Capsule of liberty -daily devotional

Capsule of liberty -daily devotional This is a page dedicated to the edification of believers so as to prepare for the rapture and make h




*Date :- 15-01-2024*

*Text :- Psalm 123 vs 1-4*

"_Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden look unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us_":- Psalm 123 vs 2

Every human is known to wait every moment of his or her life.
We wait on queue in restaurant to be seated, registers to be checked out, doctor’s office for consultation, traffic junctions for green light, the list is endless.
We wait practically for everything in life.
The time duration of every wait differs though some momentary, some longer, some within our sight, some beyond our sight.

In our bible reading today, we learn that as the eyes of a servant look to their masters,because everything he needs comes from him.
Likewise a maidens as well look on to their mistress for all they need.
Therefore our eyes must look unto
the lord until he will have mercy upon us.
Are you waiting for God? How long should you wait for him.

Job 14:14 says "*.......all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come*".
This implies you must wait until your change manifest.
Beloveth the time of waiting is never a wasted time.

1).Wait until your change comes.

*Prayer point*:-
1). Father let your mercy come to early in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*



*SAT, 19 SEPTEMBER 2023*



*Text :- Psalm 118 vs 21-24*.

" _The dead praise not the Lord,neither any that go down into silence_" Psalm 115 vs 17

The psalmist asked a very crucial question in Psalm 116 vs 12 " _What shall I render unto the lord for all his benefits towards me_?"

Pause and think about this question, if you give him money is it enough?

Let's say you decide to give him a thousand burnt offering like Solomon is it enough.

Or maybe like David you decide to praise him seven times in a day do you think it would be enough for God who doesn't sleep nor slumber because of you.

The choice is yours, but as for me and my household we will return all glory to him.
We will sing,and dance before him like David until the whole world hears my voice and join me to dance.

*Assignment* :-
1). Praise him for his numerous benefits.

*Prayer Point* :-
1). Father help me to always praise you with a heart of gratitude in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*.



*Date :- 23-03-2023*


*Text :- Rev 1 vs 9-17*

" _And when I SAW him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last_":- Rev 1 vs 17

When you see Jesus, you will be able to see yourself more clearly and deeply.
Jesus is the mirror through which you see yourself for who you really are.

I have often explained to those in our parish,that when you see Jesus you are likely to see how dirty and unclean you are.

Even though a lot of believers have calendars of Jesus with a beard and handsome face at home,but our bible passage reveals the contrary.

In Rev 1 vs 14-15, "his hairs was described as white as wool, and his eyes were like a flame of fire".
"His feet was like unto fine brass,as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters".
From Rev 1 vs 16, "out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword and his countenance was as the sun shining in his strength".

Although John used to sleep on his chest when he was in the flesh(John 13 vs 23), but in Rev 1 vs 17, when he saw him he fell at his feet like a dead man, because he saw his personality.

Likewise when Peter saw him(Luke 5 vs 8) and Paul as well (Act 9 vs 4) they all fell before him.
Have you seen Jesus? Do you know him? Do you want to see him? If you want to see him, please ensure your heart is pure(Mathew 5 vs 8) and you must follow peace with all men(Heb 12 vs 14).

*Work to do*:-
1). Make sure your heart is pure.

*Prayer point*:-
1). Father remove every veil that will not allow me to see Jesus in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*


*Topic : Say no to violence*.

*Text. : Gen 6 vs 11*.

*Date : 16-07-2022*

*Memorise* :
"_The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth_":- Psalm 11 vs 5

Violence is a global phenomenon resulting in the deaths of more than 1.6 million people each year, making it one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

Although we no violence is evil, but we enjoy watching it in movies, television shows and we live in a world where power is established through violence.

Our memory verse remind us that God hates violence in any form, whether it is marital, physical, emotional,or political.

*Prov 3 vs 31(NLT) : "Don’t envy violent people or copy their ways*".

*Exodus 23 vs 2: “You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice*".

Don't join multitude to do evil, reject violence,bribery and corruption today.

