Full Stack Blockchain and Entrepreneur by day...Teacher, Mentor and Coach by night! I combine my two greatest passions and I apply them to bridge the gap between technology and business goals. Hi there 👋
My name is Awoyemi Victor, and I began my career as a Software Engineer in 2017 while working as a freelancer on the other side. My passion involve using innovations and techonologies to find crea
tive innovative solutions and simplified ideas. My programming skills include: C, C++/SDL2, Python, Flask, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, MySQL Databases, SQLAlchemy and FastAPI; developing various software applications ranging from Web app, Games & Blockchains. My deep passion in coding led me to learning HTML & CSS from scratch back in 2017 using various tools and resources available to me at that time. I specialize in Blockchain developments with main focus on Ethereum only. I can handle any sort of Blockchain related projects ranging from Smart Contracts, Crypto token creation, NFTs Minting Website and Marketplace, Dapps, ICO and many more. Within me is a deep voice ready to learn more and solve real life problems with my coding skills. My expectations for the future is high and I storngly believe the world is waiting to hear that deep roaring within me. Some of my past projects are available on my repositories. In case you find of my past works helpful and you feel like buying me a Cup of Coffee 😊, you can click on this link (Thank You): https://www.buymeacoffee.com/awoyemivictor
If you need help or consultation, feel free to book a consultation appointment with me here:
You can reach out to me on:
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/awoyemiavictor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/awoyemivictora
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victor-awoyemi-910786152/
Medium: https://awoyemivictora.medium.com/
Github: https://github.com/Awoyemivictor
Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01d55cdf3657f9b48b
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
Website: https://awoyemivictor.info/