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New Year: Hon Mahmud Gaya tasks peoples to pray for end of insecurity

The Member representing Albasu, Gaya and Ajingi federal constituency in the House of Representatives, Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya urged the Nigerians to pray fervently for an end to the senseless killings, kidnapping and other related insecurity occurring across the country.

The Federal Lawmaker added that more than any other times in our history insecurity in all ramifications has ravaged the country and we shall continually pray for an end to all challenges going through as a people and nation adding that the present situation in the country is a test of faith and a challenge to everyone.

Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya made the statement in his new year message issued to newsmen in Kano.

He urged peoples of his constituency’s and the country in general to be more vigilant in ensuring their environment security, need to report any suspicious movement to the security agencies, saying when peoples support the security agencies with meaningful information this will assist security personnel in maintaining and safeguarding the lives and properties of Nigerians.

According to him as a representative of his people will continue to deliver the dividends of democracy to them and that will enhance the well-being of peoples of Ajingi, Albasu and Gaya through the provision of socio-economic projects and equal opportunity for all.

" Truly, I can assure my constituents that the best of me hasn’t come. My current achievements in office are just a tip of the iceberg as I’ll continue to do my best to uphold the principles of justice, fairness, equitable distribution of democracy dividends and fined tune strategies to make my constituent a hub of economic transformation and sustainable development."

Hon Mahmud Gaya assure the peoples of his constituents that various empowerment programme have been designs to boost small scale poultry farming under Sustainable Families Support Programme, saying I have attracted various projects across 30 wards of the three local government areas ranging from from the drilling of boreholes, Solar Energy, Hand Pumps for irrigation, and Classroom Blocks which has been has successfully executed and many to come

Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya facilitating with peoples and government of Kano state, Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila, House principal leaders, peoples of the constituent and Nigerians for witnessing yet another new year celebration and pray for peace, and hitch-free new year devoid of any insecurity.

PETROLEUM INDUSTRY BILL: WHAT IT MEANT  FOR NIGERIA | Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud GayaBefore PIB was tabled before the Nation...


Before PIB was tabled before the National Assembly in 2007, Nigeria does not have a comprehensive law for the administration of the sector but has about 16 Petroleum Acts many of which overlapped in functions and responsibilities. The Nation’s oil industry is being governed by laws enacted more than 50 years ago which has extremely not conversant with current oil and gas reality.

Even though a splinter Bill named the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB), was passed in 2018 by the 8th National Assembly, but failed to receive the prerequisite Assent of the President of Nigeria and thus could not become law.

Contrary to all Nigerians expectations, the Bill in its wholesale form, has survived three presidents and four convocations of the National Assembly. Everyone has been waiting for the passing of the Petroleum Industrial Bill which has been on the lips of every Nigerian. The PIB becomes the most popular bill because oil sector represents the live wire of our nation.

For 13 years, non passage of the Bill remain a major drag on the petroleum industry, which has significantly limiting country potential to attract both local and foreign capital at a time when many other countries in Africa’s are scrambling to exploit their oil and gas resource. It is a fact that Nigeria hosts the world’s 10th largest Petroleum reserve at about 25 billion barrels with Gas reserve of 166 Trillion Standard Cubic Feet (TSCF). But country only received 4 per cent ($3 billion) of $75 billion invested in the continent between 2015 and 2019.

Future trends for the oil industry do not look too good because a number of developed countries have set ambitious targets for reduced green house emissions. Also OPEC projection that by 2040 oil sector is going to be playing less and less a role in global energy usage. If the projection come true in the next 20 years from now the world’s dependence on oil would have reduced to 50 percent. So, whichever way you look at it, it appears that the days of crude oil are numbered.

Why PIB is importance to the nation, Nigeria has lost so much revenue that could have accrued to government coffers, as existing investments are stalled and potential investors are scared of coming. The passage of the PIB by two nation’s chambers would mark the beginning of the repositioning of the oil and gas industries. The bill clear the concerns raised by investors and have greater clarity on the direction of the industry, especially with respect to the new fiscal rules and Nigeria’s oil and gas industry and Nigeria’s economy will witness an exponential growth soon.

