



This is the story of the first oil war, which was fought in the 19th century, in the area that became Nigeria.

All through the 19th century, palm oil was highly sought-after by the British, for use as an industrial lubricant for machinery. Remember that Britain was the world’s first industrialised nation, so they needed resources such as palm oil to maintain that.

Palm oil, of course, is a tropical plant, which is native to the Niger Delta. Malaysia’s dominance came a century later. By 1870, palm oil had replaced slaves as the main export of the Niger Delta, the area which was once known as the Slave Coast. At first, most of the trade in the oil palm was uncoordinated, with natives selling to those who gave them the best deals. Native chiefs such as former slave, Jaja of Opobo became immensely wealthy because of oil palm. With this wealth came influence.

However, among the Europeans, there was competition for who would get preferential access to the lucrative oil palm trade. In 1879, George Goldie formed the United African Company (UAC), which was modelled on the former East India Company. Goldie effectively took control of the Lower Niger River. By 1884, his company had 30 trading posts along the Lower Niger. This monopoly gave the British a strong hand against the French and Germans in the 1884 Berlin Conference. The British got the area that the UAC operated in, included in their sphere of influence after the Berlin Conference.

When the Brits got the terms they wanted from other Europeans, they began to deal with the African chiefs. Within two years of 1886, Goldie had signed treaties with tribal chiefs along the Benue and Niger Rivers whilst also penetrating inland. This move inland was against the spirit of verbal agreements that had been made to restrict the organisation’s activities to coastal regions.

By 1886, the company name changed to The National Africa Company and was granted a royal charter (incorporated). The charter authorised the company to administer the Niger Delta and all lands around the banks of the Benue and Niger Rivers. Soon after, the company was again renamed. The new name was Royal Niger Company, which survives, as Unilever, till this day.

To local chiefs, the Royal Niger Company negotiators had pledged free trade in the region. Behind, they entered private contracts on their terms. Because the (deceitful) private contracts were often written in English and signed by the local chiefs, the British government enforced them. So for example, Jaja of Opobo, when he tried to export palm oil on his own, was forced into exile for “obstructing commerce”. As an aside, Jaja was “forgiven” in 1891 and allowed to return home, but he died on the way back, poisoned with a cup of tea.

Seeing what happened to Jaja, some other native rulers began to look more closely at the deals they were getting from the Royal Nigeria Company. One of such kingdoms was Nembe, whose king, Koko Mingi VIII, ascended the throne in 1889 after being a Christian schoolteacher. Koko Mingi VIII, King Koko for short, like most rulers in the yard, was faced with the Royal Nigeria Company encroachment. He also resented the monopoly enjoyed by the Royal Nigeria Company and tried to seek out favourable trading terms, with particularly the Germans in Kamerun (Cameroon).

By 1894, the Royal Nigeria Company increasingly dictated whom the natives could trade with, and denied them direct access to their former markets. In late 1894, King Koko renounced Christianity and tried to form an alliance with Bonny and Okpoma against the Royal Nigeria Company to take back the trade. This is significant because while Okpoma joined up, Bonny refused. A harbinger of the successful “divide and rule” tactic.

On 29 January 1895, King Koko led an attack on the Royal Niger Company’s headquarters, which was in Akassa in today’s Bayelsa state. The pre-dawn raid had more than a thousand men involved. King Koko’s attack succeeded in capturing the base. Losing 40 of his men, King Koko captured 60 white men as hostages, as well as a lot of goods, ammunition and a Maxim gun. Koko then attempted to negotiate a release of the hostages in exchange for being allowed to chose his trading partners. The British refused to negotiate with Koko, and he had forty of the hostages killed. A British report claimed that the Nembe people ate them. On 20 February 1895, Britain’s Royal Navy, under Admiral Bedford attacked Brass and burned it to the ground. Many Nembe people died and smallpox finished off a lot of others.

By April 1895, business had returned to “normal”, normal being the conditions that the British wanted, and King Koko was on the run. Brass was fined £500 by the British, £62,494 (NGN29 million) in today’s money, and the looted weapons were returned as well as the surviving prisoners. After a British Parliamentary Commission sat, King Koko was offered terms of settlement by the British, which he rejected and disappeared. The British promptly declared him an outlaw and offered a reward of £200 (£26,000; NGN12 million today) for him. He committed su***de in exile in 1898.

