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Pyeat Andrew يكتب عن مبادرة تومايني محادثات "تومايني": حراك سياسي أم إلهاء سياسي؟!بطبيعة الحال، لا يمكن أن يختلف عاقلان ...

Pyeat Andrew

يكتب عن مبادرة تومايني

محادثات "تومايني": حراك سياسي أم إلهاء سياسي؟!

بطبيعة الحال، لا يمكن أن يختلف عاقلان على أن مبادرة "تومايني" هي واحدة من ابتكارات النظام المتقنة لإلهاء الناس وخلق انطباع بأن هناك سلامًا يُطبخ لإخراج البلاد من الأزمات التي تطحن العباد. هذا التطور المذهل في تفكير النظام يستحق الإشادة، خصوصًا في الطريقة التي يتعامل بها مع المعارضة، حيث يُحوّلها إلى احتياطي للسلطة، أو لنقل أشبه بـ"Power Bank"، يستخدمها متى شاء للبقاء وإطالة أمده في الحكم.
ما يثير الدهشة حقًا هو تمسك المعارضة بالمبادرة وكأنها الطرف المبادر، بل تذهب بعيدًا في التبشير بها والدفاع عنها، مجادلة بأنها الفرصة الوحيدة لإنقاذ البلاد، وأنه لا يجب تفويتها أو إفشالها. والأسوأ من ذلك، أنها تذكّر النظام بأهمية هذه المبادرة، وكأنها كانت تنتظرها بفارغ الصبر.
تم تقديم المبادرة بصورة تبدو جادة، لكنها في الواقع ليست سوى وسيلة لإلهاء الناس عن المشكلات الحقيقية التي تواجههم. إذا تمعّنت في البروتوكولات الموقعة وقارنتها ببنود اتفاقية السلام المنشطة، ستجد أن الفروقات تكاد تنعدم، باستثناء تغيير أسماء بعض الهيئات والمؤسسات. هذه التغييرات الشكلية لا تُغيّر جوهر الاتفاق المتوقع توقيعه بين طرفي النزاع، الحكومة والنظام.
الملفت في البروتوكول الرابع، المختص بالترتيبات الأمنية، هو بند تشكيل وحدة خاصة لحماية الشخصيات المهمة. في اعتقادي، هذا البند يدعو للقلق لأنه يعكس نظرة القادة إلى الوحدات الأمنية كمجرد أدوات لحمايتهم، دون اعتبار لبقية الشعب. أما باقي الوحدات، فمصيرها التجاهل، وانتظار اللجان التي تتخاذل وتتلكأ دائمًا في تحديث الجيش وتدريبه وتسليحه، مما يُنتج نفس الأوضاع المأساوية التي تعانيها القوات في معسكرات التجميع، بعد أن تُركت لتواجه مصيرها المجهول.

نواصل .....

حاكم ولاية أعالي النيل هنوربل جيمس اوضوك اوياي هو من ضمن افشل حكام التي مرت بيها ولاية أعالي النيل ، ولانه حتي الان مازا...

حاكم ولاية أعالي النيل هنوربل جيمس اوضوك اوياي هو من ضمن افشل حكام التي مرت بيها ولاية أعالي النيل ، ولانه حتي الان مازال ولاية شغال بنظام 32 ولايات في حالة صرف المرتبات وتأكيداً لذلك امانة حكومة شغال بتلك نظام في إنه تم إلغاء نظام 32 ولايات ورجعنا الي عشرة ولايات، حتي وقت الحالي غالبية العمال وموظفين شلو لا يصرفون رواتبهم .

حاكم ولاية أعالي النيل ليست لديه خطة لمستقبل أفضل لولاية بل تركيزه ليلاً ونهاراً في نسبة 3% من الإيرادات النفطية و personal income tax rate.
حضور اعراس واعياد الميلاد و مناسبات شام ضانق ليست من الاختصاصات الحاكم لو كان فعلا هو مدرك بمكانة منصبه كانه عليه ان يكلف اشخاص لقيام بذلك،
واكثر المستفيدين من اموال الولاية اعالي النيل هم ابناء ولاية الوحدة.

وللاسف الشديد اموال الولاية يذهب الي كُتاب مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي عشان هو يجد قبول شعبي إنه جدير بمنصب حاكم ولاية أعالي النيل لكن بعكس هو افشل حاكم مرة عليه ولاية أعالي النيل ، لكن البعيد منه هو شايفه إنه الافضل لكن هذا ليس حقيقة لانهم لا يعرفهم حقيقة هنوربل جيمس اوضوك ، والان هو لجاء الي سياسة بيع ضعفا النفوس بالاموال الولاية لوقوف معه حتي هناك بعض الاعضاء من احزاب اخري الان تمت بيعهم بمبالغ مالية ضخمة جدا شغالين شغل double agent.
حاكم ولاية أعالي النيل وصل إلي طريق مسدود التي يجعله لا يمكنه ان يقدم شي لمواطن الولاية راينا ذلك من خلال منتدي الحاكم هو ما اتطرق الي قضايا المهم التي تواجهها الولاية بل ركز علي زيارات الي مقاطعات مدعاة انهم الإنجازات لذلك كان رد حاكم ولاية جونقلي واضحاً له.



