Gombawa MTV.

Gombawa MTV. Gombe Concern Media TV is an online news page.

Gaiyatar Daurin Aure:Adamu Abdulhamid Na farin cikin gaiyatar ku Daurin Auren A gobe Jumma'a.Allah ya bada ikon Zuwa Ami...

Gaiyatar Daurin Aure:
Adamu Abdulhamid Na farin cikin gaiyatar ku Daurin Auren A gobe Jumma'a.
Allah ya bada ikon Zuwa Amin.

*kuma zaku iya turo mana da naku*
Mun gode.

DA ƊUMI-ƊUMI: AN KASHE WANI MATASHI A GARIN UDI JAHAR ENUGU.An wayi gari da wani abin al'ajabi kuma abin alhini anan cik...


An wayi gari da wani abin al'ajabi kuma abin alhini anan cikin garin Udi jahar Enugu kudancin Najeriya, inda aka sami gawan wani matashi mai Suna Yusuf.

Yusuf dai asalin dan jahar Adamawa Garin Tola karamar Hukumar Mayo-Belwa. Marigayi Yusuf yana sana'ar jigila da babur ma'ana Ɗan Achaba (Okada) ne, A ranar Asabar da ya gabata ne Yusuf yana tsaye a inda suke ɗaukan fasinjoji sai wani yazo kamar fasinja sai yace ma Yusuf ya kaishi wani anguwa, tun daga ranar ba a sake ganin Yusuf ba sai yau da safe kusan kwanaki biyar kenan aka tsinci gawar Yusuf a wani jeji 😭

A yanzu haka Hausawan Garin suna ƙoƙarin yin Jana'izar shi.

Muna fatan Ubangijin Allah yaji kanshi da rahma.

Jama’a Nata Cece Kuce Tun bayan da aka Hango Wayar Samsung data Kai Kimanin (N1,250,000) a hannun Sheikh Kabiru Gombe.

Jama’a Nata Cece Kuce Tun bayan da aka Hango Wayar Samsung data Kai Kimanin (N1,250,000) a hannun Sheikh Kabiru Gombe.

AJIBADE - "e reach our turn Dem carry England give us"OSHOALA - "stop worrying about England we will definitely beat the...

AJIBADE - "e reach our turn Dem carry England give us"

OSHOALA - "stop worrying about England we will definitely beat them"

AJIBADE - "how will we beat them when you dey miss plenty chances"

OSHOALA - "hmmmmm"

AJIBADE - "I think the best option is for you to come from the bench for 2nd half, we no one take chances for that game. We wan score for every opportunity were we go get. Because if we do anyhow we go collect wotowoto from the Lioness"

OSHOALA - "but this game really need my experience. Remember I help Barcelona women win the UEFA Women's Champions league"

AJIBADE - "oga be calming down, no be Barcelona or Champions league be this, na World Cup we dey play"

Kungiyar IZALA tayi kira ga kungiyar ECOWAS da ta bi hanyar sulhu maimakon karfin soji a rikicin jamhuriyar NijerDaga Ib...

Kungiyar IZALA tayi kira ga kungiyar ECOWAS da ta bi hanyar sulhu maimakon karfin soji a rikicin jamhuriyar Nijer

Daga Ibrahim Baba Suleiman

Kungiyar wa'azin musulunci ta JIBWIS tayi kira ga ƙungiyar raya tattalin arzikin ƙasashen Afrika ta yamma (ECOWAS) kan matakin yaki da karfin soji da ta zata dauka akan jamhuriyar Nijer.

Kiran ya fito ne daga bakin Shugaban Izala na tarayyar Naijeriya, kuma shugaban hadin kan kungiyoyin Ahlussunnah na kasashen Afurka Sheikh Dr. Abdullahi Bala Lau a ofishinsa dake sakatariyar kungiyar a birnin tarayyar Naijeriya Abuja.

