine them being, as they recuperate having had an abortion. Sometimes these poorly informed girls delivers their babies and abandon's them in the slums. And mummy and daddy are looking down on the girls in the slum referring to them as local breed. Who is the fool? All because people can't have THE CONVERSATION.
A whole lot of people were wiped out of the face of the earth during the Aids Epidemic because people were feeling too self righteous to talk about s*x. Even when family members, friends and associate were dying of Aids people were still in absolute denial.
Unpleasant s*xual encounters, experiences, and trauma most times informs our s*xual decision. That does not take away the fact that people make poor s*x related choices . I believe these poor choices sometimes are as a result of not having a listening ear on the issue.
A great number of people are suffering from all kinds of s*x related complications but can't seek help openly or have a honest open discussion on the topic for fear of being judged. a lot of women are afraid to express themselves or be adventurous in the sack for fear of being labeled a nymphomanic ,a slut, promiscuous, or s*xually immoral.
Some people approach s*x with dead silence. No talking, no asking, no moaning no foreplay, only fumbling and faking. S*x is s*x, anyway which way you have it, as long as two or more naked bodies are involved.
The number of p***s enlargement, weak er****on, er****on dysfunction, early or quick ej*******on drugs and medication being pedaled in street corners, buses, shops, movies centers, markets, on social media, etc had informed this article. Pop a pill and your p***s will double in size, drink this and you will last longer in bed, with this simple massage twice a day you er****on will be as hard as a rock.
Guess who are mostly affected by this trend? Hmm, your guess is as good as mine. For some reason it has been generalized that women like big long fat p***s. That every girl want to be grind for one hour before ej*******on. Some men think have an enormous rod make them an expert in pleasuring women. That is a destructive lie. I have never thought about how hard , big or long the p***s is. Even in my days of ignorance the size or shape of the p***s is not a tirn on for me, That is not to say I do not appriceate other peoplel's preffrence, I totally agree with fact that people like what they like. For me the size does not matter because it is the quality of a person' brain that turns me on. I can only be stimulated by a person's way of thinking. To some people it could be other parts of the body. So I can understand when the p***s is feeling no vibes. The poor thing could be tired, fraustrated, sick, stressed or even angry. You need to have a relationship with the p***s to understand when to just let it be curdled and not troubled. In my conversation with the p***s, I have come to realize the challenges, argos, frautrations, and insecurities of the p***s.
Not every weak er****on, quick ej*******on, no ej*******on or delayed ej*******on is a pe**le problem. Sometimes the issues could be traced to the turnel it is working or about to work in. The p***s could be afraid of a peach dark tunnel, a dry tunnel would leave it with bruises and keep it out if action for days. A slippery tunnel would feel less cozy, working a wet tunnel would leave the p***s with a cold. a hot turnl poses a danger to the p***s, the high temperature could mean more the one trouble, the presence of an infection and the fear a fetus might be nestling in there. And, if that particular p***s is not responsible for fetus, the p***s would develope some resentment and be reluctant to give fetus nourishment.
Which is why as a tunnel you need to have a conversation with the p***s, if any thing needs your confession at that point, it is the p***s.
When am having such issues, I usually have a tete a tete with the p***s and let it know that I understand. After all it is just a tiny part of the whole escapade. Besides, there is always a next time. Especially if you are sure you are a solo trader and not a limited liability.
Some people have as many p***ses as they want, and not be crazy about any. So they don't really care which p***s is gored.
My type is hard to come by, because, for me, its crux must be the brain and not the sc***um. I have been careful to avoid using the word p***s in combination with Virgina or hole because it will trivialize it and make it sound like am planning a vacation. P***s-hole sounds like a resort Cross-river, while P***s-virgina sounds like and Island in the Caribbean. Did I mention I have a way of flogging around in just one article? Well I just did.
Some times when the p***s is unable to step up to the place, it might be because it needs to have a honest subtle conversation with the tunnel. Believe me, the p***s hears and always listens to the tunnel.

Tosan Roro-Oghoshe Comment and follow 's byte on facebook.
Roro-Oghoshe on facebook and instagram.

THE NUMBER 6 & ME.It has been a minute, I know, but nothing spoil.  Tosan's Byte is on wheels, ready to take you beautif...

