Creative Writers & Readers' Club Int'l



Do you know?

That the female lions can live up to 16 years; while the male lions live up to 10 years.

The list below are some more, with:

Cat- 23 years

Snakes- 30 years

Dog- 18 years

Horse- 60 years.

Elephant- 70 years

Pig - 20 years

Camel- 40 years

Goat- 18years

Tiger- 25years


Shark- 500 years

Crocodile- 45years

Cow- 22years

Parrot- 80years

Ant- 1.5 years & ant queen- 3 years

Frog-10 years

Tortoise - 255 years

Wolf- 23 years


Monkeys- 40years

Rabbit- 15 years

Did you also notice that a RABBIT runs, jumps, moves faster and lives for only 15 years, while TORTOISE doesn't even attempt any of such activities, but lives for about 150 years or more.

Life is not about rushing, comparison and doing what others are doing.

Life is about keeping calm and doing what is right and what you are called to do.

Rabbit and tortoise may live in the same forest and play together, they have different life expectancies.
Remember that you have:

Age Mates
Class Mates
School Mates
Office Mates
but you don't have

Be who you are called to be and don't try to be somebody else.

- Copied



At the funeral service of late Queen Elizabeth, towards the end of the service, I was touched by the Archbishop's last words before the body was taken to the grave for burial.

He said:

"Now let us remove all symbols of power from the coffin (She was dethroned), so that our sister, Elizabeth (called by name) can be committed to the grave as a simple Christian".


1. The staff of office was removed,

2. Then the scepter,

3. The crown followed and all valuables were removed.

The Queen was buried with NOTHING.

Notice that the Archbishop did not include "Queen" to her name at this point too.

Life is indeed vanity. It is transient, and that teaches us humility.

1. Humility in power,

2. Humility in relating with others,

3. Humility in our acquisition of wealth, and

4. humility in all our endeavors,

In a nutshell

Because in the end, we will all go back with NOTHING.

Please, let it Sink!
Have a rethink of the way you treat people....




Don't show everybody your wound, not everybody is holding a bandage. Some are with salt and vinegar to increase your pain.

Before you break your back for those you love, ask yourself how many of them will push the wheelchair for you, when you can no longer walk.

Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine later. Don't lose faith.

Everyone wants to be the sun to brighten up someone's life, but why not be the moon, to shine on someone's darkest hour?

Life is full of unfriendly friends. Some people didn't die when the arrow was in their chest, they died when they saw who threw the arrow.

Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good make sure you enjoy and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way.

To be successful in life... Don't be lazy..and stop thinking that people around you owe you favors.

Don'twait for things to get easier, simpler, or better. Life will always be complicated. Learn how to be happy right now. Otherwise, you'll run out of time.

Sometimes we don't heal, we just move on with pain

It's your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

Stop overthinking, whatever is happening is happening for a reason. Learn to accept, evolve, and grow with it.

Some dark paths will lead you to the brightest places.

The people in your life should be a source of reducing stress, not causing more of it.

There are two types of pain in the world; pain that hurts you, and pain that changes you.

I'm a strong person, but do you know what makes me cry? It's when I gave my best but I still feel useless.

To stumble once is not a reason to quit, but it's the only reason for you to become more stronger to struggle on the journey of life.

Be Encouraged and Keep the fire burning with great Hope.

Always allow love to lead.




A dying old man said to his doctor while on the sick bed " Doctor, don’t worry. I know I am going to die. I didn’t want to come here but they brought me here.
Please don’t worry about me, look at my hair, they are gone. I am so old but you are so young. I have learnt a lot from life, if you don’t mind I will tell you some of them before I die.

When I wanted to enter the University, I wanted to study Zoology but everyone said I should study Engineering that I will be a great Engineer. So I listened to them. I had no one to pay my fees, I had to work and also pay my fees. In my third year, I couldn’t cope with my studies, I had to drop. When I dropped, the same people told me "you should have studied Zoology"!

When I turned 28, everyone said I should marry. That I needed a wife. So I listened to them, I got married. 6 years into the marriage, I caught my wife sleeping with my neighbour. I asked her why and she slapped me. I was angry and didn’t say anything. The next day I returned from work, she had run away with my children, now I am dying a lonely man.

At 40, I got a huge contract. My name was in the news. The next day, all my friends and families were at my house, everyone had a serious problem. Within one week, I spent all the money on them with the promise that they will pay back. I could not complete the contract because they refused to return the money as promised. So I was sent to jail for 6 years. I stayed in jail and I came out. When I came out, they were nowhere.