About that time, another “recalcitrant King”, the Oba of Benin, was run out of town. The pacification of the Lower Niger was well and truly underway. The immediate effect of the Brass Oil War was that public opinion in Britain turned against the Royal Nigeria Company, so its charter was revoked in 1899. Following the revoking of its charter, the Royal Niger Company sold its holdings to the British government for £865,000 (£108 million today). That amount, £46,407,250 (NGN 50,386,455,032,400, at today’s exchange rate) was effectively the price Britain paid, to buy the territory which was to become known as Niger


Soya Milk:


1. 1 cup of Soya beans

2. Water (as much as you want)

3. Sugar or Honey (depending on what you want)

4. Flavour essence - (Optional)
5 Ginger


1. Soak the soya beans seed in water overnight so that it becomes soft and easy to take off the skin.

2. Peel off the skin from the seeds. Rinse multiple times until the seeds come out clean just like you do when making Moi Moi.

3. Put the clean beans in a blender. Add some water , ginger and blend it.

4. Pour the grounded soya beans in a sieve to remove the milk from the chaff.

Note; some prefer to go ahead and take the milk that way.

5. Pour the milk into a pot and boil. When it starts boiling, reduce the heat and stir continuously so that the milk doesn't spill over the pot leaving the whole place messy.

6. Add the sugar or honey and the flavour essence of your choice. Stir a bit longer.

There you go. Soya milk is that easy to make and tasty.



Did you know that when all saved believers walk through the gates of New Jerusalem, we will walk through a gate that bears the name of one of the tribes of Israel? That's right! All of the twelve gates of New Jerusalem are named after the twelve tribes of Israel (Rev.21:12). So we will ALL walk through a particular gate that bares a name of one of the twelves tribes. Why? Have you ever wondered? The answer is very simple, as the Bible confirms that when we accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our Lord and Saviour, we become 'grafted in' as part of TRUE Israel. And I will explain why I said 'TRUE' Israel. But what does this have to do with the Sabbath? Let me share a recent quote with you from a popular 'Christian' ministry in America:

"Are you a child of one of the 12 tribes of the nation of Israel from the Old Testament? That's super-important because the sabbath, which God repeatedly tells Moses is a 'sign between me and the children of Israel', is not given to anyone who is not a child of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. If you answered yes, congrats! You may continue with the test. If you answered no, game over, you're definitely not a biblical sabbath keeper because you don't qualify. Sorry."

I haven't given the source to this quote, because I'm not prepared to send people to a ministry that promotes gross error. And the ignorance in the above quote is astonishing! To believe that God's Sabbath promise was to the literal nation of Israel alone, you have to be completely ignorant of the original purpose of the 7th day Sabbath and WHO it was 'made' for. But before we get into that, let us take a look at WHO is true Israel today.

New Jerusalem has ... "a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel." (Revelation 21:12)

Is there any other gate by which you can enter New Jerusalem? No.

All saved will pass under one of those names of the twelve tribes of Israel. And when you understand what the names refer to and that all who come to Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, are grafted into the tree, becoming part of true Israel, then it makes sense. So what does a name signify? Let us look at the name 'Israel' itself. Who was that originally given to? It was given to Jacob, the father of the twelve tribes. And why was Jacob given the name 'Israel'? Let's take a look:

Genesis 32:24-28 ...'And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: FOR as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.'

Why was Jacob's NAME changed to Israel? Because he had 'prevailed' during his time of trouble. He had repented of his sin against Esau and he clung on to God with all he had, not letting go of God until God blessed him. Jacob OVERCAME! His CHARACTER had changed from 'Jacob' (a supplanter) to 'Israel' (to contend with God and OVERCOME by faith). Many professed Christians today do not understand the significance of this. They simply believe that the name Israel only applies to the literal nation of the flesh, which is why they don't understand the truth about the 7th day Sabbath. We will all walk through a gate of New Jerusalem which bares one of the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, because when we OVERCOME through Christ, we become 'grafted in' to true Israel and bear that name also.

Romans 9:6-8 ...'Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, they which are the children of the flesh, these are NOT the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.'

"They are not all Israel which are of Israel." Do you see TWO Israels there?

Paul clearly mentions TWO Israels in Romans 9 above. The one Israel is the Israel of the flesh, as in the natural decendents of Abraham. The other Israel is TRUE Israel - those who have truly been converted, just like Jacob and are overcomers through Christ Jesus our Lord, as Christ is THE SEED through which the promises were made. So the promises were not given to a people simply because of their ancestry. The promises were ALL THROUGH Jesus Christ, who was THE SEED of which all nations would be blessed. And through Christ we ALL become true Israel, look:

Romans 2:29 ...'But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.'

