Prominence Journal of Poetry

Prominence Journal of Poetry Prominence Journal of Poetry is an onlinerevie showcasing the work of well-known contemporary writers

"Love is just a game for others, for some Love is Life itself"

To You I PromiseMy love for you is unconditional and enduring.To you I promise to always be reassuring.My love for you p...

To You I Promise

My love for you is unconditional and enduring.
To you I promise to always be reassuring.

My love for you protects you and is honorable.
To you I promise to always be faithful.

My love for you is understanding and passionate.
To you I promise to always be compassionate.

My love for you is thoughtful and cherishing.
To you I promise to always be devoted and caring.

My love for you is patient and kind.
To you I promise this always until the end of time.

My love for you is selfless and forgiving.
To you I promise this always, for as long as I am living.

My love for you is devoted and encouraging.
To you I promise to always listen and never be detouring.

I promise to show you, my wife, that I love you in all that I do.
I can promise these things because with all of my heart I love you.

©Danny Blackburn

Will You Ever?I don't think you willEver fully understandHow you've touched my lifeAnd made me who I am.I don't think yo...

Will You Ever?

I don't think you will
Ever fully understand
How you've touched my life
And made me who I am.

I don't think you could ever know
Just how truly special you are,
That even on the darkest nights
You are my brightest star.

You've allowed me to experience
Something very hard to find,
Unconditional love that exists
In my body, soul, and mind.

I don't think you could ever feel
All the love I have to give,
And I'm sure you'll never realize
You've been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
And without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
Completes and fulfills every part of me.

©Kaitlyn M. Yawn

This Is A Daily ReminderThis is a daily reminderTo relax,To not get angry over small things,To stay calm.This is a daily...

This Is A Daily Reminder

This is a daily reminder
To relax,
To not get angry over small things,
To stay calm.

This is a daily reminder
To be yourself,
To not care what people think,
To know you can be anything.

This is a daily reminder
To love yourself,
To not hurt yourself,
To not work yourself up.

This is a daily reminder
That you are beautiful,
That you are amazing,
That you will succeed.

This is a daily reminder
To always have hope,
To have faith,
To know everything will be okay.

This is a daily reminder
That you have made it so far already,
That you haven't given up,
That whatever you're doing is right,
And that you are going to be amazing.

Don't give up.
Keep holding on and believing.


The Love of God Almighty! Oh, the love of God, it shines so bright,A beacon in the darkness, a guiding light.It's a love...

The Love of God Almighty!

Oh, the love of God, it shines so bright,
A beacon in the darkness, a guiding light.
It's a love that's unconditional, pure and true,
A love that reaches out to me and to you.

It's a love that's not based on our works or our might,
But on the grace of God, a love so divine and bright.
It's a love that sees our hearts, with all their flaws and fears,
And yet, it loves us still, with tears and cheers.

Oh, the love of God, it's a love so strong,
It can heal our wounds, and make our hearts so long.
It's a love that's always there, through joy and through pain,
A love that never ends, a love that's always the same.

It's a love that's not just for the righteous and the few,
But for all of humanity, with every single hue.
It's a love that's inclusive, a love that's vast and wide,
A love that welcomes all, with no one left inside.

Oh, the love of God, it's a love so true,
A love that's forever, a love that's always new.
It's a love that's worth more than any treasure or gold,
A love that's priceless, a love that's forever to be told.

So let us cherish this love, let us honor and adore,
The love of God, the love that we've been looking for.
For in this love, we find our true home,
In the love of God, we are never alone.

By Prominence Adaeze Nwakanma

From My HeartA million stars up in the sky.One shines brighter - I can't deny.A love so precious, a love so true,a love ...

From My Heart

A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter - I can't deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.

©Mrs. Creeves

Have You Earned Your TomorrowIs anybody happier because you passed his way?     Does anyone remember that you spoke to h...

Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?

Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast,
That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?

Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,
You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?

By Edgar A. Guest

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Kingnaz Oladele Olanipekun, Muhammad Motiur Rahman, Ranu ...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Kingnaz Oladele Olanipekun, Muhammad Motiur Rahman, Ranu Kumar, Sadamhussain Soomro, David Minor, EI Rey Valientey, Donovan Horne

WOMAN! A woman, oh so fair and brightWith beauty that can stop time in flightHer eyes, like stars in the night skyShinin...