*Assignment* :
1). Repent of any act of violence.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father help me to follow peace with all men in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*


*Topic : Children without blemish*.

*Date : 13-07-2022*

*Text* :
" _Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace_,....". Dan 1 vs 4

Even though they were many children in Babylon, but those who will stand before the king must meet some certain criteria, after they would have been trained for three years.

If standing before an earthly king is this difficult, how long and hard will it be for an individual that desire to stand before the king of Kings.

The first criteria is something we should study clearly and study diligently. The word is "no blemish" .

A blemish is simply the presence of fault, reproach,error in an individual.

Oftentimes it could be overlooked by men,but the king of Kings might not overlook such.

The only blemish in the life of Moses was anger,and it hindered him from getting to the promised Land(Deut 34 vs 1-4). He saw the promised land, but he never got there.

_Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools_.

*Assignment* :
1). Refrain from anger today.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father please remove every blemish in my life today in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Don't be a fool*.

*Text : 2 Kings 5 vs 20-27*.

*Date : 12-07-2022*.

*Memorise* :
" _The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity_" :- Psalm 5 vs 5

One vital fact that is obvious from our memory verse is that, there is no foolish person that will make it to the kingdom of God.

Foolishness is often demonstrated in our conduct when we know the wise thing to do and we fail to do it.
The bible records that the thought of foolishness is sin(Prov 24 vs 9).
So cast down every foolish thought in your heart and be wise.

In our bible reading, a foolish thought came to the mind of Gehazi, and he obeyed that thought by running after Naman to collect the gift that his master had rejected. Whereas if he had behaved wisely ,he would probably have gotten a double portion of the spirit that was upon Elisha.

_Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise_.

One noticeable fact about fools is that, there ways always seems best in their own eyes instead of asking for counsel or guidance.

*Assignment* :
1). Ask for guidance today.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father give me the wisdom to make the right choice always in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : The Way of Escape*.

*Date : 10-07-2022*.

*Memorise* :
_"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it"_:- *1 Cor 10 vs 13*

For every temptation we have face in our journey to the promised land. There are usually so many ways of escape,that are usually not visible to the physical eye.

However through prayer and patience in the face of tribulations,God will always come through for us especially when he discovers that we can no longer bear it.

In Dan 3 vs 23-30, the three Hebrew boys were given an opportunity to deny their God,yet they stood firm and unwavering in face of trial because they know their God.

And because they were faithful,before they landed in the fire ,the fourth man in the fiery furnace was already waiting for them.

Are you passing through fire? Does the flood of life and challenge seems to sweep you away? Are you constantly being tempted with sin or examination malpractice or ma********on. Just wait for God, and he will make a way of escape.

Never deny God, but declare to that situation that he who has promised will never fail you.

*Assignment* :
1). Look at the glory ahead.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father make a way of escape for me out every trail of faith in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*


*Topic : Be addicted to the word*

" _Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food_":- Job 23 vs 19

*Date : 09-07-2022*

The word of God is so vital to our spiritual growth, without feeding on it adequately. It could lead to spiritual malnutrition or spiritual kwashiorkor.

Kwashiorkor is a serious condition that can happen when a person does not consume enough protein. Severe protein deficiency can lead to fluid retention, which can make the stomach look bloated.

As protein deprivation continues the individual will have growth failure,loss of muscle mass,generalized swelling (edema) and decreased immunity.

_1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby_.

Eating the word of God,will make you grow spiritually and we'll nourished especially with prayers and fasting.

*Assignment* :
1). Read your bible with focus.

*Prayer point* :
1) Father open my eyes of understanding when i am reading your word in Jesus name.

*©Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Do you have the marks of sin*?

*Text : Ezekiel 9 vs 1-6*.

*Date : 08-07-2022*

" _If I sin, then thou markest me, and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity_" :- Job 10 vs 14

If there were to be a head count or population census to determine the number of those going to heaven and those who are having the mark of sin the latter would definitely be greater than the former.

A mark is often usually a blemish,a stain, dot, discoloration,sign,symbol, character,label,stamp,tag,badge which is usually used for identification.

