Were the recent s.h.o.o.t.i.n.g.s in New York carried out by the same person or a g.a.n.g?
Were the recent s.h.o.o.t.i.n.g.s in New York carried out by the same person or a g.a.n.g?
Can an amnesiac k.i.l.l.e.r escape justice?
Can an amnesiac k.i.l.l.e.r escape justice?
Pittsburgh's Disturbing Increase in Suicides Linked to Sinister S.e.r.i.a.l K.i.l.l.e.r Hunting Survivors of Fire Tragedy
Pittsburgh's Disturbing Increase in Suicides Linked to Sinister S.e.r.i.a.l K.i.l.l.e.r Hunting Survivors of Fire Tragedy
City on High Alert Team Suspects Terrorists' Actions Only Prelude to Bigger Threat
City on High Alert Team Suspects Terrorists' Actions Only Prelude to Bigger Threat
With Gideon still missing, where does the group's future go?
With Gideon still missing, where does the group's future go?
as Gideon's team races against time to unmask the s.e.r.i.a.l k.i.l.l.e.r
as Gideon's team races against time to unmask the s.e.r.i.a.l k.i.l.l.e.r
What happens on the anniversary of the execution of a serial k.i.l.l.e.r?
What happens on the anniversary of the execution of a serial k.i.l.l.e.r?
When Frank is wounded in a drive-by shooting
When Frank is wounded in a drive-by shooting
When a tourist from Iowa who was visiting the city with his wife.was..s.h.o.t, the press pressured the police to respond
When a tourist from Iowa who was visiting the city with his wife.was..s.h.o.t, the press pressured the police to respond
What was the cause of d.e.a.t.h of a young girl at a subway station?
What was the cause of d.e.a.t.h of a young girl at a subway station?
What is in his stolen laptop that makes him seem so worried
What is in his stolen laptop that makes him seem so worried
Between her stepdaughter and her husband, who is responsible for her attack
Between her stepdaughter and her husband, who is responsible for her attack
Does exist some dirty cops in the city police system?
Does exist some dirty cops in the city police system?
Commissioner Frank's peaceful handling of Detective Danny's accusations of a.t.t.a.c.k.i.n.g b.l.a.c.k people
Commissioner Frank's peaceful handling of Detective Danny's accusations of a.t.t.a.c.k.i.n.g b.l.a.c.k people
Will Danny successfully rescue the ki.d.n.a.p.p.e.d baby?
Will Danny successfully rescue the ki.d.n.a.p.p.e.d baby?
When a tourist from Iowa who was visiting the city with his wife.was..s.h.o.t, the press pressured the police to respond
When a tourist from Iowa who was visiting the city with his wife.was..s.h.o.t, the press pressured the police to respond
Between her stepdaughter and her husband, who is responsible for her attack???
Between her stepdaughter and her husband, who is responsible for her attack???
What will Commissioner Frank do when his subordinate k.i.l.l.s a cr.i.m.i.n.al in custody?
What will Commissioner Frank do when his subordinate k.i.l.l.s a cr.i.m.i.n.al in custody?
After k.il.ling people on the street, the g.a.ng boss kid.na.p.ped Detective Danny's wife to put pressure on Reagan. Can Detective Danny save his wife when she is in the hands of k.ill.ers?
After k.il.ling people on the street, the g.a.ng boss kid.na.p.ped Detective Danny's wife to put pressure on Reagan. Can Detective Danny save his wife when she is in the hands of k.ill.ers?
#NYPD #Danny #frankfurt #BlueBloods