Authoress leeyah library

Authoress leeyah library do your thang? thang is writing!!! it's g*t to be thrilling.





❄️(Fight my way for you)❄️

Written:Waleeyat Olajide💝


Johnson Ahn! The name can be heard from every lips present at the party as they couldn't believe what they are seeing.

He waved at everyone as he mingled with the crowd and they all gasp staring at him,that idiot must think he's some kind of celebrity! Rissa scoffed staring at her uncle.

Mom,did you call them here? She whispered into Mrs ahn ear and she nodded neg*tively.

I only told them you're gonna get married,I didn't call them here! She replied and waved back at his brother who waved at her as he approached them.

Mr Alberto climbed down the podium to welcome the dignified and unexpected guests.

Nuna, annyeong! (Big sis,Hi! ) Johnson Ahn waved at his sister Audrey ahn getting to her front.

Oh my God! Here's my beautiful niece,how are you dam? He exclaimed and smiled at her but she replied with a scoff.

You rotten yokel! They heard a loud and strict voice behind them and rissa startled back immediately seeing the old chairman.

You're really gonna get married without telling us,he said walking closer and rissa scoffed silently.

Ahn tae Joon uijangnim! (Chairman ahn tae joon) this is not right, you disowned me..... remember and you kicked me out,so why should I tell you about my marriage? She replied and the old man swing the staff he was hold.

You're dead! He said and charged towards rissa who took to her heels immediately.

That darn old man! What does he want with me? She muttered.

Hal-abeoji(grandfather) you can't possibly be doing this to a bride,rissa protested running relentlessly while struggling with her extremely long gown.

Stop right there,you little whelp! He replied sprinting after.

How can a man as old as this be running this fast? you're too healthy for your age! She hollered getting on his nerve the more.

You're a dead meat once I caught you! He cackled creepily and she added to her pace.

The darn ironed staff can wreck her bone if she got hit with it,that thought alone made her run without looking back.

This sight was so amusing, that everyone there couldn't help but to laugh their a"s out, Tyson stared at his pitiful bride as she engaged in a battle of the foot with her grandfather while struggling with her wedding gown.

This family is unbelievable,he smiled seeing her mother-in-law already exchanging fist with Johnson Ahn.


The wedding party was over and nearly all the guests left already except for the whole Alberto and ahn family.

They've all been busy since morning so they're just grabbing a bite to eat.

It's really nice to meet you, Mr Johnson Ahn! It's such a great honor we're in-laws,Mr Daren started off and Johnson laughed proudly.

It's such a great honor as well,he replied and took a sip from his drink.

Can someone tell this raccoon he's no celebrity? He's merely feeding off the family wealth! Rissa mumbled but clearly enough for everyone to hear.

Nuna,(big sis) I'll kill her before I leave for seoul today,Johnson gritted his teeth while cutting the beef in his front aggressively.

I'm sorry but that won't be possible, Tyson butted in and he scoffed.

Can you guys get anymore annoying?he scoffed and dropped the cutlery instantly.

Gon! Mrs ahn called and he snapped his neck to face her.

Don't call me that ugly name, sis! He said and she scoffed.

Quiet! Chairman ahn tae Joon ordered and everyone went mute then he cleared his throat.

Clarissa phone beeped immediately and she took a look, logan she whispered and read the message content.

📩Happy married life Clarissa,I'm sorry I couldn't be present,I was out of the country for business, I'm sorry!

Ahn dam,are you really going to get married without telling us? Do you resent your grandfather that much? Chairman ahn said to Clarissa and she glanced up immediately.

Hal-abeoji! (grandfather) you cut ties with me, remember! You told me never to reach out to you again,so why should I tell you? I didn't resent you....I resent this old raccoon! He caused the rift, Clarissa pointed at Johnson and he made attempt to throw her a spoon.

Dam-ah! You caused it,how can you get pregnant without having a spouse? That is literally soiling the family name,if it get on the news we're gonna suffer a great backlash! Chairman ahn stated.

I can't believe you're still talking like this instead of apologizing,when did I ever soil the family name? Here's my husband! Here he is! She hissed and pointed to tyson.

