One time i saw a post here asking a harmless question though, " How can one conceive twins" likely possible things to get twins. Now for someone like me that also want to have twins one day, i also picked interest on that post entered comment section to read comments, advise flying up and down, some through tracking, some said a particular yam abi village or so, but then something drew my attention.
Lets say about 30% of persons under that comment section was talking about Clomid, how they took clomid,how effective it was, so out of curiosity i went and browsed a little about it, and just like every other drugs and what this Doctor said, so many factors are involved when you not only can't give birth, but can't give birth to twins, and Clomid may just be treating one factor, but beware also they have side effect.
Now in summary no matter how good drugs are to you or how effective it is, please stop taking unprescribed drugs, stop self treating yourself, over time you may likely leave treating a cause to now hoping to get a chance to live.
Another people again are those that have painful menstruation, cramps etc during monthly flow and they now result to either taking drugs before or during period.
Please stop, visit a gynaecologist, so you can be checked and probably be given the right meds,or tell you how to handle it, truly cramps can be discomforting.
Lastly ndi small infection you are swallowing antibiotics, without even knowing if the causative organism is a bacteria, virus or fungi all this things at the long run place your kidney and liver to over work or probably fail you.
When sick, take drugs, when in pain take drugs, if that is the only remedy But first let it be a prescribed medication.
Lets stop abusing drugs.
Health First. Goodmorning