A woman, oh so fair and bright
With beauty that can stop time in flight
Her eyes, like stars in the night sky
Shining bright, with a gentle sigh

Her lips, a rose in full bloom
Soft and inviting, with a sweet perfume
Her skin, like silk to the touch
Smooth and delicate, with a gentle clutch

Her hair, a cascade of gold
Flowing like a river, so bold
Her laughter, a melody to hear
Warming the heart, and banishing fear

Her grace, like a swan in flight
Elegant and poised, with a gentle might
Her strength, like a lioness in pride
Protecting all, with a fierce stride

Her love, like a flame that burns bright
Warming the soul, and banishing the night
Her touch, like a ray of sunshine
Bringing joy, and making all divine

By Prominence Nwakanma
Fri 21/06/2024.

TrialsTimes have been tough, and things have gone wrong,But the deep love we share has been there all along.You say why ...


Times have been tough, and things have gone wrong,
But the deep love we share has been there all along.
You say why go on, there's nothing that's right,
But we never give up; we continue to fight.

There's a light of love that gives us our sight.
Our hearts may get dark at times, but we know there is light.
We both have situations not fair,
But inside we get through them because of something special we share.

The trials make you aware of the way we feel,
A love that is not fake but so very real.
I know at times that it seems like a raw deal,
But we must get through these trails until we are healed.

Trials are not easy, and you feel there's no hope.
There are times when you feel you're at the end of your rope,
But you must go down deep in the pit of your heart.
Let it stop your despair and give a new start.

For true love for each other is a gift some never get,
So when that trial comes, don't ever forget
That there is a rare thing we share that had to come from above,
And those trials will end; what got you through was pure love.

©Frank Mandarano

Every Time You Say I Love YouEvery time you say I love you,My heartbeat goes insane.The sensation of your love for meIs ...

Every Time You Say I Love You

Every time you say I love you,
My heartbeat goes insane.
The sensation of your love for me
Is almost like a pain.

And the sparkle in your eyes
Every time we speak,
It sends shivers down my spine
And makes my body weak.

Every time you say I love you,
Your smile lights up my face,
Makes me melt all over,
While my heart begins to race.

And when you kiss me softly,
My lips quiver at the touch.
I am overwhelmed with joy
That you love me very much.

My whole being surrenders
With everything you do,
And all because those precious words
You say .... are .... I LOVE YOU.

© Shelagh Bullman

I Can BleetIn fields of green, where wildflowers sway,I can bleet, and dance, and play.My voice, a melody, so sweet and ...

I Can Bleet

In fields of green, where wildflowers sway,
I can bleet, and dance, and play.
My voice, a melody, so sweet and clear,
Echoes through the meadows, without fear.

The sun shines bright, and warmth on my back,
I bask in its glow, and let out a quack.
The world is mine, and all is right,
I can bleet, and dance, and take flight.

The wind whispers secrets, in my ear,
Of far-off lands, and adventures dear.
I can bleet, and follow, and explore,
And never stop, until I soar.

So come and see, this wondrous sight,
Of a goose, who can bleet, and take flight.
I'll dance and sing, and prance with glee,
For I am a goose, and this is my spree.

By Prominence Nwakanma

Thanks for being a top engager and making it onto my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Donovan Horne, Sadamhussain Soomro

Thanks for being a top engager and making it onto my weekly engagement list! 🎉 Donovan Horne, Sadamhussain Soomro

A Friendship LostI remember the time not long agoWhen we laughed and shared it all.We were the very best of friends,Or a...

A Friendship Lost

I remember the time not long ago
When we laughed and shared it all.
We were the very best of friends,
Or at least that's what I thought.
I often wonder why friendships end.
What happens to sever that tie?
How can someone once so close
Just wave you off with a goodbye?
I must have been lacking.
I must have been wrong.
I wasn't the friend to you
That you were to me all along.
I thought I was loyal.
I know I was true,
But something went wrong.
Now there's nothing to do.
A friendship lost
Is a very sad thing.
The angels weep instead of sing.

Brenda J. Metz

I Love YouI never really knew you.You were just another friend,But when I got to know you,I let my heart unbend.I couldn...