Sheikh Bala Lau yaci gaba da cewa, yana bada shawara ga kungiyar ECOWAS maimakon a dauki mataki na dawo da shugaba Muhammadu Bazoom da karfin soji, gara a hau teburin sulhu domin hakan yafi alheri, Allah Madaukakin sarki yayi Umarni da a sasanta tsakanin Al'umma kamar yadda yake fada a cikin Suratu Alhujurat ayata 10 cewa; "kawai masu Imani Yan uwan junane, ku sasanta tsakanin yan'uwanku, kuma ku kiyaye ubangiji da hakane za'a tausaya muku". Kuma "Sulhu Alheri ne" Inji Allah.

Shehin Malamin ya sake bada shawara ga kungiyar ta ECOWAS cewa, Ta zakulo tsoffin 'yan siyasa kuma dattawa, da Malaman addini da ke yankin Afurka domin a zauna a teburin sulhu a sasanta tsakanin su, tabbas wannan zaifi alheri da taimakon talakawa ga Al'ummar kasar Niger da azo da bakin bindiga inji shi"

Sheikh Bala Lau, ya nemi al'ummar musulmi dake fadin Afurka da su sanya Kasar Nijer a cikin addu'oin su, na Allah ya kiyaye su, ya kare su da bala'in yaki, ya zaunar da kasar Nijer Lafiya.


Yanzu Yanzu: Sen. Sai'du Ahmad Alkhali shine Wanda Shugaban kasa ya zaba a kujeran Minister daga Jihar Gombe.

Yanzu Yanzu: Sen. Sai'du Ahmad Alkhali shine Wanda Shugaban kasa ya zaba a kujeran Minister daga Jihar Gombe.

INNALILLAHI WA'INNA ILAIHI RAJI'UNAllah ya yiwa Yariman Gombe rasuwa, Alh. Abdulkadir Abubakar, shine Babban Hakimin cik...


Allah ya yiwa Yariman Gombe rasuwa, Alh. Abdulkadir Abubakar, shine Babban Hakimin cikin garin Gombe.

Allah ya jikan shi da Rahama, da Sauran Iyayen kasa da duk wadanda s**a rigamu, Allah yafomo Yarima Dattijon Arziki.

Chairman, Nothern  Governors' Forum Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State  met with President  Bola Ahmed Tinubu at the ...

Chairman, Nothern Governors' Forum Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State met with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

CHIKEKKEN JAWABIN SHUGABA TINUBU A DAREN YAU LITININ: Sunana Bola Ahamad Tinubu Shugaban kasar tarayyar Najeriya ya ku '...


Sunana Bola Ahamad Tinubu Shugaban kasar tarayyar Najeriya ya ku 'Yan uwana, ina so in yi muku magana kan tattalin arzikinmu na irin halin tsaka mai wuya da ya shiga,

Yana da mahimmanci ku fahimci dalilan matakan manufofin da na dauka don yakar manyan kalubalen tattalin arzikin da wannan al'umma ta dade tana fuskanta." A Najeriya.

Zan yi magana a fili ba tare da boye muku wani abu ba, , bayyananne harshe domin ku san inda nasa gaba. Mafi mahimmanci, don ku gani kuma da fatan za ku bayyana hangen nesa na game da tafiyantar da Najeriyada nakeyi. don samar da ingantacciyar tattalin arziki, mai fa'ida ga ƙasar mu Najeriya

Na jima ina kaunar Najeriya tsawon shekaru da yawa, na ci gaba da kiyaye matsayin da tallafin man fetur ya kamata ya tafi, wannan matakin da aka taɓa amfani da shi ya wuce fa'idarsa, tallafin yana kashe mana tiriliyoyin Naira a duk shekara. Ba tare da ganin fa'idarsa ba a fili. Mun fiso mu karkatar da kudaden wajen kiwon lafiya, makarantu, gidaje da ma tsaron kasa.

Tattalin arzikinmu yana cikin tsaka mai wuya kuma yana cutar da ku. Farashin man fetur ya tashi. Abinci da sauran farashin sun bi sahunsa wajen tashi. Iyali da kasuwanci suna fama. Abubuwa suna kara tsamari, Na fahimci wahalar da kuke fuskanta. Ina fata akwai wasu hanyoyi. Amma babu. Idan da akwai, da na bi wannan hanya kamar yadda na zo nan don taimakawa ba cutar da mutane da al'ummar da nake ƙauna ba.