The bill in it entirety will promote the competitive and liberalised downstream sector of the petroleum industry as well as the development of fuel and chemical industries. Going by the standard legislative procedures, the Conference Committee of the National Assembly would meet to reconcile the differing positions of the Senate and the House.

The Bill consists of Five distinct chapters, with Miscellaneous Provisions comprising 319 clauses and 8 schedules. Most importantly, the PIB will create a sustainable investment climate, where business in the sector will flourish. To complement the plea of the Host Communities as the people’s representatives despite there is little contentious issue concerning Host Community Development Fund, where Senate set aside 3 per cent, Reps 5 and Executive 2.5 percent which will be solve when the passed bill reflect harmonised stage by both legislative chamber. The percentage shall be paid annually as contribution to the Host Community Development Fund Operating Expenditure Of Oil Companies (OPEX).

In addition to this all funds received from gas flaring should be channeled for the purpose of Environmental Remediation and Relief of the host communities as against the development of infrastructure in midstream gas operations. Both chambers okayed 30 per cent of profits accruing from oil and gas operations by the NNPC Limited for the exploration of oil in the frontier basins of Chad Basin, Gongola Basin, Anambra Basin, Sokoto Basin, Dahomey Basin, Bida Basin and Benue Trough.

Even though the NNPC Limited is to operate as a commercial entity, the Bill vests on it the power to act as the concessionaire of all Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) as the national oil company on behalf of the Federation in line with its competencies. It will also have the sole right “to lift and sell royalty oil and tax oil on behalf of the Corporation and the Service respectively for an agreed commercial fee.

In the case of profit oil and profit gas payable to the concessionaire, NNPC Limited shall promptly remit the proceeds of the sales of the profit oil and gas to the Federation less its 10 per cent for management fee and 30 per cent for Frontier Exploration Fund as specified in (section) 9(4) of this Act”. It will also have the power to “be a supplier of last resort for security reasons. All associated costs shall be for the account of the federation”.

The NNPC as it is today will metamorphose into a Limited Liability Company to reappear as NNPC Limited, so, that its operation will be commercially oriented, devoid of political interference and the much-needed dividends will be brought to Nigerians.

The initial shareholders are going to be the Ministry of Finance Incorporated and Ministry of Petroleum Incorporated and subsequently open for the general public to invest. Then with regards to the fiscal regime, the laws will bring it in tandem with international best practices, to make the oil and gas industry in Nigeria much more competitive and attract the much-needed investments into the country.”

Nigerians, oil and gas stakeholders expect Mr. President to give expeditious assent to the bill when it is transmitted by the National Assembly.

Hon. Gaya, writes from the House of Representatives, Abuja.



Nigeria’s oil and gas industries is being governed by laws enacted more than 50 years ago which are extremely not conversant with current oil and gas reality. Even though oil and gas industry contribute less than 10% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product, but it contributes about 90% of the foreign exchange earnings and 60% of total income.

For 13 years, Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) has gone through three presidents and four legislative tenures without resulting in an overarching petroleum industry law. In 2018, the House of Representatives passed a harmonised version of the PIGB almost a year After the Senate passed the bill. However, the Petroleum Industry Bill was rejected by President Buhari for “Legal and Constitutional reasons.

Non passage of the Bill remained a major drag on the petroleum industry, significantly limiting the country’s potential to attract both local and foreign capital at a time when many other countries in Africa are scrambling to exploit their oil and gas resources. In spite global market is changing rapidly, exacerbating old threats and creating new ones. The world’s largest consumers have become top producers and top importers have begun to export. Future trends for the oil industry do not look too good because a number of developed countries have set ambitious targets for reduced green house emissions.

Therefore, the passed bill arrived at right time considering future usefulness of petroleum resources in near decades had increased level of uncertainty on oil demand calls for great concern. With great anticipation Petroleum Industry Bill would overhaul the sector to operate optimally in line with global standards.

