Fresh Voice News

Fresh Voice News Fresh Voice News is an internet news platform operated by some students of Bingham University, Mass


Some Mass Communication students interview Dr. Mercy Tartsea Anshase on Research.



The four walls of a school can be compared to a jungle because in every school there a the top tier students the middle class students and those at the bottom just as we have a similar hierarchy in the jungle.
We’re saying this not to scare our fellow students but to let them know how to handle the trials of acquiring an academic degree in a university.
The way we’ve been taught for six years in secondary school is quite different from the way we’re being taught here in the university in the secondary school our teachers had the opportunity to pay personal attention to each of our academic needs but in the university education is faster and that means whether we as students like it or not we have to learn how assimilate fast. To be honest unlike in secondary school in the university nobody has anytime to personally coach you so as a student you will have to do your best to catch up or fail not to say our lecturers don’t do their best but there’s only so much they can do like the saying goes “you can take the horse to the river but you cannot force it to drink water”.
The best way to get yourself to catch up as a student is to understand your learning ability,you will have to understand how fast and how well you learn in order to create a learning and reading plan for yourself we called this a “learning pattern “. All fingers are not and can not be equal so you will have to learn what works for you rather than following the pattern of those around you.
For example some learn faster in the classroom when their lecturer explains to them while others will have to go back to read that topic again in order to understand it. You’ll not only have to understand your learning pattern but even your everyday life style for example some can be involved in so many social activities and still have time for their books while others can’t,while some can read at night while others can’t.
So the best way for you to adapt and not be left behind in the university especially now in Bingham university as exams are fast approaching is to understand your learning pattern and life style pattern and adapt yourself to the pattern that best benefits you.


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Every year students of Bingham university are given the opportunity to run for student representative council (src) and the same students are given the opportunity to elect those that will represent them for that session.

With politics and political ambitions comes tension and high emotional build up
Some will win and others will lose but the question here remains what is the political culture in Bingham university? Are our students vibrant when it comes to issues concerning school politics or do they practice political apathy?.

Yesterday the 24th of February 2021 the students came out in their numbers to cast their votes and although the voting started behind schedule our students persisted and stayed out as long as it took to cast their votes.
Well the votes have been counted and the results are in. We now have our student representative council for the 2020/2021 academic session and we would like to congratulate them and wish them success as they begin to work and tackle the tasks ahead of them.

We would also like to congratulate those who ran and lost because by running alone has made them winners and their efforts are deeply appreciated.

This goes to say they shouldn’t follow the footsteps of the Nigerian political scene and make promises to the people that they eventually can not fulfill.

Our new representatives should enter the office bearing in mind what they read to us in their manifesto and they should try to solve the issues that we the students have because at the end of the day it’s not just about getting into office but what you do for the people while in office.


THE PLAYERS WHO LOST A MATCH BUT RECIEVED MEDALSThe Bingham Football League (BFL) has finally come to an end. It was a t...


The Bingham Football League (BFL) has finally come to an end. It was a thrilling football season filled with brilliant league football, fun, excitement and unexpected happenings.
Barclays FC or "Yellow Lions" as they're fondly called emerged as the champions, this was highly expected of them as they had the best squad a team could have in the BFL with P*e Dee Manning the goal & Wonderson at strike, victory was always certain.
After winning the final league match, players were expected to be awarded medals by the BFL organizing committee but that wasn't the case, apparently the cup, the medals weren't available. This was a huge shocker because the organizing committee should have been aware of putting things in place.
Anyways another match was fixed to officially award the players their medals but unfortunately Barclays FC lost the match, even though they were still given the cup and their medals.
The truth of the matter is that they played the match without effort as far as they knew they were already winners.
It was a really awkward moment seeing the team that lost the match recieve medals.


SAVINGS INITIATIVE FOR BINGHAM STUDENTS.These days youth feel to young to save their money or invest but on the contrary...