Fellow Junubeen,

It is a travesty that those actively conspiring to derail the Tumaini Peace Process are members of the so-called opposition. One would expect the incumbent government to resist reforms while the opposition champions change and stands firmly against the barbaric status quo in our land. However, the reality is quite the opposite.

The primary spoilers of the ongoing peace process are some so-called opposition members of the Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA). Ironically, the government Members of Parliament (MPs) - elected in the 2010 elections - remain the only ones with any semblance of legitimacy. They have not had another opportunity to seek reelection due to the failure to hold new elections and the seemingly endless transitional periods.

The reconstituted Revitalized Parliament, established under the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), comprises 550 MPs:

332 MPs from the SPLM In Government (SPLM-IG),

128 MPs from SPLM In Opposition (SPLM-IO),

50 MPs from the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA),

30 MPs from Other Opposition Parties (OPP), and

10 MPs from the Former Detainees (FDs).

However, 218 of these MPs were not elected; they were appointed under the provisions of the R-ARCSS. They have no connection to their constituencies and owe their positions to the agreement rather than the people's mandate. These self-serving politicians fear elections because they know the people would send them home. This fear is precisely why they oppose the Tumaini Consensus.

When we look at the new delegation of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGONU) to the Tumaini talks, it becomes clear that many committee members are MPs who stand to lose the most—not only from the successful completion of the Tumaini Consensus but also from the genuine implementation of the R-ARCSS. There is little contradiction between the two processes; in fact, the Tumaini Consensus seeks to complement and strengthen the R-ARCSS. Only those with vested interests would oppose this initiative.


There is no reason to fear Tumaini, a Swahili word meaning hope. Why would anyone oppose the hope and aspirations of our citizens? The Tumaini Consensus does not aim to replace the R-ARCSS but to reinforce it, providing stronger guarantees for its implementation. This process is designed to culminate in general elections, where our people can finally choose their leaders. The hired voices of the traditional elite are spreading misinformation, misleading the public into believing that the Tumaini Consensus seeks to abrogate the R-ARCSS.

This is mischief!

Let us not be swayed by the negative propaganda of self-serving politicians. We must rally behind the Tumaini Consensus, our final hope for fulfilling the promises of our liberation struggle and ending the immense suffering our people have endured for generations. Peace-loving leaders on both sides of the political divide must summon the courage to unite, set aside their differences, and embrace Tumaini as a tool for bringing lasting peace to our nascent Republic.

Fellow Countrymen and Women,

We Must be United!

Cpt. Mabior Garang
Mobile Office



Vice president Taban Deng speech

International Fashoda child day 🌟 💕 Malakal Daily

International Fashoda child day 🌟 💕
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International Fashoda child day 🌟 💕
Malakal Daily

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Child day

Very interesting piece written by Mabior Riiny Lual.Around October 2015, I was travelling with Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba and...

Very interesting piece written by Mabior Riiny Lual.

Around October 2015, I was travelling with Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba and Dr. Richard K. Mulla to Addis Ababa on our way to Pagak. We checked out from Bole International Airport. As we wait for a taxi, Adwok and Richark K. Mulla bought two beers each, and they offered me one, but I told them I don’t drink, and then they started a political conversation about their encounter with President Salva Kiir during their days when they were ministers. Adwok Nyaba told a story about when he was a minister of Higher Education in 2012.

He said one day, they were in a Council of Ministers and before meeting starts, President Salva told Deng Alor Kuol “Why are you inching too close to my chair”, before Deng responded, Peter Adwok jumped in and told President Salva that “because you have stayed too long on that seat”. President Salva kept quiet for about 15 minutes. It was clear he was irked by the joke. Everyone was flabbergasted. He then started speaking after what was like eternity. He told Adwok “look, when I leave this seat in the future, I will make sure, you, Riek Machar, Lam Akol, and Pagan Amum will not be left behind”, and he got up and left the meeting hall. He ordered everyone to disperse.

When they came outside, Adwok was rebuked for starting such kind of a joke with President Salva. Adwok responded that it was him who started the joke first. He was told President Salva can condone other jokes but not about his seat and he should learn from today moving forward.

Reflecting on this conversation, Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba has now resigned from politics, Dr. Riek Machar is trying to survive politically and appears detained in Juba and Pagan Amum is negotiating his way back. Given the way things stand, there is a possibility President Salva will not leave these people behind.

