See my student's first try at creating a mini website for her business & she was so excited when she shared her link with
me! 😍
Now I can't wait for her to try the others 💃🏽
This can be you sis!
Even as a total beginner, you can create a beautiful site like this using just your SMARTPHONE ONLY! Let me show you how to create 5 different mini websites 🔥for the price of 1 chei 😩
Register now before early bird slots are all gone!
FEE: ₦6,500 for first 15 people ONLY!
After which price goes up to ₦9,500
Swipe to see what you'll be learning how to create 😊
See you in class ✨
Here's a unique way to market or sell your products 😍, using this app and combining it with storytelling 🔥.
Don't ask me what the name of the app is oh, I'll only share the name with those in my whatsapp community today 😍, and the link to join is in the free ebook in my previous post 😌, get your copy by clicking the link in my bio now!
Meanwhile, have you tried this method of selling before? What kind of results did you get ☺️? Let's talk ⤵️
👸🏾Instagram Marketing & Sales
© 𝙾𝚋𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚊 𝙾𝚗𝚢𝚎𝚔𝚜
#naijabusinesswomen #solopreneur #businessconsultant #businessideas #marketingstrategies #contentstrategy #fempire #instagrammarketing #businesstips101 #entreprenuership #creativemarketing #igtips #marketingtips #socialmediaforbusiness #fempreneur #instagramgrowth #businessgoals #business101 #womaninbusiness #growyourbusiness #businessstrategy #businesstip #businesscoaches #businesstips #marketingadvice #smallbusinesstips #obidiaonyeks #naijagrowthguru
Begging people to patronize you is not a good business strategy,
And here's why 👇🏾
When you beg and I mean literally say things like "please buy from me, I've not eaten since morning " or "please help my small business, I have bills to pay" this tells your target audience 2 things
1. There's no value in what you are selling and that's why you're begging people to buy from you
2. No one else is buying from you and maybe there's a reason 🧐 so why should they?
Either way, you attract people who might start to think they're doing you a favor by buying from you, and it shows in the way they'll speak to you and the things they will feel entitled to 😩
What you should do instead?
✅ Provide value: work on creating content that shows the VALUE of your products or services, this way people can decide for themselves if what you offer is a good fit for them and even if it's not, they can refer you to someone who needs what you offer 😍
✅ Position yourself as an authority in your field: you do this by educating people about their pain points and then positioning your offers as THE Solution to their problems.
This builds trust and eliminates the doubt objection of sales. It also attracts the right people to your business page and keeps the engagement fresh and alive ❤️
Found this helpful? Let me know what you think in the comments 👇🏾
✅ PS: If you want to learn how to sell with the RIGHT emotions, then you should get my Caption Templates For Beginners ebook 💥. There I show you 5 emotional triggers to use to sell plus examples.
🔗LINK IN BIO or send a DM
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#lagosmom #naijabrandchic #hustlersquarehub #triciabiz
#dang #obisaura #instagrambusiness #instagramforbusiness
I know coming up with content that builds trust and leads to sales can be very difficult if you don't know where to start.
Let me give you a one week boost! Get access to 14 content prompts, plus a 7 day class that covers the following ⤵️
💥 An indept page audit guide that covers every area of Instagram marketing (something that experts would charge nothing less than 10k to help you do)
💥 How to develop the RIGHT mindset in business
💥 3 Mindset shifts and business affirmations to get you started ❤️
💥 How to setup your page yourself like a pro
💥 How to create a simple beautiful mini website
💥 How to create a simple Instagram strategy
💥 5 emotional triggers that get people to buy
💥 5 things your ads must have for it to convert
💥 4 ways to thrive in a saturated market
💥 How to handle I’ll get back to you customers
💥 7 hot marketing strategies GURANTEED to make people buy from you
💥 How to create a customized whatsapp link for your bio
ALL FOR ₦1,000 ONLY ‼️
See you on the inside ❤️
#smallbusinesstips #socialmediahelp
#contentmarketing #socialmediastrategy
#nigerianbusiness #ghanianbusiness
#smallbusinesscoach #sel
If you are on this table, please come down 👀
Listen, engagement is a game of give and take. Unless you're a celebrity or running ads, don't expect your notifications to blow up as soon as you post 👀 it's unrealistic and sets you up for frustration and heartache 💔
Real engagement is earned by first giving. And since you can't spend all day on Instagram plus there are action limits for specific tasks like liking and commenting, how then can you engage with the right people in the right way and still get results (profile visits and engagement on your page)?
Watch out for my next post ☺️
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#nigerianbusiness #ghanianbusiness
#smallbusinesscoach #sellingonig
#instagrambusinesstips #onlinebusinesscoach
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#instagrambusinessmarketing #smallbusinesstips
#onlinebusinesstips #instagramguru
#instagramexpert #instagrambusiness
#instagramforbusiness #femalebusinessowner
#smallbusinessstrategy #marketingtips101 #businesstips #naijagrowthguru #thecontentacademy
Implemtation is what separates the successful from the stagnant. It is the missing link a lot of people willfully skip or abandon after several tries.
