The Idea/Aim to come up with something more innovative and competitive has always being the drive of Chief Dr. Philip Udi
After venturing into so many businesses, from real estate management, film producing, Oil and the Gas sector to mention but a few. He discovered that there was a need for more competitive and innovative ideas as regards the Nollywood online movies and film distribution which
before now had restricted lovers of Nollywood movies to only one channel, which invariably created a monopolistic market. He decided to make more research about the industry and discovered that Nollywood movie and film contents were on a very high demand and so the birth of pudiTV. PudiTV is a concept born out of the encomium given to Chief Dr. Philip Udi by Nollywood as their patron and censors board appointed Taskforce chairman against piracy. So With all these, He decided to venture into an online TV concept. He started in one of his estates in Ajah, and with a clear vision and support from his family members, staffs and other professional bodies, his dreams became a reality in 2016 as PUDITV.