Chidiebere Okafor

Chidiebere Okafor Public speaker// Content creator// Lifestyle coach// Writer// Girl child advocate//Growth therapist


Setting boundaries, helps you identify friends who are goal oriented and vision driven. You are in charge



As far as we live and breathe, we are bent to face one challenge or the other. It's not a matter of choice but it's part of life.

Most times, what we do when this challenges comes, goes a long way in shaping our life... Some would overcome it, some would run away from it while it would consume some. Our reactions is very important when we face challenges...

You can handle any kind of challenges if you are already aware that it'd part of life, it gives you that assurance and peace of mind first, then you work out strategies in overcoming the challenge...

Put your heart at rest first, anxiety kills faster than the challenge itself.
Just understand that challenges must come, but what matters is how I respond to it...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELFI could still remember the first day I was asked to do a presentation officially in my compa...


I could still remember the first day I was asked to do a presentation officially in my company, I didn't question or doubt my abilities because I know who I am.. I've always been a shinning light everywhere I go.

I mounted the stage with all confidence that I was going to deliver 100%😍😍😍

And here comes a man sitting at the front roll, fighting to see that all walls(Confidence) I've built around me would collapse, 🤣🤣🤣 the man never laughed, didn't change his sitting position and he was wearing a all serious aura that if not because i had made up my mind that I wouldn't accept defeat even when I had made several mistakes while speaking I didn't allow him win...

My confidence level was top notch 👌 and I gave the presentation all my best. And today it's a done deal that I can stand in thousands of crowd and still make a beautiful presentation without flinching 🫣🫣🫣

I believed in myself and did not underestimated Me .

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...



See, sometimes I wonder who brought this particular say "Life no balance" When you look around you go see say true true, E no balance.

But all I want to say today is that you should be grateful for where and what you have. There's no one that has it all. What you have, some don't have it and what you don't have, some have it. That's just life for you.

That is why He made us differently and deposited something in each and everyone of us, we have different talents, and when we come together we become complete by leveraging on each other's hidden treasures.

Have a grateful mindset, it helps to shape your thinking and help you see life differently.

Just be grateful..

Madam coach

I am rooting for you..



To everyone going through one tough time or the other, to you would continue to suck your pillows with unending tears and praying when all these trials, temptations and heartache would stop..

Weep no more because the Lord shall renew your strength just like the eagles, who are more powerful even in times of turbulence, they stretch their wings more when the cloud is not friendly..

Make God your anchor and He would hold you tight. He is aware of your situation and when He would answer you, it would be like a dream in the eyes of your adversaries.

Just hold on to Him.. He would see you through.....

Madam coach

I am rooting for you



I don't know what to say, or how to appreciate this beautiful God, Who does beautiful things to a beautiful child. Your love is so unconditionally...

Wow! I can't thank You enough. But am super grateful that man is not God. You Are doing amazing things.

The thoughts He has for me is of good and not of evil. Am just speechless. Thank You for always coming through for me...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.

KEEPING IT REALOn several occasions you might be tempted to do or say things that aren't real or true, just because you ...


On several occasions you might be tempted to do or say things that aren't real or true, just because you want to impress another individual who wouldn't allow you to have peace of mind over the things they've achieve or required..

The ability to stay true to yourself would give you inner peace and convictions that you do not need other people's validation to live your life.

You do not need to be untrue over some things because you are afraid of what they would make out of your person, but I tell you today, it doesn't matter..

Just be real. So you don't semd your destiny helpers away because of being untrue..

Madam coach

I am rooting for you..


DO NOT JOKE WITH YOUR MENTAL HEALTH..Run away from people who are toxic and filled with negative vibes, they can suffocate you

START UP YOUR BUSINESS.If you've been wondering how to get started with fabrics and beddings business, search no further...


If you've been wondering how to get started with fabrics and beddings business, search no further, IMMAX COLLECTIONZ awoof easter promo has just started. Grab it with all your might, meaning that as big as 20k/30k you can start your own fabrics business...

The sweetest aspect of this promo is that you have a whooping 20% discount on everything ordered..

