Ebere Onunwa

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Has Withdrawing Your money or receiving money from PayPal been proving abortive?Have you been finding it difficult Withd...

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"Audentes fortuna iuvat" means that those who dare to take risks are more likely to be rewarded. The phrase implies that...

"Audentes fortuna iuvat" means that those who dare to take risks are more likely to be rewarded. The phrase implies that fortune is not something that can be passively waited for, but rather something that must be actively pursued. By daring to take risks, we make ourselves open to the possibilities of fortune. And even if fortune doesn't always smile upon us, we can at least say that we tried. 😄


Observe what the majority is doing, then do the exact opposite.

Many look for easy ways and shortcuts
 you should look for efficient process that’s sustainable, even if it comes at higher discipline.

While others look for cheaper ways. You look for more profitable options. You are prepared to pay the price for the long term value.

Majority of people are scared of satan and “village people.” You understand that you’re the light set upon the lamppost. The cosmology of evil is not your concern. “Ye are gods!”

You study to know, while others study to just pass exams. You go deeper beyond the confinement of syllabus. Because you are preparing for a future outside the present rubrics.

Be lenient to people, but strict on your self
. in matters of discipline and sound character. You are preparing to be a leader. A soldier on duty does not meddle with the affairs of the civilians.

In your philosophy, see beyond good and evil. That’s the cadre of ordinariness. You should be looking at what is “necessary.” In a battle field, a loaded gun is good or bad at any time, depending on which part of the trigger you are.

When you work, deliver the highest possible excellence. You owe that to yourself, not the client. Eye service is for impostors. Get out of that!

You have a higher calling. Come up higher!


It is a well known fact that one comes, finally, to BELIEVE whatever one repeats to one’s self, whether the statement be true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will BELIEVE it to be the truth. Every man is what he is, because of the DOMINATING THOUGHTS which he permits to occupy his mind. Thoughts which a man deliberately places in his own mind, and encourages with sympathy, and with which he mixes any one or more of the emotions, constitute the motivating forces, which direct and control his every movement, act, and deed.



New powers are discovered every time you push yourself farther than you’ve ever gone before.” There are deeper layers of energy, talent, and creativity within you, waiting to be tapped. No person every fully discovers and develops all the potential within himself. Nobody ever drills the deepest well. Everybody—in his limited lifetime—falls short of uncovering the deeper talent and hidden possibility that lies far beneath the surface of his own consciousness.

memento mori

memento mori


Did you know?

Nomophobia is the word used to describe the addiction that makes people unable to go the next few minutes without their phones.

More than 200 million human beings suffer from this addiction.

There is also another term, “ringxiety” that is used to describe the feeling of hearing the phone ring when it is actually not ringing.

Another term you might not have heard of is, “phubbing“, which describes the behaviour of a person who ignores everything around him/her (including human beings) due to the use of the mobile phone.


Humanity should take precedence over religion. While religion can be important, it should not be the only factor in how we treat others. Our shared humanity connects us and should guide our actions, especially in times of crisis. By prioritizing our shared humanity, we can create a more compassionate and understanding world.


Don't let anyone emotionally blackmail you...

Avoid the following people...

1. Since You made money, you abandoned me - (they are bitter at your success.)

2. You have forgotten how I helped you when you had nothing.... (these people never mention how you also helped them too)

3. I know how poor you used to be... (these people hate how rich you are becoming)

4. I still remember how you had 3-some in my room (these people are angry that you became a changed person)

Beware of people who remind you of your past in order to influence your judgment... They are emotional blackmailers.

I don't care what you used to know about me, I am not that person again and this guy right here is a new being - you need time to study him again.

Friends, be emotionally tough lest you be easily broken by "familiar spirits."

© Charles Awuzie


Messiah Complex: What You Need To Know....

Messiah Complex or Savior Complex is a psychological condition where a person believes that they were Born to Save others from danger even when they themselves are in danger.

Messiah Complex is often linked to delusions of grandeur, schizophrenia and other mental disorders.

"One of the most famous examples of a dangerous leader with a savior complex was Adolf Hi**er. He viewed himself as the savior of the entire nation of Germany, and believed that it was his responsibility to save them from the scourge of undesirable people attempting to challenge German dominance. Tragically, much of Germany fell in line behind this self-declared savior, and the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust followed."~Science ABC.

Messiah Complex is also most prevalent among religious leaders who believe that they are specially born to sacrifice themselves or even their families for others. This is why children born to such religious leaders grow up to rebel against the profession of their parents because they experienced hunger while their parents were feeding poor people in the world. Some of the children born to Religious leaders suffer abandonment while their parents are present for other children in the world.
While this may be seen as sacrificial and part of the 'calling' but psychologists associate such behaviours to Messiah Complex.