This mark is spiritual, invisible,real and usually hidden to those who have them yet they are suffering under it and affliction everyday.

_Psalms 130:3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand_?

A close study of the bible passage in Ezekiel 9 vs 1-6, reveals that six men were commissioned with a slaughter weapon in their hands but one among them was clothed with linen,and with a writer's inkhorn by his side.

The man who clothed with a white linen, was later told to go through the city and set a mark upon the foreheads of those who were crying for all the abomination done in the city while the others were to be smitten and they shouldn't be spared .

Including old and young,with little maids and little children and that he should begin at the sanctuary. What a tragedy!!!

Do you have the marks of the Lord Jesus (Gal 6 vs 17) or the mark of sin(Job 10 vs 14)?

Anyone who has the mark of sin, can't remove it by soap, detergent,chemical or surgery except by the blood of Jesus.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1). Stop covering your sins but rather confess them.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father, every mark of untimely death on my body clears them off by the blood of Jesus.

*© Capsule of liberty*.


Topic : The marks of sonship pt 2

Text. : John 13 vs 34-35.

Date : 07-07-2022

" _By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another_":- *John 13 vs 35*

A mark is ussally an impression or a symbol placed on an object or property to indicate ownership. This mark is real, invisible but undeniable!!!.

For example in order for companies to know the number of property they have in their possession they would put a mark on them.

Likewise schools would often give their pupils uniform and id card so that they can identify them in the midst of the crowd.

In case you are wondering,what could this mark be that can be used to identify the sons of God. It is the *mark of Love*,the bible records in our memory verse in John 13 vs this shall all men know that you are my disciples.

Then he now added a crucial condition,if ye have love one to another. Unfortunately love is now a scarce commodity among brethren.

Love is the latest,the greatest,the crucial,the most important , commandment given to all men.

1 Corinthians 13:13 ...... but the greatest of these is charity.

Can we find this mark of love in your conduct,character,speech and relationship with your fellow brethren? Is your love and devotion to God waxing cold? Do you often find it hard to forgive? What about your spouse and children? How often do you give to the poor?

Even though Jesus is the truth,but he spoke it with love to those around him. Love is not harsh, neither is it selfish.

Ephesians 4:15 But *speaking the truth in love*, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.

Love is the first fruit of the spirit,but very rare among believers today, without love a son is not yet complete in Christ because all that we have the gift and the fruit of the spirit can only manifest through love.

*Assignment* :
1). Ensure your character and conduct reflect the love of Christ.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father help to reflect the love of Christ to everyone around me in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*


*Topic : The marks of sonship*.

*Text. : Heb 12 vs 7-8*.

*Memorise* :
" For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth":- Heb 12 vs 6

*Date : 07-06-2022*

Discpline is the act of using punishment to correct act of disobedience,so that we can become wiser and matured in the Lord.

It is a means of separating children from sons , therefore we must embrace discpline so as to reach our goals.

We aren’t born with self-discipline; it’s a learned behavior. And just like any other skill you want to master, it requires daily practice and repetition.

For example no one was born with the ability to fast or pray for long hours.

Not even Paul was born with this ,but by putting his body under subjection on daily basis he was able to reach a point when he could boldly declare that he was dead to the law and he had been crucified with Christ.

_Galatians 2:19 For I through the law am dead to the law, that I might live unto God_.

_2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me_.

One crucial lesson we ought to learn as we mature in sonship is that discipline is a vital mark of sonship.

Therefore embrace so that it can yeild the peaceable fruit of righteousness and understanding it is for our profiting.

Assignment :
1). Check if you are genuine son.

Prayer point :
1). Father help me to endure discipline so that your glory can manifest in my life Jesus name.

© Capsule of liberty.


*Topic : The Cry of the righteous*.

*Memorise* :
" _The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles_"- (Psalm 34vs17)

Whenever God hears the cry of the righteous, he turns their cry into laughter.

One day while praying the Holy Spirit explained to me the difference between the prayer of the righteous and the prayer of the wicked.

