No one will teach you how we live in life you are the one that will teach yourself
The secret of success that you don’t know listen and hear attentively
They are trying but person that need help are more than person that need help
They don’t force God to do it by must,they use to beg god to do it
Which day to a day that everybody is spoiling his/her good deeds
There are some people who are to be feared in which people don’t fear them while some people are not to be feared off and people are fearing them
The Three kind that you must not angry to, these are 1 your God 2 your parents 3 your friend shey you understand watch this video to understand
If they said you should use your good deeds that you have done to make a prayer to god to be acceptable do you have any good deeds
It is four types of people that God created in this life but but one of the 4 will be disgraced in life and in the hereafter
The first outhouse of nowadays we are the one one spoiling the country the place that we spoil it our children shall meet it there
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