I can't believe this rude w***h! Johnson butted in but chairman ahn raised his hand immediately signifying him to stay out of it.

Son-in-law,why did you do that? He resumed talking and Tyson widened his eyes.

What..what...did I do? Tyson stuttered a bit and chairman ahn pointed to the twins who were playing with Aurora and Shawn in the living room.

Why did you take long to get married after producing them? He asked after staring at him for a long time and Tyson exhaled in relief.

Dam can be pretty stubborn,he said and rissa scowled at him... I'll kill you! She whispered into his ear and resumed eating.

She just threatened to kill me! Tyson announced and everyone glanced at rissa.

You don't wanna turn a widow on the first night of your wedding! Johnson said and she threw a knife at him which got stuck at the arm of the chair.

Hal-abeoji, Did you wanna go home with your son? Rissa smirked and the chairman looked away.

Nuna! Did you see your daughter? She just tried to kill me! If the knife had been_ _

Stop overreacting Gon,you both trained in archery together and this is not the first time you guys are doing this! Mr ahn chipped in calmly and Johnson ruffled his air angrily.

I can't tolerate them! Mr James shook his head regrettably and continue eating his food.

You guys must come to pay your respect in Seoul, chairman ahn suddenly said and all the commotion died down.

Seoul! Rissa exclaimed and the chairman nodded.

That not possible, hal...... We're gonna do that! Tyson cut Clarissa off and she glared at him.

What are you...she couldn't finish her sentence before he dragged her closer and placed his lips beside her ear.

I'm curious about your country, let's have our honeymoon there,he said and rissa arched her brow.

Really! She replied and he nodded before releasing her.

Okay,fine! We're gonna come but on one condition,she said and the chairman nodded,bring it on! He said and she cleared her throat.

We're gonna make use of the vacation home for a month,she said and chairman ahn chuckled.

Sure! You have it all to yourself,he said and she threw her fist in the air lightly.

Okay! Now... it's time for you all to leave! Clarissa said and Mrs ahn was the first to stand up.

Get up, everyone! Tonight is their first night as married couple,she said and picked up her bag.

I love you daughter,have a happy married life! Mr James said and stood up as well.

Thanks Dad! Rissa stood up and scurried to his side,he gave her a side hug and they both headed to the living room together.

Let's go, Mrs Lizzy said to her husband and he stood up Immediately,yeah...I lost track of time! He said and they both headed to the living room.

Chairman ahn tae Joon got on his feet slowly and headed to the living room,they were all engaged in a mini conversation and laughing between themselves when Clarissa took a look at the dining room immediately and she saw Johnson still seated.

Ahn Uijangnim, (chairman ahn) why is your son pigging out here? She scoffed but the old man ignored her and made his way out.

Yah dwaeji, naga! (Hey pig, get out!) She yelled and he stopped eating immediately.

You little bi*ch, he cussed and approached her but she took cover behind Tyson immediately.

Come out here! He hollered but she hugged Tyson tightly.

Good night uncle! Tyson said signalling him to leave and he glared at her before heading out.

Good job today dad! I've gotten no time to commend you, tyson said and Mr Alberto patted his shoulder.

Mom, goodnight! Thank you for today. Tyson said and she smiled at him ......Be happy guys,Happy married life! She said before heading outside with Mr Alberto.

Aurora, let's go! Mrs Lizzy stopped on her track and said remembering they left a kid behind.

Goodnight bro! Aurora bid Tyson farewell and he waved at her all smiles.

I'll tuck the twins in,Shawn said and led them upstairs.

Have another set of twins, goodnight guys! Mrs ahn said and the couple bursted into laughter as she walked out.

Oughs! Finally we're left alone, Clarissa exhaled sharply and fell into tyson arm,he caught her immediately and hugged her to himself.

Wife,thank for agreeing to be mine!I promise to adore and cherish you for the rest of my life,he said and she hugged him back.

Thank you,I love you! Rissa replied and pecked his neck.

Do you really wanna make another set of twins? He whispered into her ear huskily and and she hit his chest lightly before disengaging from the hug.

You naughty little ... She couldn't finish her sentence before he swept her off her feet and she let out a light scream.