What you don’t understand and nobody tells you is that to implement and see actual long-term results, you need strategy, and not just quick tips and tricks. You don't have a strategy and that's why everything is hard for you 😩 trust me I've been there!
And that's why ILAB 4.0 is going to teach you how to do this and so much more 😍
You also need to understand that results take time and vary, do not be carried away by all the success stories you see on the gram, those are highlights of a long painful journey of blood, sweat and tears. Those people put in a lot of work for years!
To succeed on the NEW Instagram, prepare your mind for this 👉🏾 You have to put in WORK👈🏾, stop dodging and looking for the easy way out by running after freebies and new classes. The secret you're searching for is in IMPLEMENTING WHAT YOU LEARN!
Sis! You have the knowledge, START IMPLEMENTING ALREADY!
🌶 PS: More details about ILAB 4.0 coming soon 🤸🏾♂️
Wanna join my wait list? Send me a DM with "WAITLIST" and I'll tell you what to do next ☺️
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#femalebusinesscoach #businesstips101
#instagramsales #salesstrategy
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#smallbusinesstips #socialmediacoach
#instagraminfluencer #businesstips
Let's play a fun game 😃, screenshot the above video 3 times and share what tasks you got in the comments 👇🏾
Mine were:
👉🏾 Share a Throwback photo
👉🏾 Share a freebie
👉🏾 Share a customer review
What's yours?
Dear business owner, I have a question for you..
What is your reason for using Instagram?
Is it to keep up with your competition? Because you were told you should? Because you think having followers will help your business?
Here's the thing - if we don't know why we're doing something, we'll never get the results we desire.
So, if you're working on growing your IG because you think you should - that's not good enough!
I want you to focus more on your unique why.
If you want more followers can you explicitly answer why you want that?
If you're not sure, here's some "whys" to consider:
I want to build my Instagram following so I can:
💡 Show off my expertise and knowledge in my niche
creatively express myself and receive recognition for my work
💡 Build a community of people who share similar goals / lifestyles / interests
💡 Have an audience to promote my products and services to
💡 Increase traffic to my website / blog
💡 Get people to subscribe to my email list / blog
Here's my why:
I want to use my Instagram account to provide actionable tips that help people better understand Instagram and teach them how to transform their online stores into a beautiful magnetic sales machine!
Instagram helped me turn an idea into a real business and now I'm living my dream life - running my own business, making money online and living life by my own terms.
When I first started my "why" was to simply help myself, but now..
that "why" is all about you!
So dear business owner, what is your WHY? And how does it help your target audience reach their own goals?
Creating content that the algorithm loves and rewards you for isn’t hard, you just don't know the secrets and now it's available, are you going to let it slip through your fingers again?
I gave over 20 types of content a business should post that the algorithm actually loves, plus examples and captions for each 🔥.
Find out these and more when you rush to my bio and pre-order my ebook "The Instagram Content Bible".
The 62 page ebook will take your content game from 0-100 real quick. There are 4 irresistible bonuses that come with it as well 🤤🤤. You can pay in Naira, Cedis or Dollars too 💃🏽🔥 so location is no longer a barrier 🌍
For all the juicy details and to pre-order
#naijasmallbusiness #nigerianbrands
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#mompreneur #lagospersonalshopper #abujamoms
#lagosmom #shoesinlagos #boutiquesinlagos
#naijabrandchicks #hustlersquarehub #triciabiz
#dang #obisaura #naijafoodies #duduke
#instagrambusiness #instagramforbusiness
#contentmarketingtips #contentstrategy
#contentwriting #contentwriter
#instagrammarketingtips #contentmarketingstrategy
I guarantee you, your content game will never remain the same after reading and implementing the principles in this book as well as using the secrets in the 4 hot bonuses 🔥
The Instagram Content Bible is for business owners or content creators who struggle with creating content that the algorithm loves 💞. It is a comprehensive 62 page guide that contains the following:
🔸 Indept explanation of how the algorithm works
🔸 Over 20 types of content to post (plus examples and captions) to make it work in your favor
🔸 Types of ads your business should be running to get better ROI plus reasons why your ads don’t convert
🔸 Step by step guide on how to write captions that convert 100%
🔸BONUS: 500+ well researched hashtags to help you get visibility
🔥BONUS 1: Access to a free class with 8 indept videos on how to revamp your page yourself from boring 😴 to attractive 😍 (real price ₦5,000)
🔥BONUS 2: 67 hot content ideas that you can reuse over and over again, and that builds your KLT factor and boosts engagement 💞 (real price ₦6,500)
🔥BONUS 3: A comprehensive self audit document that shows you how to correctly perform an effective business and page audit to keep you on track to reaching your sales goals (real price ₦5,500)
🔥BONUS 4: A comprehensive engagement strategy GURANTEED to bring more eyes to your page FOR FREE (real price ₦4,500)
Get this book plus all these mouth watering bonuses on pre-order for ₦2,600 only! Price goes up to ₦6,500 after launch on the 31st of August 2020 ❤️
This is an offer you can't say no to ☺️
A 10 minute masterclass on effectively branding your Instagram profile for success 🌟🌟
Follow 👉🏾 @thecontent_academy 👈🏾 for more amazing tips like these
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