Royal Kingdom Church Int'l

Royal Kingdom Church Int'l Official page for Royal Life Kingdom Faith Centre Int'l

"Raising Uncommon People For Unusual Achievement"



DATE: TUESDAY 11-06-2024


Philemon 14- But without thy mind would I do nothing…

The Lord cannot make you the head without your agreement. For you to become great, you need to start thinking the size of God’s thought for you. Stay away from narrow-minded people, stay away from those that bring you down, never bother to stay around those who tolerate you but with those who celebrate you. Eagles don’t keep company with fowls and sparrows though they are of the same family tree, eagles keep company with fellow eagles.

Keep company with those who can provoke you to greatness. Think the way great and successful people think by reading their books and listening to their tapes. You are what you think. Your present level is among many other things a response to your thought. In the dictionary of the great, impossibility is absent. Think big and think wise.

Prov 23:7- For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he… One good thing about thinking is that nobody can force you to think what you don’t want; you are the sole proprietor of your line of thought. What others think about you is not as powerful as what you think about yourself.

Stop thinking evil; start thinking the great promises in the Word of God (Jer 29:11). Thinking evil and calamity is ignorance married to foolishness. Thinking big in line with the Word of God is wisdom.

PRAYER: From this day onward, I receive baptism of excellent spirit in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: I see a new door of unusual breakthrough opening for you this month in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Think big and think wise.




DATE: SUNDAY 09-06-2024


1 Cor 15:19
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

When Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of England, especially in the dark days of conflict with the N***s, he truly exemplified the virtue of hope. As the N***s aggressively swept across Europe and then mercilessly bombed England during the Blitz, the task of defeating Hi**er and the N***s seemed overwhelming and almost impossible. Yet, despite the odds against them, the British prevailed. When Winston Churchill was asked what England’s greatest weapon against the N***s was, he responded with one word: HOPE!

One major reason Jesus left His glory in heaven for this wretched world of sins; suffered and died on the cross was to give us hope of eternal life. In other words, we may suffer here, and we may be rejected here, but for as long as we are in Christ, there is hope of eternal bliss after death. This was the reason Paul was lamenting in 1 Corinthians 15:19.

What are the benefits of keeping hope alive?
HOPE looks for the lesson in defeat instead of just leaving you feeling defeated.

HOPE discovers what can be done instead of what can’t be done; hope regards problems, small or little, as opportunities.

HOPE lights a candle instead of cursing the darkness; it draws strength from what can be instead of what was.

With HOPE, failure is a stepping stone; it keeps us going when times are tough. It creates excitement in us for the future.

Above all, HOPE gives us reasons to live.

Has your world crumbled? Did you lose your loved ones? Were you cheated and defrauded? Was it an examination you failed? Cheer up! Once again, I say cheer up. For as long as you are in Christ there is hope. Eccl 9:4 says; “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope…” See, of all losses, the loss of hope is the most devastating.

You will rise again. You will smile again. You will recover what you have lost. You will be restored again. You will pass that examination. You will still get married. Your light will shine again. Your ministry will grow. Your business will prosper in Jesus Name. Lift your hands and bless the Name of the Lord. RESTORATION IN JESUS' NAME!

PRAYER: By the blood of Jesus, I break the yoke of misfortune and hopelessness in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: In the Name that is above every other names, you will increase and multiply greatly in the Name of Jesus.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: In Christ Jesus, nothing is wrong with you!




DATE: SATURDAY 08-06-2024


2 Tim 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Two motor mechanics ran their workshops side by side. The first one appears to struggle with every vehicle that comes to him for repairs. He did not have adequate knowledge of cars. Everyone that took his car to him was left dissatisfied. Soon, word begins to spread about his incompetence. Consequently, patronage became low, and he became frustrated.

The second mechanic was very good. Just by listening to the sound of your car engine running, he can tell what is wrong with it. So, without much stress, goes straight to where the fault is and in no time, the car is in good condition. Customers began to tell their friends about him, patronage increases, and the mechanic began to make an impact in that environment. Why? He has the mastery of car repairing.The journey to competence begins with knowledge.

How much do you know about that trade? How much do you know about your profession…etc. Daniel was ten times better than his colleagues because the spirit of knowledge was found in him.

Knowledge is what determines the degree of impact anybody makes. The deeper the knowledge, the greater the impact. Mastery is not a function of chance, but of choice and diligence. Until you choose knowledge, your struggle continues! A profession you know little or nothing about cannot deliver results or lift you.

