When we were kids we would look at the sky and think that it descended just at the back of the next five buildings.
We would run towards that direction hoping that we would see where the world ends. The closer we get the farther the horizon.
Till today, we still haven’t caught up with this sky horizon that seemed so close to us, and that’s because the horizon was just as further as our eyes could see, not really where the sky meets earth.
Liking this to knowledge; we think we know something until we learn more, see more, travel more, experience other cultures and people. The more we learn the more we realize how limited our knowledge has been.
It’s traveling, continuous learning, and diverse associations, that increase one's knowledge, not age.
If you peep out of your window every day without ever coming out, you will grow old thinking that your neighbor's house is at the foot of the sky and no one can ever convince you to believe otherwise.