For all these years the sector has many Petroleum Acts and Regulations which overlapped each other in functions and responsibilities without comprehensive law for the administration of the oil and gas sector. But when PIB assented by Mr President will repeal about 10 laws including the Associated Gas Reinjection Act; Hydrocarbon Oil Refineries Act; Motor Spirit Act; NNPC (Projects) Act; NNPC Act (when NNPC ceases to exist); PPPRA Act; Petroleum Equalisation Fund Act; PPTA; and Deep Offshore and Inland Basin PSC Act. It also amends the Pre-Shipment Inspection of Oil Exports Act while the provisions of certain laws are saved until termination or expiration of the relevant oil prospecting licenses and mining leases including the Petroleum Act, PPTA, Oil Pipelines Act, Deep Offshore and Inland Basin PSC Act
Within 6 months from commencement of the new law NNPC Limited under Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) will change NNPC operation to commercially oriented, which would bring much-needed dividends to Nigerians. NNPC will metamorphose into a limited liability company. Incorporation of a commercial and profit focused NNPC Limited under CAMA with ownership vested in the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (and Ministry of Petroleum Incorporated) on behalf of the Federation to take over assets, interests and liabilities of NNPC.

This structure is expected to pave the way for eventually sale of shares to Nigerians.
The initial shareholders are going to be the Ministry of Finance Incorporated and Ministry of Petroleum Incorporated. But subsequently, it will be open for the general public to invest. Then with regards to the fiscal regime, the laws will bring it in tandem with international best practices, to make the oil and gas industry in Nigeria much more competitive and attract the much-needed investments into the country.”
The passed bill will create the Nigerian Upstream Regulatory Commission responsible for the technical and commercial regulation of the upstream petroleum operations; and the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority responsible for the technical and commercial regulation of the midstream and downstream operations in Nigeria.

The PIB seeks to provide legal, governance, regulatory and fiscal framework for the Nigerian Petroleum Industry and It contains 5 Chapters, 319 Sections and, 8 Schedules. Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) key objective is to ensure good governance and accountability, creation of a commercially oriented national petroleum company, and fostering a conducive business environment for petroleum operations.
The NNPC as it is today will metamorphose into a Limited Liability Company. It will be NNPC Limited. So, its operation will be commercially oriented, devoid of political interference and the much-needed dividends will be brought to Nigerians.
The quest for oil explorations in the North and other parts of the country have received a huge boost. Based on Section 9 of the PIB, at least 30% of the profit generated by the proposed Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited will go to the exploration of oil in ‘frontier basins’. Although the proposed law doesn’t identify the frontier basins, a statement by the president in 2019 identified the frontier basins as Chad Basin, Gongola Basin, Anambra Basin, Sokoto Basin, Dahomey Basin, Bida Basin and Benue Trough.

30 per cent for Frontier Exploration Fund as specified in (section) 9(4) of this Act”. It will also have the power to “be a supplier of last resort for security reasons. All associated costs shall be for the account of the federation. The main objective of 30% frontier exploration activities is to promote the exploration of petroleum resources in Nigeria for the benefit of the Nigerian people and promote sustainable development of the industry, ensure safe, efficient transportation and distribution of infrastructure, and transparency and accountability in the administration of petroleum resources in Nigeria. The proposed law stipulates that the 30% profits from oil operations will be held in Escrow Account that processes completing of transaction. Money, securities, funds, and other assets can all be held in escrow. In a situation where it is not being used, it would be returned to the treasury.
the House of Representatives made efforts to return to the Senate to discuss the possibility of renegotiation to 5% but the Senate had already passed the report thereby foreclosing any review. Therefore, members of the conference committee of the House had to return and pass it. That is what House rules say. As we don’t want PIB to suffer the same fate that it had suffered in the past. Therefore, the House of Representatives adopted Conference Report on the Petroleum Industry Bill approving 3% as the financial provision for the Host Communities Fund to align with the position of the senate on the same matter.
The 3% should be paid annually as contribution to the host Community Development Fund Operating Expenditure of Oil Companies (OPEX). The bill provides that each settlor must set up a development trust fund and appoint a Board of Trustee which must apply to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to register the trust as a Host Communities Development Trust. Another good aspect for communities component in the bill provides that each settlor must set up a development trust fund and appoint a Board of Trustee which must apply to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) to register the Trust as a Host Communities Development Trust.
Clause 236 of the bill gives the time frame for the registration of a trust fund for oil asset.

