Agyen Africa

Agyen Africa An Agyen Africa page. we bring you the freshest greasiest info ranging from Politics, Entertainment, technology Fashion & lifestyle,


Pray IMMEDIATELY you wake in the morning, because when you wake, you are in a state of mind called Theta. It is a semi spiritual state of existence. During Theta, your prayers are most powerful. But once you reach for your phone, or talk to anyone, or do any human activity, you IMMEDIATELY snap out of Theta. And a lot of the anxiety many people feel during the day is as a result of snapping out of the Theta state to the fully physically conscious state, without a proper prayerful transition. If you notice, you have a vague idea of what you dreamt of during the night when you wake. But once you do any human activity, such as reach for a phone, or speak to someone, even that vague remembrance is IMMEDIATELY gone. That is you leaving the Theta state, to the consciously human state

Listen up doesn't matter wether you are the Most beautiful, most fragile, or most confident... As long as your nam...

Listen up doesn't matter wether you are the Most beautiful, most fragile, or most confident... As long as your name is chicken ...your destiny ends on a platter!! Even in good times are only cared for to end that you end up hiah.(check the photo attached)

This is it... You need to understand what you represent per time in this life. It doesn't matter who you are...if your mind represents fear... You can be given all the weapons in the world yet you will be defeated by a dangerous opposition using inferior arms.

In every situation there is something that can switch you up... This is why the bible says meditate on the word day and night.

When you are confident enough that you and God instantly make a majority in every given situation... you will watch how life can so bend to your taste!

Stay with God!

There's only one reward the marketplace has to offer:Money.If you're not making any, bail out. Quickly

There's only one reward the marketplace has to offer:Money.
If you're not making any, bail out. Quickly

We become what we want to be,by Consistently being what we want to become each day.Richard G Scott

We become what we want to be,
by Consistently being what we want to become each day.

Richard G Scott

Think about it this way...If you are too predictable in any area of your might be paving the way to your EXTI...

Think about it this way...

If you are too predictable in any area of your might be paving the way to your EXTINCTION!

-TD Jakes

What you think and What you see are not as powerful as what you say!Declare what you want to see.God had the thought of ...

What you think and What you see are not as powerful as what you say!

Declare what you want to see.

God had the thought of man ...but untill He said it was just a Thought!

Poverty is a state of mind!Someone said I just want to live a normal life..I don't want any problem! Dear Mr NormalThe e...

Poverty is a state of mind!

Someone said I just want to live a normal life..I don't want any problem!

Dear Mr Normal

The extreme sport you do chasing rats and roches around the house is not a problem abi?
When you are old nkor

Oh how I hate hearing "let's just manage"
You will manage till you are damaged!

So let's have two students...both sent to the university with stoves(it's crazy I know)

Both told to just manage, with pocket money around say .. 3k each

They are in school now.. both meet friends who use gas cylinders with standard room set up...
🤷One goes back ...saying ...this life na to manage...
🙅The other is challenged to live above his current standard.

This is what happens... The first guy🤷 sits around managing his 3k.. cooking without maggi sometimes no curry (curry fire 😂)

The other one🙅 begins to ask his guys.."how much you buy this gas?
They say second new o 4k/5k (3kg)

Guy becomes restless.. he needs a gas cylinder.. the stove begins to annoy him!
He is now pushed to look for a means to get money so he can afford a gas cylinder!

He asks around ... Finally gets a site Job..
Over the weekend he makes 2k..
He saves it .. next weekend he goes again makes 1500 and begins to ask around who get gas for sale? ... He finally gets one but it's 5k ... He books it and in 3weeks of working, he can now afford a gas cylinder. 🧏.
Now he's mind expands ...he now understands it is possible to obtain what you want!

Look at the difference;
Mr a🤷 will spend much time washing plates and scrubbing pots!

While mr b🙅 spends less time ... No black stains to deal with .. no stress!!.

Time is very much saved.

Rich people have a mindset of living better lives ...easy.

While poor people believe live is hard .. kai "we just have to manage!

The truth is ..either way .. work is involved.
But the limitation comes from what your mindset believes in!
So when people say expand your mind!
It means ... expose your self to higher truths!

Don't be limited by the background you came from!

Go... Travel meet people..
Read books..
Eat new kinds of food..
Stretch your mind ..
Read the Bible...

God never worked closely with poor people ... If He met you poor ... Hes first assignment is to lift you up!

You have phones .. browse dining ethics.. learn to use the fork and knife .. don't say .. omoh na spoon o .. do wetin you know! No can upgrade!

Learn how to drive now!
Learn how to arrange your room excellently!
Take your time and cook well!

Greatness is not for the faint hearted!

When you see a possibility and weigh the cost .. trust God and start pushing!

Taking risks is not just about going for a job, its also about factoring out your options.Its about being open to people...

