Life with teenagers the remedy for generations

Life with teenagers the remedy for generations to encourage the teenagers and youth on making their Dreams a reality because they are the pillars of generations

It's gonna be a new phase for Nigeria πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬ Am always Obedient πŸ’– ✌️

It's gonna be a new phase for Nigeria πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬
Am always Obedient πŸ’– ✌️


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It's weekend... ✌️ ❀️πŸ”₯🌺


*Wisdom For Living, Daily Guide.*

Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021.

Topic: The fear of God.

Job 1 & 2.

Text: _Job 1:1: KJV:There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, *and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.*_

Beloved, our opening text says *_"...and one that feared God and eschewed evil."_* beloved to hate evil is the outer effect of encountering the love of God. The bible says _love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, *for if any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him,*_ this scripture implies that when the love of God is in the heart of a man, that man will no longer love the world and it's things. This means that *the love of God work in us a drawing from the world and it's desire.*

It was this fear (reverence) that Daniel and the three Hebrews boys had that they did not eat the Kings meat, many people would want to take the sides of the pleasure of the food, the daily big chicken and good food, but this men were no longer ruled by their appetites, they did not because the food was given to idols, but Esau was ruled by his appetite, *beloved food is good but it can be a stumbling block between a man and his God,* Esau sold is birth right, Adam & Eve because of food fell, the Bible's says they ate, even when the devil came to Jesus, he came with food (bread,) I know you still said you wanted to hold that fast, but you kept postponing it. Beloved the fear of God puts God in the first place in everything we do, no wonder the bible says in _Matthew 6:33: *seek ye first the kingdom and his righteous*..._

1. _The fear of God makes us deny unGodliness._

2. _The outer effect of the love of God *is that it plants in us, the fear of God.*_

_father thank you for your word, plant in us your love and fear (reverence) in our hearts,_ Amen.

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Date: Monday, October 25, 2021.

Topic: The believers Authority.

Esther 9 & 10.

Text: _Esther 9:19: KJV:Then Esther the queen, the daughter of Abihail, *and Mordecai the Jew, wrote with all authority,* to confirm this second letter of Purim._

Beloved, Our opening scripture says *_"...and Mordecai the Jew wrote with all Authority..."_* we get to see that from our text that "Authority is a law." Beloved the first thing we understand about law *is that it compels obedience of it's subject,* whether they agree to it or not, they are forced to comply, in other words they cannot object by their will to oppose it, it is binding, and this "Authority by law" is that which King employs in governing the people in a teritory.

In the new testament the bible says, _*for the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.*_ the law there talks about Authority, Jesus freed us from the Authority (Dominion) of darkness and translated us into God, this therefore makes the believer superior and far above principalities and powers, so the believer should heal the sick, cast our devil's, demons from those possesed, take note, I didn't say its meant for pastors, preachers, bishops etc, I said the believer (born again) in christ should cast out devils, that is you and I, because Jesus has given us Authority over them.

1. _Authority talks about a law, and it imposes obedience to the will of a man._

2. _The day you became born again Jesus gave you authority over principalities and powers, *they are subject to you*.._

_I am concious of my Authority in Christ, I am God's vessel to heal the sick, raised the dead and cast out devil's from the oppressed, Glory to God,_ Amen.

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Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021.

Topic: God's usable vessels.

Bible scriptures are Esther 1 & 2.

Esther 1:2:_KJV:And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti._

Beloved, God do not need any ability, skills or efforts from men before he uses them, when we find God's choices of people he sought to use, they were not in themselves strong, while Moses complained to God that he was a stammerer, Jeremiah said he was just a child, Isaiah on the other hand said I am a man of unclean lips, so *God does not call's the qualified in qualifies whosoever he calls.* Beloved when God calls a man he first purges him and then he can become God's vessel fit for use.

our opening scripture says _"...*so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.*_ Beloved God can only use a man that he has purged of the flesh and it's desires, while Vashti got to her rising without been purged of the world, Esther before time had began to give herself to the lord for self to be crucified at the altar. Beloved it is an error to be lifted and not yet found the lord at the altar were self is slain. David knew this and that was why he said _*Lord search my heart and try me, if there be any wicked thing therein.*_ Effective service for the kingdom begins when self is laid at the altar.

1. _When God is done purging us, he then uses us._

2. _Vashti was replaced by Esther, Saul was replaced by David, *a man who is usable in the hands of God must seek to do the will of God and not is.*_

_Dear heavenly father, make us fit for kingdom advancement, purge our heart that there be no evil found in it,_ Amen.

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Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2021.

Topic: God's provision for his children.

Bible scriptures are Nehemiah 9 &10.

Text: _Nehemiah 9:15: KJV:And gavest them bread from heaven for their hunger, and broughtest forth water for them out of the rock for their thirst, and promisedst them that they should go in to possess the land which thou hadst sworn to give them._

Beloved, God delivered the Isrealites from the hands of the Egyptians and led them in a pillar of fire and cloud through the wilderness to bring them unto a land flowing with milk and honey, the presence and glory of God was so tangible that they all saw the glory and power of God, but inspite of this they came across several problems, situations on their way to the promises land, they had problems of hunger, thirst, of shelter and because of the environment (wildernesses) they found themselves were no plants can be grown, God became their provision.