There was one mistake I made through all this time. Now it is clear to me. Let me tell you about it. I refused to listen to myself. I ignored my own self and listen to others. Now that I am here the only person that is with me is myself.

You see, it is very good to listen to others. It is very wise to seek advice from others. But it is very dangerous to ignore your own self. It is very very dangerous to refuse to pay attention to your heart.
When you get home this night, sit down, take a glass of water. Close your eyes if you want or open it if you want, then talk to yourself, reason with yourself. You can walk down the road alone and as you walk, begin to talk to yourself.

The only person that can overrule yourself is God, after God, listen to yourself next. I know it may not make sense to you now but always remember I told you LEARN TO LISTEN TO YOURSELF.
- Copied


As a mother/father we are capable of doing anything for our children, and no matter how hard we try to protect them, bad things can always happen, that is why we should always teach them to grow from their mistakes and make them understand that life is not easy, but their parents are always gonna be there through it all.
Father's Day on my mind.

father's day.






To All Parents

There was a very brilliant boy, he always scored 100% in Science.
Got Selected for IIT and scored excellent in IIT.
Went to the University of California for MBA.
Got a high paying job in America and settled there.
Married a Beautiful Girl.
Bought a 5 room big house and luxury cars.
He had everything that make him successful but a few years ago he committed su***de after shooting his wife and children.

California Institute of Clinical Psychology Studied his case and found “what went wrong?”

The researcher met the boy's friends and family and found that he lost his job due to recent America’s economic crisis(COVID 19 Pandemic) and he had to sit without a job for several months.
After even reducing his previous salary amount, he didn't get any job.
Then his house installment broke and he and his family lost the home.
They survived a few months with less money and then he and his wife together decided to commit su***de.
He first shot his wife and children and then shot himself.

The case concluded that the man was Programmed for "success" but he was not "trained for handling failures" .

Now let's come to the actual question.

What are the habits of highly successful people?
First of all, I want to tell you that if you have achieved everything, there is a chance to lose everything, nobody knows when the next economic crisis will hit the world.

The best success habit is getting trained for handling failures.
I want to request every parent, please do not only program yourself and your child to be successful but teach them how to handle failures and also teach them proper lessons about life.

Learning high-level science and maths will help them to clear competitive exams but a knowledge in life will help them to face every problem.

Teach them about how money works instead of teaching them to work for money.

Help them in finding their passion because these degrees will not help them in the next economic crisis and we don’t know when the next crisis will hit the world.

"Success is a lousy teacher. Failure teaches you more."




Yesterday I visited a friend of mine, who is blind. And because it was night he did something that taught me a lesson.

Upon entering the house, he switched on the light.
And I asked him "why did you put on the light yet you can't see?"
He laughed for a long time, switched off the light and went to the kitchen.

After a short while he came with a pot of tea and eggs, placed them perfectly well on the table and switched on the light again.

What he said made me shed tears because he said to me, MR DEE ..... "I did not put on the light for my own sake or because I needed it, I did it for you because you needed it since you are not blind like me".

Then he asked me, MR DEE,
" How many times have you switched off the light for other people and denied them an opportunity to see light just because you yourself do not need it?"

I thought about that so deeply, and now I am asking you the same question today.

How many times have you put off your lights and denied others an opportunity to see the light while they are in darkness?

Why would you let your accounts grow to millions and even billions while your brother's child is going barefooted?

Why would you put clothes you don't wear in the bin while someone out there is almost going naked?

Why would food rot in your house while there is someone out there sleeping hungry?

Why will you see a business opportunity and hide it without sharing with your friends when you know you won’t use it?

Why will you be in a position to help someone get a promotion or a new job and you keep it because the person is not from your family, tribe or religion?

Why will you defame your brother or sister just because you don't want someone to help them?

Each of the questions above is equivalent to switching “Off The Light”

These are the things we should be mindful of as human beings.
This is true religion, helping the needy and being there for those who do not have a voice.

Please turn on the lights you switched Off!


For the love of reading

For the love of reading

Reading On Radio is Back

Reading On Radio is Back


Compliment of the season


WORK NOT JOB - Message for the youth.

Cape Town's uneducated surgeon Mr. Hamilton, who was awarded the honorary degree of Master of Medicine could neither read nor write. Let's see how this is possible.
Cape Town Medical University has a leading position in the medical world.
The world's first bypass operation took place at the same university.

Master of Medicine, the honorary degree was awarded to someone who has never seen the face of s school in his life.
Who could neither read an English word nor could write .....

But one morning in 2003, world-renowned surgeon Professor David Dent announced in the university auditorium: "Today we are awarding an honorary degree in medicine to the man who produced the most surgeons in the world." Who is an extraordinary teacher, and an amazing surgeon, and who studied medical science and surprised the human mind.