Don ƙarfafa fannin masana'antu, ƙara ƙarfinsa don faɗaɗawa da samar da ayyukan yi masu kyau, za mu kashe Naira biliyan 75 tsakanin Yuli 2023 da Maris 2024. Manufarmu ita ce samar da kamfanoni 75 tare da babban damar fara farawa da ci gaban tattalin arziki mai dorewa. hanzarta sauye-sauyen tsari da inganta yawan aiki. Kowace daga cikin masana'antu 75 za su iya samun bashin Naira biliyan 1 a kashi 9% a kowace shekara tare da biyan bashin watanni 60 na dogon lokaci da kuma watanni 12 na jarin aiki. Zamu rabawa Masana.




My fellow citizens,
I want to talk to you about our economy. It is important that you understand the reasons for the policy measures I have taken to combat the serious economic challenges this nation has long faced.

2. I am not going to talk in difficult terms by dwelling on economic jargon and concepts. I will speak in plain, clear language so that you know where I stand. More importantly, so that you see and hopefully will share my vision regarding the journey to a better, more productive economy for our beloved country.

3. For several years, I have consistently maintained the position that the fuel subsidy had to go. This once beneficial measure had outlived its usefulness. The subsidy cost us trillions of Naira yearly. Such a vast sum of money would have been better spent on public transportation, healthcare, schools, housing and even national security. Instead, it was being funnelled into the deep pockets and lavish bank accounts of a select group of individuals.

4. This group had amassed so much wealth and power that they became a serious threat to the fairness of our economy and the integrity of our democratic governance. To be blunt, Nigeria could never become the society it was intended to be as long as such small, powerful yet unelected groups hold enormous influence over our political economy and the institutions that govern it.

5. The whims of the few should never hold dominant sway over the hopes and aspirations of the many. If we are to be a democracy, the people and not the power of money must be sovereign.

6. The preceding administration saw this looming danger as well. Indeed, it made no provision in the 2023 Appropriations for subsidy after June this year. Removal of this once helpful device that had transformed into a millstone around the country’s neck had become inevitable.

7. Also, the multiple exchange rate system that had been established became nothing but a highway of currency speculation. It diverted money that should have been used to create jobs, build factories and businesses for millions of people. Our national wealth was doled on favourable terms to a handful of people who have been made filthy rich simply by moving money from one hand to another. This too was extremely unfair.

8. It also compounded the threat that the illicit and mass accumulation of money posed to the future of our democratic system and its economy.

9. I had promised to reform the economy for the long-term good by fighting the major imbalances that had plagued our economy. Ending the subsidy and the preferential exchange rate system were key to this fight. This fight is to define the fate and future of our nation. Much is in the balance.

10. Thus, the defects in our economy immensely profited a tiny elite, the elite of the elite you might call them. As we moved to fight the flaws in the economy, the people who grow rich from them, predictably, will fight back through every means necessary.

11. Our economy is going through a tough patch and you are being hurt by it. The cost of fuel has gone up. Food and other prices have followed it. Households and businesses struggle. Things seem anxious and uncertain. I understand the hardship you face. I wish there were other ways. But there is not. If there were, I would have taken that route as I came here to help not hurt the people and nation that I love.

12. What I can offer in the immediate is to reduce the burden our current economic situation has imposed on all of us, most especially on businesses, the working class and the most vulnerable among us.

13. Already, the Federal Government is working closely with states and local governments to implement interventions that will cushion the pains of our people across socio-economic brackets.

14. Earlier this month, I signed four (4) Executive Orders in keeping with my electoral promise to address unfriendly fiscal policies and multiple taxes that are stifling the business environment. These Executive Orders on suspension and deferred commencement of some taxes will provide the necessary buffers and headroom to businesses in manufacturing sector to continue to thrive and expand.