I can be really naughty! He said and rissa smirked as they headed upstairs.

That naughtiness must me for me only,she frowned her face and he smiled.

Okay master, All for you! He took a look at her face and she grinned sheepishly.

I love you hubby! She said and swiftly stole a kiss from him.

I'll get them back! He said and increased his pace,their loud laughter can be heard in the whole house...they are just so happy to be with each other.


All right reserved,no copying please 👹

Guys we eventually reached the end of this beautiful story,wow...I'm gonna miss Clarissa so much 😭

Ghost Readers,for once...for once! Only for once hit that like button and drop a comment,it doesn't kill!

Thanks guys for being with me till the end of this ride ❤️❤️

I love you!!!!





❄️(Fight my way for you)❄️

Written:Waleeyat Olajide💝

Episode 62



🎶"Happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday... Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you"

Everyone present sang the birthday song to the twins who were grinning sheepishly.

It was a multi celebration at Tyson's house that day.

They decided to go for an house wedding since rissa is not really found of crowd,moreover she have no particular belief.

They wanted to go for something so simple but Tyson's dad was against it,he was annoyed they didn't go to the cathedral so how can they hold a mini wedding? Over his dead body!

He personally assigned the decorators and the chef,their compound was totally turned around,he invited all the companies shareholders and high ranking officials to the wedding.

Even though he have hard time walking from the after effect of the surgery,he still walked around with his staff supporting his weight while supervising the workers in different department.

One might think he's the groom if he look a little bit younger,what an old fashioned dictator! His wife scoffed staring at him from where she's seated outside the compound.

Grandma! Did you want to cut the cake with us? Dan asked coming out of the house and Tyson's mom smiled a bit.

Sure! Are you cutting it already? I'm getting bored of watching the old geezer,she replied and stood up.

She held Dan's hand and they headed inside together to meet other members of the "family".

I got you a gift guys, Aurora said and proffered two boxes to the twins which they accepted with bright smile on their faces.

Thank you aurora! They chorused.

Where's my dad? Ella asked facing Shawn and he pointed upstairs,groom thing! Shawn replied in a whisper.

They were all gorgeously dressed with smiles on their faces, there is no more better and happier union than this.

The guest started arriving one at a time and Mr Alberto was present to give them all a warm welcome,it couldn't be more suprising coz he's the most active for this wedding.


Now,the union between Tyson Alberto and Clarissa dam Efron shall begin,Mr Alberto who turned out to be the MC for the day announced standing on the podium.

I just wanna run away and safe face,what does he think he's doing on his son wedding? Mrs Lizzy whispered to herself.

Anything wrong Elizabeth? One of her friends who she was sitting with asked and she nodded neg*tively with a smile on her face.

The place was densely populated with people that she can't even belief her eyes,all this is the handiwork of her husband,Daren Alberto!

After breaking different hurdles, overcoming different battle, it's time for their encounter to bear fruit,here is the man of the day.... let's welcome the groom! Mr Alberto declared and a loud and cheerful applause took over.

As proclaimed the man of the hour came to light and the applause got more louder that mean they appreciated his look.
...How can someone be this handsome?
...Go groom!
...can the bride be switch please? I want him for me.
... that mustn't be heard by the bride, if you want to go home with hair on your scalp.
...what planet is that groom from?
... Go bro!
... You rock!

Tyson laughed unbelievably at the wild comments, truth be told ... he's looking fantabulous!

His black suit was extra dazzling on him even if it's just the regular wedding costume and also, he have this knack of always choosing an hairstyle they goes along with his outfit,his lip was rose red and his eyes looking extremely black one who have thought he wore a lens.

The clap died down when he reached the end of the aisle patiently waiting for the next program.

Alright! Now, we're gonna feed our eyes with an extraordinarily beautiful sight, prepare your nerve, it's time for the highlight of this day....

Let's welcome the beautiful bride! He declared and a loud applaud took over again but slowly died down and replaced with a mouth drop.

The silence was pindrop as they stared at the bride who looked like she fell from the sky,the beauty is breathtaking.