Oftentimes when making calls with our phones,there will be noise at the other end making it difficult to hear clearly, that is how the prayer of the wicked is.

Proverbs 15 vs 26 : The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD....

One the other hand, the call of the righteous is like a phone call that you are delighted to pick.

Proverbs 15 vs 29 : The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.

Repent from all sins today, so that he can answer your prayers.

*Assignment* :
1) Run away from whatever can hinder your prayers today.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father please deliver me from all my troubles today in Jesus name.

● *Capsule of liberty*.


Date : 18-02-2022

*Topic : The mouth of the upright pt 2*.

*Text : 2 king 4 vs 17-37*.

Memorise :
" _Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof_"- Prov 18 vs 21

In our previous devotional, we learnt that our mouth is a weapon that could deliver us in time of trouble.

I heard of an experiment that was carried out sometimes ago.

During the experiment two trees were planted, and each morning, they spoke to the first tree, "you will die" and spoke to the second tree "you will live" and after sometimes, the first tree died and the second lived and both were under the same condition.

In our bible reading, the great woman of shunem had just lost her only, but she refused to give up. One major lesson we could learn from this great woman is her attitude toward the issue.

For every issue there is always a virtue, that can solve it.No matter how big that mountain can be your mouth can bring it down if you can say only what you believe in your heart.

Her response to her husband was equally amazing.
Learn and observe her response.

2 Kings 4 vs 23 : And he said, Wherefore wilt thou go to him to day? it is neither new moon, nor sabbath. And she said, *It shall be WELL*.

How do you respond to issues when you face issues, emergency or adversities?

Proverbs 15 vs 28 : The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.

Beloved don't ever respond to any issues or problems with fear and panic, it will only complicate the situation.

1). Learn from the bible reading,how to respond to emergency situation.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father don't allow me to faint in the day of adversity in Jesus name.

■ *Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Say ye to the righteous pt 6*.

*Text : Gen 26 vs 12-25*.

" _For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines ENVIED him_"-Gen 26 vs 14

In our previous devotional, we learnt that increase is the portion of the righteous even when there famine or economic recession.

In our memory verse today, one word that the Lord might be saying to the righteous is " *be prepared to be envied*".

Envy is the feeling you have,when you are lusting after something that you don't have. It often a work of the flesh, and not a fruit of the spirit.

In our bible reading, the Philistines practically envied all that Isaac had and how he had become mightier than they are.

Genesis 26 vs 16 : And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we.

And it was envy that made them to block all the wells, that Abraham had digged. Likewise in 1 Sam 18 vs 6-8, because David was a successful soldier than his boss he was envied.

Success is magnetic, it always attract envy. It is the part of the package,prepare for it. It could be in the church, office , family, or even among friends.

In conclusion, your sacrifices will never attract envy, but your success,breakthrough and coat of many colors could attract it.

*Assignment* :
1). Never share your dreams with those who envy you.

*Prayer point* :
1) Father help me to handle envy the right way when it comes in Jesus name.

■ *Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Say ye to the righteous pt 5*.

*Text : Gen 26 vs 12- 25*.

*Memorise* :
" _Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly INCREASE_"- Job 8 vs 7

As we continue in our study today ,in previous devotional we learnt that the righteous should sow during the time of famine just like Isaac did.

Another word the lord could be saying to the righteous is " *INCREASE*".

Increase in the life of a child of God,should be a continous affair. Some say whatever goes up ,must come down, that is not true in the kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, the law of gravity doesn't apply.

Psalms 105 vs24 : And he INCREASED his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.

Increase means progress, or advancement. It also meant enlargement or to rise to a greater number in quantity or degree.

It could also mean growth, spiritually,financially,materially etc.

In our bible reading Isaac increased spiritually, when he built an altar (Gen 26 vs 25), materially (Gen 26 vs 14), financially(Gen 26 vs 12).

He grew so much, that he became a threat to the enemies, and they envied him.

Genesis 26 vs 16 : And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from us; for thou art much mightier than we.

