Joan Michael

Joan Michael An ardent reader, a prolific writer and life coach. Stay tuned and be well informed!


Understanding your reproductive health


In August 2020 this page was created as for the sales of shoes and other accessories. Everything was going well until 2022 when my health suffered and I had a cancer scare. In May 2023, I eventually had a hysterectomy and while i was recuperating from surgery, i decided to change the name of the page to my name so i could share my story. Writing ancient and mythical stories at the time became a coping mechanism for me but I found it difficult to share my own story.
I'm 6 months post hysterectomy but it's been a hard time for me (Stories like this are not easy to share).

I've finally made up my mind to lend my voice to women to create awareness on reproductive health issues.
I'm no longer ashamed to speak up!

God helping me, no woman who knows me will ever have their womb removed or have permanent damage to their reproductive system when they're yet to birth their children. Amen


The Xenia breach by the Spartan Prince. Why would someone host you only for you to steal his wife? Anticipate...................



King Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae and brother to Menelaus the king of Sparta. They were both called the "Atreidae meaning the sons of Atreus.

The trojan prince, Paris had abducted Queen Helen Menelaus wife, while been hosted by the king of Sparta. So the Atreidae sought greek allies to sail to troy to bring Queen Helen back and to punish Trojan for stealing the Queen of Sparta and violating Xenia(A guest host relationship).

All greek allies were to meet at Aulis. These Kingdoms were spread out and quite unconnected so, it took years for all allies to gather. When the greatest warriors eventually gathered at Aulis and where ready to cross the sea over to Troy, for weeks the wind kept blowing against them preventing them from sailing.

After several weeks of trial without success, the seer calchas who was among the troop informed King Agamemnon that he had angered the goddess of hunting, Artemis and the wind would not go in their favour unless Artemis is appeased with Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia.

With the mission of the troop and the reputation of the Atreidaes at stake, king Agamemnon yielded to pressure. He sent 2 of his men Odysseus and Diomedes to go home to Queen Clytemnestra who was also Queen Helen's sister. The ploy was to deceive her into releasing Iphigenia in the guise of marrying her off to Achilles the hero.

His wife suspecting nothing prepared her daughter Iphigenia for marriage and sent her off to Aulis.
Once there, king Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis. At the dying minute, Artemis replaced Iphigenia with a deer and took her away to live with her as her priestess among the Taurians.

The wind calmed moving in their favour as they all set sail to Troy but this act earned king Agamemnon the hatred of his wife Queen Clytemnestra.

GUESS WHO?If you are feeling depressed, let this inspire you. This is a picture of Cute Abiola . The youngest military v...


If you are feeling depressed, let this inspire you.

This is a picture of Cute Abiola . The youngest military veteran I Know. At this point he had chosen a career path in the military(NN). He understood the difference between having a job and fulfilling purpose. He understood that the military is not an end in itself but a platform for leverage. He understood that your job will put food on your table so you don't starve but finding and fulfilling your purpose will help you to put food on the table of others so they don't starve. So he unleashed his hidden potentials, he harnessed his gifts against all odds and restrictions.

For his love for the milliitary and in gratitude for the role the millitary has played in his life, he has never put the millitary in bad light even though he may have suffered so many ROB's(punishment) for his career choices. This is proof that a well seasoned millitary personnel/officer is a highly disciplined personnel/officer. This high level of discipline is what makes the millitary the allure of all.

He could have chosen to give up on his dreams but he didn't.
He could have deserted(absconded) but he didn't.
He could have done anything negative but he remained positive and at the right time he did what was best.

Today he has become a much more better person just by fulfilling purpose.

Life is in phases and with each phase comes your examination. Whether you pass or faill will be determined by your choices and non of those choices will be a walk in the park. Most times, these phases can be highly depressing but never quit. Las las na who quit na im lose!

What's that gift you have buried because you are to busy at your present job? Wake up, find it and harness it because in it lies answers to your prayers for blessings and open doors. Remember! A man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men. Proverbs 18:16.

When you eventually begin to harness your gifts, by the time your hardwork and resilience begin to pay off, this is how your picture will confuse all of us.


Why did King Agamemnon sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis? Anticipate...............



Electra was the daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra. Her 2 sisters were Iphigenia and Chrysothemis and her brother was Orestes.