You're drooling on my hand! Helena nudged Xavier who sat beside him at the staff quarter.

I'm sorry...but is that really our boss? He said and Helena nodded slowly not believing her eyes as well.

Her wedding gown is not the regular type of wedding gown,it was specially made on Tyson's order,it was one of it's kind!

The white wedding gown laced with diamonds and made beautifully was sitting pretty good on the bride who stole the spotlight,Tyson know she look beautiful in everything but this is just too much, does she really belongs to me? He thought staring at her.

Mr James held her hand and walked her down the aisle while the twins lead the way spraying rose petals and they made it look more,more beautiful.

Rissa's dad slowly hand her over to tyson who was still staring at his beautiful bride and he took her hand immediately, on doing that all their guest were woke up from their daydream and they cheered them on with a spontaneous applause.

You're looking breathtaking! He whispered and she smiled at him.

Okay, let's seal this union with the couples exchanging the ring! Mr Alberto said all smile and a young lady came forward with the rings on a platter.

The session was quick as they both exchanged the ring swiftly accompanied with cheers and applaud.

Now,the action you've being waiting for,the real highlight,groom... kick off! Kiss your bride! Mr Alberto said and tyson laughed embarrassingly,his father is a great comedian!

He can't believe this, he's looking especially happy being the one to tie the knot, this is unbelievable! Tyson whispered and looked away.

He took a step forward staring at rissa with a smile on his face,he slowly wrapped his hand around his waist and their face drew closer.

Wife,I love you! He said and rissa scoffed a little... husband,I love you too! She jeered and he took her lip in his slowly.

The guest cheered loudly saying different things and that made them smile in between the kiss.

The loud and rough entrance of some vehicle made them disengaged suddenly from the kiss, Clarissa left the podium and took cover beside her mom preparing for the worst,the plate number rang a bell.

The five black cars were parked beside each other and the occupants started coming down.

They were all build men who was in black except for someone who was wearing a brown overall jacket.

Johnson! Mrs ahn exclaimed and rissa bit her lower lip,my guess in never wrong! She scoffed staring at her nasty uncle but she know the real show owner is yet to be revealed.

One of the men in Black opened the door of the fourth car and a strange figure came into light.

Dad! Mrs ahn exclaimed again and stood up on her feet,rissa sprang up as well and stick behind her mom tightly.

I'm so dead! She whispered peeping at her grandfather.


Are we gonna have the madness of the whole ahn family?

I'm sorry guys for the late update, I'm just so occupied.





❄️(Fight my way for you)❄️

Written:Waleeyat Olajide💝

Episode 61

Tyson removed a box from his pocket and slowly went on his knees after Dan and Ella finished playing the instrument.

Will you be my livelong partner? He asked as he opened the box and an extremely glittering ring came into light, one can tell the diamond ring is no joke even from afar, coz it's beaming crazily.

Clarissa covered her mouth with her both palm and stared at him with tears rolling down her eyes.

If someone had told her she would experience this in her life, she'd had laughed at them even if she rarely does coz this is way more bigger than her dream,she had no intention of loving someone or living with them not to talk of getting married.

She only want a kid,just a kid! Her plan backfire when she gave birth to twins and things didn't go her way then she already know things won't always go as she wants but not a case of her getting married,to the person she love to be exact.

The biggest gift in her life before was her kid but now she found another precious thing she'll never let go in her life,no matter what! Even if his heart change as time goes on she'll hold on tightly to him still coz he's just an unexpected and unbelievable gift that light up her world.

She tried stopping her tears but couldn't,in the process more tears strolled down her eyes.

Everyone was staring at her in awe, especially her employees! They Wondered if their boss could ever be this ways? coz she's as frigid as rock.

Are we not married before? She said and everyone bursted into a random laughter coz her way of accepting the proposal is amusing.

I think we're married coz we're more than just fiancee,the love you showered on me and making the world know I'm yours at every single chance you've gotten made me forget we're not married yet! But now that you woke me back to reality and made me know we are not......I'll gladly accept your proposal!

YES, I'LL MARRY YOU! She said boldly and Tyson slipped the ring inside her finger, immediately the bright light came on and a loud applause filled the whole room.

