One reason I'm happy to be alive during the era of social media is that it made it easy for me to understand human nature much better. Who would have known that the poor could be so wicked, so senseless, and so harmful to themselves?
I grew up a Marxist, believing that the cruel, rich exploit the hapless poor, and that every road to justice was to empower the poor. Little did I know that the empowered poor could be more dangerous than those I had thought exploited them.
Everything I had thought to be the case changed when the poor got empowered, and I witnessed the ease with which the poor abused the power he got.
Social media is power. It gave you the power to express yourself, the power to shape the opinion of others, the power to hurt others, and even the power to destroy others. How have you used such powers? Truly, you need to ask yourself: How have I used the power given to me by social media?
In case you have forgotten, I shall remind you how you've used the power:
1. You've used it to spread lies about others, with the intention to harm them.
2. You've used it to spread hate and set people against people.
3. You've used it to try to hurt children because you dislike their parents,
4. I don't even want to mention those who have used it to scam, to blackmail, to extort, etc
5. You've used it to block learning and spread superstition and ignorance.
I've watched specifically how the poor followed VDM, for instance, to the point of threatening a victim of VDM’s extreme behavior. Indeed, on a number of occasion, VDM had to try to protect himself by publicly rebuking his followers. That was necessary because it was clear that VDM eggs them on.
Everyone must ask himself, "Whatt have I done with the power I have got?". If all you've done is to hate and harm others, you have to accept that you're not in any position to complain for anything done to you by those in political power because you would have done worse in their shoes. Indeed, it may be God that kept you poor because He knew how more dangerous you would have been if you had more power.
By the way, we must remember the wise saying: If you want to know the true character of a person, give him power and watch him. Your ability to log onto social media and speak to the world is great power given to you. The world is getting to know your character better by the way you exercise that power.
My advice to you is the same advice I gave my biological children. Be very careful what you do or what you say on social media because it doesn't end there. Indeed, the consequences of your utterances begin only after you're done. Learn to think before you do or say anything.
Culled from the Due Process Advocate
Video of myself and colleagues at the just concluded Ogun State Local Government Election