With this announcement, the professor took the name "Hamilton" and the entire auditorium stood and cheered the Doc.

It was the biggest reception in the history of this university.

Hamilton was born in Sanitani, a remote village in Cape Town. His parents were shepherds, he wore goat skin, and he walked in the mountains barefoot all day, as a child, his father fell ill, so he left the sheep and goats and moved to Cape Town. Construction was underway at the University of Cape Town in those days.
He joined the university as a labourer. He would send home as much money as he could get after a hard day's work and he used to sleep in the open ground by chewing gram himself.
He worked as a laborer for many years. The construction process ended
He got the job of mowing the tennis court, ........
He arrives at the tennis court every day and starts mowing the lawn. ......
He did this for three years ...
Then came a strange turn in his life
and He reached a point in medical science where no one else has ever been.

It was a mild, warm morning. "Professor Robert Joyce, researching giraffes, wanted to see:
"When a giraffe bends its neck to drink water, why doesn't it have a seizure?"

They laid a giraffe on the operating table, knocked him unconscious, but as soon as the operation started, the giraffe shook its head. So they needed a strong man to keep the giraffe's neck tight during the operation.

The professor came out of the theatre, 'Hamilton' was mowing the lawn in front, the professor saw that he was a healthy young man of strong stature. They beckoned him and ordered him to grab the giraffe's neck. "Hamilton" grabbed his neck.

The operation lasted eight hours. During this time, the doctor continued to take tea and coffee breaks, however "Hamilton" he stood holding the giraffe's neck. When the operation was over, he quietly went out and started mowing the lawn.

The next day the professor called him again, he came and grabbed the giraffe's neck and stood up, after which it became his routine. , He worked double for many months, and niether did he demand some compensation for this additional duty nor did he complain.

Professor Robert Joyce was impressed by his perseverance and sincerity and "Hamilton" is promoted from a mowing the tennis court to "lab assistant." He now came to the university, went to the operating theatre and helped the surgeons. This process continued for years.

In 1958 came another turning point in his life. This year Dr. Bernard came to the university and started heart transplant operations.

"Hamilton" became his assistant, during these operations, he went from assistant to additional surgeon.

Now the doctors operate and after the operation, he was given the task of stitching. He used to do excellent stitches. His fingers were clean and fast. He stitched fifty people in one day. While working in the operating theatre, he began to understand the human body more than surgeons . So the senior doctors gave him the responsibility of teaching the junior doctors.

He now began teaching surgery techniques to junior doctors. He gradually became the most important figure in the university. He was unfamiliar with the terms of medical science. But he was the best surgeon in the world.

The third turning point in his life came in 1970, when research on the liver began this year and he identified one such liver artery during surgery.... which made liver transplantation easier.

His remarks astonished the great minds of medical science.

Today, when a person has a liver operation in some corner of the world and the patient opens his eyes and sees the light the reward for this successful operation goes directly to "Hamilton".

"Hamilton" achieved this position with sincerity and perseverance. He was associated with the University of Cape Town for 50 years, in those 50 years he never took a vacation.
He would leave home at three o'clock at night, walk 14 miles to the university, and he would enter the theatre at exactly six o'clock. People used to fix their watches with his time.

He received an honour that no one in medical science has ever received.

He was the first illiterate teacher of medical history.
He was the first illiterate surgeon to train 30,000 surgeons in his lifetime.
He died in 2005 and was buried at the university and
It was then made compulsory for surgeons to pass out from the university after obtaining that degree go to his grave, take a picture and then get into practical life .... ”

"You know how he got this position?."

"Only one yes."

The day he was called to the operating theatre to grab the giraffe's neck if he had refused that day, if he had said that day, I am a Grounds Maintenance Worker, my job is not to hold the giraffe's neck, he would never have become a surgeon.

It was a yes and an extra eight hours of hard work that opened the door to success for him and he became a surgeon.

"Most of us have been looking for a job all our lives. While we must find work. "

Every job in the world has one criterion and the job is available only to those who meet the criteria whereas if you wanted to do work, you could start any work in the world in a few minutes and no power in the world would be able to stop you.

"Hamilton" had found the secret, he gave important to work rather than job. Thus it changed the history of medical science.

Imagine if he had applied for a surgeon's job could he have become a surgeon? Never, but he put the hoe down and held the giraffe's neck and became surgeon.

There are unemployed people who fail because they just look for a job, not for work.
The day you started working like "Hamilton" you will win the Nobel Prize and will become great and successful human beings.