It has been a minute, I know, but nothing spoil. Tosan's Byte is on wheels, ready to take you beautiful people on a ride of a life time. On this ride, you will laugh to your hearts content, cry till you beg me to stop, and scare you till you p*e in your pants. If you are ready, let's get started wIth ...
EVERY THING WITH FIGURE 6 THAT HAS TO DO WITH ME. This is a chronicle of events, incidents, accidents and situations that happened or is happening to me during my years which featured or is featuring the figure 6.
Stay with me so you don't miss any of the episodes. Also follow me on YouTube Kidzscope TV Tosan Roro-Oghoshe, Instagram, , Facebook, Telegram, TikTok all @ Tosan Roro-Oghoshe. Thank you.
A series of events happened to me when I was 6yrs old, so let's call this Episode One of my 6yrs era.
At the tender age of 6, I was a fugitive for three whole days. Thank God I was a church dancer at the time, so I had enough money for food and drink. This incident traumatized till this day.
It was about four years after my father travel abroad to further his education. I was living with my mother and my maternal grandmother in Sapele Delta State Nigeria. I was still grappling with the absence of my dad, I hated school, I hate to bathe and I was supper loquacious. No word is too big for my small mouth that means I was always in trouble. Even my pears are cautious around me. However everyone loves me because I got everyone's back even though no one got mine.
What then made me a fugitive at 6? You might want to ask.
Stay tuned to find out.
Thanks and remember to breath.


Madam, I commend you for the job you are doing and for providing a sanctuary where seekers and come in their quest for direction as they embark on their spiritual journey. However, we are all on our individual level of spirituality. there are various religion and each has its root in God, if God created everything then God is in everything. Just like every tree or plant is rooted in the earth but along the line, tress get infested and their fruits go bad, rotten and poisonous yet these tress are sill embedded in
the earth. Same with religion, it has always been. This is because, human and not currency is the greatest capital. Slave trade, brain drain, gaslighting and all forms of manipulations are born out of this fact.
Some of these sects are in the business of weaponizing the name of God, they bamboozle , cajoele and even force their belief on people to win them over.
There are various veriation of Christianity with different doctrine and I don't want to be a part of that. Segregation, racism, favoritism, nepotism, lie, deciet abound with these so called religious sects I am not perfect but I trust in the might and consistency of the power of the universe. I believe if there is sincerety in the heart of man we can all co exist regardless of what we believe and how we want to connect with God.
Let God be the judge.

Culled from: CROSS ROADS BY



Our paths are PARALLEL
Each has his own path to walk
walking on another's path, is at a PERIL
On another's path, one will never get to his destination.
Dense, Debris ridden, and Unnavigable, the Fate of a Neglected path.
By the time one realizes he has been walking on another's path,
he would have landed the UNNECESSARY and TIME consuming work that needs to be done before a neglected path can be WALKABLE.
Walking ANOTHER'S path, would not only be TURBULENT, but, will also ERASE ALL TRACES OF one from his Path.
Howbeit, TIME is the controlling factor, We can't tell how much TIME we have LEFT.
Peradventure one walked on another's path till the end, he will be excluded from the GAINS even though he was part of the PAINS.


Congo's confession After several years of unfruitful marriage,  Agbogbo, came to seek the help of the gods for the gift ...

Congo's confession

After several years of unfruitful marriage, Agbogbo, came to seek the help of the gods for the gift of a child. The oracle revealed that he would not be able to father a child, because, his sister, had cast on him a spell to drain his manhood. consequently making him impotent.
Her wicked act was a result of their parents disowning and disinheriting her making him their sole heir. To ensure the curse is irreversible, Motutu had dedicated her life to the service of the gods. And she had vowed that Agbogbo would not enjoy his inheritance and neither would he have an inheritor.
Determined to fight back, Agbogbo insisted, that the gods intervene at whatever cost. So,with his consent and the approval of the gods, your father got his wish fulfilled through me.
Even though your mother had no issues of infertility, I made her believe otherwise. In that guise, I stated her on a false fertility treatment. On each appointment day, I would give her herbs to make her unconscious so I could pe*****te her. However, when the medicine wears out and she comes to her senses, Agbogbo would be sleeping next to her. And, she would naturally assumed it was her husband with whom she had had s*xual intimacy.
When eventually, Umuko, which is your mother's name became pregnant, She was very happy, so was your father.
Although Motutu had no clue as to how the pregnancy came into being, she was outraged on finding out. Moreover, she felt she had failed on her mission, and that made her more treacherous.
And she transfered her aggression towards you and your mother.
Unfortunately, Umoko's life was the price that had to be paid.
Your existence is as a result of a secret oath between Agbogbo, the gods, and me. I have made my confessions to you this day as demanded by the gods. You may do whatever you wish with the information. Nevertheless, the truth will play itself out, and you will have no need to do or say anything to any one. In a short while, Agbogbo and I shall meet on the other side.
You and Otakpo have your whole life stretched out in front of you. Both of you are true friends, but you are also related by blood. As a father, I did all I could to protect you from Motutu, just as I did all I could to protect Otakpo from my wives. However, from this day on, your parts shall be as clear as a crystal glass.