Tyson kissed her hand and slowly stood up staring at her, you're too pretty to be true! He said and rissa turned red in embarrassment as they employees clapped more loudly and made some noise in the process.

She get a clearer look at Tyson's face as he brought it closer to her's, I'll never stop loving you and claiming you in front of the whole world coz you're forever mine.

He said and sealed up her lip with a kiss before she could know it.

woah! Woah! Woah! The employees screamed and clapped more loudly.

Rain of rose petals fell on them in the position making it look more beautiful than anything else.

I'm moved to tears! Helena whispered to Isaac ear hugging her neck to herself.

You mean you're not crying already? Well, I am! do you have any handkerchief? He replied and sniffled back nothing and they both bursted into laughter immediately.

Slowly a soft music came from the saxophone again, along with the guitar rhythmically,both were played smoothly by the twins who were the most happiest with their parents union.

Tyson and Clarissa slowly disengaged from the kiss while still staring at each other,he gently took out the rose petals that got stuck to her hair and she did the same.

Oh my goodness! I can't watch this again, it's too loving and romantic to be real! An employee voiced out from the back and another round of laughter took place.

You are blinding my eyes! Why are you extraordinarily handsome tonight? Clarissa said and fake an eyes close.

You don't wanna make me go red here,do you? This is the first time I'm hearing this from you, Tyson replied and they both smiled.

You'll hear it a lot more from now on,she said and he caressed her face, Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world today! He said and she gently placed her hand on his.

Thank you for breaking me out of my shell! She said and he hugged her immediately then another round of applause took place.

Okay! Okay! Can we have the real menu now? Isaac clamored and the attendants retired to the kitchen.


The table was filled with different dishes and everyone digged in like there's no tommorow.

Everyone was lively and chattering happily, it's more like they're holding a pre-wedding party.

Guys,you caught me totally unaware! You should have at least give me an hint so I could have changed my dress, Clarissa said grinning from ear to ear.

When were you not always pretty, you look good in everything! Isaac said and gave her a thumbs up but earned a glare in return from Tyson.

Okay, I'm sorry! He mumbled dramatically and resumed eating.

Mom, it's a pork cutlet! You bought this for us on our birthday last year,Ella screamed joyfully and tyson pushed the plate towards her.

Yes princess,eat a lot! He said in smile.

Come to think of it,our birthday is approaching! Dan said mouthful and rissa chuckled.

Yes,I think in a month time, Clarissa said and he nodded in approval.

Then let's get married that day! Tyson whispered inside Clarissa's ear and she smirked.

What? She exclaimed and he brought his mouth closer to her ear.

They are the reason for our bound,so let's honour them by doing that,he whispered again before sitting up.

Okay! Rissa replied and nodded in affirmation.


Final episode coming up........





❄️(Fight my way for you)❄️

Written:Waleeyat Olajide💝

Episode 60

What the...! Is this a date? Rissa exclaimed as she entered the reserved location with the employees.

They are twenty so the entire hotel restaurant was reserved for their convenience.

She had her suspicions since they were at the entrance,this is more than a team dinner,how can the entrance be decorated with roses and twinkly lights swirled around it?it was so beautiful that she took some time to watch but on getting inside she was badly amused that she asked the question.

This is so beautiful,she said looking around the restaurant which looked like a date location right now,the light was so dim that made her wondered how can a restaurant light be like this.

The wall was plastered with twinkly lights in shape of an earth and roses were glued there too making it look extraordinarily awesome and beautiful,it was decorated with colourful balloons as well.

Did you guys do this? She scoffed and took her seat which they all did as well but they ignored her questions.

The table got her stunned as well,there were Mason jars on the table with beautiful flowers inside it along with some twinkly light, there were wooden plaque and candles as well,all aligned beautifully.

This is getting more insane,why did you go extra length for just a team dinner?you could have keep it more simple! She said taking another look at her environment but all this while no one is talking or giving reply to her questions.

Suddenly a light beamed on them and she glanced up ,it was a light but in shape of stars,they were numerous on the ceilings that made their center more beautiful.