Now, ask yourself, what must I do to stay at the top of my profession? There are many things you can do. First, get connected to God. You must also be a reader and a learner. There is no competence by default, every competent and wave-making men and women made it happen through conscious and continuous learning. Remember, readers and learners will become very successful leaders in whatever area they find themselves. SEE YOU AT THE TOP IN JESUS NAME.

PRAYER: I shall no more be a victim of ignorance and I will no more procrastinate in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: You shall not die, you shall live in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The deeper your knowledge, the greater your impact.




DATE: FRIDAY 07-06-2024


James 1:2-3
2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

In 1960, when John F. Kennedy was a senator campaigning for the presidency, he gave a successful speech to a crowd at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, site of the historic battle where small group of American heroes were defeated by the Mexican army. When Kennedy finished, he wanted to make a quick exit, so he said to Maury Mathers, a local politician. ‘Maury, let’s get out of here. Where is the back door?’ ‘Senator,’ Maury replied, ‘if there had been a back door to the Alamo, there would not have been any heroes’.

A problem is not really a problem unless you allow it to be a problem. It is really an opportunity. If you can see it that way, then every time you face a problem, you will realize that you are really faced with an opportunity. At the least, more if you pursue solving it with the right attitude. But appreciating a challenge, seeing it from the angle of opportunity is what majority of people still struggle with, and have not been able to come to terms with.

The way an eagle meets and handle the challenge of wind, brings to mind the benefits you can derive from a challenge. Let’s examine them briefly:

* Turbulent wind causes the eagle to fly higher: This is tremendous lifting power in the thermal updrafts of turbulent winds.

* Turbulent wind gives the eagle a large view: The higher the eagle flies, the larger will be his perspective of the land below it.

* It lifts the eagle above harassment: At lower elevations the eagle is often harassed by suspicious crows: as it soars higher, it leaves behind all these distractions.

* Turbulent winds allow the eagle to use less effort.

* It allows the eagle to stay up longer, and it helps the eagle to fly faster.

Can you see how marvelous and beneficial turbulent winds of life could be?

So, if you want to gain the full benefit from every challenge of life, stop looking for the back door and face the difficulty with the determination to gain something from it. The longer you stay and face such challenges, the clearer your view of the potential benefits therein. And because God is on your side, you're sure to end as the winner. Do that, and you will become a hero in life. You are lifted in Jesus Name!

1. I receive abundant patience from God to survive my moment of challenges in the Name of Jesus.

2. I receive wisdom and divine inspiration to handle the challenges of life in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: The hero in you shall not die, it shall emerge gloriously in the Name of Jesus.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Amid every challenges quietly lies the way out of it.




DATE: THURSDAY 06-06-2024


Isa 11:9
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

Hos 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

True freedom is a function of knowledge while every form of bo***ge has its root in ignorance.

For example, when you grow in the knowledge of divine healing, you will prevail over sickness. When you grow in the knowledge of prosperity, you will never be poor again. When you grow in the knowledge of success, you will prevail over the arrow of failure. When you grow in the knowledge of marriage, you will not but enjoy a peaceful and serene home. When you grow in the knowledge of long life, you will never be afraid of untimely death.

In 2Pet 1:3; the Bible says, “According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”

God has given unto us all things, but it cannot become yours until you know how to get it. You don’t just sit down for things to happen, you do something to make things happen. If you want to be free from any form of insult and embarrassment, you must be ready to acquire all the necessary knowledge to make it happen.

And ye shall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall make you free (Jn 8:32). You can’t be free until you know better than what it is that is keeping or slowing you down. Every successful man or woman knows something that failures don’t know. The level you are right now is directly proportional to the size of knowledge at your disposal.

Praying and fasting without requisite knowledge may be an effort in futility. I challenge you to hate any form of ignorance with passion. Whatever is working now can work better, and whatever is not working now can work and will work again once you acquire the necessary knowledge.

Go for knowledge, it is accessible to everyone who desires it. Knowledge is neither tribalistic nor sentimental, those who seek for it will find it and their expectation shall never be cut off (Prov 24:14). YOU WILL END WELL!

PRAYER: O Lord, grant me revelation in the knowledge of your Word in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: No strange power shall hinder your progress again in the Name of Jesus. AMEN.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: It takes a real commitment to create positive transformation.