Taking risks is not just about going for a job, its also about factoring out your options.

Its about being open to people as well as ideas

We all have failed at some point but you have to understand that failure and success work hand-in-hand.
Success usually comes as a result of past failures and trials..just like thomas edison who tried his experiments 99times without giving up and then the 100 time was what gave the light bulb today.

Failure is not a measure of our future or destiny and most times these failures don't define us because we fall and stand up to our feet again.

As business men or upcoming business owners, you need to understand that failure is not a sign of weakness and by embracing failure you're not giving up or giving in, you're not setting lower standards in your business rather you're learning some of your best're been're been encouraged to take more risks.

Always remember that sometimes we need to go back to the base of the mountain to start climbing again.

See ya at the top.

Today I want you to fall in Love with-PROCESS.Being great comes from embracing process and the day-to-day growth you exp...

Today I want you to fall in Love with-PROCESS.

Being great comes from embracing process and the day-to-day growth you experience. Some days are good..other days are bad.

Some days seem like you're months or years or even decades away from your breakthrough, almost at the verge of giving up.

The process can be really exhausting..but its also fun when you learn to channel your energy properly.

My dear
You are struggling to eat three meals a day and sometimes you end up taking something as little as garri for dinner, drink your garri with joy. You will feed nations.
You admire the designers, you just wish you could afford the suit Ebuka is wearing, embrace the will reach there.

Maybe you're a hustler and painting is what you do..I know you've had sleepless nights wishing you could one day live in a house like that..embrace process, dreams don't happen overnight.

All we need is to face these challenges, find God and find other like-minded passionate people to connect with and develop the grit to eventually prosper to levels we seek.

Along the way, we might lose our focus or vision or even our creativity but should I tell you something..these processes are what make the pursuits even more enjoyable.
You will have stories to tell.

The goals we have count and mostly the cause us to go through process and for me aside goals, its really the process that's important .

It makes us wiser and stronger.

I just want to be rich and happy! Its everyone's wish... We day dream about it... We have pictures on our our...

I just want to be rich and happy!

Its everyone's wish... We day dream about it...
We have pictures on our our phone's...

But in the end, 97% of these wishful thinkers end up average and even worse...... Broke!

Today on Agyen we will share a top secret on how to achieve this end. The assurance of the happy every after.

🔴 the state of being rich is a 100% deliberate procedure...
YOU can speak English today because you repeatedly learnt it by hearing and reading it...
How about cooking... These things are taught...

Yes you need money but make no mistakes darling... The rich life is a culture that can be mastered....
⚪how you talk...
⚪how you dress...
⚪how you organize and arrange your things( your room, clothes, files,)
⚪how you clean up your surrounding.

HOW do you relate with peoples and things around you?

Its easy to be captivated by how the jets and and the Bentleys are arranged on the photos...or how that perfect home was organized...

Truth is if you cannot organize yourself and immediate surrounding... You will be a horrible mix with all that luxury... (Like a fresh dung on golden slate) doesn't make it a golden dung...

Until you can wash those old clothes, iron them properly... Comb your hair... Dress your bed... Just keep everything clean and sparkling.... That's the first thing to master.

We'll talk on the second part tomorrow. (Money)

🔵 What business are you into...
⚫how many sales must you make to get you a rolls Royce? To get that dream house?

Develop a clean lifestyle today...
Have a lovely week ahead guys.
And see ya tomorrow....⬜◽◻▫

You are going nowhere without prayer!! Life will be hell if you do not pray for yourself!! Don't depend on anyone for yo...

You are going nowhere without prayer!!
Life will be hell if you do not pray for yourself!!
Don't depend on anyone for your spiritual growth more than your personal alter with God!


Change for things to change!

Love your Job... Love your self... Love your clients... Let love be your anchor This week...  # monday drive!

Love your Job...
Love your self...
Love your clients...

Let love be your anchor This week...
# monday drive!


Most of the great men in the bible didn't have casual friends... The friends we're *the Team!*

Job had casual Friends...
David had a team... He cries, they cry too!

How leathal is your team?
Have you tested the limits of your power!

David could afford to sleep at home while he's Team were at war!
Do you have this kind of men?

A Team is not met
It is Created!

Jesus Created his team.
The world felt their impact while he was long Gone!

He met them weak
Same thing with David in the cave!

How about moses?
Look at the network moses wired on the mountain!
Exodus 24!

Build men!
And allow men work on you too!
Iron sharpeneth....?

Build men!

Save souls and build them!
Na them!

Meanwhile God has been trying to reach you o...
He wants you to be part of he's team!

Is it not an honor to join the Lords army?

You're there moving to the left and moving to the right.. As if you know what you're doing!

Are you saved?
How will you save others when you are not safe?