No go sleep ooooo
Start making your orders.
No amount is too small.
This is a rare opportunity

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.

Women are indeed the true agents of change. When you have a praying woman around you, surely you would understand the po...

Women are indeed the true agents of change. When you have a praying woman around you, surely you would understand the power of God..

The INESTIMABLE WOMEN would be having her MARCH VIRTUAL EDITION coming up tonight...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.
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We meet different people in our journey of life. Showing them some kindness goes a long way for them, no matter the scenerio we met them. Kindness connects people, it even makes a stranger feel loved and wanted. Your kindness can go a long way in restoring the trust and hope of those that have encountered unkind people.

Sometimes we meet unkind people, we would want to use every little opportunity to insult, hurt and sometimes betray us. This encounter makes us feel the world is filled with cruel people.

But, with some little kindness, love and care showered on these people, it helps to change their perceptions, that kimd people still exist in the world.

Madam coach

I am rooting for you..

BE AWARE OF YOUR FLAWSAim to improving and bettering yourself always and do not give room to your imperfections, else it...


Aim to improving and bettering yourself always and do not give room to your imperfections, else it would lover your self confidence. Most people lack self confidence because they become self conscious of their flaws, making them fell inferior to others, believing that they are not capable of anything.

Self confidence is accepting who you are and not letting anyone talk you down because you understand, you are a work in process

Nevertheless, we are humans, and it doesn't matter where you are coming from, your class or status, God created us with special abilities, strength and weakness, that is so say no one is perfect.

Do not let your flaws lower your self confidence.

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.



Until you become responsible, you might not not be considered for some appointments and opportunities.. Responsibility entails alot, taking both the credits and blame of every decision you make and people under your care...

Sometimes we shy away from the blames that comes out from certain things, we tend to blame the government, the society, your parents, siblings, colleagues, friends, course mates and not yourself..

You are the architect of your life and those under your care. You should take up it as your duty to see yourself and those under your care succeed in whatever they do...

Be part of the credits and blames.

I say carry am with your full chest 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.

I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉We are not relenting. The rewar...

I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

We are not relenting.

The reward for good work is more work..

Thank you all for the support...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.



Being patient with yourself when you start something new gives you the opportunity to learn and master the adventure. It might be slow at the beginning, but it gives you the opportunity to improve and gain experience while waiting for the desired results.

However, there's this urge that makes you want to get results immediately you get started with something new, and when it's not forth coming discouragements sets
in. Starting something new might take time at the initial stage, but once you are persistent, you would see the fruits.

Growth happens overtime, it's a process. Just don't quit on YOURSELF.

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...


Happy mothering Sunday to me and all the mothers. You are a rare gem. Continue making impact.

It's better late than never...So yesterday I celebrated myself and all the women all over the world for her resilience, ...

It's better late than never...

So yesterday I celebrated myself and all the women all over the world for her resilience, persistence and dedication towards the development of a better and more healthier society...

Women are true agents of progress...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you....



I woke up this morning feeling happy, excited and grateful to God Almighty for how far He has brought us. I look back on how we started, where we are and where He is taking us to, words just fail me.

Alot of persons started the year with us, but only a few made it up to today, this can only be God. His love is blameless, He doesn't look at our flaws when He wants to bless us.

Even when we are no worthy.
Even when we are undeserving.
Even when we fall short of His glory.

He still answers, shows up, and fight all our battles..

What did we do that You love us so much, seriously I don't know🤔🤔🤔

Am here Lord, to say thank You for Being God. To say thank You that man is not God...

This is your girl Lord, saying thank You for everything....

Madam coach

I am rooting for you..


Happy international writers day, I celebrate myself and all the writers in the world. The world is our stage.



What are you still waiting for? Why are you still doubting? Why are you questioning yourself?

Stop analysing and thinking, just get started already. The people around you might tell you, you are not enough, you cannot do it, you don't have what it takes. But am telling you now, just get started. No matter how small, or even if the picture is not clear. You would get better in the process.

