After Attacking Pastor Kumuyi, Mercy Benjamin Sets Herself Against God
Seun-Akinnawonu Jun 11, 2020 9:30 PM
Opera News Nigeria Local
Only for Opera News funs.
The situation is getting messier with the popular facebook influencer and blogger, Mercy Benjamin.
Apparently running out of missile against the clergymen, she has decided to take her anger directly to God but this time, it was a blasphemous attack that questions the existence of God.
Perhaps, Mercy Benjamin has got to the dead end of allegations against the people of God and realized no one was ready to take her serious, she has decided to fire her shot directly to Him who created her and the entire universe.
Making different posts on her page on Thursday, the lady practically pushed the blames of all the wickedness presently going on, in Nigeria and across the world on God for His inability to come to the rescue of the people.
She was brutally blunt and bombastic in her attack. She accused God of sitting in one position and allowed evil things happening to the people that regularly call on Him.
Speaking on the killing of George Floyd and its attendant protests across the world, she said:
"But Blacks serve an omnipresent mighty God that has no idea black lives matter? Is God a racist too? Or may be He has no idea about racism? God created everything except racism?
"If God is not a racist, why should the gospel be introduced to your ancestors in such a manner it did?"
Also on the r**e saga that is currently trending in Nigeria, she has this to say:
"The day I became extremely certained that there is no sky old man observing things, nodding head, rubbing his goaty anywhere was the day I watched six minutes video of a full mature man dipping his thing inside an eighteen months old baby and the baby girl kept crying for her life. Death cry.
"While watching that video, realization hit me like never before, my eyes became open to plain truth."
She also took her position on the death of 81 people who were killed by Boko Haram members in Borno state on Tuesday.
Mercy Benjamin has really gone extra mile with her stance on the existence of God and everything thay is godly.
Unfortunately, it appears her case has become irredeemable except for the grace of God whom she believes is not in existence.
Now that she has mercilessly set herself against God, who will save Mercy Benjamin from the path of destruction she paves for herself?
Below is the complete screenshots of her post on Facebook.
Do you think there will still be mercy for this Mercy?
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B҉ 𝕖𝕟𝕟ⅈJ̷a̷y̷★·1d
S̸h̸e̸ h̸a̸s̸ g̸o̸t̸t̸e̸n̸ t̸o̸o̸ w̸i̸s̸e̸ l̸i̸k̸e̸ S̸o̸l̸o̸m̸o̸n̸,̸ s̸h̸e̸ n̸e̸e̸d̸s̸ a̸n̸ o̸p̸p̸o̸r̸t̸u̸n̸i̸t̸y̸ t̸o̸ t̸a̸s̸t̸e̸ a̸ l̸i̸l̸'̸b̸i̸t̸ o̸f̸ f̸o̸o̸l̸i̸s̸h̸n̸e̸s̸s̸,̸ w̸h̸e̸n̸ s̸h̸e̸'̸s̸ d̸o̸n̸e̸ e̸a̸t̸i̸n̸g̸ g̸r̸a̸s̸s̸ l̸i̸k̸e̸ u̸n̸c̸l̸e̸ N̸e̸b̸u̸c̸h̸a̸d̸n̸e̸z̸z̸a̸r̸,̸ h̸e̸r̸ s̸e̸n̸s̸e̸s̸ w̸i̸l̸l̸ r̸e̸t̸u̸r̸n̸ t̸o̸ h̸e̸r̸!̸!̸!̸
I suggest people stop given Mercy undeserved attention she is craving for before she destroys herself eventually with pride. God is merciful and may show her mercy. After all, that's why Jesus came to save a sinner like her. Every saved believer was there may be unnoticed! Nothing new.
God is not the author of evil, yet HE has power over evil. HE is a just God and satan knows this attribute of God. So since man (Adam) has handed the reign of the earth to Satan in Eden, then evil in all forms will thrive. At the appropriate time, God will take back the kingdom from satan, those who align with him here on earth will take same judgement with him while those who trust in the only provision of God, Jesus Christ, will be be saved till eternity. So God is not the cause of the wickedness we suffer but HE will allow evil to run its full course so that satan will not fault God. Leave the men of God alone, be open to God your Creator.
Mercy knows the truth about God, she is only pretending and this is dangerous for her life. If God will kill instantly when you sin. Mercy herself would have been killed because all have sin and come short of the glory of God. But she attacked the Pastor that has been praying for her salvation. She is not rational. Read the Bible. We are in the dispensation of Grace. The Lord's day, the judgement day is coming. There is no repentance in the grave. Now is the time to repent. If all ladies are like you will the world be a better place?