I Love You

I never really knew you.
You were just another friend,
But when I got to know you,
I let my heart unbend.

I couldn't help past memories
That would only make me cry.
I had to forget my first love
And give another try.

So I've fallen in love with you,
And I'll never let you go.
I love you more than anyone.
I just had to let you know.

My feelings for you will never change.
Just know my feelings are true.
Just remember this one thing -
I will always love you.

© Dave Lawrie

What's Next?I lie awake tonight,Wishing of things I can change.I try to convince myself,But it's all so strange.Is it me...

What's Next?

I lie awake tonight,
Wishing of things I can change.
I try to convince myself,
But it's all so strange.

Is it me,
Or is it you?
Do I try,
Or are we through?

So long we've shared
Just to walk away.
But so much hurt
To want to stay.

Why do we do this,
Try to hurt the other more,
Only to watch one
Walk right out the door?

I love you so much,
Yet I push you to the point of breaking,
But why do you play with my heart
And never stop taking?

Is this the end
Or a new beginning?
Only one can guide me
When my head is spinning.

Don't push,
Don't try,
Don't stress,
Don't cry.

That is what plays
Over in my head
As I try to close my eyes
And just go to bed.


BirdsIn twilight skies, where shadows play,The birds take flight, and dance away,Their wings a blur, their songs a sway,...


In twilight skies, where shadows play,
The birds take flight, and dance away,
Their wings a blur, their songs a sway,
As morning dawns, and night's gray decay.

Their feathers bright, their eyes so bright,
They ride the wind, with gentle might,
Their songs a symphony, so pure and light,
As they soar high, and take to flight.

The robin's red, the sparrow's gray,
The blue jay's feathers, shine away,
The hummingbird's, iridescent hue,
A rainbow's splendor, in all anew.

Their nests a haven, safe and tight,
Their young a promise, of life's delight,
Their songs a language, understood so well,
A chorus sweet, that echoes through the dell.

The eagle soars, with regal might,
The falcon dives, with swift delight,
The owl's soft hoot, a midnight call,
As birds of all kinds, stand tall.

Their beauty's fleeting, yet so grand,
Their songs a legacy, in this land,
For they remind us, of life's sweet flight,
And the beauty that, takes to the light.

Written by Prominence Nwakanma I

Self Worth! In the mirror's gaze, I see a face so bright,A reflection of my inner light.With every breath, I whisper low...

Self Worth!

In the mirror's gaze, I see a face so bright,
A reflection of my inner light.
With every breath, I whisper low,
"I am worthy, I am strong, I glow."

My heart beats fast, my soul takes flight,
I am enough, I am in sight.
I am a warrior, brave and true,
I conquer fears, I see them through.

I am a dreamer, with a heart so kind,
I chase my passions, I leave the past behind.
I am a leader, with a voice so clear,
I speak my truth, I banish fear.

I am a listener, with a heart so wide,
I hear the whispers, I step inside.
I am a learner, with a mind so keen,
I grow each day, I make my dreams serene.

I am a creator, with a soul so bright,
I bring my visions, I make them take flight.
I am a healer, with a touch so gentle,
I soothe the wounds, I make them mellow.

I am a friend, with a heart so kind,
I nurture bonds, I leave the past behind.
I am a sister, with a voice so sweet,
I stand by others, I make them complete.

I am a daughter, with a heart so true,
I honor my roots, I make them shine through.
I am a mother, with a love so strong,
I guide my heart, I sing my song.

I am me, with a heart so free,
I am a masterpiece, I am meant to be.
I am a work of art, with a soul so bright,
I am a shining star, I am a guiding light.

Written by Prominence Nwakanma
13th June, 2024.

My MelodyAmazing and beautiful,not a flower or a tree.Much prettier than that,and only I can see.Loving and caringright ...

My Melody

Amazing and beautiful,
not a flower or a tree.
Much prettier than that,
and only I can see.

Loving and caring
right down to the core.
Filling me with happiness
and so much more.

Eyes are so stunning,
cannot look away.
Gorgeous and shining
all throughout the day.

Here in your arms
is where I belong.
The beating of your heart
is like a beautiful song.

By Eric Pribyl

LoveBecause of you, in gardens of blossomingFlowers I ache from the perfumes of spring.I have forgotten your face, I no ...


