Please go through God's message to me for this month.
There is a Word From the Lord for this Month. 🍓🍇
.. for they have rejected the word of the Lord ...
Jeremiah 8:9 (TLB)📖🍓
There is a word for every season as far as the Lord is concerned.
The beginning of a day, a month and a year opens another chapter of a newness in the programme of God. The beginning of a new month means that we are to walk with God to begin a fresh thing, begin a fresh idea, begin another page of plan, begin to experience freshness in health, begin afresh and so on.
May I submit to you that at every beginning, there is always a divine voice dishing out the word to guide you. *In the beginning, God said,...* (Genesis 1:1). *And you shall hear a voice behind you saying,...* ( a point of taking decisions for the next thing).
It is necessary to seek for the voice of the Lord at the beginning of anything through his word because it is written that all scriptures are written by inspiration and it is profitable for instruction, for guidance, for correction,... I like you to know that the inspiration in the word of God is enough to inspire you all along the month unto profitability because it is profitable. It is written that you are to meditate on it day and night for in it you shall prosper and have great success. The meaning of meditation in this context is to prayerfully draw out ideas from the word of the Lord. Please note that there is a word for any aspect of your life in the month of December, seek diligently and prayerfully for it.
Recognising that one had taken and gone far in a wrong step is usually a bitter experience. You can avoid that as you begin this month by seeking and holding unto the word of God. Do not reject the Word of God as you begin and spend this month.
I decree, the agenda of the kingdom of darkness over you, your home, your finances, your health, job, spirituality, and others had come to an end yesterday and you are experiencing fresh help, fresh