A military officer was given a 3-day leave to go and enjoy with his newly wedded wife. He arrived home😊 and realized that his wife was in her monthly period😩😭!
He had to send an sos message to headquarters requesting for an extension of his leave days🙂. He prepared his message in the usual military coded language...He wrote:
Soldier: Omega One😪,...this is Omega Twelve😶. Danger from the field😫. Red in front. Leave-extension requested. Do you read me😞 Red in front... passage not clear, extend leave?
Headquarters replied:
This is Omega One😌. We read you loud and clear😜. The danger is minimal😄. Attack from the back and resume immediately🤗. Leave-extension denied🤚
I repeat.... attack with minimal force from the back and resume immediately😎... way is clear from behind👌! Extension denied!