- Copied


True Position:

The sincerity of a husband is known during the sickness of his wife.
That of a wife is known during the financial difficulty of the husband.
True love of children is known during the old age of the parents.

The true nature of siblings is known during distribution of inheritance.

The sincerity of friends is known during hard times.

The true relatives are known when one is far from his country, lonely or sick.

True love is known when there is no means of benefit & a true believer is known during times of hardship.

In all, life is the teacher itself. May we grow in wisdom, understanding and patience.

- Copied.



1. The Greatest Act of Leadership Is mentoring.

2. If what you learn, achieve, accumulate or accomplish dies with you then you are a generational failure.

3. Mentoring is the manifestation of the highest level of personal maturity, security and self confidence.

4. An insecure person will never train people. He will oppress people.

5. Mature people create people greater than themselves.

6. Your assignment has a shelf life.

7. You will die one day; so train your replacement.

8. Your greatest gift to the world is your mentee.

9. True leaders do not seek followers. Followers are attracted to true leaders.

10. The Greatest obligation of true leadership is to transfer your deposit to the next generation.

11. Leadership success is measured by the success of their successors.

12. No matter how great you may have been, if you didn't produce a successor, you are a failure.

13. You preserve what you built through mentorship.

14. Legacy is about preserving all that you've built by raising other people.

15. Success without a successor is failure.

16. Leadership that serves only its generation is destined to failure.

17. If your vision dies with you, you have failed.

18. Legacy is about living beyond your grave.

19. Leadership Is not a sprint but a relay.

20. The most important part of a relay is to successfully pass the baton on, not running.

21. The ultimate measure of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders.

22. True leadership measures its success by the diminishing dependency factor of its followers.

23. The ultimate measure of leadership is the ability to delegate tasks but not responsibilities.

24. True leadership makes itself increasingly unnecessary.

25.You are a successful leader when your followers can lead others.

26.Your goal as a leader is to destroy the dependency of the people around you.

27. You are a great leader when your people don't need you.

28. Make people greater than you and you will live forever.

29. True leaders do not seek power; they rather seek to empower others.

30. Never confuse your position with your value.

31. The ultimate goal of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders.

32. The first act of a true leader is identifying your replacement and you begin to mentor them.

33. You become great by producing people greater than yourself.

34. When you produce someone greater than yourself, don't get jealous.

35. When you train your replacement, you are free to expand your work.

36. When you mentor people, your legacy will make your tombstone unnecessary.




( A true life story )

I was supposed to graduate with a First-Class but made 2:1(second class upper) because a lecturer vowed that I can't be the best student ever in Computer Science Department.

What was my offence?

He said I was so insolent to publicly correct a wrong notion he postulated in class during one of his lectures, also, since he didn't graduate with a First Class then nobody else would be in the department as long as he is alive.

This happened about 12 years ago.

He was the head of the conspiracy that marked me down in my final year...

I was very depressed the day I collected my call-up letter to the National Youth Service Corps and saw I was posted to Kebbi one of the educationally less developed states in the country.

Going out of the school, I met Dr. Irukefe at the walkway and he said " I heard about your posting."

He laughed and continued " It doesn't cost much to give your details to someone at NYSC, I want to see how your computer knowledge will be useful in a state where you can count the number of computers, you felt you know something l will see how you will make it in this profession. Best of Luck". And he walked away.

I was stunned because I wanted to serve in Lagos, so this was how I got Kebbi.

Later, a reliable source told me he said that I should thank my stars that he didn't make me have an extra year in school.

I didn't know the hatred was so much.
I was diligent in my studies because of my poor background, my parent struggled to send me to school.

I went to the NYSC camp in Dakingari, very discouraged because I wanted to serve in Lagos where an IT firm had promised to pay me 20,000 Naira apart from my NYSC allowance.

Three days to the end of the camp, a man came asking if there is anyone who can repair a Laptop computer. I volunteered and successfully repaired it. He said his thanks, collected my phone number, and left. He didn't even pay me for my effort.

I thought I was going to teach in a school, When I received my placement letter, I was shocked that I was posted to the office of the Senator representing one of the constituencies in the state.

I was astonished. More amazed, when my phone rang about an hour and the man who came with the faulty Laptop was waiting for me in a Jeep.

He drove me to meet the senator, who thanked me profusely for saving his laptop because it contained bills that he wanted to sponsor at the Senate for his constituency.

The Senator offered me a job as his Personal Assistant and computer instructor at the computer institute he had set up in the state. He laid down his plans on how he wanted young students in his constituency to be computer literate and I am to be the coordinator.