For existing leases and existing designated facilities, the period for setting up the fund is within 12 months of the bill coming into effect. Existing prospective licences must set up the Fund before application for the field development plan. And failure to comply with setting up of the trust fund in line with the Act, a holder risks revocation of the applicable licence.

According to the Bill, “wherein any year, an act of vandalism, sabotage or other civil unrest occurs that causes damage to petroleum and designated facilities or disrupts production activities within the host community, the community shall forfeit its entitlement to the extent of the costs of repairs of the damage that resulted from the activity with respect to the provisions of this Act within that financial year. Provided the interruption is not caused by technical or natural cause”.

If PIB assent by PMB will clear the concerns raised by investors and have greater clarity on the direction of the industry, especially with respect to the new fiscal rules and Nigeria’s oil and gas industry and Nigeria’s economy to witness an exponential growth soon. The bill also promotes the competitive and liberalised downstream sector of the petroleum industry as well as the development of fuel and chemical industries.
Under- Fiscal framework the objective is to establish a progressive fiscal framework that encourages investment in the Nigerian petroleum industry, provides clarity, enhances revenues for the government while ensuring a fair return for investors.

Hon. Mahmoud Gaya, writes in from the House of Representatives, Abuja



✍🏻Ameenu Mahmoud Makama

In 2015, the Member Representing Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency in the National Assembly, Hon. Mahmoud Gaya was the best performing House of Representative Member from Kano State in the 8th Assembly.

More than a year into the 9th Assembly, with the number and quality of bills Hon. Mahmoud Gaya is proposing, it is already becoming clear he is also likely to emerge the best performing Member from Kano State back to back in the House of Representatives.

In the area of Constituency Projects, from what has been reported thus far, the Member Representing Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives is performing excellently well.

Let us look at the area of students bursary, Hon. Mahmoud Gaya has no Competition. Recently, he paid many undergraduate and post graduate students bursary for the year 2020/2021 Session.

Is it scholarship and job placements you will like to consider, the Member of the House of Representatives has changed the story of the people of the Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency as they have never had it this good.

When it comes to empowering the constituents, Gift of Cars, Motorcycles,Bicycle, Machine, Sewing Machine Etc, No Member of the House of Representatives stands as tall as Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya.

Information from the grapevine suggests the constituents have not even seen anything yet, as the mother of all empowerment is on the way that will awe the entire Federal Constituency and beyond.

Matshona Dhliwayo said "It is in vain to try and stop a star from rising, even with a ladder." Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya is a star and an asset in Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency and it is in vain to try and stop him from rising.

Lahadi 04 July 2021Mai Girma Dan Majalisar Tarayya Mai Wakiltar Gaya, Ajingi da Albasu HON. ABDULLAHI MAHMOUD GAYA ya ka...

Lahadi 04 July 2021

Mai Girma Dan Majalisar Tarayya Mai Wakiltar Gaya, Ajingi da Albasu HON. ABDULLAHI MAHMOUD GAYA ya kawo ziyara Mahaifarsa kamar yanda ya saba a Duk karshen mako.

Hon. Mahmoud Gaya yana kawo wannan ziyara ne dan tattaunawa da Al’ummarsa da kuma zuwa Daurin Aure, Dubiyar Marasa Lafiya, Gaisuwar Wadanda akai wa rashi na mutuwa da dai sauran su.

Allah ka dafawa wannan Bawa naka Mai kaunar talakawan sa, Allah ka shiga lamuransa, Allah ka kauda Idon Makiya Akansa.

📸 ✍🏻
Ameenu Mahmoud Makama
Media Aid To Hon. Member


Tuesday 15th June. 2021


✍🏻Ameenu Mahmoud Makama

The Member Representing Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya has performed creditably well in the area of Legislative Constituency Projects over the years and has been commended by a larger population of his constituents.