DATE: WEDNESDAY 05-06-2024


Matthew 10:16
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

An adage says ‘he who fights and runs away lives to fight another day’. Fight-to-finish battle lacks wisdom, run from it. Sometimes, I wonder why people engage in a battle they cannot win. Jesus Christ, in one of His parables said, which of the kings will want to fight a battle that will not sit down to take stock whether he has what it takes to meet the opponent or not.

He said, ‘if he plunges ahead without being sure of victory, He will have to beg his enemy mid-way’.In order not to suffer a terrible fate. Always learn to make your assessment carefully. The Bible says in John 10:39 that when they sought to arrest Jesus, He escaped out of their hand. If as powerful as Jesus is, He had to walk away from the adversary instead of fighting to finish, that means retreating sometimes should not be mistaken for weakness but wisdom.

Do not act foolishly! Know the limit of your strength, never allow anybody to push you into disaster. If you are not wise, people will toss you around like coin and avoid you like a plague when trouble comes.

Do all you can to avoid contentions? Those who love trouble hardly get out of it. There are avoidable and unnecessary contentions we sometimes engage in. Do all you can to avoid such problems? Even when it becomes necessary to fight, you must assess the situation. If it is not a battle you can win, do not attempt it, just hand it over to God in prayers.

As Christians, keeping our mouth like a sheep before her shearers (Isaiah 53:7) will most often save us from organized satanic catastrophe and put our adversaries to shame. Wisdom is profitable to direct. YOU WILL NOT BE A VICTIM OF EVIL IN JESUS' NAME.

PRAYER: I receive wisdom for successful living in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: You will not be a victim of evil in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Fight-to-finish battle lacks wisdom, run from it.




DATE: TUESDAY 04-06-2024


Gen 37:9-11
9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?
11 And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.

If your desire in life is to get to the top, you must as a matter of necessity avoid envy. Envy means resentful desire of something possessed by another person. Learn to celebrate greatness and good things. The brothers of Joseph were kept at the background and rendered useless because of jealousy and envy demonstrated towards Joseph. How they wish they are the ones that had the dream.

Envy is a product of life without vision. When you take your eyes off your focus, goal or pursuit in life and fix it on someone else’s success or results, you open yourself to envy and of course jealousy which is the root of hatred. And as you know, once focus is lost speed is lost. Once speed is lost success is lost. And when success is lost impact is lost.

You cannot attract what you do not celebrate and neither can you possess what you hate. Things can never get better for you if you hate to see others succeed.

Many are specialist in bad will rather than goodwill, that is why they are just bitter, hateful and resentful over another person’s lifting, promotion and advancement. When you see anyone who is always criticizing successful people but does not bother about failures, run away from such a person. He has the spirit of witchcraft.

Stop being envious of people who are doing well. Do not criticize people who have testimonies, and do not allow anyone to criticize them where you are. Please learn to celebrate the great things that happen in other people’s lives. You will see the same good things happen in your life too. YOU’RE UNSTOPPABLE IN JESUS' NAME!

PRAYER: I reject jealousy and envy in my spirit man by fire in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: Your good dream for this year shall come to pass speedily in the Name of Jesus.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Envy is a product of life without vision.




DATE: MONDAY 03-06-2024


Isa 30:15
For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

There is more power in silence than in shouting. The Bible says your strength is in quietness more than in shouting. It is not every time you must respond to issues; there should be time to talk and the time not to talk. Talking too much is not maturity. The Bible says in Prov 17:28 that; “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”

A man should study ever to be quiet. Thomas Jefferson noted that, “Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled in fortune and misfortune.” The silence of Jesus in John 19;9, created fear in Pilate and he wanted to release Him. Ecc 3:7 declares that there is a time to keep silence and a time to talk.

People of God, pray for the grace and wisdom to know when to be silent as you encounter people and the battles of life. Study to be quiet and silent, for they are the virtues of kings. The man or the woman who holds his/her peace is the one God speaks for. Remember, your ears can never get you into trouble! Listen more and talk less. Your expectations this month shall not be cut off in Jesus Name.

PRAYER: O Lord, give me the wisdom to know when to be silent and when to take action in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: You will receive good news from far and near this week in Jesus Name. Amen.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Remember, your ears can never get you into trouble!




DATE: SUNDAY 02-06-2024


John 5:17.
Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.

Life is hard already and full of difficulties. But it will be harder and more difficult if you stop learning, working and growing. Thus, to keep living is to keep growing, and to keep growing is to keep learning. There is no such thing as automatic growth, and there is nothing like automatic achievement.

