As I passed through the expressway and observed the exploits of our churches in building camp grounds, I imagined, if RCCG will clear such an expanse of land for arable crops (rice, maize etc). If MFM will focus such massive land on oil palm plantation and Deeper life will focus on Cocoa, and others will invest such massive land in the South West to agriculture, Nigeria will be healed, our prayers for Nigeria will be answered, while our fasting for Nigeria will turn to joy.
If Winners Chapel will open a factory to manufacture phones and Ict materials, and our churches open up factories to process our agricultural outputs, then we will have more jobs for our youths and the glory of Nigeria will be restored. With all our professional Pastors or rather Pastors that are professionals in their various fields, with all our banking moguls and Ict gurus, the Nigerian Church can be a formidable force in these last days.
We have exported the gospel to many Nations of the world, it is time to export RCCG rice, MFM flour, Winners Oil Palm, etc. If you say the church should not be involved in business, then scrutinize the activities of many of our mega churches and you will observe we are already involved in estate business. But we can channel our energies and expertise to bring Nigeria out of the doldrums.
The white man that brought the gospel to us, also brought schools and medical services. Thank God for our schools and hospitals, but only those who are well fed will afford school fees and be alive to read.
We have prayed, let us take action. Churches should set up Committees as we do for our conventions and other activities and let them focus on those things. Let them be empowered to hire and fire (church members and others), let them be the Deacons serving food, dealing with everyday matters. They will be the Board while they employ others to do the work.
The Board will render account to the Church like any other business endeavours. In the early Church, I wonder where they were getting the food that was being served if some of them were not working. The GO does not need to be in charge of these things, he will be too busy for that. Let another AGO or Deputy focus on the business arm of the Church( men like Bezalel- anointed and skilful). Church arise. I believe God is waiting for us to save Nigeria from hunger, starvation and famine, from unemployment and brain drain.
Our Churches can begin mechanized farming in Nigeria. We import machines and equipment for our Church meetings, what stops us from doing so for agriculture? We have the expertise, the resources and the experience to do it. We have built enough Camp grounds, houses and halls, the people coming into those halls will need food to survive and come to our meetings. With the way things are going, tithes will begin to reduce, attendance in church will reduce. Resources to maintain our mega properties may be affected. But this ought not to be. *Joseph was in Egypt and he made Egypt a food basket in the time of famine*.
We have many Josephs all over in Nigeria. Even though we are already in the darkness, our light will still shine. I plead with our Church Leaders, GOs and Board of Elders, CAN and PFN to prayerfully consider this. Nigeria shall be great again by the time the Church has money to fund her activities, our Pastors will preach the truth and stand on the truth, rebuke and correct members like Ananaias and Sapphira and not depend on men of questionable characters and politicians who are bleeding Nigeria (whom we call Brothers) in our Churches. We will not be so focused on quantity at the expense of quality of lives of our members. The world will see our good works and give glory to our Father in Heaven.
If you agree with this piece, kindly share, not only with your church leaders, but with everybody also.
*copied with slight adjustments*.