Before king Agamemnon went to troy for the trojan war, he sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis. So when the King returned from the Trojan war along with his companioin(war price) Cassandra, the Queen Clytemnestra and Aegisthus her lover killed them both. Electra and her brother, Orestes, ran away and sought refuge in Athens but Electra soon returned and suffered greatly under her mother's rule. Electra developed a deep hatred for her mother and longed for justice.

Electra sought to avenge her father's death and when Orestes was 20years old, he returned to Mycenae where he and his sister Electra with the help of his cousin and best friend Pylades plotted to kill the Queen and her lover Aegisthus.

Electra and Orestes succeeded in carrying out the dastardly act, killing Clytemnestra and Aegisthus but before Clytemnestra the queen died, she cursed Orestes. Hence, for this act of matricide, Orestes was been haunted by the Furies (the goddesses of vengeance).


Do you know that the first computer virus in the Philippines is known as the "ILOVEYOU" virus? It is also referred to as the Love bug or Loveletter. It's emergence was on May 4th 2000. It quickly spread globally affecting millions of computer systems around the world.


Story about the girl Electra coming soon. Anticipate........



Another psychoanalitic theory that shares a semblance with The Oedipus complex is The Electra complex. It was proposed by Carl Jung in 1913 with the difference being that it specifically focuses on the gir childl. This theory suggests that a young girl develops affection for her father and develops a sense of competition with her mother and even sees her mother as a rival. In this phase, the girl develops feeling of attachment to her father while developing feelings of resentments and jealousy towards her mother.

The term "Electra complex" is derived from Greek myth about the character Electra, who sought to avenge her father's murder.

Carl Jung argues that to resolve the Electra complex, the girl child should identify with her mother while embracing her feminine identity.

The Electra complex just like the Oedipus complex, has also faced several criticisms for its lack of empirical evidence. Many psychologists and psychoanalysts in child development argue that these theories do not adequately address the complexities and individual differences in children's psychosexual development.



Oedipus was born to the king and queen of Thebes, Laius and Jocasta. After his birth, a prophet announced that the baby would grow up to kill his father and marry his mother. In order to avoid this occurrence in the future, King Laius sorrowfully ordered one of his servants to kill the baby.

The servant on the other hand took the baby away, onto a hilltop, but rather than kill the innocent child, he left Oedipus under the care of a shepherd. The shepherd took the child across the mountains and handed him over to the king of Corinth.This king claimed the boy and raised him as a Prince in the Palace.

Prince Oedipus eventually grew up into a man and one day, a prophet warned him that he would kill his father and marry his mother. Not knowing that his parents where only his foster parents and that his real parents were King Laius and Jocasta of Thebes. Oedipus fled from the country to avoid committing such abominable acts. While going across the mountains, he went into a fight with some men who tried to force him off the road. Because he was a very strong man, he killed them all.

Oedipus eventually came to the outskirts of Thebes, which he did not know was his actual origin and country. At the time, Thebes was being terrorised by the Sphinx( a mythical creature with the head of a human, the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle), who would ask its visitors a riddle. Any visitor who could not answer the riddle correctly, would get killed by the Sphinx. Oedipus went to the Sphinx and it's riddle was thus: “What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?” Oedipus not only being strong but highly intelligent too was very good at solving riddles. So Oedipus thought for a little while and then answered, “A Man! As a baby he crawls on his hands and knees, as an adult he walks on his two legs, and as an old man he walks with a stick!” The Sphinx, shocked by this mortal’s correct answer, fell over and died. For Oedipus victory over the Sphinx, the Theban people decided to reward Oedipus by crowning him King of Thebes as the former king had recently been killed. Being King, Oedipus made the late King's wife queen Jocasta his bride.
King Oedipus and queen Jocasta eventually had four children together.

Several years later, plagues began to destroy the people of Thebes .Oedipus tried to discover the reason for this plagues and it was prophesied that the murderer of the late king was living freely in Thebes unpunished and until he was punished, the plagues would ravage the entire country.

When King Oedipus concluded investigations about the events leading to the demise of the late King, he could only deduce that he Oedipus was the murderer of the late King. Alas! One of the men he had killed while crossing over the mountain was his father.

In deep regret Oedipus plucked out his eyes and blinded himself, as he could not stand to see the children he had fathered with his own father's wife who was also his wife and his mother.
Jocasta eventually hung herself.