How will you make warriors..
When you're weak and almost useless yourself?

May God show us mercy and help us!


Have a great weak guys!

The only barrier is your mind.Feed your mind with success stories..Feed your mind with laws that allow difficult possibl...

The only barrier is your mind.

Feed your mind with success stories..
Feed your mind with laws that allow difficult possiblities!

Read Books, watch inspiring videos(not Boko Haram or anything that brings fear and terror) stay away from bad news today.

Chat with great minds, positive thinkers.

Allow your mind to open your eyes you can see the possibilities around you!

The Earth is the Lords,  That includes Nigeria!!!

The Earth is the Lords, That includes Nigeria!!!

Keep Learning!Keep growing!Stay hungry!  Drive.  Africa

Keep Learning!
Keep growing!

Stay hungry!

As it is,Nigerians hate Nigeria...and..Some Nigerians hate other Nigerians...ButGod loves all Nigerians! And He will int...

As it is,
Nigerians hate Nigeria...and..
Some Nigerians hate other Nigerians...


God loves all Nigerians!
And He will introduce and coronate another breed of Nigerians who will break out in the heat of chaos in Nigeria!

They will break the pillers of evil and establish a new structure of Government!

Watch out ...the day of darkness is upon us and it will get darker ...but the God is saying "It is Time"

The Day of the Lord is here! As it was in the beginning...the very fabric of darkness will be used to create light.

This light will break out from here(Nigeria) in Africa..then into the world.

Many will drift,
Many will fall,
But you who the finger of God has touched Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Don't forget this... Your life can change so much in 90days!! It takes 21days to build a habit. And 90days to build a li...

Don't forget this... Your life can change so much in 90days!!

It takes 21days to build a habit.
And 90days to build a lifestyle!


“Time na money,  Time na money” It’s true but in between,  there’s one thing that is missing! “Value” Na time weh get va...

“Time na money, Time na money”
It’s true but in between, there’s one thing that is missing!

Na time weh get value… get money!
You can be in your shop, or what ever business center you poses…
People at home will say “He/she went to work, hence, He/she is using Time very well..
Not entirely right…
What was 20naira doing while 20dollars was up and down left and right working day and night?
Time happened to both of them!!

Heres the breakdown..

What do you do when you don’t have clients?
Listen to music?
Play game on your phone?
Find a neighbor and gist?
Or chat your way out of boredom on Facebook?
While you do all that…
Others are brainstorming, (how do we do this, how do we do that?)
Others are listening to teachings that develop them of there phones!
Others are reading live changing books?
Others are rehearsing to be best version of themselves in communication!
Others are on call with mentors!
Others are jotting down and working on ideas.

With these two realities, add ten years to both…
Who is more likely to break out?.

One day e go better!

That day will never come if you don’t plan and create it!
Get angry today… work on your selves daily, per second!
Make your time valuable!

Have a lovely week guys!



: How do you solve a problem you don’t know you have?

__You can't!

One of the biggest challenges facing young entrepreneurs is that often they've had no prior experience working inside a successful company. They thus never got to learn and understand fully the that drive such companies to success. Unless they fully appreciate this handicap and seek ways to mitigate the knowledge deficit, they find it difficult to fully the business.

In the United States and Israel [for instance], they have long realized that young entrepreneurs may have brilliant but they may lack the skills of [the toughest skill to acquire]. Venture Capitalists who fund startups create support structures including, training, mentors, and even provide skilled managers to help [MAKE THE BUSINESS BIGGER].

This was the problem that initially led to the sacking of Steve Jobs. Listen to the Podcasts on companies like Google, Facebook, eBay, Starbucks. You will see how entrepreneurs teamed up with skilled executives to help them scale their businesses.

If you are now running a business, and you fall into the category of those who started without prior institutional knowledge, this one is for you:

__Pay real attention to it, because this may be the rea*on you are actually not able to grow very big, even though there is lots of demand for what you sell.

You must find the people to help you, but you must also humble yourself to study , because it is not just a collection of clever, educated people. When you understand the science of organizational design and management for growth and profitability, only then are you on your way to building a multi-billion dollar organisation.

You need help... but how do you get organized?

As I pointed out in a comment last week, I discovered after two years of near chaos how to get : You get the right , even if it means giving them shares, and profit share, to get them on board.

These people must have experience in building , particularly financial management. I understood the power of because I had worked before. But I did not understand it fully as a because I did not build the organizations I had worked for!

One of the things that helped me was inviting retired executives to either come and talk to me, or even to spend some time with us.

You will not find people who are still working willing to do this, and it’s not rea*onable to ask them.

Remember I told you about a German program for retired executives I learned about when I was reading, now years and years ago? [READING is something you must do without ceasing.] Well, I wrote to them, and they sent and paid for a guy who spent six months with me in Zimbabwe.