Now this may disrupt your mind:
In a recent research, most men who confessed to cheating with multiple women admitted that they just wanted to HELP THE WOMEN. As a matter of fact, the men who cheat the most are GOOD MEN who care the most. They are attracted to vulnerable women and genuinely desire to SAVE these women from their current circumstances. But this Savior-victim relationship gradually metamorphose into a sexual relationship with mutual consent. These men also find it difficult to walk away from such relationships because they are afraid that something bad may happen to the woman if they walk away. That's the Messiah Complex. This also applies to women who think that if they walk away from an abusive relationship, the man may face more problems or difficulties. They see themselves as saviours in the man's life. That's also Messiah Complex.

If you are in a position of power, do not see yourself as a Messiah to those you lead but a Team Player contributing to the actualization of a corporate goal.

The best antidote to the Messiah Complex is Team Work Mentality. You must see yourself as a piece đŸ§© in the puzzle đŸ§©đŸ§©đŸ§© . You can only do your part while others also do their part. You can't save anyone without their contribution. Do not play a role in anyone's life which you have not played in your own life. Charity begins at home. Save yourself first.

I hope this helps someone out there who's ignorantly suffering from the Messiah Complex - change your mindset.

©Charles Awuzie.


Potential is
dormant ability
reserved power
untapped strength
unused success
hidden talents
capped capability.

Have you found yours?

To whom it may concern đŸ«Ž

To whom it may concern đŸ«Ž


Protection against drifting lies within easy reach of every human being who has a normal body and a sound mind. The self-defense can be applied through these simple methods:

1. ‌Do your own thinking on all occasions. The fact that human beings are given complete control over nothing save the power to think their own thoughts is laden with significance.

2. ‌ Decide definitely what you want from life; then create a plan for attaining it and be willing to sacrifice everything else, if necessary, rather than accept permanent defeat.
3. ‌Analyze temporary defeat, no matter of what nature or cause, and extract from it the seed of an equivalent advantage.

4. ‌Be willing to render useful service equivalent to the value of all material things you demand of life, and render the service first.

5. ‌Recognize that your brain is a receiving set that can be attuned to receive communications from the universal storehouse of Infinite Intelligence, to help you transmute your desires into their physical equivalent.

6. ‌Recognize that your greatest asset is time, the only thing except the power of thought which you own outright, and the one thing which can be shaped into whatever material things you want. Budget your time so none of it is wasted.

7. ‌Recognize the truth that fear generally is a filler with which the Devil occupies the unused portion of your mind. It is only a state of mind which you can control by filling the space it occupies with faith in your ability to make life provide you with whatever you demand of it.

8. ‌When you pray, do not beg! Demand what you want and insist upon getting exactly that, with no substitutes.

9. ‌Recognize that life is a cruel taskmaster and that either you master it or it masters you. There is no half-way or compromising point. Never accept from life anything you do not want. If that which you do not want is temporarily forced upon you, you can refuse, in your own mind, to accept it and it will make way for the thing you do want.

10.‌Lastly, remember that your dominating thoughts attract, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon.

Extract From Outwitting The Devil


I learned early in life that it’s the little things we do today that cumulatively grow to become the fortress and foundation of the future we hope to build.

This has kept me in check; I forgive often, I make peace and if there’s anything I have in abundance it’s patience.

In the same vein, when I fight, I do so in the most extreme way, whether it’s by stooping so low or by rising so high.

But, every time I fight, it’s always to protect the name I have built or the future that I’m creating.

Oftentimes, this fight is with me — my ego, my wants, my selfishness, my emotions, my faith, and my fantasies.

This is the harshest and trickiest fight. It’s where we struggle. It’s where we stumble. It’s where we stutter. It’s where we frequently face defeats.

Anyone who wins the fight within need not fear the fight in the outside world. Those who become the masters of their emotions and the defeats of their demons are impeccably formidable.

Read this again, slowly. The real fight is with yourself and you will throw the first punch but yet feel the first pain and bear the mark of several defeats.



Dear friends, so many of the tribulations you are facing now are all parts of the plans.

You will realize this later. Trust me.

I am who I am today because of everything I have been through—

-the mistakes I made

-the number of times I fell

-the knees I bruised and the bones I broke

-the questions I asked and the times I lost my faith

-the shame I faced and the tears I shed

-the battles I lost and the victories that came at a cost of defeats.

-the mockery from friends and the betrayals laced with the names of people I loved.

-the hunger that I endured and the fogs and frights that kept me on bended knees.

-the isolation and loneliness of wretchedness and the brute of self-doubt and disbelief.

-the despair of destructive desires and the flaming fears of forlorn fate.

-the death that took my beloveds and the suffering that came alive in their wake.

-the burden that stripped me bare and the silence of hope that lay beneath my darkness.

I look back now and I see how my strength was forged; I see that all these were part of the plan.

I say it again: the tribulation that you are facing now are all part of the plan. It will forge you and refine you like fire refines gold.