Because of you, in gardens of blossoming
Flowers I ache from the perfumes of spring.
I have forgotten your face, I no longer
Remember your hands; how did your lips
Feel on mine?

Because of you, I love the white statues
Drowsing in the parks, the white statues that
Have neither voice nor sight.

I have forgotten your voice, your happy voice;
I have forgotten your eyes.

Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to
My vague memory of you. I live with pain
That is like a wound; if you touch me, you will
Make to me an irreperable harm.

Your caresses enfold me, like climbing
Vines on melancholy walls.

I have forgotten your love, yet I seem to
Glimpse you in every window.

Because of you, the heady perfumes of
Summer pain me; because of you, I again
Seek out the signs that precipitate desires:
Shooting stars, falling objects.

~The narrator struggles with a broken heart and wants to stop loving someone, but he can’t. As time passes, the memory starts to fade, but there will always be things that trigger remembering everything once loved about the person. Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) wrote a lot about love and heartbreak, as he experienced both throughout his life~

By Pablo Neruda

SpeechlessIf I'm anywhere around you, I can't believeI've got to push you away to think, to breatheI look at your face, ...


If I'm anywhere around you, I can't believe
I've got to push you away to think, to breathe
I look at your face, I try to inhale,
I try again and seem to fail.

I can't even think of what I should do
the fact that we're together seems untrue.
You say, "I love you." I look into your eyes.
I take a step back because my heart just flies.

I feel excited as he takes me by the waist.
I can still remember how my heart raced.
I can't think of anything to way
as his lips come my way.

Can't do anything but stand still
as my dreams are fulfilled.
I feel nothing but bliss
as we kiss.

He continues to hold me tight.
Now I can't let him out my sight.
This ecstasy I can't control
as emotions begin to unroll.

I don't feel wrong, I feel completely right
as I continue to see him throughout the night.
It's like something that was meant to be,
like a gift from the heavens, that was sent to me.

©Bernadette Molina

What Greater Love Than This! In ancient times, a story's toldOf a Savior, who came to unfoldA plan of salvation, for all...

What Greater Love Than This!

In ancient times, a story's told
Of a Savior, who came to unfold
A plan of salvation, for all to know
Sent by God, to lay our sins to woe

With love and compassion, He walked the earth
Healing the sick, and giving new birth
To those who were lost, and in darkness dwelt
He brought the light, and their hearts were melted

But alas, He knew, His time was near
The cross awaited, and His fate was clear
He took upon Himself, our sin and shame
And bore the weight, of our eternal flame

He died on the cross, in agony and pain
But death could not hold, the life He gained
For He was God, and His power was great
And on the third day, He rose from His fate

He rose in glory, and in victory too
And with Him, our salvation, He brought anew
For all who believe, in His love and might
Shall live forever, in His eternal light

By Prominence Nwakanma

Someday Someday, oh someday, the sun will shine brightWith a warmth that'll chase all the shadows awayAnd the world will...


Someday, oh someday, the sun will shine bright
With a warmth that'll chase all the shadows away
And the world will be filled with delight
As we dance under the starry sky's sway

The birds will sing with joyful grace
Their melodies echoing through the place
And the flowers will bloom with vibrant hue
In a colorful tapestry anew

Someday, oh someday, we'll find our way
To a land of wonder, a brighter day
Where love and laughter will reign supreme
And our hearts will be filled with glee

So let us dream of that someday
And work towards making it stay
For a brighter tomorrow, we'll find a way
And our someday will be here to stay.

Written by Prominence Nwakanma

And She Said YES! With joy, I sing of love so true,A tale of beauty, pure and new,A heart that beats with grace and glee...

And She Said YES!

With joy, I sing of love so true,
A tale of beauty, pure and new,
A heart that beats with grace and glee,
And she said YES!

In fields of green, where wildflowers sway,
She stood, a vision, on that day,
Her eyes, like stars, shone bright and gay,
And she said YES!

The sun, it shone with golden light,
As we embraced, with all our might,
Our love, a flame, that burned so bright,
And she said YES!

In this moment, time stood still,
Our hearts, entwined, thrilled and fulfilled,
With every beat, our love did grow,
And she said YES!