Clarissa is someone who doesn't appreciate environment no matter how beautiful it is,if she had any business in a fancy house or hotel she wouldn't even take a look around but all this decorations got her stunned that she can't help but look around and commend the great work.

Okay,now! An employee said and the attendants brought out their orders, they brought out covered white plates and set it in their front but immediately the attendants are done ,the employees stood up and left the table.

Where the h"ll are you going? You guys are being so strange,you know! She snapped her head up and said.

They ignored her and stood some distance away, ma'am! Can you open all the plates one after the other? Don't ask questions and just open it! Helena said and rissa scoffed then stood up.

Okay,I'll!she said and started from her own plate,she arched her brow when she only saw a card with letter "W" on it instead of food,what is this? What's going on with you guys? She said and opened the next plate to saw a letter "I" as well,okay! I have to get to the end of this she muttered and opened the next one and a letter"L" was there as well.

She opened the next plate and met another letter"L", "will" she called it altogether and glanced at the employees who were only staring at her.

She ticked her tongue and started opening the plate covers without reading the letter after opening it all,she stood upright and read the letters altogether "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" The remaining six plates had the heart emoji in them.

Now! Who's proposing to me? Who am I marrying among you? You planned this all didn't spouse should step out of you people,she gibed and suddenly a screen came into display with words been projected on it, Clarissa focus shifted to it and she read it line by line.

" It's shocking right, that's what I want, totally suprising proposal.

What did you think? Am I a good designer?

Back to the real deal,dam! You came into my life in just a night and changed everything in a flash.

You disappeared for long and came back again with two flowers of love that I'm willing to live the rest of my life for.

I'm only a sad jerk and a frustrating man before,I have been in the dark all this while,I don't know what is called love since I'm not brought up with one.

I can only hate,resent,use, dump and get back at people but how did you manage to change all that?when you're just the same as me,no...I think you're worse than me.

Even though we started off wrongly with a lot of fight,threats,hate and tears,I made you cry a lot, didn't I? I'm sorry but I paid back for it as I cried a lot when you desert me for bit, however you're just the right person for me.

You made me smile again and lightened up my heart so I can love again,so now I can boldly say I love as well.

Under the cold facade, you're the warmest person with the warmest heart I've ever known,you care a lot for people around and wouldn't want anyone to get hurt even if you're being so indifferent.

I love you like that,that sassy tone! Rude remarks,taunt mock,cold shoulder, it's your charm and I'll never hate you for it.

How will I ever let the adorable and beautiful woman go? Never!

Please stay by my side forever,then I can feel like a living and not a dead man.

I love you with my whole existence,the reason for this long lines is to ask you to be my lifelong partner, it's to ask you to be with me forever and let's love and care our Dan and Ella together.


Tyson! Clarissa whispered after the words disappeared,she already know he's the one... he's the only one that know that side of her and that much about her.

The tears that were g*thered in her eyes gushed out not ready to stop anytime soon.

The screen which turned out to be a door opened and tyson stepped in,in all his glory.

He was looking particularly handsome tonight as he looked like an idol, he wore a white turtle neck underneath and a green shirt on it,a black trouser and a black overcoat with a shining pair of black shoes.

He hair was styled sideways and his lip is red then usual, Clarissa can tell all that in a glance,he came forward and unexpectedly Dan and Ella came out as well with musical instruments in their hand.

Dan was playing a saxophone and Ella the guitar,it was such a beautiful sight to see as Clarissa couldn't stop her tears.

The employees clapped their hands in rhythm with the instruments the kids were playing.


This is too toshing😩🤲❤️





❄️(Fight my way for you)❄️

Written:Waleeyat Olajide💝

Episode 59

The cool and kinda bright morning met Clarissa and Tyson sleeping soundly in tyson's room.

The sparkling white room gave a beautiful view of both face, Clarissa was backing Tyson so that gave him the privilege to hug her tightly to himself.

He was holding her tightly like she's about to get stolen away with a satisfied smile on his face even in his sleep.

Rays of light stroke rissa's face and she turned around in her sleep but the movement woke tyson up.

He fluttered his lid opened and came face to face with the love of his life,the woman he couldn't bare to lose,the woman he wants to see everyday.