It is very heart warming to know that in most cases, the Legislative Constituency Projects selected and executed are products of robust engagement by the communities who are beneficiaries of these projects. This is true democracy and competent representation.

Attempting to list all the Legislative Constituency Projects of Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya would possibly take the whole space in this treatise but we will make effort to enumerate a few for the purpose of information. Most of the listed projects have been completed and commissioned.

Summary Of Hon. Mahmoud Gaya First Phase Projects In Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency Of Kano State.

1. Construction of Hospital at Gaya Local Government

2. Capacity Building of School in Gaya LG, Named (Hajiya Nafisa Girl secondary School)

3. Construction of three permanent class room block at 10 wards in Gaya Local Government

4. Construction of three permanent class room block at 10 wards in Albasu Local Government

5. Construction of three permanent class room block at 10 wards in Ajingi Local Government

6. Construction of motorized bolehole at many various areas in his Constituency

7. Supply and Installation of solar street lights at all cross or street in Albasu Local Government

8. Provision of solar bolehole at Gaya/Ajingi/Albasu

9. Construction of permanent police station site at Gaya Local government area.

10. Provision of Solar Powered Street Lights at all wards in Gaya Local government

11. Provision of Solar Powered Street Lights at all wards in Ajingi Local government

12.Renovation of Gaya General Hospital in Gaya LG

13. Renovation pump Powered Boreholes at Gaya/Ajingi/Albasu.

14. Construction of class room blocks with Toilets at Ajingi Local Government

15. Capacity Building Workshop on youth Empowerment.

16. Next level modern initiative Eng. tech in collaboration with the dutiful Hon. Member

17. Training and capacity building workshop on poultry and management

18. Construction of Classrooms Block at Fan’dau, Daho, Duwa, Gagarami, Jemi wards, Albasu local government

19. Construction of Classrooms Block at Kazurawa, Balan, Rimin Dagachi wards, Gaya Local Government

20. Construction of classrooms block at Dundun, Jiyayyah, Ajingi wards, Ajingi local government

21. 700 Male and Female Empowering on poultry production and management

As earlier stated, for lack of space and time, we cannot put down all the projects here but will provide more information in a subsequent treatise. The Legislative Constituency Projects for the 2021 legislative year are soon to commence and Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya will continue in his development focused representation of his people.

He is appreciative of the support he enjoys from the good people of Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency and beyond and has made commitment to do even more now and in the future.



The Member representing Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu federal constituency in the House of representatives, Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya urged peoples of his constituency’s and the country in general to be more vigilant in ensuring their environment security, need to report any suspicious movement to the security agencies.

He made the statement when receiving Gaya local government leadership and party stakeholders who paid him sallah homage in his residence.

Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya enumerated achievements made so far, since their in areas such as infrastructure, education, health, agriculture, empowerment with adequate welfarism of constituents among others, saying this has been achieved as result of for their unflinching support to him in addressing Gaya local government’ problems.

Explained that he was able to construct 3 blocks of classrooms each in 23 out 30 wards in the constituency, Constructing 23 motorized boreholes with overhead water tanks at various wards of the constituency, instilled 163 solar street light provided across the constituency and rehabilitated many healthcare facilities across the three local government areas.

You are witnessing that I have touching the lives of many especially downtrodden which their benefited from various economic empowerment.

Commenting on the acute shortage of drinking water in the area said providing such services is not part of my responsibility as a lawmaker my other duties, representatives is introduce bills and resolutions for my constituency’s well being and the nation at large.

“You knows that for long time Gaya local government is faces serious acute shortage of drinking water but on my part I have doing all what its take to bring you a scour during just past immediate Fasting I had provide 40, 000 liters Tankers to provide water in the area throughout the Ramadan.”

Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya thanks them for accorded him with such honour with their unflinching support to him and promise them continue doing anything possible for the overall benefit of them.

Many stakeholders spoken at Sallah’s homage including Gaya local government chairman, Kano South interim Vice chairman of Progressives Congress (APC), local government party interim leadership, elected, appointed councillors, advisers and other stakeholders.



Sunday, 25th April, 2021.