Do you want to learn a skill? Get started already, look indepth and check what you are good at.

Do want to startup a business? Get started already no matter how small the capital is.

Do you want to further your education? Get started already and acquire it.

Do you want to go on vacation? Get started already and plan towards it...

An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Stop procrastinating.

Get started already....

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...



Do not ever doubt or question your person. You are wonderfully and beautifully made by God. You are an original. You are amazing. You do not have any photocopy anywhere 🤣🤣🤣

When you wake up everyday, appreciate God for creating and depositing treasures in you. Look at the mirror and you would the amazing creature of God.

Furthermore, do not give people the luxury to talk you down. You are a bought for a costly price.

Always remember you are an amazing person with beautiful treasures...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you....



The circle you keep have so much influence on you and what would become of you.

Be intentional, selective and conscious of the person's around you. This association also defines your person. You must not keep every person you met close to you, sometimes some persons are best kept at arms length.

Look out for free and good spirited people.
People who are willing to forgive easily.
People who are accommodating.
People love God.
People who wants to see you grow.
People who celebrate your little wins with you.

Run away from those, who would only use your flaws against you and in no time forgets the good memories you both shared...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...


Happy new month to everyone here. God would supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. Miracle no dey tire Jesus.

LEADERSHIP IS HUGEIf you are opportuned to see/meet a leader that is very successful in whatever you want to start, plea...


If you are opportuned to see/meet a leader that is very successful in whatever you want to start, please be humble enough to learn their secrets, forget their flaws...

I was asking myself, what other leaders are doing that is making them different from others, they are setting standards, surmounting obstacles and flourishing where others are seeing setbacks, challenges and negativism..

Indeed leadership is a huge responsibility. It takes your time, sleep, and most times finance. You are on your toes. Reading, searching and making enquires for informations that would help you grow.

If you want to be a good leader, read good books, submit yourself to mentorship. That mentor might have flaws, learn from them the keys to their success and run with it. Look beyond their flaws.

Madam coach

I am rooting for you


Never stop learning. If you want to be an expert in your field. You build momentum with continuous learning

THE FUTURE IS BRIGHTA little peep into the future and I'm convinced that it's going to be filled with love, grace, impac...


A little peep into the future and I'm convinced that it's going to be filled with love, grace, impact, networking, winning, inner peace, touching more lives, contentment and finally, you would look back, where you are and what you've achieved, and you would hold yourself in high esteem with your shoulders high, and say to yourself, Lord! You said this and it has come to pass.

The vision and picture might not be clear. Sometimes we blame ourselves for the decisions, the mistakes and experience we've had and made. The map might be blurr. Infact you don't even understand what's happening with you anymore... You look around and still see yourself in same spot, no changes, nothing to show.

Nevertheless, God's plans for you is of good... He has mapped out surprises for you and be rest assured that the future is bright with amazing possibilities....

Madam coach

I am rooting for you



See, I mean, you, yes you. I understand some of us are going through tough times and behind that smiles come with inner battles that you continuously fight without others knowing.

I want to let you know, it's alright. Everyone is also fighting theirs, there's no person on earth, that doesn't have one battle or the other him/her is fighting. The only difference is that, some of us knows how to be mentally stable not minding the situation around...

I want to let you know that you can renew your strength in Christ. He alone would give you the enablement to carry on with that battle, He knows what you are going through because light would come at the end of the tunnel...

Just let Him in...

Madam coach

I am rooting for you...


Happy Sunday beautiful people.We won't be absent on our celebration day.The Lord would preserve everyone of us in Jesus name



Being careful takes alot. And many person's have overcome challenges and difficulties that comes with being careful. Be selective of your friends and be wise as serpent while divulging information about yourself, husband or family to another. Do not be surprised, not everyone that laughs with you in your office, school, organization, worship center and even family are happy about the little success you've been able to achieve...

Be careful!!

The devil cannot hurt you, expect he knows what you are up to..

Sometimes, it cool to seal your lips and take that unfriendly person unawares.

Madam coach

I am rooting for you.


Ikot Ekpene





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