The thought of when Clarissa desert him flashed through his mind but he shook it off Immediately,he knew he would lose it completely if that were to happen again.

I love you! He whispered staring at the sleeping beauty in front of him with eyes full of love and slowly kissed her forehead.

He kissed her both cheek in turn and eventually kissed her lips,how can you take over my mind like this? I'm going insane! He said with bright smile on his face and Rissa snapped her eyes opened immediately.

Alberto ssi,(Mr Alberto)Did I really took over your mind? She smirked lightly but he replied with another kiss on her lip....yes you do! He eventually added and kissed her again.

Wow! I'm get a lot of kisses today and i have a feeling I'll keep on getting it,she said and tyson smiled widely.

Tyson, you know what...? She said and managed to sit up, I love you! I think I will regret it for the rest of my life,if I let you go coz you're the one that broke me out of my shell,you made me exceed my limitations,that only made me love you more than anything else,I love you! She said and hugged him tightly.

So,you can rest assure! I won't desert you again,she said and Tyson hugged her back,did she read his mind? He thought seeing how those words relieved him.

I don't think I'll be able to go to work today,I feel like I'll die without you with me all days,he said and rissa pulled out from the hug slowly.

Stop being dramatic Mr Alberto,get your ass off the bed and get ready for work!she snapped and hit his chest lightly before climbing down the bed.

Funny enough, Tyson ran after her and hugged her from the back, don't go! Take you bath here...huh! He whined like a kid and rissa scoffed unbelievably.

Mr Alberto, it's too early to get know that right! She said and slowly turned around.

Clarissa locked her hand around his neck and stared at him for a while before kissing him without giving him an head up,tyson reciprocated immediately with his broad hand supporting her back and the order hand palming her cheek.

We're done for!we Just can't leave each other,rissa thought and kissed him more deeply.


Go! Now! Instantly! Right now! Rissa snapped at Tyson who was tugging her jacket but he shrugged plainly.

Are you a kid? I'll be back soon!so stop doing this and get going,she said but he held on tightly still.

I want to be by your side all days,I might pass out from missing you if I leave,he pouted and rissa palmed her forehead.

Where the h* ll did I come across this big puppy? She sighed helplessly and stare at him without knowing what to do next.

This isn't right,you know! If you don't let go of me instantly,I won't sleep in your room tonight and won't allow you in my room as well,she threatened and he immediately let go of her jacket.

Then I might just die before daybreak! He mumbled and rissa gave a perfect distance between them before he could change his mind again.

Bye honey! See you later,I love you! She said and blew him a kiss before scurrying inside the office.

Tyson stared at her till she's out of sight and his face dropped immediately, I missed her already,he pouted sadly staring blankly at the floor.

Honey! He heard rissa's voice and snapped his head up immediately, there she was standing at the entrance with a wide smile on her face, she signalled him to leave and blew him a kiss again.

But,I don't want to! Tyson mumbled and slowly entered his car,he stared at her for a very long time before starting the car.

Clarissa waved at him relentlessly till he's out of sight grinning from ear to ear.

All the employees couldn't believe their eyes coz this is the first time seeing a smile as big and beautiful as this on rissa's face.

She was beaming brightly as she headed toward the elevator coz she just can't get enough of Tyson's cuteness.

The team dinner had been shifted to today so let's go ma'am,Issac said and rissa stared at him amusedly.

You can't just be changing days like this,you said it's by weekend! She replied looking so pi**ed.

She doesn't wanna disappoint the employees at the same time tyson is gonna get angry if she didn't leave for home that instant,he called her more then ten times today just because he missed her so much.

We all agree to have it after work, it's gonna be more exciting! He added and rissa ruffled her hair in anger.

This is just not right! She said and picked up her phone,she dialled Tyson's line but he didn't pick up so she dropped a message for him saying she's gonna be two hours late.

He's sure gonna get angry! She mumbled staring at her phone.

Okay , let's go! But.... I'm gonna use only two hours there since you guys brought it up suddenly,she said and Isaac nodded continually.



Tyson is still a baby😂

Morning lovelees ❤️❤️


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