1. Life is uñfair!
Once you finish school, your family støps giving you money as if the certificate comes with a cheque.
2. Sister Lola, do your parents know that two rounds are not normally enough for you?🤔🤔🤔🤔
Yes you, I'm askīng you!💁😲🚶
3. When your roommate is a Christ Embassy prayer warriør, you greet her "Good morning" and she replies you in tøngues🙄🙄😂😂
4. Finally, I'm ready to sēttle down, I just need a chair.🤷🙆
5. Study your pārtner while in cøurtship oo, because "Lead us not into tēmptation" is better than "Dēliver us from all evīl"
Thānk you.🤔🚶🚶
6. If I tell you I dont have møney and you tell me "Big boy like you", I will cūrse you.
I hāte nønsense 😒
7. Children first! Children first!! Na so rice take finish for chūrch yesterday, I no chop.😥🙆😭
8. Nowadays it's hārd to tell whether a girl is walking on the road with her father or her boo.
Confūsed gēneration🤷🤷
9. When you wear nātive to chūrch and climb the altār, its called ALTARNĀTIVE.
Sēnse wee not kee me!!! 🤔😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
10. My dear, 7 days with møney makes one WEEK, but 7 days without møney makes one WĒAK.
11. You no dey pōst the pics of you and the love of your līfe again?
Wetin hāppen?🤔🤷
12. My brother, don't expect her to know the names of your clūb plāyers if you are not ready to know the names of all the actørs in Zee World😏😏🏃🏃
13.What will you gāin from this after reading this pōst without giving a līke and cømment on it 🙄🕺
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