How to make woman love you

How to make woman love you I teach men how to get women

This book teaches you women want in a man

This book teaches you women want in a man


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Do you know why ugly girls get a handsome guys? simple because they know that they are ugly so they try their luck sometimes they lose sometimes they win, but their goal is to end up with a handsome guy. same thing goes to guys don't sit there and be thinking what to say just go out there and try your best the e-book will give you ideas on how to handle some questions and some sheet test woman normally throw to a guy good luck.


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Kezia Noble posted on February 24, 2013 9
What a question!

I show guys the many ways to get a girl attracted to them. Since 2006 I have helped over 7000 men across the world attract women, showing them techniques, such as how to get a women in to bed. More of those skills and insights can be found in my book ‘Noble Art Of Seducing Women’ or my many DVDs and e-books which can be found on my PRODUCTS PAGE.
However, there are 5 main principles you need to remember if you want to get a girl to like you.

1. Always be closing!
If you don’t keep in mind your aim, which is of course to get her to become attracted to you, then you will end up in that dreaded ‘friend zone’ ! She will inevitably see you as just another ‘nice guy’.

Start showing a woman your desire for her early on in the interaction.

This does NOT mean you should make an ACTUAL move on her too soon! Instead, it means that you need to subtly make her aware of your intention. She needs to agknoweldge your desire towards her. This can be done through ‘double sided’ compliments and other effective innuendoes. The only reason you delay going in for the kiss or sealing the deal is because of your fear of rejection which is intwined with your fear of coming across as creepy or sleazy.However, the more excuses you make to not go for it, and the longer you delay it, then the more likely it is that she will reject you! This is because you would have unintentionally created a ‘Mr Nice Guy’ persona and would have inevitably established a platonic relationship , and hitting on her will total be incongruent with that relationship you mistakingly created!

2. Never be too available
Men and indeed women too, tend to make the mistake of becoming to available and eager when they meet someone they really like. This results in the other one taking them for granted, and to be completely honest with you, it reeks of desperation. A girl might say she likes a guy to call her and be available to spend lots of time with her, but in reality, women love to chase the guy and they respect him a whole lot more when he has demonstrated to them that he has a busy life and a fully booked diary of social events.

Make sure she appreciates the time she gets to spend with you, and in time, become more available, just make sure you don’t do it too soon!


3. Keep her second guessing
Women are less attracted to predictable men. This does not mean you need to adopt an erratic behavior! Instead, you can achieve an air of attractive unpredictably by working on your conversation skills.
I teach men how to make impact on women through their conversation techniques in my 10 Hook Lead System DVD SET and one of the many effective tips that I teach in the DVDS and to the men who come on bootcamps that you can apply, is simply to replace the usual dull and predictable questions you ask women with something more dynamic, that snaps her out of her ‘auto pilot mode’.

For instance when she tells you what her job is, avoid the usual bland responses such as:
“How long have you been doing that for?”
“ Do you like it?”


“Tell me three things you need to be to be good at what you do”


“Is that something you wanted to do when you were young? If not, what was it you always wanted to be?”

(There are literally hundreds of interesting responses to this one)

These alternatives will INSTANTLY gain her interest in the interaction,and will make you stand out from all the other guys who usually end up boring her within the first few minutes.

When you demonstrate the fact that you are ‘different’ from the other guys, she will be more inclined to want to get to know more about you, so when you tell her what you do for a living, or what your interests are, MAKE SURE you deliver your answers with originality! This will add a dynamic energy to the interaction and will keep her second guessing in regards to what you will say next.

Working on your conversation skills, picking your questions wisely and delivering unpredictable responses will create a powerful hairline shift in her perception of you.

4. Do not be one dimensional!
When you’re talking to a girl you like, make sure you add elements of the ‘past’ and the ‘future’ . What do I mean by this? Most guys just have chit-chat style conversations with girls which focus predominately on the ‘present’ However, if you include some preselected anecdotes that help to illustrate your interesting past, and a few positive ‘future projections’ such as your hopes, dreams and ambitions, you will not only make more of an impact on her, but you will also be conveying to her a more multi dimensional character which will come across much more intriguing and attractive.

Flirting makes us feel good and more importantly, if done correctly, it can shift the whole interaction with a woman to a whole new level. In my ATTRACTION TO SEDUCTION DVD set I explain in great detail how you can flirt with any woman, and from there, turn the initially harmless flirting into full blown sexual escalation.

If you avoid flirting with a woman entirely, she will be more likely to perceive you as potential ‘friend material’ which is something YOU DO NOT WANT.

Men often avoid flirting with a woman because they convince themselves that it will some how make them across as creepy or sleazy, and this fear is usually a direct result of not actually knowing how to flirt! Flirting must be done sporadically and the aim of flirting is to shift the platonic interaction into something more seductive. In THIS VIDEO I touch on the art of flirting.

If you want more detailed structures and techniques on how to flirt with women and how to sexual escalate with women and how to create desire within any girl you like then you need to CLICK HERE for more information.


I am about to show you the same step by step secrets players use to get girls swarming to them like magnet. This is the same secret that gi**lo guys use to land themselves rich sugar mummies and girlfriends

Apply these same step by step process and you would get a girl interested in you without taking her out on a single date.

Yes, money can attract a girl (no doubt about that). Especially the gold-digging type of girls. But sometimes using money to attract girls can be annoying, we guys want a girl that would like us for who we are and not because of how fat our wallet is or how much we have spent on her. Sometimes all we want is true love and not a girl who is interested in our money.