It is dangerous when an individual, business, ministry,grace,anointing, is not growing. Until you grow,groaning is inevitable.

In conclusion whatever is not growing will either become stagnated or die.

1) Do a thorough assessment of your yourself.

*Prayer point*
1). Father empower me to grow and become stronger than my enemies in Jesus name.

■ *Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Say ye to the righteous pt 4*

*Text : Gen 26 vs 12-25*.

*Memorise* :
" _Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundred fold: and the lord blessed_"- Gen 26 vs 12

In our previous study, yesterday we learnt that we should digged so many wells, just as Isaac did.

Today the holy spirit, is saying to the righteous learn to " *sow during famine*".

The word _famine_ simply means, a widespread condition in which many in a country or region are unable to access adequate supplies. It could also mean when what you have is not enough.

For example, in 1 kings 17 vs 12, the widow of zarephath sowed her last meal and she escaped the famine of three and years.

Likewise in Luke 5 vs 1-11, when peter was going through a famine in his business,he gave out his boat as a mobile altar to the the Lord.

*Psalm 126 vs 5 : They that sow in tears ,shall reap in joy*.

Also, Galatians 6vs 9 : *And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not*.

As we appear in our place of worship today.
What does your speech,character, dressing, sow in the life others?

Is it sowing discord, strife,suspicion, hatred, lukewarmness, backbiting,gossip,discouragement, rebellion or seduction.

*Assignment* :
1). Sow love in your family, ministry, and neighbors today.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father give me bread to eat and seed to sow always in Jesus name

*© Capsule of liberty*.


*Topic : Say ye to the righteous pt 3*.

*Text : Gen 26 vs 12- 25*.

*Memorise* :
" _For all the *wells* which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth_"- Gen 26 vs 15.

In our previous devotional, we learnt that the righteous will only eat the "fruit of his doings".

In our memory verse today, the Lord is saying to the righteous " *dig many wells*" especially during the famine(dry season).

A well is a hole in the ground,where water can be extracted.

Many years ago,in my father's house in my home town, because of the rocky nature of the terrain, we had to dig many wells. Why? So that when one well run dry, we can fetch from the other.

In our bible reading today, Isaac kept on digging so many wells,especially the ones that his father had dugged and the Philistines had stopped them.

And each time he found water, they were always striving with him, until he got to Rehoboth and the Lord made room for him to become fruitful in the land.

As we move forward this year, endeavour to dig as many wells as possible.

In Luke 5 vs 4, Peter had so many *nets*, while in *Gen 26 vs 12-25*, Isaac had many wells(business), he was into farming,animal rearing, and also drilling wells.

*Assignment* :
1). Ensure you don't depend on one source of income.

*Prayer points* :
1). Father don't allow my well to run dry during famine in Jesus name.

■ Capsule of liberty.


*Topic : Say ye to the righteous pt 2*.

*Text : Gen 26 vs 18-25*.

*Memorise* :
" _Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the *FRUIT OF THEIR DOINGS*_".

*Date : 11-02-2022*.

God is always speaking to the righteous, but he expects the righteous to incline their ears,be in the spirit, and hearken diligently to his instructions,and obey his instructions.

Yesterday we learnt that,the righteous shouldn't go down Egypt because the only thing he will find there is the bread of adversity.

Today,our emphasis is on " *the fruit of his doings*". The word " doings" implies his BUSINESS.

Business means what are busy doing with your resources,time and talent. It also means anything you are doing that could bring profit.

Prov 14 vs 23: In all labour there is profit, but the talk of the lips tendenth only to penury.

For example in Isaac was laboring and digging despite the riches and blessings left behind by his father.

In Gen 26 vs 18 : And Isaac digged again the Wells of water,which they had *digged* in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham...

In (Gen 26 vs 18), Isaac digged again, while in (Gen 26 vs 19) his servants were also digging.

And later in Genesis 26 vs 22 : "And he removed from thence, and *DIGGED another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it *Rehoboth*; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land".