WAGING THE STRUGGLE FOR PEACE: WHY TUMAINI MATTERSFellow Junubeen,As we wage peace in our land, it is important to be ar...


Fellow Junubeen,

As we wage peace in our land, it is important to be armed with accurate information in this era of disinformation and propaganda. The traditional power elites, beneficiaries of a barbaric status quo rooted in the colonial era, have launched a campaign of deceit to confuse the public. Their hired voices claim that the Tumaini Consensus is a waste of time and allege that Comrades Pagan Amum, General Paul Malong, and the leaders of SSOMA harbor hidden agendas for regime change.

This is pure mischief.

The Tumaini Consensus is not a waste of time. It is a peace initiative that President Salva Kiir, in his wisdom, launched to include opposition groups that refused to sign the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS). Moreover, it aims to address the many provisions of the R-ARCSS that the Revitalized Government of National Unity (R-TGONU) has failed to implement since its formation in 2020..

Enough is enough!

The R-ARCSS has primarily focused on power sharing under a single provision in Chapter I, while neglecting the reform agenda. Despite accusations that Tumaini is insincere or part of a hidden regime change agenda, it is the opposition politicians within the R-TGONU who have failed to act in good faith. For instance, the cantonment areas envisioned for unifying the armed forces were deliberately used to recruit a new army, ensuring no unified forces were ever formed. This was by design, not oversight.

These same politicians, enjoying the trappings of power, blame others for their failures. They accuse the SPLM-IG of lacking political will, yet they have not resigned in protest or shown commitment to the promises of the peace agreement. Their actions reveal hypocrisy: while they criticize the SPLM-IG, they remain complicit in the government's shortcomings.


The Tumaini Consensus holds value because it provides a fresh opportunity after the dismal failure of the R-ARCSS to deliver socio-economic transformation for our civil population. Tumaini is not an attempt to undermine the presidency but a recommitment to unfulfilled tasks of the previous agreement.

The Tumaini Consensus includes comprehensive protocols:

1. General Principles

2. Humanitarian Access and Support

3. Trust and Confidence-Building Measures

4. Permanent Ceasefire, Security Arrangements, and Reforms

5. Communal Conflicts, Armed Civilians, and Land Disputes

6. Guarantors

7. Justice Sector Reform, Transitional Justice, and Accountability

8. Permanent Constitution Making Process

9. Economic Recovery, Resources, and Financial Management Reforms

10. Responsibility Sharing

11. Implementation Matrix

These protocols offer a roadmap for peace and governance reforms. Tumaini is not perfect, but it is a beacon of hope. If it fails, we as a people will continue to wage peace, learning from our experiences. This is how lasting peace is achieved.

Let us remember the journey to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed in 2005, and which gave us the Republic of South Sudan in 2011. It was the result of nearly three decades of effort, starting with the Koka Dam talks in 1986, followed by Abuja I and II in the early 1990s, and culminating in the IGAD process in 1994. The CPA was not an overnight success but a testament to persistence.

Similarly, our current journey began with the ARCSS, which collapsed after a couple of months. Its successor, the R-ARCSS, has only implemented the power-sharing provision, leaving the aspirations of our people unfulfilled. The Tumaini Consensus represents a new hope for peace and socio-economic transformation. It must be given a chance.

Fellow countrymen and women,

Peace processes are inherently challenging and require time. The propaganda machine of self-serving politicians seeks to discredit Tumaini before it has even been tried. However, the failure of the R-ARCSS is evident, and the Tumaini Consensus offers us a renewed opportunity to achieve the promises of our liberation struggle.

Let us unite behind the Tumaini Consensus. We cannot dismiss it without giving it a fair trial. If it succeeds, it will bring us closer to lasting peace. If it fails, it will still be a step in the ongoing struggle for peace and prosperity in our land. We have nothing to lose in supporting the Tumaini Consensus.

We Must Give Peace a Chance!

Cpt. Mabior Garang
Mobile Office

Malakal Daily


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Advice from hon. Rabacca Joshua to the parents


Hon. Pagan Amum on Juba Shooting, Gen. Akol Koor, and National Security Law Repeals

The Head of the Opposition and Chairman of the Real-SPLM, is a key stakeholder at the Tumaini Peace Talks in Nairobi. As he awaits the arrival of the government delegation, he shares his thoughts on recent developments, including the Juba shooting, Gen. Akol Koor, and the push to repeal national security laws.

Stay tuned for more from this exclusive interview with the Radio Miraya team on the ground in Nairobi, Kenya, to be released in the coming days.


If you are asked to wear only one colour for the rest of your life, what colour will that be?


Confirm arrested Akol koor







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