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Dear Brothers,
The day you marry your wife, is the day Allah places a trust and responsibility on you to give her the rights as a wife and she becomes your family, your comforter, the mother of your children, so fear Allah in regards to your duties as husband.

Dear Sisters,
When you marry your husband you leave your birth home and you become a real woman. your husband becomes your family, your maintainer and protector, the father of children, your friend and lover so treat him well and follow him to the ends of the earth, fear Allah in regards to how you treat him.

Marriage in Islam completes half of your deen Do not be swayed by good looks or money as these will come and go. Marry a man who Truly fears and loves Allah. Who puts Islam 1st before anything Learn and walk in deen together Go in a marriage with the purpose in getting closer to Allah and Insha'Allah it will be a blessed marriage! 😊

Marriage is not easy, but with Allah's help, it can be the best time ever. May Allah SWT bless all couples and those who are seeking. Ameen

Remember, everyone has a story. If you've been blessed, don't be arrogant. Stay humble and learn to feel someone else's ...

Remember, everyone has a story. If you've been blessed, don't be arrogant. Stay humble and learn to feel someone else's fear, pain and sorrow!

— Shuaib H abdul

“Alhamdulillah for everything I have, Alhamdulillah for everything I had and Alhamdulillah for everything I will have.

“Alhamdulillah for everything I have, Alhamdulillah for everything I had and Alhamdulillah for everything I will have.



Pray for your spouse every day; in the morning, in the afternoon and at evening. Do not wait until there is a problem. D...

Pray for your spouse every day; in the morning, in the afternoon and at evening. Do not wait until there is a problem. Do not wait until there is an affair. Do not wait until something bad happens. Do not wait until your spouse is tempted. Shield your spouse with prayer and cover your marriage with the fence of prayer. Do not let a day pass without mentioning your spouse in prayer and bringing up their name to the Lord in prayer. Pray "Lord, shield by spouse from temptation and protect his/her heart from the attacks of the evil one. Fill my spouse with your Spirit and let him/her walk in Your Holy Presence daily. Ameen

Best  student 2023

Best student 2023


Every night before you sleep ask yourself did you do something today to benefit and build your Akhirah?


A newly married husband and his wife were standing in front of a mirror. The wife asked: What do you see..? The husband smiled & said:

The Rest Of My Life. ♥️ Alhamdulillah 😇



1. 2 people who want eachother

2. An Imām

3. 2 Witnesses

4. Agreed upon dowry


1. 2 people who want eachother

2. An Imām

3. 2 Witnesses

4. Agreed upon dowry

5. Wedding hall.

6. DJ.

7. Engagement party

8. Expensive gifts

9. Professional photographers

10. Professional camera crew

11. Wedding planners

12. "Jaliba den" as name in Krio (i.e., those who praise for money) 😄

13. Now we're also seeing wedding cakes too 🙃

14. Moment for couple to dance to their respective favourite songs. May Allah protect us. 🤦🏻‍♂️

May Allah ﷻ guide us to go back to what was better, easier, and more blessed. Aameen!


50 Facts About Your Wife.

1- Your wife is not perfect, forgive her.

2- Your wife is the bone of your bone, do not break her.

3- Your wife is a gift, appreciate her.

4- Your wife is a rare gem, guide her jealously.

5- Your wife is your best friend, be friendly with her.

6- Your wife is your joy, nourish her.

7- Your wife is to be cherish, be cheerful to her.

8- Your wife is your portion, cherish her.

9- Your wife is not a devil, don’t dump her.

10- Your wife is not only good for s*x, carry her along in every issue.

11- Your wife is not your enemy, encourage her.

12- Your wife is not a family material, never commit her unto the hand of your family members.

13- Your wife is not your rival, don’t compete with her.

14- Your wife is a female gender, honor her.

15- Your wife is not common, don’t compare her.

16- Your wife is not a wash hand base, stop abusing her.

17- Your wife is a weaker vessel, handle her with care.

18- Your wife is a beautiful queen, celebrate her.

19- Your wife is not a fighter, don’t fight her.

20- Your wife is not a punching bag, don’t beat her.

21- Your wife is not a game, don’t play her.

22- Your wife need foreplay, don’t r**e her.

23- Your wife is a hook, get hook to her.

24- Your wife is all you love, praise her.

25- Your wife is important, honor her.

26- Your wife is what you make her to be, accept her.