Oedipus left his country in shame and as a blind beggar, wandered in the countryside. He lived a life of pain and suffering to an old age. The gods, pitying his pain, eventually whisked him off the face of the earth at a sacred place near Athens.



Oedipus complex is a psychological theory postulated by Sigmund Freud where he suggests that young children experience subconscious sexual desires for their opposite-sex parent and have feelings of competition or rivalry for their same-sex parent. Oedipus complex was first proposed by Sigmund Freud in his book "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1899 but formally began to use the term in 1910.

The name "Oedipus complex" generates from a Greek myth where it was prophesied that a baby would later kill his father and marry his mother. When Oedipus grew to adulthood, he unknowingly killed his father and married his mother with whom he had 4 children.

The Oedipal phase in children occurs between the ages of three and five where children with this complex develop strong feelings and attachments to their opposite-sex parent while developing feelings of jealousy and resentment towards their same-sex parent. Unconsciously the child begins to have a strong desire to replace the same-sex parent as a partner for the opposite-sex parent.

Oedipus complex can be resolved when the child suppresses their sexual desires for the opposite-sex parent.

It is important to note that Sigmund Freuds theory of Oedipus complex is considered controversial and has been criticized by scholars for its lack of empirical evidence.



The Rh factor, also known as the Rhesus factor, is a protein found on the surface of red blood cells. It is named after the Rhesus monkey and was first discovered in the blood of Rhesus monkeys by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander S. Wiener in 1937.

The Rh factor is an inherited trait passed down from parents to their children. The Rh factor is categorized into 2 (Rh-negative and Rh-positive).
Those who have the Rh factor (protein) are considered Rh-positive while those who lack the protein are classified as Rh-negative.

Knowledge of one's Rh factor plays a key role in pregnancy. When an Rh-negative woman conceives a child, there is a chance that the fetus may inherit the Rh factor from the father. If the father is Rh-negative, then there's no threat but if the father is Rh-positive then the fetus is more likely to be Rh-positive. A positive fetal Rh factor can cause sensitization in the mother's immune system which can lead to complications in subsequent pregnancies.

This immune system sensitization means that the mother's immune system sees the baby's blood (Which may have mixed with the mother's blood during abortion, miscarriage or delivery) as foreign and in response, antibodies are developed to fight against the intruder.

The presence of these antibodies poses great risks/threats/complications during subsequent pregnancies which is why the RhoGAM injection must be given to the Rh-negative mother shortly after delivery.



When an Rh-negative mother does not receive RhoGAM injection after childbirth or abortion or miscarriage there is an increased risk of complications in future pregnancies.

During pregnancy, it is possible for a little amount of the fetus's blood to mix with the mother's Rh-negative blood. If the fetus is Rh-negative, then there's no threat but there's great danger if the fetus's blood is Rh-positive. This blood mix can happen during delivery, abortion, miscarriage or any other procedures that may involve the transfer of blood between the mother and fetus. If the mother fails to receive the RhoGAM injection shortly after birth, the mother's immune system recognises the baby's blood as a strange attacker and develops antibodies to fight against this foreign intruder.

Being Rh-negative usually would have no effect on the first baby if there's no history of miscarriage or abortion. The effect is usually on subsequent pregnancies if the fetus is Rh-positive. During a subsequent pregnancy, the antibodies developed by the mother's immune system during the previous pregnancy can cross the placenta to the fetus and attack the red blood cells of the fetus. This immune response can lead to a condition known as hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) or erythroblastosis fetalis, which can lead to severe anemia, jaundice, organ damage, and in rare cases, even death of the fetus or newborn. This could also lead to several miscarriages or stillbirths

The risk of complications is significantly reduced if the mother receives the RhoGAM injection within 72 hours after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

Where Rh sensitization may have already occurred in the past, it's important to inform your medical provider. Medical interventions such as close monitoring, blood transfusions, or intrauterine transfusions may be required to manage the condition and minimize the effects on the fetus.

An Rh-negative mother is at no risk at all if her spouse is also Rh-negative. In this case, chances are that the fetus will also be Rh-negative. Hence there's no threat.

Every young woman should know their rhesus factor.

Are you Rh-negative or Rh-positive?


Atimbo Road





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