15. To strengthen the manufacturing sector, increase its capacity to expand and create good paying jobs, we are going to spend N75 billion between July 2023 and March 2024. Our objective is to fund 75 enterprises with great potential to kick-start a sustainable economic growth, accelerate structural transformation and improve productivity. Each of the 75 manufacturing enterprises will be able to access N1billion credit at 9% per annum with maximum of 60 months repayment for long term loans and 12 months for working capital.

16. Our administration recognises the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and the informal sector as drivers of growth. We are going to energise this very important sector with N125 billion.

17. Out of the sum, we will spend N50 billion on Conditional Grant to 1 million nano businesses between now and March 2024. Our target is to give N50,000 each to 1,300 nano business owners in each of the 774 local governments across the country.

18. Ultimately, this programme will further drive financial inclusion by onboarding beneficiaries into the formal banking system. In like manner, we will fund 100,000 MSMEs and start-ups with N75 billion. Under this scheme, each enterprise promoter will be able to get between N500,000 to N1million at 9% interest per annum and a repayment period of 36 months.

19. To further ensure that prices of food items remain affordable, we have had a multi-stakeholder engagement with various farmers’ associations and operators within the agricultural value chain.

20. In the short and immediate terms, we will ensure staple foods are available and affordable. To this end, I have ordered release of 200,000 Metric Tonnes of grains from strategic reserves to households across the 36 states and FCT to moderate prices. We are also providing 225,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer, seedlings and other inputs to farmers who are committed to our food security agenda.

21. Our plan to support cultivation of 500,000 hectares of farmland and all-year-round farming practice remains on course. To be specific, N200 billion out of the N500 billion approved by the National Assembly will be disbursed as follows:

-Our administration will invest N50 billion each to cultivate 150,000 hectares of rice and maize.
-N50 billion each will also be earmarked to cultivate 100,000 hectares of wheat and cassava.

22. This expansive agricultural programme will be implemented targeting small-holder farmers and leveraging large-scale private sector players in the agric business with strong performance record.

23. In this regard, the expertise of Development Finance Institutions, commercial banks and microfinance banks will be tapped into to develop a viable and an appropriate transaction structure for all stakeholders.

24. Fellow Nigerians, I made a solemn pledge to work for you. How to improve your welfare and living condition is of paramount importance to me and it’s the only thing that keeps me up day and night.

25. It is in the light of this that I approved Infrastructure Support Fund for the States. This new Infrastructure Fund will enable States to intervene and invest in critical areas and bring relief to many of the pain points as well as revamp our decaying healthcare and educational Infrastructure.

26. The fund will also bring improvements to rural access roads to ease evacuation of farm produce to markets. With the fund, our states will become more competitive and on a stronger financial footing to deliver economic prosperity to Nigerians.

27. Part of our programme is to roll out buses across the states and local governments for mass transit at a much more affordable rate. We have made provision to invest N100 billion between now and March 2024 to acquire 3000 units of 20-seater CNG-fuelled buses.

28. These buses will be shared to major transportation companies in the states, using the intensity of travel per capital. Participating transport companies will be able to access credit under this facility at 9% per annum with 60 months repayment period.

29. In the same vein, we are also working in collaboration with the Labour unions to introduce a new national minimum wage for workers. I want to tell our workers this: your salary review is coming.

30. Once we agree on the new minimum wage and general upward review, we will make budget provision for it for immediate implementation.

31. I want to use this opportunity to salute many private employers in the Organised Private Sector who have already implemented general salary review for employees.

32. Fellow Nigerians, this period may be hard on us and there is no doubt about it that it is tough on us. But I urge you all to look beyond the present temporary pains and aim at the larger picture. All of our good and helpful plans are in the works. More importantly, I know that they will work.

33. Sadly, there was an unavoidable lag between subsidy removal and these plans coming fully on line. However, we are swiftly closing the time gap. I plead with you to please have faith in our ability to deliver and in our concern for your well-being.

34. We will get out of this turbulence. And, due to the measures we have taken, Nigeria will be better equipped and able to take advantage of the future that awaits her.