Out of nothing God called out water from the rock, out of the sea God called out quails to feed them, God kept them warm from the cold by his presence in a pillar of fire, when the Egyptians came after them at the redsea, God delivered them. *Beloved that we are in Christ does not mean we will not be faced with problems and situation, problems and situations would come to even a man who carries the presence of God, but that God has made provision, a way out for him.* Beloved, we have God by our side is an indication *that every problem that stands in the way will eventually give way like the redsea.* Hallelujah we rejoice knowing that our victory is that *God is with us,* no wonder the bible says _*if God be for us, who can be against us?*_

1. _Glory to God, God will supply your needs according to his riches in glory._

2. _Every problems that stands in the way will give way like the redsea, *we rejoice in this hope that God is with us.*_

_Dear heavenly father we thank you for your word, we thank you for your presence wit

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Matthew 5:14-15
[14]Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
[15]Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

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Date: Monday, October 18, 2021.

Topic: Sing praises unto the Lord.

Bible scriptures are Nehemiah 7 & 8.

Text: _Nehemiah 7:1: KJV:Now it came to pass, when the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, and the porters and the singers and the Levites were appointed._

Beloved one of the ways we acknowledge God's soverignity is through worship and praises, the bible says _*they that worship,* must worship in spirit and in truth,_ the word worship goes beyond the lips it bubbles from the heart that is broken and filled with joy, and when we do doors are opened. Beloved there are systems that God as put in place in the kingdom to open doors for his children and one of such is praises. The closed door was opened for Paul and Silas when they began to praise God.

Angels came and the gates on his own accord opened, beloved there are doors in the kingdom, *doors of God's promises and covenant he has made with man at the cross,* one of the ways in unlocking (activating), walking in the blessings that Christ installed for us is through the instrument of songs, when we worship God genuinely from the heart he open these doors, no wonder the bible says _be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the spirit, singing spiritual songs, psalms, hymns, speaking to yourself.._ Jesus was speaking in the book of revelation, behold I open a door for you that no man can shut. The 24 Elders worship, Angels worship, Gods intended plan is for man to worship.

1. _God's wants us to sing praises unto his name._

2. _Doors are opened, the Angelic ministry is activated when we worship God._

_Dear father, we give you all the glory, we give you all the honour and adoration, blessed be your Holy name,_ Amen.


Date: Friday, October 15, 2021.

Topic: The servant of God.

Bible scriptures are Nehemiah 1 & 2.

Text: _Nehemiah 1:6: KJV:Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, *that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants,* and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father's house have sinned._

Beloved, God reveals himself in many dimensions such as a father, as saviour, as our Lord, as a friend and the list keeps going on and on, the revelation of him as our father talks about been our provider and helper, that of saviour talks about him as our liberty from sin and bo***ge, that of his lordship speaks about submission of our will to his, and that of a friend's talks about having a relationship with him, these are just the basic understanding that these dimensions disclose to us.

Our opening scripture says _*"...that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant..."*_ beloved in same way there are many perspective (dimensions) that we commune with God and all of this dimensions reveals the posture to assume when we relate with God, so there is the dimension of us as babe, _the bible says *as new born born babe* desire the sincere milk of the word,_ there is the dimension of us as son's, and it reveals that we are born of God, and the list keeps going on and on, from our text it talks about the dimension of been a servant, beloved the word servant do not connote slavery, rather it reveals humility, one laying down his will for the Masters will, it is this one that reveals we love God, when we lay down our will of his. Hallelujah we are servants of God, Glory!!

1. _In same way there are many dimensions in God, there are many dimensions of us._

2. _Hallelujah, I am a child of God, I am the son of God, I am a friend of God, I am a servant of God._

_Father thank you for your word, we acknow

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Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

Topic: Be a practitional of the word you preach.

Text: _Ezra 7:10: KJV: *For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach* in Israel statutes and judgments._

Beloved, there is a right approach in studying the word of God to grow in the Spirit, our opening scripture says _For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, *and do it, and to teach in Isreal*..."_ Beloved the word of God we read, study, meditate upon, and hear is God's word to us first, and then this word must first become living and active in our lives, then we can become God's vessels to transfer it to others, when God's word begins to affect our lives, our mindset, our attitude, our character, then of a truth we are growing.

Beloved, we study the word of God to grow, approaching the word of God to receive sermons to preach to a congregation will only result in deficiency in one's spiritual growth, and most of the revelation that comes is usually inspired from the flesh, so he wants to quickly type or teach that thing his brain was able to manipulate at of the scriptures, beloved the right attitude to the word of God is like that of Ezra, *he prepared is heart to seek the Lord and to do it,* and then teach others, Ezra came to God poor in spirit, he came empty needing an in filling of the Holy spirit. When we come to God like Ezra, we are not only transformed by the word, we become God's vessel that he uses to transform others.

1. _The word of God is first to us, *God is speaking to you,* not others._

2. _We come to God been poor in spirit, desperately in need of the in filling of the Holy Spirit, and with such approach towards God, our spiritual lives takes a new turn._

_Father, thank your for your word, I choose to be a doer of the word, I go to God broken knowing that I need him to fill me up._ Amen.

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