Two Trainings for Price of One
💬How to Register Your Company
💬How to Cash in on Your Passion / Build on that Your Passion and Smile to the Bank
My business name is Great Mind Entrepreneur, popularly known as MindPreneur. I want to bruefly share with you how I find myself in this amazing job.
Before gained admission, all I wanted was to serve humanity as a Medical Doctor or A Nurse until fate changed my direction
During my undergraduate days , I had the mindset of becoming a medical practitioner. All thanks to God this day, as the saying goes, it is not how far but how well.
Those days in the University , students took took some courses in GSP ( General...... ) . At the eleventh hour to starting the couraea in my set , the school introduced something different called Entrepreneur, and it was made compulsory rather than being elective courses . I remember how I was given "absent" in that course, no thanks to "all those lazy lecturers". Somehow , I don't know how it happened, the mistake of "absent" was corrected and I passed it with a fair grade. Are you still with me? The only thing I could remember I was good at was frying puff puff, egg roll, chin chin, selling wears, not bad right?
How on earth will someone like Entrepreneur as a course or even anything that has to do with Entrepreneurship, that was so bored, tiring, frustrating, name it ? No wonder some, ”SOME” jobless graduates prefer to be a school or home lesson teachers.
Finally, after graduation I was posted for service, I knew my dream had come true, guess what ? I was posted to serve as a medical doctor, yes a medical doctor . There is no joy bigger than that, you see this life everything is possible when you believe in the one who created you.
Service was okay except for the camping ground, walking up as early as 3 .00 am, 4 am to do our daily exercises. Oh, I love that part of the anthem, ”Youth Obey the clarion call, let...”. As a graduate, you can relate.
The treatment we were given was unique, you know how medical doctors were treated plus our allowances was unique, unlike other regular allowances. It was a good experience
If by now, you're still doubting I didn't graduate, you're on your own. I can sense some people's bitterness on my wall. Oga calms down. It wasn't easy but funny. Is it all those sleepless nights I should say? The boring and voluminous handouts/textbooks not to mention the practicals.
And the most surprising part is that I was given a federal job immediately, you know those feelings, I was very happy, everyone was happy for me too. The pay was super fantastic, with the help of God. Despite this, I am still running my side hustle.
After working for a few months, the federal medical doctors embarked on strike and somehow our salaries were delayed,i fact stopped at a time I could remember how Mr. and Mrs. Otokiti was lamenting because that was their only source of income. I visited them and it was so sad they had no foodstuff in their house, can you imagine?!
All their four children attend private secondary schools and universities, their school fees each was nothing less than 1.5M. I had to help the family with a token of NGN250,000, you may be thinking it's small money, yes it was, but do you know it coukd be so big to anyone who was broke, I could remember the surprise look they gave me, knowing tgat the government did not pay us
The couples asked, excuse me?
This is the conversation that tool place between us:
The couples: Where did you get this kind of money this hard time ?
Me: I have a side hustle
The couples: And what is that?
Me: I do photography, consulting, copywriting, blogging business, and life coaching as a hustle
The couples: Wow! You mean apart from being a medical doctor, you have all this and they generates income ?
Me: Sure
The couples: Do you mind showing us the magic behind it?
Me: Smile! I’ll
I showed them, thought the husband photography, the wife how to become a fashion consultant and from that moment everything changed.
They both earned extra income and didn't have to depend solely on their salaries to pay the children's school fees and other bills.
The truth is that there is no magic, I can show exactly what I did that worked if it worked for me, Mr. and Mrs. Otokiti , it can work for you too. It's tested and proven.
I haven't only helped the couples, but also some patients, nurses in our unit who have shown their interest in one or two of these skills. Having a side hustle is nothing bad at all instead it generates more income for you as an individual.
What the heck! Just when I was about showing some group of people how to get high ticket clients using copywriting, only for my sister to tap me, mehn! I work woke up, with swollen eyes on Monday morning.
Don't go away, let's hump in, having my side hustle has helped me a couple of times, yes I am a photographer, fashion consultant, blogger, copywriter, business, and life coach. All these work because I was able to put in the skill of copywriting.
Still with me? Great! And that's why my colleague and I are putting this program together at the rate of NGN1000 only for you. This program worth NGN35,000 but we decided to reduce the price as low as we can. Possibly next time, you will not get it at this same price, so seize the advantage of this festive season.
You will be getting an additional advantage of how to register your business name, basic skills in photography and copywriting, this only applies to the first 20.
We are ready to show you how to convert your skills or passion into cash. Let's go...