35. In a little over two months, we have saved over a trillion Naira that would have been squandered on the unproductive fuel subsidy which only benefitted smugglers and fraudsters. That money will now be used more directly and more beneficially for you and your families.

36. For example, we shall fulfill our promise to make education more affordable to all and provide loans to higher education students who may need them. No Nigerian student will have to abandon his or her education because of lack of money.

37. Our commitment is to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of our people. On this principle, we shall never falter.

38. We are also monitoring the effects of the exchange rate and inflation on gasoline prices. If and when necessary, we will intervene.

39. I assure you my fellow country men and women that we are exiting the darkness to enter a new and glorious dawn.

40. Now, I must get back to work in order to make this vision come true.



My fellow citizens,
I want to talk to you about our economy. It is important that you understand the reasons for the policy measures I have taken to combat the serious economic challenges this nation has long faced.

2. I am not going to talk in difficult terms by dwelling on economic jargon and concepts. I will speak in plain, clear language so that you know where I stand. More importantly, so that you see and hopefully will share my vision regarding the journey to a better, more productive economy for our beloved country.

3. For several years, I have consistently maintained the position that the fuel subsidy had to go. This once beneficial measure had outlived its usefulness. The subsidy cost us trillions of Naira yearly. Such a vast sum of money would have been better spent on public transportation, healthcare, schools, housing and even national security. Instead, it was being funnelled into the deep pockets and lavish bank accounts of a select group of individuals.

4. This group had amassed so much wealth and power that they became a serious threat to the fairness of our economy and the integrity of our democratic governance. To be blunt, Nigeria could never become the society it was intended to be as long as such small, powerful yet unelected groups hold enormous influence over our political economy and the institutions that govern it.

5. The whims of the few should never hold dominant sway over the hopes and aspirations of the many. If we are to be a democracy, the people and not the power of money must be sovereign.

6. The preceding administration saw this looming danger as well. Indeed, it made no provision in the 2023 Appropriations for subsidy after June this year. Removal of this once helpful device that had transformed into a millstone around the country’s neck had become inevitable.

7. Also, the multiple exchange rate system that had been established became nothing but a highway of currency speculation. It diverted money that should have been used to create jobs, build factories and businesses for millions of people. Our national wealth was doled on favourable terms to a handful of people who have been made filthy rich simply by moving money from one hand to another. This too was extremely unfair.

8. It also compounded the threat that the illicit and mass accumulation of money posed to the future of our democratic system and its economy.

9. I had promised to reform the economy for the long-term good by fighting the major imbalances that had plagued our economy. Ending the subsidy and the preferential exchange rate system were key to this fight. This fight is to define the fate and future of our nation. Much is in the balance.

10. Thus, the defects in our economy immensely profited a tiny elite, the elite of the elite you might call them. As we moved to fight the flaws in the economy, the people who grow rich from them, predictably, will fight back through every means necessary.

11. Our economy is going through a tough patch and you are being hurt by it. The cost of fuel has gone up. Food and other prices have followed it. Households and businesses struggle. Things seem anxious and uncertain. I understand the hardship you face. I wish there were other ways. But there is not. If there were, I would have taken that route as I came here to help not hurt the people and nation that I love.

12. What I can offer in the immediate is to reduce the burden our current economic situation has imposed on all of us, most especially on businesses, the working class and the most vulnerable among us.

13. Already, the Federal Government is working closely with states and local governments to implement interventions that will cushion the pains of our people across socio-economic brackets.

14. Earlier this month, I signed four (4) Executive Orders in keeping with my electoral promise to address unfriendly fiscal policies and multiple taxes that are stifling the business environment. These Executive Orders on suspension and deferred commencement of some taxes will provide the necessary buffers and headroom to businesses in manufacturing sector to continue to thrive and expand.

15. To strengthen the manufacturing sector, increase its capacity to expand and create good paying jobs, we are going to spend N75 billion between July 2023 and March 2024. Our objective is to fund 75 enterprises with great potential to kick-start a sustainable economic growth, accelerate structural transformation and improve productivity. Each of the 75 manufacturing enterprises will be able to access N1billion credit at 9% per annum with maximum of 60 months repayment for long term loans and 12 months for working capital.