The world, it faded from our sight,
As we embraced, in pure delight,
Our love, a dream, that came to be,
And she said YES!

By Prominence Nwakanma

It Can Only Be GodIn heavenly realms, a power so grand,It can only be God, the divine hand.With wisdom, grace, and love ...

It Can Only Be God

In heavenly realms, a power so grand,
It can only be God, the divine hand.
With wisdom, grace, and love so true,
It can only be God, the heart that's pure and new.

His ways are higher, His thoughts so grand,
It can only be God, the Master of this land.
He sees the future, the past so bright,
It can only be God, the one who gives us light.

In times of sorrow, in pain so deep,
It can only be God, the one who weeps.
With every tear, a love so true,
It can only be God, the heart that's pure and new.

With every breath, a grace so grand,
It can only be God, the one who understands.
In every step, a guidance so sure,
It can only be God, the one who endures.

Prominence Nwakanma

What do I see in you©Shelagh BullmanSeptember 2010What do I see in you? Oh boy. Oh boy,I see mountains and rivers, a lif...

What do I see in you

©Shelagh Bullman
September 2010

What do I see in you? Oh boy. Oh boy,
I see mountains and rivers, a lifetime of joy,
I see the sun shining on the greyest day,
I see clouds of silver lining my way,

What do I see in you? Oceans of blue,
Colourful rainbows, morning dew,
Trees of glory displaying leaves of green.
I see goodness and beauty in all living things.

I hear creatures of darkness prowling the night,
But I'm safe in your arms as you hold me real tight.
I feel the whispers of the wind entwining my soul.
I feel you breathing, that makes me whole.

I hear the rain falling and the sun on my face.
I feel the shadows of darkness as me you embrace.
I feel happiness and laughter, tears and sorrow,
But without you, my love, there would be no tomorrow.

I feel thunder and lightning whenever you're near.
I feel whispers of love wind brings to my ear,
But of all of the things that nature may bring,
It's your love I cherish above everything.

No Matter What There are times when you will upset me and cause me unwanted anger,but no matter what, "I will always lov...

No Matter What

There are times when you will upset me and cause me unwanted anger,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There are cruel words you might say that will cause me hurt and bring me sadness,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There are going to be unwise decisions you make that will disappoint me,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There are actions you might act upon that will cause me to worry about you,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There will be moments where you will make me cry and bring me to tears,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There will be unforgivable mistakes that you bring upon me,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

There will be lies told to me in which you test my trust in you,
but no matter what, "I will always love you."

In life there are struggles, arguments, and challenges we will have to endure,
but no matter what happens, I want you to know that, "I will always love you," now and forevermore!

© Angie M Flores

My Blessing In Life Jessica L. NewsomeEvery morning I wake up and seeThe most handsome man lying next to me.He's the one...

My Blessing In Life

Jessica L. Newsome

Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife should
And do everything for him I could.
I would let him know every day
That I love him more than words can say.
For the two children we have together
And the love for God in each other,
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.

So Happy And So ProudScott SabatiniThoughts of you surround me.You're the beating of my heart.The love you give defines ...

So Happy And So Proud

Scott Sabatini

Thoughts of you surround me.
You're the beating of my heart.
The love you give defines me.
My life is no longer dark.

You give your hand so sweetly.
I am lost if you're away.
You have me so completely.
I cherish you night and day.

Without your breath, I cannot live.
I need your lips on mine.
Nothing at all I wouldn't give.
I'll take nothing and be fine.

For in your arms I'm always home,
So happy and so proud.
Never a day you'll feel alone,
And I'll yell it oh so loud...


THE BEAUTY AND WONDER OF NATUREWhether one is watching a thrilling thunderstorm or looking up at a mighty tree, the expe...

Whether one is watching a thrilling thunderstorm or looking up at a mighty tree, the experience of nature is one of awe. One cannot help but marvel at the intricate design of a single leaf, or the roar of a great waterfall. Time spent in nature is time spent realizing that you don't know it all and that you never will. The earth is meant to be enjoyed by its inhabitants. That includes keeping it in the pristine condition in which it was discovered. Everyone has a part of the earth that they relate to the most. Whether it is a majestic mountain range, a roaring waterfall, a bouquet of flowers, or the calm of the woods, these are places to get to know oneself and build bonds with family.


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