Excerpt: From The Virgin Dance by Tosan Roro-Oghoshe.



Sitting on the fence, facing my fears
I feel the rain on my face and took no ofence.
To douse my fears I disguised my pains.
I take no offence whenever I feel the rain on my face.
One is what one feels. A heathy heart never passes blame.
It is nither the fault of the rain, nor the sun and certainly not the fault of him, her, they, them.
An offence surfaces when hurting is in the inside.
Face your fears,
Rid the hurt
Free yourself,
Feel the rain on your face.
Pain is a compnion of chaos.
Rain is a ransom for a gayous season.

Tosan Roro-Oghoshe


In a sober recollection, Augusta recalled the entire episode. "Some force must have transported me to the evil forest ." She mused. She had no prior knowledge of the route leading in or out of the evil forest which is spangled by swamp, mangrove, and quicksand. Therefore, she could not have navigated through the mirage of quicksand without being burried alive. Niether would she have been able to manauva her way through the snake and crocodile infested swamp, without being devoured by one or more species of ferocious semiaquatic reptiles.
The only people conversant with the evil forest, are the herberlist, ritualist and of course the chief priest. Twin babies are considered a taboo in Ogede. They are believed to bring bad luck and deadly diseases such as leprosy and epilepsy. Consequently, at birth, twin babies are dumped alive in the evil forest as food for wild animals. If they survive they are considred outcasts or slaves.
Women who are unfortunate to bare twins are secluded for months in their farm houses, while rituals are being performed on their behalp to stop the abomination from reocuring.
There are speculations of ghosts inhabiting the evil forest. Varied versions of stories of how abominable activities strive in the evil forest, had been passed down from generation to generation . The most horrific, is that, the ghosts of twin babies and ghosts of corpses that were declared unclean by the oracles , taunt the evil forest with ferocious rage. These ghosts are said to procreate and eat their children. Some claimed these ghosts and unrest spirits walk with their heads and pass out waste through their mouths.
All of these gory tales of the evil forest kept the indigens in check. Nobody wants to be buried in a shallow grave in the evil forest. It is also believed that the ghosts of the evil forest are capable of taking possesion of people's bodies especially at nights and afternoons when the sun is hot. Women when pregnate do not go out in the hot afternoon or late at night for fear of having twins or getting their wombs invaded by ghosts.
Augusta's heart was racing as she relived the experience. 'Whatever force that had led me into the evil forest, wanted to relay a massage, and that same force had also ensured I got to safty." She mutters. Realizing that all that had happened in the forest was connected to the circumtances surrounding her birth and the wellbeing of her friend Otakpo, scared her even more. The thought that Congo and her father had connieved to gamble with her mother's life shredded her heart in pieces.
Nevertheless, she refused to take the priest word for it, and consciously, she pushed the thought out of her mind absolutely.
Culled from THE VIRGIN DANCE: By Tosan Roro-Oghoshe

Episode 1 of the series "It happened to me."

Episode 1 of the series "It happened to me."

About four years ago, a widow with four children who happens to be an albino was beheaded in her farm in Mosoga a community in Delta State Nigeria. The head ...


People, Choices, and Chances:

Some people may have booked a space in your life in advance before slowly easing into your life. While some might come into your life as chance guests.
However, the way people come into your life, whether as a long time aquaintance or by chance, would not determine how long they would stay in your life, or how much they would impact your life positively or negatively or yours, theirs, positively or negatively
Life is all about chances,
The choices we make and the chances that we take.
Enjoy today and worry not of what tomorrow would bring.

Oh! my gosh! it's been a second, hope you guys are doing great and ready for the return of SHE!

Oh! my gosh! it's been a second, hope you guys are doing great and ready for the return of SHE!



45 Ovie Road Oghara





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