We received with absolute submission to the will of Allah, the death of Hajiya Maryam (Mai Babban Daki) a mother to the HRH Emir of Kano (Alh. Dr. Aminu Ado Bayero) and HRH Emir of Bichi (Alh. Dr. Nasiru Ado Bayero), a First Class Mother of Kano State.

As such, the Hon. Member House Of Representing Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu Federal Constituency (Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya) mournfully mourn the sudden demise of this noble souls who spent her entire life serving humanity.

In addition, the Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya, condoles with some great people of the Community who missed thier ones in this hard trying times, May Almighty Allah grant us all the Fortitude to bear the loss.

On this sad note we condole with the Two Royal Highness 👑, KNSG, Her Family, Emirates Council and the Kano State community. as we pray in Allah to overcome this hard trying times.

Hon Abdullahi Mahmud Gaya also extend his deepest condolences on behalf of himself and peoples of his constituent to His Excellency, Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, HRH Emir Of Kano and HRH Emir of Bichi, immediate family and pray to Allah to give them all the fortitude to bear the loss, and praying that Allah grant the soul of Hajiya Mai Babban Daki, leternal rest and admit her to Aljannah Firdaus. Ameen

Ameenu Mahmoud Makama
Media Aid To Hon. Member

Thursday 15th April 2021HEALTH IS WEALTHHealth is the real wealth worth more than pieces of gold and silver. The Dutiful...

Thursday 15th April 2021


Health is the real wealth worth more than pieces of gold and silver.

The Dutiful Hon. Member House Of Reps. Gaya/ Ajingi/ Albasu Federal Constituency [Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya] in his efforts to revamp the health sectors across his constituency, has facilitated with the Construction and improving of Hajiya Nafeesa Mahmoud Hospital Gaya.

Apart from these, The Hon Member has also made a provisions to build, revamp and equip somany primary health care units across his constituency.

And if we can remember, the Hon. Mahmoud Gaya Bill on the establishment of Gaya Specialist Hospital has passed second reading and reached certain level after public hearing on the bill is made.

Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya’s efforts to bridge the gap in the health care delivery in Gaya and it environment can not be quantify.

May Almighty Allah bless the people's representative

Ameenu Mahmoud Makama
Media Aid To Hon. Member

Kamar yadda ya saba daukar nauyi sa waazozin malamai da ban da banARTV: Shekh Bashir Umar 10-11 Pm Express Radio Sheikh ...

Kamar yadda ya saba daukar nauyi sa waazozin malamai da ban da ban
ARTV: Shekh Bashir Umar
10-11 Pm
Express Radio Sheikh Karibullah Nasir Kabara
10-11 PM
Rahma Radio Sheikh Umar Sani Rijiyar Lemo
10-11 PM
Guarantee Radio Sheikh Lawan Abubakar Triumph
10-11 PM
Radio Kano Sheikh Isa Waziri
10-11 PM
Tun daga yau talata Harzuwa karshen Azumi

Allah ya saka da gidan Aljannah



Tuesday, 6th April, 2021.


Innalillahi Wa’innah Ilaihi Raji’un!

The Hon. Member house of Reps. Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu (Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya) received with great shock the news of the death Alh. Adamu Dan Abba Gaya, a one of the business man in Gaya.

Not just his family, people of Gaya included has lost a powerful force for peace and democracy. We share the sense of loss at the passing away of this great personality.

On behalf of Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya Member House Of Reps. Gaya, Ajingi and Albasu we send our deepest condolences to his family and the people of Gaya at this difficult time. Gaya Local Government mourns with you and celebrates the extraordinary life of this Great Business Man who devoted his life to peacefully protecting and serving Gaya LG, our common home and future.

May Almighty Allah forgive him, have Mercy on him and have mercy on us after him. May Jannatul Firdausi be his final abode.

Ameenu Mahmoud Makama
Media Aid To Hon. Member
Hon. Abdullahi Mahmoud Gaya
Member House Of Reps. Gaya/Ajingi/Albasu Federal Constituency.


No. 1 Gidan Ganduje Near Gaya Zonal Office, Gaya Local Government





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