Two categories of people are likely to experience greater difficulties in life. These are those that refuse to grow and those that become satisfied with their present achievements and start to plateau.

Your present and little achievements have a way of distorting your view of reality. It can make you think you are better than you really are. It can lure you into believing you have little left to learn. It can convince you that you should no longer expect to face and overcome challenges. These are dangerous and destiny-strangulating concepts to anyone who wants to keep improving.

It may interest you to know that very few Nobel Prize winners ever did anything significant after they had been recognized for their achievements. Daniel McFadden, who received the Nobel Prize for Economics in year 2000, said, ‘if you are not careful, the Nobel Prize is a career-ender. If I allowed myself to slip into it, I’d spend all my time going around cutting ribbons’. Another literature winner T.S Eliot stated; ‘the Nobel is a ticket to one’s own extinction sometimes. No one has ever done anything after he got it’.

Jesus never stopped fasting, praying, reading, meditating even working particularly after each miracle He performed. These were the reasons He could sustain His power and the performance of miracles.

Things do not work without working, and at the same time growth is not possible without learning. After each achievement, all eyes will be on you, much is also expected from you. As a student, scientist, university professor, a clergyman; head of organizations, don’t you ever relax. If you do, you will coast your way back not only to oblivion, but hardship. Life has no provision for anyone that does nothing or contributes nothing to it. Whatever you do that earns you fantastic results, do it more and more relentlessly, breaking new grounds.

In this new month, choose to work harder than ever before. Greatness is an attainment that is bought with the currency of hard work. To stop working is to start dying. This month shall be your month of honour. You will not diminish in strength and you will succeed greatly in Jesus Name.

1. In this new month, I will blossom beyond measure in Jesus Name.

2. I rebuke indolence and complacency in my life now in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: This month, your cup will run over with uncommon blessings in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Life has no provision for an indolent person.



Welcome to June 2024.
This is Our Month of ANSWER!
Jer 33:3



DATE: SATURDAY 01-06-2024


Genesis 4:12.
When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.

For every sin or mistake concealed, victim mentality is reinforced. Possibly, you may skew your way to exoneration but you can never be free of guilt and victim mentality. Let me ask you at this point; what offence did you commit, either recently or in the past, on which you have not owned up even up till now? You know, and God knows! If you do not take responsibility for them and and get over it once and for all, it will establish you as a guilty criminal.

When God inquired from Cain about his brother Abel, rather than taking responsibility for the murder, he covered it up and pretended as if nothing happened. Not only did God curse Cain for what he did, the victim mentality turned him into a fugitive. There was no record in the scriptures that Cain became anything significant throughout his lifetime except that he gave birth to Enoch.

Giving excuses, pretending or skewing your way out of an offence you truly committed may take the pressure off you and make you feel better in the short term, but in the long run it won’t make you successful. It will make you lose control of your life; it is a recipe for continued failure.

So, from today, own up on your faults. Stop offering excuses for your mistakes if you don't want to double it. Take responsibility for them all, even if you are to be disciplined, go through such discipline once and for all. This is the only way to overcome besetting and secret sins that put people in bo***ge.

In this new month, I prophesy freedom to every area of your life in Jesus' Name. Your accusers will lose their control over you in Jesus Name. You will end this month bigger and better in Jesus' Name. Rest on every side for you in Jesus Name. RESTORATION IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.


PRAYER: Oh Lord, please deliver me from the guilt of sin in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: Grace to live holy is your portion now in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Righteousness exalts.




DATE: FRIDAY 31-05-2024


2 Kings 2:6
And Elijah said unto him, Tarry, I pray thee, here; for the Lord hath sent me to Jordan. And he said, As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And they two went on.

YOU WILL MAKE A MARK IF YOU STAY PUT! No one makes a mark in anything by jumping from place to place. You cannot overcome a battle or succeed at anything by retreating or giving up at the slightest resistance. No woman can have marital fulfilment by jumping from one husband to another. You cannot make a mark career wise by jumping from profession to profession.

For anything that will succeed, the beginning may be turbulent but that is the beginning and not the end. For a journey that will end well, there may be resistance at the start but that is the start and not the end. It is he that endureth to the end that will receive the trophy🏆

For every blow on a wall, the wall gets weaker. The initial attempts at a thing may not yield the desired result. It is concentration of efforts, concentration of attention and focus that does. Elisha stayed put to his mentor Elijah for years before he was able to receive the double portion of Elijah’s anointing. He was never jumping from one mentor to another, neither was he jumping from one career to another.