He shared my office and shadowed me everywhere. He also ran coaching sessions. I would say in those six months, he added 10 years to our development. By the time he left, we had and we had added German efficiency to our approach. Things like time management and planning were drilled into us like soldiers.

I was able to fix this problem because I recognized it, and had the humility to seek the help I needed. I was keen as a puppy to learn stuff, rather than pretend I knew everything. Today the mentorship system for young entrepreneurs is global.

What I’m doing for you on this platform is just INTRODUCTIONS to what you should be thinking about. I have no time to take you further; that is your job!

Herr Koehler, my friend! Thank you.

"The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them an opportunity to create themselves". Steven Spielberg

Image credit:



It's another week to make war with your mind!  It is not enough to be good! Don't be happy when men talk about you and s...

It's another week to make war with your mind!

It is not enough to be good!
Don't be happy when men talk about you and say "ahh atleast She's BETTER than the other girl let's just go for her"

Don't blush when people say, "kai you have tried"...

Make war with your mind to improve into becoming the best!!!
Build your mind set... Learn the acts of great men... Master the system of true and powerful influence!!!

Until you become the only option in delivering the best of the best... Until you begin to negotiate with the 1% of the 1%... You are not there..

Remove that "I no fit kee myself " mindset
There is a reality behind through hard work with a big picture in mind...

Until traveling to Dubai is a small thing...
Until a 20million naira car doesn't shake you...
Keep upgrading your mind..

Find men that represent the nature you want to imbibe...


You want to improve your English...
Simply spend time with people who speak excellently... Watch videos, movies where people speak excellently... Repeat the words after them... Speak through your nose if you have too! Build until you become a perfect representation of what you needed to become!

Same in every filed.. Make up artist? Learn from the best.. Save and pay to learn from the best.

Civil servant... Relate with the best minds at work... Become friends with the best... Pay tributes (They are the Kings there) on their birthdays buy gifts for them...

Become the friend of the best! And watch success chase you!

Yes you might be rejected!
Yes they will laugh at you!
Never give up!

Your future and that of your kids is at stake here!
Strive for greatness!!!
Have a great week!!!


Controversial Post! Learn to save!!!!!  You should know what money to give out... Or you will drown. If you had been sav...

Controversial Post!

Learn to save!!!!!
You should know what money to give out... Or you will drown.

If you had been saving 2k or 20k or 200k for a project and someone came to you for brother... You don't have money...

Its for your project...

Jesus could have gotten money from the purse, but decided to get it from the fish's mouth instead..

Build a thick wall around your savings!
Being kind and considerate is what has gotten alot of people bankrupt and in trouble.

Be kind to also say no!... Be kind to yourself!!!

Today we have people who love people outside more than them selves and their family.

Do you know some people even borrow money to help people?

Stop it!!!

The blind cannot lead the blind..

Understand when you are in the sea*on of sowing... Investing and when you are in your sea*on of harvest! (Even in the harvest na surplus you go fit give out).

Learn to plan your finance...
Money is grown!

Enjoy the rest of your week guys!


We repeat.. There's no Glory in poverty!!!!!

We repeat..
There's no Glory in poverty!!!!!

There is no Glory in poverty!!!  The council of a poor man is despised even by his own brother!!! Have an explosive week...

There is no Glory in poverty!!!

The council of a poor man is despised even by his own brother!!!

Have an explosive week!!!


The world only responds to the light that you bring. This is 2021You will walk that dark path alone... Until you find yo...

The world only responds to the light that you bring.

This is 2021

You will walk that dark path alone... Until you find your own light... JESUS... Except you bow to Babylon and bend your values... that business ain't going no where without Christ.

You must take that business to Christ...
Christ is a place!!
Carry that business there... How?
Until you get there.

Today to all business owners reading this..
May the will of God be done in your business as it is in Heaven!

Generate your own light through prayer and watch the world run to you!

Have a great week!

Great men are products of God through great men.You will not survive alone!You need to go look for the greatest man in y...

Great men are products of God through great men.

You will not survive alone!
You need to go look for the greatest man in your field of endeavor...if you can't reach him easily get he's books, or get he's interviews or teachings ... something to fuel you up.

You need the print that makes him unique on you too!!
You need to look like him's all we've been trying to do ...we all are trying to be like God ....that's our design and when you see someone looking and has a Godlike is only wise to tag along.

Don't remain in that circle of yours...
You guys are always complaining, gossiping and watching to much movies .

You need men who are pulling out oil from rocks...
You need men who will connect you to God..
You need men who have consistency in them...
You need men of great intelligence...
You need men of great skill... !!!

Have a blessed week guys!!


The message is clear guys... Be deliberate... Careful who you hang with!! Have a great week!

The message is clear guys...
Be deliberate... Careful who you hang with!!

Have a great week!







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