16. Our administration recognises the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and the informal sector as drivers of growth. We are going to energise this very important sector with N125 billion.

17. Out of the sum, we will spend N50 billion on Conditional Grant to 1 million nano businesses between now and March 2024. Our target is to give N50,000 each to 1,300 nano business owners in each of the 774 local governments across the country.

18. Ultimately, this programme will further drive financial inclusion by onboarding beneficiaries into the formal banking system. In like manner, we will fund 100,000 MSMEs and start-ups with N75 billion. Under this scheme, each enterprise promoter will be able to get between N500,000 to N1million at 9% interest per annum and a repayment period of 36 months.

19. To further ensure that prices of food items remain affordable, we have had a multi-stakeholder engagement with various farmers’ associations and operators within the agricultural value chain.

20. In the short and immediate terms, we will ensure staple foods are available and affordable. To this end, I have ordered release of 200,000 Metric Tonnes of grains from strategic reserves to households across the 36 states and FCT to moderate prices. We are also providing 225,000 metric tonnes of fertilizer, seedlings and other inputs to farmers who are committed to our food security agenda.

21. Our plan to support cultivation of 500,000 hectares of farmland and all-year-round farming practice remains on course. To be specific, N200 billion out of the N500 billion approved by the National Assembly will be disbursed as follows:

-Our administration will invest N50 billion each to cultivate 150,000 hectares of rice and maize.
-N50 billion each will also be earmarked to cultivate 100,000 hectares of wheat and cassava.

22. This expansive agricultural programme will be implemented targeting small-holder farmers and leveraging large-scale private sector players in the agric business with strong performance record.

23. In this regard, the expertise of Development Finance Institutions, commercial banks and microfinance banks will be tapped into to develop a viable and an appropriate transaction structure for all stakeholders.

24. Fellow Nigerians, I made a solemn pledge to work for you. How to improve your welfare and living condition is of paramount importance to me and it’s the only thing that keeps me up day and night.

25. It is in the light of this that I approved Infrastructure Support Fund for the States. This new Infrastructure Fund will enable States to intervene and invest in critical areas and bring relief to many of the pain points as well as revamp our decaying healthcare and educational Infrastructure.

26. The fund will also bring improvements to rural access roads to ease evacuation of farm produce to markets. With the fund, our states will become more competitive and on a stronger financial footing to deliver economic prosperity to Nigerians.

27. Part of our programme is to roll out buses across the states and local governments for mass transit at a much more affordable rate. We have made provision to invest N100 billion between now and March 2024 to acquire 3000 units of 20-seater CNG-fuelled buses.

28. These buses will be shared to major transportation companies in the states, using the intensity of travel per capital. Participating transport companies will be able to access credit under this facility at 9% per annum with 60 months repayment period.

29. In the same vein, we are also working in collaboration with the Labour unions to introduce a new national minimum wage for workers. I want to tell our workers this: your salary review is coming.

30. Once we agree on the new minimum wage and general upward review, we will make budget provision for it for immediate implementation.

31. I want to use this opportunity to salute many private employers in the Organised Private Sector who have already implemented general salary review for employees.

32. Fellow Nigerians, this period may be hard on us and there is no doubt about it that it is tough on us. But I urge you all to look beyond the present temporary pains and aim at the larger picture. All of our good and helpful plans are in the works. More importantly, I know that they will work.

33. Sadly, there was an unavoidable lag between subsidy removal and these plans coming fully on line. However, we are swiftly closing the time gap. I plead with you to please have faith in our ability to deliver and in our concern for your well-being.

34. We will get out of this turbulence. And, due to the measures we have taken, Nigeria will be better equipped and able to take advantage of the future that awaits her.

35. In a little over two months, we have saved over a trillion Naira that would have been squandered on the unproductive fuel subsidy which only benefitted smugglers and fraudsters. That money will now be used more directly and more beneficially for you and your families.