But don’t let it break you. Success and victory come to those who endure to the end.



A Few Things I Have Learned In Life:

1. When you think that people don’t want to help you - understand that they too have their own struggles.

2. The closest person that cannot really live without you is your mother. Oftentimes, they are the ones who will be there when you f**k-up.

3. There’s nothing like love; Interest is what we call love. Everyone falls in love when there’s something to benefit.

4. No one is going to die a virgin; life f***s us all and the only way to survive is to be the one on-top.

5. Emotion is oftentimes the first and weightiest layer preventing you from making successful business and relationship decisions.

6. Go left when others are going right; the things we seek are oftentimes not where we hope to find them.

7. Help the poor but be careful not to become one of them.

8. If you have 100k to start a business and someone asks you for N10, don’t give. N10 will not solve all his problems and you will end up not starting your business if you give.

9. In a relationship you get hurt when you are selfish. In business you get hurt when you are selfless.

10. You become truly free the day you grow the balls to question everything you were made to believe especially religion, the most despicable and deceptive of them all.

11. Don’t steal what you can’t keep. Don’t start what you can’t finish. Don’t hurt what you can’t kill, and be careful who you offend; some would live all their lives seeking revenge.

©Kel Armstrong Amobi KAA


The weakest piece in a chess game is the pawn. Pawns are thrown into battles and sacrificed at will in ex*****on of a strategy.

But the fate of your King and the center you control on the chessboard is also determined by every single move you make with these weak pawns.

In all that you do, just as it is in a chess game, you must understand that every single little move you make is much more important than the big moves.

It's the little moves that pave the way to your victory and if you make the wrong little move with your pawns, your king will become vulnerable and attacked from all sides.

Enjoy your weekend!

like and follow KAA for more ❀


The truth is,

No matter how wise

No matter how careful —

Not all of your ventures will end in climax.

Sometimes it’s even the most promising one that will fail you when you least expect it!

Know this and know peace.

On your way to the top you will meet crooks.
You will meet frustration.

You won’t escape the snares of betrayal
And the jinx that comes with trust.

You will meet loss, face defeats, struggle with faith in yourself and your God — you will give up many times.

I know this because I have passed through this road and you will be lucky to find Simon of Cyrene.

I have survived this long because I learned how to embrace my defeats and see no problems but riddles that has answers somewhere.

If you hold on, you will bleed
But you will survive. Trust your gut!


The most unlucky person in history was Walter Summerford.He was a resident of Britain. He was an officer in the army. Th...

The most unlucky person in history was Walter Summerford.

He was a resident of Britain. He was an officer in the army. Three similar mysterious incidents had happened to him, due to which he was considered 'unlucky'. And even after death, a similar incident happened with him.

The first incident with Walter Summerford took place in 1918, when he was posted in Belgium at the time of the World War. One day he was riding horse, when celestial lightning fell on him. Because of this, the entire body below his waist was paralyzed. Although he recovered completely in a few months and started walking, but before that he was forcibly released from the army.

The second incident with Walter Summerford occurred in 1924, exactly six years after the first. At that time, he had started his new life in Canada. One day he went to a nearby pond to catch fish, where he was sitting under a tree. Then suddenly lightning fell on him again. This time the right half of his body was paralyzed.

However, miraculously he recovered completely in two years and started wandering. A similar incident occurred again with Walter Summerford in the year 1930, just six years after the second incident. He was walking in a park and enjoying the beautiful views. Then suddenly the weather got bad and dark clouds clouded the sky. Meanwhile, the crackling lightning fell on them. Despite this, he struggled with his life for two years, but eventually he lost the battle of life and died in 1932.

After the death of Walter Summerford, his family buried him in Mountain View Cemetery in Vancouver, Canada. The surprising thing in this is that the celestial lightning did not stop pursuing him even after his death and in the year 1936 lightning fell on his grave once again, due to which the stone planted on his grave broke. This incident also happened just six years after the third incident. Why the celestial lightning fell on Walter Summerford every six years is still a mystery.

Credit: Apotheosis of knowledge


Heaven ain't the best place for you đŸ€

I've just reached 100 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each and every one...

I've just reached 100 followers! Thank you for continuing support. I could never have made it without each and every one of you. đŸ™đŸ€—đŸŽ‰


The truth is,
you are not really that important.

The moment you begin to overestimate your importance in people’s lives, get ready to be dribbled and disappointed.

Just wake up every morning, do what makes you happy, help the poor but be careful not to become one of them.

Expect little or nothing in return for your good deeds and understand that once you are no longer there, another will take your place.

Be sincere to the people who look up to you. You won't be held responsible for how right or wrong they interpret your truth.

And most importantly, always remember that it's a duty to yourself that you become the best you can be in whatever you do and care less about the noise and silence that trails your efforts.








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