My salary was over 80,000 Naira, with a furnished apartment, and medical allowance. I had access to his cars, and the first contract I executed made me a millionaire because I was asked to procure laptops and accessories for all the senior civil servants in the state ministries.

His company was given the contract.

It was from this state that I was able to secure a scholarship to study after three years of working with my principal after NYSC. He didn't want me to go because the computer school was a success story but he facilitated my comfortable arrival in the United States.

All this happened within 12 years.

I have a Ph.D. in Forensic and Information Technology.

Not quite long I was speaking at the conference of World Forensic Scientists in Japan. After delivering my lecture, there was a standing ovation from the participants all over the world.

Among them was my old-time lecturer, after the proceeding, I walked up and greeted him, he acted like he couldn't recall who I was so I reminded his exact words which were "let me see how you will make it in this profession. I am the boy you said those words to.

He was astonished.

I advised, "try to be a mentor to the young students, you don't know who and what they will become."

"Not only have I made it from this profession but internationally am recognized, you must have been seeing my publications, It was I who paid $5500 to sponsor your trip for this conference under the auspices of GRAND Inc. I owed the company.

"Sir, yearly you will be invited, to speak at a conference like this, it's my way of saying thank you for influencing my posting to Kebbi state that particular year. If you had not done it I would not have made it to where I am today. You meant evil but God turn it into good.

"I hope your hotel room (Room 312) has a nice view of Tokyo?"

He stood rooted to the spot, he was too dazed to speak as I was taken away to meet other professionals in the tech business.

He later sent a mail of apology

when ASUU went on strike, I was informed he was boasting at the department in Nigeria that he is the only lecturer in Africa, who was invited to participate at the GRAND Inc World Conference and subsequently he would be one of the speakers. I guess a leopard never changes its spots.

I am glad he is not poor but he didn't meet me where he left me 12 years ago.

No matter what anyone does to you, continue to be hardworking, a man's gift one day will always make a way for him.




Tittle: Stress

They have turn us to something else
Moving round the world
Just for us to survive
Our children have nothing to say
I want them to build the future
I want them to understand
What it means to become a great person in life

Some children have bright future
But they couldn't continue any longer
They are tired
They are not happy

The situation of my country Nigeria is turning to something else
When is all this going to stop?
Our future today lies on our hands
But we can make it work
Don't allow that to stressed you
You have a bright future

- Maryam Bint Samuel.
( A member of the Creative Writers & Readers' Club Int'l, Lagos. )



I found answer from the words of Antonio copied from justfootball.

Antonio Rüdiger: "Where I come from, pressure is not about football. Pressure is not knowing what you will eat tomorrow."

"Every time I feel the slightest pressure when I lace up my boots before a football match, I think about a specific memory, and I am instantly at peace."

The first time I ever went back to Sierra Leone with my parents after the civil war, we were riding in a taxi from the airport, and we got stuck in traffic. We were sitting there, not moving, and I was looking out the window at all the poverty and hunger. All these men and women were selling fruits and water and clothes and things by the side of the road to the people coming from the airport.

And that’s the moment when I understood why my parents would never call our neighborhood in Berlin “the ghetto.”

They would always say that it was heaven on earth. And it wasn’t until I went to Sierra Leone that I finally understood their perspective, because this guy came up to our car selling bread, and he looked really desperate. We said, “No, no. We’re O.K.”

Then another guy came up to our car selling bread, and he tried to sell it to us even harder. He was talking about how fresh it was.

“No, no. Thank you.”

Then a third guy came up to our car selling bread, and he was really hustling. He was talking about how this was the best bread in the city, and to please, please, please buy the bread from him.

I think about this memory when I start to feel any pressure from football. Because the truth is that all three of those guys were selling the exact same bread, from the exact same bakery, to the exact same cars.

One of those families would have a plate of food on the table.

The other two, maybe not.

That is pressure. That is real life.


Tittle : My birth
A Poem by Maryam Bint Samuel.

I was born from a place
I wanted to come out quickly
But I can't till am in nine
I tried to push the tommy
I felt pity for her
Then i stopped

She went to hospital
Doctor checked
If I am nine
To come out
I started disturbing inside
I really ate food from her

I grew stronger
When am in eight
I started adding weight
My mom was happy
She took a ride to the hospital
To explain to them

Finally, i reached the nine, they said
She's in pain
I tried to come out quickly
Before it's too late
And I was brought out successful
I started crying like a baby
Congratulations is what they said to her.

- Maryam Bint Samuel
( A member of Creative Writers & Readers' Club Int'l, Lagos.)


Senior Staff Club, University Of Ibadan





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