27- Your wife is your joy, pursue her.

28- Your wife needs your honor, never embarrass her in the public.

29- Your wife is not a knife, be nice to her.

30- Your wife is a distinct personality, never compare her to any work.

31- Your wife is loyal, don’t be suspicious of her.

32- Your wife is not a fool, listen to her advice.

33- Your wife is not malicious, do not keep malice with her.

34- Your wife is the best friend you can have, befriend her.

35- Your wife is not a napkin, do not misuse her.

36- Your wife is not your house girl, support her in the kitchen.

37- Your wife is passionate, do not by- pass her.


“Real love between husband and wife means helping each other to attain Jannah, not holding each other's hands walking towards the hellfire.”


Surah Al-Insan, Verse 3:
إِنَّا هَدَيْنَاهُ السَّبِيلَ إِمَّا شَاكِرًا وَإِمَّا كَفُورًا

Surely We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or unthankful.

Surah Al-Insan, Verse 4:

إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا لِلْكَافِرِينَ سَلَاسِلَ وَأَغْلَالًا وَسَعِيرًا

Surely We have prepared for the unbelievers chains and shackles and a burning fire.

Surah Al-Insan, Verse 5:
إِنَّ الْأَبْرَارَ يَشْرَبُونَ مِن كَأْسٍ كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا كَافُورًا

Surely the righteous shall drink of a cup the admixture of which is camphor



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“Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.”


Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka 'ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa 'amalan mutaqabbalan.

O Allaah, I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and sustenance which is good, and deeds which are acceptable.


A husband is supposed to be the one who cures the heart of his wife. He is her friend, her companion, her support and the one she confides in and he covers her faults. He drys her tears of pain. He makes her smile. He brings joy to her life. He trusts her and his love for her is eternal. He honours her during hardship and ease. He respects her and misses her when she is not around. He plays and jokes with her to show his affection and he prays with her to show their sacrifice. He supplicates for their love and blessings to increase, and he asks Allah to gather them together in the palaces of paradise. This is what the Messenger of Allah ﷺ taught us throughout his blessed life. This rule can be applied for both genders.

— Shaykh Shuaib H. Abdul


When sadness fills your heart and tears flow in your eyes. Remember 3 things:

➦ Allah is with you.
➦ Still with you.
➦ Always with you.


Say Alhamdulillah when you sit with your family, Because there is someone somewhere who wishing to be with family.

Say Alhamdulillah when you go to work, Because many people are still looking for a job.

Say Alhamdulillah because you are healthy, The sick ones wish to buy health no matter how high the price is.

Say Alhamdulillah because you are still alive, The dead wish to come back to life to do good deeds.

Say Alhamdulillah because you worship Allah, Others make sujood even for cows.

Say Alhamdulillah because You are You, and others wish to be in your place.

O'Allah thank you for absolutely everything in my life! Alhamdulillah 😇



1. Marry a man that has sense enough to know that paying your bride price is not equal to buying you.

2. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that marrying you is not doing you a favour.

3. Marry a man that has sense enough to know that you pose to have cramps and mood swings during your monthly circle, and shouldn't use it against you.

4. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that as a woman you also have a right to say "NO" to s*x at times and if he must have his way he should at least try to make you happy and put you in the mood.

5. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that after childbirth you are posed to have stretch marks, big stomach, sag b***s and not too good shape, and he shouldn't because of that compare you to a sweet 16, your sag b***s or stretch marks is a sign of motherhood. (Although you can work it out and be back to shape which is proper.)

6. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that there are times you are just too tired to cook, and him taking you to the eatery to eat dinner or him fixing the meal that day to save you the stress is not a taboo.

7. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that you have a right to voice out your frustration, a right to agree and disagree, a right to air your opinions.

8. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that you deserve to hear "sorry" from him and he's obliged to plead and ask for forgiveness when he errs and not use his headship as a means to escape saying "sorry"

9. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that hitting a lady is a crime against humanity.

10. Marry a man who love your soul not just your body, marry a man who enjoys talking to you even without touching your body, not someone who cannot talk to you without touching you.