These days youth feel to young to save their money or invest but on the contrary money that is invested or money that gets put away in savings can turn into wealth and serve a financial back up plan for future emergencies .
According to financial expert Robert Kiyosaki “it’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” –
This financial expert is emphasizing the fact we should learn how to keep our money and make it work for us and the best way to make your money work for you is by investing and saving because that is money that you will not touch but keep to make work for you in the long run and serve as either an emergency fund or financial safety net.
Another financial expert Arese Ugwu in her book “Smart money woman”talks about dividing your income she says “ money budget is a way of allocating your resources.
First, divide your income into three parts:
• Long-term financial goals
• Short-term financial goals
• Living expenses
Long-term financial goals (LFG): At a minimum of twenty percent of your income, it represents a proportion set aside towards improving your net worth, i.e. buying assets that will provide you with an income. Good examples are towards purchases like land, property or a stock portfolio.
Short-term financial goals (SFG): The proportion of your income set aside for treats — a Chanel bag, an iPhone, or a luxury holiday; whatever tickles your fancy.
Living expenses: Your monthly contribution to your rent, health insurance, cable/satellite television, petrol, service charge etc.
These long term financial goals with help you in the long run and help your money grow and work for you that is why it’s we should start saving at a young age so this money can grow with us.
There are so many ways to save and invest money and that is why we are so proud of a Bingham university 300 level student named perpetua Anejo that used her innovation to create a way to help her classmates save called Pep’s savings initiative and she gave us a breakdown of what it is about:
• This savings initiative is to empower students of BHU to have something saved at the end of the year
• This savings initiative is available to only BHU students
• Save 2,000 every month and cashout 24,000 at the end of the year
• All you have to do is pay 2,000 & a due of 200 from January to October, then in November you'd pay for both that month and December which is 4,000 with a due of 400.
• If you're interested, click on this link and join the group chat to officially register as a member
• After registration you'd be provided with e account number
• After you make your monthly payments you're to provide proof (screenshot/bank statement) to PEPS SAVINGS
• You can be assured of the safety of your money and also once you pay you won't be able to retrieve your cash till the designated date at the end of the year.

• PEPS SAVINGS is a reliable brand that you can trust, so join us let's do business, let's grow together.intrested persons should reach her through this numberFollow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

This is such a smart way to get students to again financial intelligence and we encourage more students to not only participate but bring up ideas like this that will encourage students to start the smart money journeys from now.




The life of a student is one of the most beautiful life one could ever experience throughout his or her life. At that stage you either mould your life in a positive or nigative way, while some are lucky to build their life in a very wonderful way at these stage of their life some are not really lucky to do so.
Is at that stage of life that so many people are involved in some elicit act or behavior, some are in involve in drugs while some get them self involve in some kind of relationship which is not good. But I tell you most of these mistake are cursed by some factors. As a child in a Nigeria home we are most times locked up inside our house not given the freedom to express ourselves in the presence of our parent so when we make mistake we can be corrected.
So when we leave home to school we have some kind of freedom to express ourselves and at that point nobody is watching that when most make the biggest mistake of their lives. While some are still trying to find their self esteem or still trying to be bold they involve them self in some bad gang sh**t that eventually take their life or leave them miserable for life. I believe some of us have heard about the cult clash at University of Lagos on Valentine's day between the Black Axe and Buccaneers that clam the life of two student who are the members of the Black Axe group and we all know that those Black w members must seek revenge which sometimes might take months or even years.
The other characters of student killer is the wannabes, when a person look around them or their friends and see how lovely they live their lives they try all possible means to be like them which leads them to either living a fake life or having sugar daddies and mummies that will give them that life they want which most likely leads to their Doom. Thereby some meet ritualist unknownly to them and they get killed and most connect some deadly disease thereby fighting for their lives.


CHRISTMAS AMONGST UNIVERSITY STUDENTS/YOUTHS.Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christia...


Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life.
Christmas is celebrated on 25 December. It is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who, according to the Christian religion, is the son of God. The name is a joining of “Christ” and “mass” which means the holy mass (supper, celebration or festival) of Christ.

For most people christmas will be different this year.Many youths have celebrated christmas wrongly.
Avoid drinking to stupor; the whole drinking idea may sound lovely,it is beter safe than sorry ,drink moderately if you must.
Tell family members where you are going to and when you will return ,theres a saying “i the come no be name of place”.
Eat moderately ,too much of food can cause you to poison your self ,eat moderately so you won’t end up in the hospital.
When in the midst of people be it family and friends ,do not leave your drinks, food open and walk far from it,be vigilant stay safe health is very important .
Know your environment before wondering,especially to those who travel.
Be prayerful,so many unforseen things happen during celebrations like this,learn to pray.
Always be found at the right places,so you wont be involved in troubles.
Enjoy this season with wisdom.


SURVIVING YOUR FIRST YEAR IN THE UNIVERSITY From graduating from secondary school, there is these particular joy that co...


