Bertrand Russell, the English philosopher, once said, “The very
best proof that something can be done is that others have already
done it.” In the New Testament, Jesus taught the way to measure
the truth of any principle: “By their fruits, ye shall know them.”
In other words, the only question you need to ask about any
idea is, “Does it work?” Does it bring about the results that you desire? Milton Friedman, the Nobel prizewinning economist, said,“The only true measure of a theory or idea is your ability to makeaccurate predictions of the future based on it.”
The good news is that the ideas and principles you are about tolearn have been tested and proven in the lives and experiences ofmillions of people.
In themselves, like any principles of nature, theyare neutral. Nature plays no favorites. Nature treats everyone alike.
Whatever seed you plant in the ground, nature will grow.
Whatever thought seeds you plant in your mind, nature will grow as well. It isentirely up to you.