Dear Parents,
* Tarzan lives half naked,
* Cinderella comes home at midnight,
* Pinocchio lies all the time,
* Aladdin is the king of thieves,
* Batman drives at 200 mph,
* Romeo and Juliet commit su***de out of love,…
* Harry Potter uses witchcraft,
* Mickey and Minnie are more than just friends
* Sleeping Beauty is lazy,
* Dumbo gets drunk and hallucinates,
* Scooby Doo gives nightmares,
* and Snow White lives with 7 guys.
We shouldn’t be surprised children misbehave, they get it from their storybooks and cartoons which ''we'' provide them...
We should instead be teaching them stories like
*Abu Bakr (ra)’s loyalty and undying service for his master,
*Umar ibn Khatthab (ra)’s love for justice and tolerance,
*Uthman ibn Affan (ra)’s level of shyness and modesty,
*Ali ibn Abi-Talib (ra)’s show of courage and bravery,
*Khalid ibn Waleed (ra)’s desire of combating evil,
*Fatima bint Muhammad (ra)’s love and respect to her father,
*Sallahuddin Al-Ayubi (ra)’s conquest of the promised land,
and much much more to tell about…
Above all, we should teach them about Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), Qur’an and the Sunnah with love ..very important aspect is this!
And then see how the change begins...! In sha Allah !


A love letter from a Muslim man to the girl he loves.

If you love me, don’t confess your love to me through haraam ways, This won’t please me and will instead drive me away! Love games don’t attract me. If you love me, have sabr and I will knock on your door when the time is right. Don’t give me privileges which I don’t deserve. Keep me away from you, and I will approach you. If you approach me, I will stay away from you. Don’t love me, for I want you ignorant in love. I want to teach you love when the right time comes and when you will be mine, Only when we are joined together under our Creator’s satisfaction Don’t tell me what you feel, don’t give me from your time, don’t push me to lose you. I am a man who does not want to see the one he loves committing sins or to live a forbidden love behind her family’s back. I don’t want her to feel guilty and don’t want her heart to suffer. Put me under limits that I won’t cross, kill me inside you so I won’t grow to kill you inside me. Preserve what is beautiful inside you. I want you innocent, chaste, pure. I want you my love, but with Allah’s blessings and not shaytan’s whisperings. And then, Only then, I will face everything and will be ready to go through difficulties to get you, Don’t be easy because then, I may not value you. Don’t love me now, so I won’t hate you! My heart wants you and doesn’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to be just a passing fancy for me, I want you a wife, a lover, the mother of my children, I want you to be the one I will spend my whole life with. How could I be a faithful man to you when I try to break your chastity? How would I be faithful to you if I push you to betray your family? How could I trust a love which grew under Allah’s wrath ? To make you mine through Nikah is Islam’s way, Till then wait patiently and do not dismay. To love you means to protect you, To Love you is to bring you closer to Allah and HIS deen to preserve you not to kill what is beautiful inside you.

— Your husb


The Sunnah Way Of Drinking Water Is.

1. Drink water with your right hand.
2. Drink water by sitting..
3. Start drinking water with saying Bismillah
4. See the water before drinking.
5. Drink water in 3 Sips.
6. Remove utensil from your mouth after each sip.
7. After finishing each sip say Alhamdulillah.
8. After 3 sips of drinking water, say finally Alhamdulillahi Wasshukru lillaah.

Benefits Of Sunnah Of Drinking Water By Sitting And With 3 Sips Of Drinking Water.

1. Kidneys never fails.
2. Knees are functional always.
3. Backbone is always strong.
4. Heart Valves never stop.
5. Mind is always looking NY ractive.

Subhan’Allah, share this benefits with everyone and do remember us in your Dua.

Yaa Allah, the person who did this publicity and who forwarded and share it for the reward, reward him and his family with good health and wealth and grant him the reward of Maghfirath. Ameen


You try to find love and you meet a wrong person, but when you meet the right person you find love. So, don't try to find love, try to find the right person and love will come. Insha'Allah!


Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) all what Allah has forbidden


“If you want to test someone’s character, give him respect. If he has good character, he will respect you more, if he has bad character, he will think he is the best of all.”

— Ali Ibn Abi Talib (RA)


If there was a verse of Quran that could be your life motto, which would it be?


Recite this Beautiful Dua Daily

Allahumma ahsin a’qibatana fil umoori kulliha wa ajirna min khizyid-dunya wa a’dhaabil aakhira

(O Allah! Grant a good end to all our matters and save us from humiliation in the world and the punishment of the Hereafter)

Aameen ya Rabbal Aa lameen 🤲


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