If you don't want a gold digger who is just interested in money then this step by step seduction secrets will be really helpful.


I really want you to get this. Let's assume you meet a girl in a bank, what case will she be friendlier?

CASE 1: when you walk up to her to collect a pen?

CASE 2: when you walk up to her to woo her?

Of course, case one is the answer. A girl you try to woo would naturally try to be hard to get.

When a girl is sure you like her she tends to raise her defence. What players do is to approach a girl without showing signs that they are interested in her and by the time she knows it - bam, she has already fallen. This is simple psychology. They approach her this way so they can get into her head before she starts forming.

So how do you apply this seduction principle in real life?

To understand this try to think about this scenario; have you ever had this happen to you before: A particular girl gives you green light and shows signs she likes you then when you woo her and tell her how much you love her she suddenly starts withdrawing from you.

Ever wondered why this happens?

Answer - because you went against the step one of the players rule-

Players never make the mistake of allowing a girl become too sure of how much he feels about her.

Here is the rule: Never tell a girl how much you love her, make her guess. The best time to tell her is when you are sure she feels twice the way you feel.

Girls would tell you they can never date a guy they are not sure if they love them, but the truth is this - girls don't know what they want. You have to make them fall in love with you.


Let me give you a picture of a girl's life.

Visit the facebook picture of a girl and you will understand how they think. Their pictures are filled with praises from guys and they receive those praises like it's their right.

No sweet thing you say to her is new to her. Her inbox is filled with all sort of praises. The average ones get at least 5 serious guys wooing them in two weeks.

To get her attention you have to be different.


By Jonsing her.


Well, if you were a player you wouldn't be shocked. This what players do all the time.

Try and watch the way any player you know talks to girls. Notice how they talk to a girl and make fun of her in a playful way - no matter how pretty the girl looks - they don't care, they just talk to her like she is their small sister.

It's simple psychology.

People are naturally attracted to people who don't try to impress them. The more pretty a girl looks the more it works on her.

When other guys are saying sweet things to her and you show up and say things totally different from what she is used to hearing from guys - she starts wondering why and she starts trying to be close to you.

My favourite approach is to playfully tell a very pretty girl that I have friendzoned her and that I don't find her attractive. I say this in a particular way that tricks her into wanting to make me fall for her. (In my book, I explained more on how to use this trick to make pretty girls chase you - see my profile for how to get it).


Have you ever wondered why girls like guys who don't like them while when you shower her with attention she still ignores you?

In fact, the more you show a girl that you love her the more she withdraws from you.

Have you ever noticed that?

Well, players have found a way to put a stop to this. This is called the ON and OFF strategy.

How is it used?

Simple; by acting like you like her this moment and then the next moment you start acting a bit cold.

You must have seen a girl who has fallen for this particular trick from a player. They cry that he doesn't call, he is unpredictable, that they are not sure if he likes him, sometimes he quarrels with them for no just reason.

A popular celebrity player is Chris brown. Notice how he treats Karrauche and she still always keep going back to him.


Are you ready to get a gf/wife and enjoy all the fun that comes with a race romantic relationship ?? Or you want to continue making excuses, talking yourself out of approaches and spending lonely nights with your Vaseline (no pun intended).

If yes, you can either read on bro or just close this page; and keep on living a life of excuses while your friends, who are more socially aware keep getting all the beautiful girls.

Stated below are 5 attitudes/mistakes which can automatically turn a girl off and suggestions on what you should do instead.

1) Whining – To whine is to complain annoyingly. Take back sec and think about your previous Convo/relationship in which you complained bitterly. Was all all the whining worth it? I bet your answer is no

Learn to always sort things out I’m a mature way. If you continue whining, it won’t be long before she starts comparing you with other guys.

2) Clinging/Neediness– This is one of the biggest turnoffs for most women. In the dating scene, it means being emotionally dependent on a woman.

Are you needy?

Logically evaluate your previous convos/relationships to see if you are a victim of this attitude. If yes, then learn to give women space. Allow them to be their own person bro.

3) Tightwad/Stingy How stingy are you bro? Do you freely give? I do not mean giving like a maga or ATM oh.. . Learn to give to a girl when she deserves it. Armed with this idea you won’t given like a “maga” or be considered as one. For example, a guy sending cash/or 1500 MTN to a girl who doesn’tfl call him/or give him attention is a pure “maga”. She doesn’t value you bro, so why waste your time?. Only do things for girls when they deserve it or when they are invested in you too.

4) Laziness Are your passionate about your life or just like spending hours looking/chatting with girls? Chatting and looking for girls all day will, in the long run, only make you look jobless and lazy.

Get busy with yourself bro. Focus on your dreams and aspirations( Work, School, Hobbies,Talents). Start doing something worthy and women will like and appreciate you more.

5) Over eagerness for Intimacy/Groping– This one is huge. You will need to understand attraction is in stages before you get rid of this one. You met a girl off this morning and you want her to be your wife/gf on thwe evening of that same day? Calm down bro.

Attraction, as it pertains to women, is not a logical thing- it’s emotional bro. No need to rush it. If you are exhibiting the qualities of a bf/husband/ already, you won’t even need to to ask her out.

Over eagerness for intimacy, often times, is a sure symptom of being clingy which invariably results in desperation.

Evaluate your dating scenarios and make the necessary corrections. Worthy mentions no included here are: jealousy and hot temper/getting angry easily.

sorry I have been away for a while

sorry I have been away for a while


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