Galatians 3:28-29 ...'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, THEN are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.'

So who are the 'children of Israel'? ANYONE who is in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 12:13 ...'For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.'

Romans 11:17 ...'And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;'

The apostle Paul was a 'Jew of Jews' and yet he clearly understood the truth that through Jesus Christ we ALL, Jew and Gentile become ONE body - TRUE ISRAEL. We all become part of that 'one tree.' Simply being a Jew of the flesh meant nothing without faith in Jesus Christ, which is why many were 'broken off.' Just because someone may be an Israelite of the flesh, doesn't automatically mean they are God's children, as Paul said in Romans 9. Only through faith and surrender of life to God do we become His children and TRUE Israel.

So when God says that the Sabbath is a 'sign between Me and the children of Israel forever', who is God speaking about? He is clearly speaking of TRUE Israel, that 'one body' of believers who are heirs through THE SEED, which is Jesus Christ.

John 10:16 ...'And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be ONE FOLD, and one shepherd.'

If there was to be 'one fold', and Gentiles are 'grafted in' to the tree and we all become 'one in Christ Jesus', then what do we become through Christ? ISRAEL! A people who 'contend with God and overcome' through faith! This is what 'Israel' means.

So going back to that quote above about the Sabbath only being for Israel. YES! That is true. But what they sadly don't understand is that we ALL become Israel through Christ Jesus, being 'grafted in' and 'partakers of the olive tree.' Which is why we all pass through a gate of New Jerusalem that bares a name of the twelve tribes of Israel. And YES! The Sabbath IS a 'sign between God and HIS people Israel.' But by rejecting this truth that we all become Israel through Christ and by rejecting the 7th day Sabbath which God placed as a sign between Him and His people, many professed Christians are ultimately saying they are NOT God's people! Just like the Jews of the flesh. They wanted to make their OWN way and many professed Christians today are making the same mistake!

Jesus didn't say that the Sabbath was made for the Jews of the flesh. He said 'the Sabbath was made FOR MAN.' (Mark 2:27). Which means the Sabbath was made for ALL MANKIND. All who BY FAITH turn to God and worship Him in spirit and truth. And when was the Sabbath 'made'? It was made at creation week. How many Jews of the flesh were there at creation week? None! So when God says the Sabbath is for a 'sign between Me and Israel forever' (Exodus 31:17), He is saying it is a sign between Him and His people - his TRUE people, whoever they are. People who partake of the SAME ROOT, which is Jesus Christ. The Sabbath is a sign of FAITH in God's ways, not man's. So have you been 'grafted in'? Then you are now part of Israel and the Sabbath IS a sign between YOU and God.



News and commentary from a Biblical world view on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.


Fatima Prophecy: Pope Francis will Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Virgin Mary in Order to Bring World Peace

The Fatima Prophecy says: “I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart … If people attend to My requests, Russia will be converted and the world will have peace.”

This is said to be the message delivered by the Virgin Mary to three young shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Most Catholics believe that when Pope John Paul II consecrated the entire world to the Virgin Mary in 1983, he fulfilled this prophecy. However, many Catholics contend that the Virgin Mary’s instructions were not followed because Pope John Paul II did not specifically mention “Russia.” Now Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Friday, March 25, 2022, and many today believe that this will finally fulfill the Virgin Mary’s command to consecrate Russia, ushering in a period of peace and prosperity for the entire world.

Mary, Jesus’ mother, died and was buried a long time ago. According to God’s word, the dead do not participate in anything that happens in our world because they are unaware of anything (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6). According to Jesus, death is a sleep (John 11:11), and all the dead will one day hear the voice of God and come to life either in the resurrection of “life” or the resurrection of “damnation” (John 5:25–29). So, what about all of the messages and visions supposedly coming from the Virgin Mary?

“The doctrine of man’s consciousness in death, especially the belief that the spirits of the dead return to minister to the living, has prepared the way for modern Spiritualism … If, as taught by popular theologians, the spirits of the dead are hovering about their friends on earth, why should they not be permitted to communicate with them, to warn them against evil, or to comfort them in sorrow? How can those who believe in man’s consciousness in death reject what comes to them as divine light communicated by glorified spirits? Here is a channel regarded as sacred, through which Satan works for the accomplishment of his purposes. The fallen angels who do his bidding appear as messengers from the spirit world. While professing to bring the living into communication with the dead, the prince of evil exercises his bewitching influence upon their minds” (Great Controversy, p. 551).

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