From graduating from secondary school, there is these particular joy that comes to your mind that you’re no longer a secondary school student, no more of wearing of uniform nor sandals nor socks not knowing that there is a great challenges awaiting you at the university level. Starting a university is another new face or new chapter of your life, a university (is a univerary dimensional where you come across many people with different background, manners, behaviour) because immediately you live your parents’ house to the university is a new chapter, a new journey, a new bound begins. This is a new journey where you meet new people, new environment, new things that you never expected, this is a journey’s that is main twisted and turns are centred around self-discovering and self-reliance because you have to discover who you are and why are you at the university and also you main mission as a student and also discipline yourself which in turn sharpen your general outlook on the dynamics of life.

A good number of students are not prepared to face possible challenges thinking that university life is more easier, it has more to offer, making them to be overwhelmed, anxious. The aftermath of such a situation are students taking valuable extra time to try and adjust to this new life? However, as much as all facts are reality that students have to face, one can have the upper hand if adequate preparation is made before coming. For you to embrace this new aspects of life that you will find in university. It is important for you to know the most common problems like the ones that have been elaborated on below.

1 Adjusting to New Life
Regardless of whether you’re a new students in the university environment or if you are headed back to campus after a break or vacation first of all you have to monitor the environment and the people in it, you will require to adjust some period in the university life, the first year is often extra hard due to the change in your routine among many other things. You’re expected to get a shock in the general university culture due to how many different things are in comparison to life at home. Give yourself an allowance of adjustment time and also have some bamboozling experience such as tough exams, how to go wearing cloths to satisfy the university principles, how to spend your money on food, photocopies and printout materials etc. just make sure you ensure that you remain confident that eventually adjust and fall in love with the environment and the university life.

2 home sickness
For the first time for most student to be away from homes, getting homesickness that you have to deal with. However with the modern forms of communication , a lot of student feels homesick can still keep in touch with their love ones via calls, whatSapp etc. you can also look for what you like doing most to take away the thought of home and make you concerned more on your books.

3. Selecting Friends
Study the people, study their behaviour because it is quite hard to make new friends, especially in a new environments. However you make sure you avoid making a mistakes of thinking that is mandatory to link up with people of different standards and interest so you can acquire new friends. Being yourself and minding your own business is the main key to search for friends without wearing a mask that doesn’t belong to you. Always practise to be patience and involve yourself in activities you love.

4. Time Management
Manage your time from living alone to trying to balance between doing your chores to studying your books among other activities, university life can be one of the phases in your life that you can wish for a day within 24 hours. You have to learn to work with deadlines and also setting your activities schedules. Setting a timetable for yourself will also make you manage your time to be more functional and make you more efficient use of your time.
Time spent the university comes once a life time with many fond memories and happy experiences but the truth is to be told, there are many rough patches such as health/sickness condition, choosing your preferred majors, housing or hostel problems, how to spend your resources well etc. that’s in the case you are headed with to the college, this article has talked about some of the challenges that you’re likely to face in a bid to make you better prepared to handle them.


A SAFE HOLIDAY IS A HAPPY HOLIDAYIt is that jolly time of the year again and as students of Bingham university head home...


It is that jolly time of the year again and as students of Bingham university head home for the festivities we feel it’s our responsibility to give some tips on how to stay safe while trying to enjoy the season
1. Go out with your nose mask: as we all know the novel corona virus hasn’t been fought off completely so it is for our own good that we remember not to only take them out at all times but also ensure we wear them appropriately
2. Sanitize: wash your hands and keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times
3. Social distancing: especially in public spaces we should always keep a 2 meter distance from people
4. Watch your back: please do not go out alone at night share and your location to your close friends and family at all times for them to know where you are
5. Studying: it’s always good to keep your brain sharp by reading books remember that we are still to write an exam when resume
6. Eat healthy: sometimes the frenzy of the season my make one eat more than you usually please try to eat fruits and vegetables while you can

I hope with these tips we can all have a safe and happy holiday.




It is yet another first semester, and the student and staff of Bingham University are participating in the annual football league.

The league this year is as interesting and promising as we always knew it to be, due to the COVID 19 pandemic the league was unable to hold last semester and we all truly missed it. The action, the skills, the breath taking performances of student and staff talent.

If a football scout was to visit Bingham University, he or she would leave with nothing less than 22 players because each team presents itself with great footballers that play and entertain spectators with professionalism.

So far the staff are the closest to winning the league, due to their winning streak far and form so far.

The teams involved in the league are;




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