So what is God saying to the righteous, he is saying " *dig again*", " *dig with diligence*" , "*dig consistently*", " *dig with all your might*"," *dig until you find water*" especially in the wells that your father had dug. Dig deep until you become fruitful and until he makes a room for you.

*Assignment* :
1). Buy books and dig deeper into the word of God today.

*Prayer point* :
1). Father help me to dig deep,until there is room for me in Jesus name.

■ *Capsule of liberty*.


Topic :Say ye to the righteous.

Text : Isa 3 vs 10.

Date : 10-02-2022.

God loves the righteous, and their seeds after them, therefore he often speaks to them and preserve them even in the midst of famine and economic crisis.

Psalms 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Therefore he is speaking to someone,this morning that "DON'T GO DOWN TO EGYPT " .

In Gen 26 vs 1-12, the lord spoke to Isaac that he should not go down to Egypt, but he should rather dwell in Gerar. Why did he stopped him? It was because of his love and Covenant with Abraham.

Secondly, it was because the only bread he would have found in Egypt is the bread of ADVERSITY.

May you not eat the bread of adversity in Jesus name. It could be sweet initially, but it will be bitter at the end, and bring the coming generations into bo***ge.

Egypt in the above text rep, the world and it's lust thereof. Where are you dwelling now? In the world or in the word of God.

The word of the lord to you,this morning is it shall be well with you if you can dwell with him and put you trust in him.

Assignment :
1). Ensure you are standing with God today.

Prayer point :
1). Father lead me to my green pasture today i

Text : Isa 3 vs 10.

Date : 10-02-2022.

God loves the righteous, and their seeds after them, therefore he often speaks to them and preserve them even in the midst of famine and economic crisis.

Psalms 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

Therefore he is speaking to someone,this morning that "DON'T GO DOWN TO EGYPT " .

In Gen 26 vs 1-12, the lord spoke to Isaac that he should not go down to Egypt, but he should rather dwell in Gerar. Why did he stopped him? It was because of his love and Covenant with Abraham.

Secondly, it was because the only bread he would have found in Egypt is the bread of ADVERSITY.

May you not eat the bread of adversity in Jesus name. It could be sweet initially, but it will be bitter at the end, and bring the coming generations into bo***ge.

Egypt in the above text rep, the world and it's lust thereof. Where are you dwelling now? In the world or in the word of God.

The word of the lord to you,this morning is it shall be well with you if you can dwell with him and put you trust in him.

Assignment :
1). Ensure you are standing with God today.

Prayer point :
1). Father lead me to my green pasture today in Jesus name.


*Date : 27-03-2021*.

*Theme : Lifted out the pit 5*.

*Text : 1 Sam 30 vs 1-10*.

*Memorise* :
" _And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God_" 1Sam 30 vs 6

In our previous devotional,we saw that an individual can fall into the pit of sin,through the lust of the eyes using David as our case study.

From our bible reading today, we shall be discussing on the "pit of discouragement" this often we courage, strength,hope has been lost.

Discouragement is the most expensive tool in the armoury of the enemy,and he often uses it to wear them down.

Discouragement means to take the courage out of you. Just like the disease, dis-ease to take ease out; lack of ease .

To be discourage is to take the courage out of you.
Almost everyone faces discouragement at one time in the journey of life.

After David got back to ziklag,and saw that his wife, children and everything he had has been stolen. He fell into the pit of discouragement,with all those who were around him. But David encourage himself, in the Lord.

Also it was discouragement,that made the ten spies to confess that they can't possess the land(Num 13 vs 1-end).

It steals the joy of the heart. If it is not checked it could lead to depression,loneliness, anger,suicide, sorrow, complain,nagging etc.

Are you discourage? Don't worry the Lord will intervene in your situation in Jesus name.

*Assignment* :
1). Read other people's testimonies and use it to encourage yourself.

*Prayer point*:
1). Father connect me with those who will increase my joy in Jesus name.

2). Father by your mercy don't allow me to fall into the pit of discouragement in Jesus name.

*© Capsule of liberty*.


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