Chapter 13
What next nancy? He asked touchi g her hair..
What next how? You want to chase me out? She asked laughing..
Not that i think you should go back to school, he said scratching his hair..
School? I've always wanted to be a lawyer but my aunt deprived me of that, she always picked me up from by 10 o'clock everyday to hawk pure water and cold drinks, nancu said smilling..
Dodctor charles didn't say anything, he was silent for a while, and then said his mind, by next time you will go back to school nancy, he replied..
Nancy stared at him hugged him tightly jumping up and down..
Take it easy nancy, you are not strong, he said smilling. I'm strong charles, even much stronger that you, she said laughing..
Dodctor laugh and swinged her round the room..
Eno went to market to gert something for her madam she was about paying for the meat when she saw someone who look like nancy, Eno weent closer to jer and screamed.
Nancy, she screamed..
I'm not nancy, bit uchechi... She lied
It's a lie, nancy it you..
Nancy turn and left the place still looking back to be sure eno isn't tracing her.
Eno got home and called jacinta out, i saw nancy at the market today,
Are you ok? Dead nancy?
Nancy is not dead, she alive, i even saw the mark you gave her with knife,
Lies you saw nancy's ghost please i'm busy inside . .. She replied and left
Eno held her nylon tighly bit her lips and went inside, Jacinta's husband came back from work in the evening, jacinta told him what eno said earlier
She must be insane, mr christopher said swallowi g his food, i think so, she really scared me today, and even my melissa nobody knows where she is, jacinta said and bursted out crying, mum enough of all that can you see we are eating? Immaculate shouted..
Ypu are talking tp your mum immaculate, her dad warned her,
A murdere? A murdere can't be my mom, Bethel said an droped his fork
Hold your son, cjristophr jacinta shouted,..
To be continue🤗