Let me ask you this: what do you do presently? I mean your career, job, business and so on. Does this align with your natural endowment? Does it give you fulfilment? Have you taken time out to find out if it aligns with who you really are (I mean your purpose)? Are you sure God called you into it? If your answer is yes, then I will advise you to stay put at it. It may not yield the desired results now. People may not have felt your impact now, but they will if you can just be persistent in doing it.

In addition, look for a way to make it more appealing to the public. Look for a way to develop it further; look for a way to repackage it, be creative. Do not rush out of your marriage just because you are having little issues with your spouse. If you are sure that your spouse is the right one; then stay with him/her, both of you should reconcile your differences and see how you can make it work. Do not rush out of a church because of little offences; if truly that is where God decided to establish you, stay and see how you and a few others can put things right.

Remember, nothing worth doing ever wants to work at the beginning. It is you that will decisively make it work. God bless and increase you. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

PRAYER: Arise oh Lord; deliver my life from the spell of abandonment. Empower me to complete my projects in Jesus Name.

I PROPHESY: Frustration and weakness is no longer your portion. You are going forward in Jesus Name.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Where efforts are concentrated, impact is made.




DATE: THURSDAY 30-05-2024


Prov 23:7
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

What you stuff your mind with is what your life will manifest. No man can ever be better than what goes on in his mind. What you stuff your mind with is what determines your value. That means, you can’t be valuable than the content of your mind!

What are you thinking about in this year 2024? Think greatness then you will surely be great. Think frustration and I bet, you will surely be frustrated. Think favour and breakthrough and I assure you that nothing can stop you. For as he thinketh in his heart so is he.

It’s been rightly said that common sense is not common. It is both common sense and covenant sense to stuff your mind with only the things God thinks about you in His Word. The Lord said, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jer 29:11). The Lord Almighty said He will give you a future and a hope, why then should you be thinking about frustration? You can’t be thinking what God is not thinking and expect Him to work things out in your favour.

There is no great man or woman in our world today, both in secular and ministry that is not a positive thinker. Change your thought and then your status will change. Stop thinking about the problem-it’s not new! Start thinking about the solution and a new you will emerge that will be a living testimony in Jesus Name. YOU ARE HIGHLY FAVORED IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.

PRAYER: I receive mind renewal by the power of the Holy Ghost in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: You will increase and multiply greatly in the Name of Jesus in the Name of Jesus. AMEN.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.




DATE: WEDNESDAY 29-05-2024


James 5:12
…but let your YES BE YES; and your NO, NO; lest ye fall into condemnation.

Rom 9:1
I say the truth in Christ, I LIE NOT, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost.

Col 3:9
LIE NOT one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds.

This is a repost of THE KING'S WORD three years ago. I believe it will be a blessing to someone as always in Jesus Name:

Look at this incident: “I was scheduled for an interview today, so I called my boss yesterday informing him I wasn’t feeling fine and that I would love to visit the clinic. He advised I go for proper checkup and he gave me two days off. I was shocked when I saw him among panelist interviewing us this morning.”

If you are the boss, what would you do to such a dishonest worker? The dictionary defines lie as a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. The major rewards of lies are shame, hearthache, mockery and ultimately untimely death.

God is not a lifter of liars!Achan in the Bible lost his precious life to lying. The Bible says righteousness exalts, which means lies demotes and you know demotion does not fit your precious destiny.

Why should you lie? I think before a wise man engaged himself in anything, he should be able to ask himself the reward his action will bring. The question is what is the reward of lies?

Even if it looks as if it is yielding reward for you now, we all know that it does not last. Imagine how people even place curses on their lives just to prove that they are not lying when they know they are actually lying. No wonder many are finding it very hard to break even.

You can’t afford to trade your glorious destiny to the evil consequences of lies. God hate liars but loves righteousness. It pays to run away from what God hates. Wisdom is profitable to direct.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “I am not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”

Mark Twain also opined; “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

I admonish you today again in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to never give room to LIE again. It shall be well with you in Jesus Name.

PRAYER: God’s Spirit of righteousness, possess me now in the Name of Jesus.

I PROPHESY: That strange battle of disappointment is over now in the Name of Jesus.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: God is not a lifter of liars.





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