36. For example, we shall fulfill our promise to make education more affordable to all and provide loans to higher education students who may need them. No Nigerian student will have to abandon his or her education because of lack of money.

37. Our commitment is to promote the greatest good for the greatest number of our people. On this principle, we shall never falter.

38. We are also monitoring the effects of the exchange rate and inflation on gasoline prices. If and when necessary, we will intervene.

39. I assure you my fellow country men and women that we are exiting the darkness to enter a new and glorious dawn.

40. Now, I must get back to work in order to make this vision come true.

41. Thank you all for listening and may God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.

YANZU-YANZU: Gwamnan jihar Katsina, Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda ya bayar da umarnin a rabawa talakawan jihar Katsina buhunan h...

YANZU-YANZU: Gwamnan jihar Katsina, Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda ya bayar da umarnin a rabawa talakawan jihar Katsina buhunan hatsi guda 36,100 kyauta.

Gwamnan ya bayar da umurnin raba kayan abinci ne tun a jiya Asabar, don rage tasirin wahalhalun tattalin arziki da talakawa ke fuskanta a halin yanzu, inda za'a raba kayan abincin a mazabu 361 dake fadin jihar.

Isah Miqdad AD Saude
SSA Digital Media to the Executive Governor of Katsina State.

Ga wasu muhimman abubuwa da ƙungiyar ECOWAS ta cimma a taron da ta gudanar a Abuja a yau kan juyin mulkin Nijar.

Ga wasu muhimman abubuwa da ƙungiyar ECOWAS ta cimma a taron da ta gudanar a Abuja a yau kan juyin mulkin Nijar.

Just in, The Commissioner of Police CP Afolabi Babatola, Deployed tasks force team drawn from Department of Operations, ...

Just in,

The Commissioner of Police CP Afolabi Babatola, Deployed tasks force team drawn from Department of Operations, Mopol 14pmf, State CID, SRRT, Crack Squad and Sister Security Agencies to enforce the 24hrs Curfew declared by the Adamawa State Government.


DA DUMI-DUMImasu zanga-zanga sun cinna wuta a ofishin jakadancin Faransa dake birnin Niamey.


masu zanga-zanga sun cinna wuta a ofishin jakadancin Faransa dake birnin Niamey.

Yadda wasu anguwannin jihar Adamawa s**a koma, bayan saka dokar kulle a jihar.

Yadda wasu anguwannin jihar Adamawa s**a koma, bayan saka dokar kulle a jihar.

Palliative Ko Sata? tambaya ce daga Hussaini Bello Muhammad  .

Palliative Ko Sata?
tambaya ce daga Hussaini Bello Muhammad .

BREAKING...Governor Fintiri Declares 24 Hour Curfew The Governor of Adamawa State, the Rt Hon Ahmadu Umaru  Fintiri has ...

BREAKING...Governor Fintiri Declares 24 Hour Curfew

The Governor of Adamawa State, the Rt Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has declared a 24-hour curfew on the state, effective immediately Sunday 30th July, 2023.

Governor Fintiri said the curfew followed the dangerous dimension the activities of hoodlums had assumed across the state capital as they attack people with matches and breaking into business premises carting away property.

With the curfew imposed, there will be no movement throughout the state.

Yanzu haka wasu fusatattun mutane a jihar Adamawa sun fasa rumbun ajiye abinci mallakin Gwamnatin Tarayya dake jihar, in...

Yanzu haka wasu fusatattun mutane a jihar Adamawa sun fasa rumbun ajiye abinci mallakin Gwamnatin Tarayya dake jihar, inda tuni s**a fara kwashe abincin da ke ciki.

Ko me kuke ganin ya janyo faruwan hakan?

Al'umman Pantami sun nanu Farin cikin su ga Mai Girma Gomna Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya na basu Commissioner Aka karon farko ...

Al'umman Pantami sun nanu Farin cikin su ga Mai Girma Gomna Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya na basu Commissioner Aka karon farko a yankin.

