Hajar(may Allah be pleased with her) strived, she strived for her son(Ismail) and herself. She did not just sit and say, Allah will do it, she strived! She ran around the hill multiple times in search of water before Allah later sent Angel Jibril to her. And today, we have the ZAMZAM
You see when help arrived from Allah Azzawajjal through Jibreel. Jibreel used his foot to strike the ground and water started gushing out, instead of Hajar to take the little she needed first, she strived again! She quickly used some mud/sand to stop the water from flowing away, and she kept saying ZAMZAM(STOP, STOP).
To all of us who are striving out there, may Allah Al-Fattah, Ar-Rahman crown our efforts with success, ease our affairs and send us help soon. Aameen.
Do not forget to fast tomorrow
©Abdur-Raheem Shakeerah