Adamu Inuwa PANTAMI shine Wanda Mai Girma Gomna ya zaba daga wannan yaki.

29th July,  2023Fuel Subsidy Removal: Nigeria Will Emerge Stronger,  Gombe Gov..Says Government Rolling Out Palliative M...

29th July, 2023

Fuel Subsidy Removal: Nigeria Will Emerge Stronger, Gombe Gov
..Says Government Rolling Out Palliative Measures To Bring Succour To People
..Rejoices With SSG Njodi On His Conferment With Traditional Title Of Madakin Kaltungo

Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, CON has expressed optimism that Nigeria and Nigerians will emerge stronger from the current economic challenges occasioned by the removal of fuel subsidy and other global factors, as the government is taking concrete steps to bring succour to the people.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya gave this indication in Kaltungo while speaking at a civic reception and turbaning of the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi as the 'Madakin Kaltungo'.

He also appealed to leaders and well-to- do individuals in the society to lend a helping hand to the needy as the relationship between those in positions of authority and the led is symbiotic in nature and reciprocal.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya further appealed to the people to be patient and support government policies and programmes in the interest of the growth and development of society.

He noted that, "no one predicted these tough times but I am happy the people have shown resilience in the present circumstances; so we are still appealing for patience and understanding because each and every one of us must do the right thing and contribute his or her own quota; government is prepared to provide leadership that is beneficial to the people.

I am optimistic that Nigeria and indeed Nigerians will come out stronger from the present economic situation as government is planning paliative measures and interventions that will cushion the hardship being faced by the people".

Governor Inuwa Yahaya explained that given the abundant human and natural resources in the country, the leadership has no excuse not to deliver the dividends of purposeful leadership to the people.

He however commended the Federal Government for giving states the authority to generate, transmit and distribute electricity, which has been a major obstacle to Nigeria's socio-economic development.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya, who expressed commitment to delivering good governance to the people, called on the people to continue to live in peace with one another and refrain from making statements that are considered disrespectful and inflammatory, as no meaningful development can take place in an atmosphere of rancor.

While congratulating Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi on the honor done to him by his community, the Governor described the SSG as a trustworthy and resourceful public servant with remarkable experience.

Governor Inuwa Yahaya therefore expressed the hope that Njodi will continue to bring his expertise and trustworthiness to the table in the second phase of the APC administration.

The Governor commended the Mai Kaltungo, Engr Saleh Muhammad for honoring the SSG with the prestigious chieftaincy title of Madakin Kaltungo, and the entire people of the chiefdom for appreciating the reappointment of the state's chief scribe.

The Governor also used the opportunity to pay special tribute to the Chairman of the occasion and an industrialist, Ahmed Abdulkadir, for taking a keen interest in his administration's efforts to industrialize the state through the establishment of the Muhammadu Buhari Industrial Park, calling on him and other entrepreneurs to take advantage of the friendly business environment and invest in their home state.

In his remarks, the Mai Kaltungo, said traditional titles in Kaltungo chiefdom are only given to individuals who distinguish themselves for the good of the society for which Professor Njodi fits into the category.

The royal father thanked Governor Inuwa for the honour done to the people of Kaltungo through the reappointment of Professor Njodi as Secretary to the State Government.

The guest speaker and vice chancellor of the Federal University of Kashere, Professor Umar Pate explained that the reappointment of Professor Njodi calls for special expression of joy and gratitude to God for making it possible and to Governor Inuwa Yahaya for rewarding hardwork and excellence.

In an interview, the Secretary to the State Government Professor Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi expressed gratitude to the Almighty God for the previledge to serve under the administration of Governor Inuwa Yahaya.

While promising to total loyalty and commitment to the Inuwa administration, thanked those who came from far and near to honor him.

The event was attended by Speaker of Gombe State House of Assembly, SSGs from neighbouring states, top government functionaries, traditional rulers, vice chancellors of universities and heads of tertiary institutions among others.

Ismaila Uba Misilli
( Press Affairs)
Government House


Pantami Quarters Near M/kuri Primary School Gombe





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