
CACEndwell Studying Bible Together specifically on Bible Chraracters, Endwell Events, Bible Questios couple with Unremitting Prayer of solution.



The elders have a say, "if children of the same mother enter into a room to talk and come out smiling, they have not told each other the truth." Alright, so in the next 3 minutes, you might not be smiling as I am going to tell you the truth, because am your daddy. Strictly speaking I have searched the scripture, there is nowhere that I have found where it is written, if you wear make-up, you will go to hell or you will not make it to heaven, I canโ€™t find it in the Bible. It is not to be found anywhere at all, but I have done my own research.

There are two places in the whole Bible where references were made to painting of face, only two places, and the two places are bad. One of the places talked about Jezebel. How many of you will name your daughter Jezebel? 2 Kings 9:30, the day Jezebel was going to die, she did make up properly, painted her face, dented her face with jewelries, but at the end of the day, dog ate her.

The second place is in Jeremiah 4:29-30 where God was speaking in anger to daughters of Zion, He says, "when I make up my mind to deal with you, you can paint your face as you like, it is not going to deliver you." Read it, you have your Bible to read. Those are the only two places I found, and they are terrible references.

Now as far as am concerned, it is up to you to decide how you want to look, you want to make up, you want to paint yourself, you are at liberty.

If for any reason whatsoever God decides not to allow you to enter heaven, sorry o!!!

The point I'm making is this, nobody ever add sugar to honey. Have you seen anybody adding sugar to honey? Anytime you see a piece of furniture that is painted, wooden furniture that is painted, the wood is inferior. When the wood is ebony, nobody paints it, no no no. I think children of God should realise they are precious enough, by the special grace of God and by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. They are honey, they donโ€™t need sugar.

Some people go about in the name of fashion wearing wigs. I'm not being judgmental at all. This is not law, there is no where in the Bible which says if you wear wigs, you can't make it to heaven. But this hair that you are wearing, from whose head was it cut? Do you know who was the original owner of the hair? Do you know what kind of anointing is in that hair? It is put in the most important part of your body, the head!!! "Thou anointed my head." Things are so bad now that some ladies come for ordination with wigs on.
I always ask them, which one do you want me to anoint, the wig or the head? I told you, you will not smile by the time I finished. I have not been legalistic, I have not said thou shall not wear wig. I'm only talking to my daughters, my own children.

I read something in the book of Revelation 7:1-3. Some angels were sent from heaven to deal with the inhabitants of the world, after the rapture, the Bible says, "I heard the Almighty God said, before you begin to deal with people, let me mark them, let me seal them on their forehead, so that we know those that the bullet should not hit."

What we wear matters. Why do you think the army wear uniforms? It is so that they will not accidentally shoot their own members.

Can God recognize you at a glance, that is, as a child of God? Some people say it does not matter, and that what is inside is what is important, I agree with the last part, but what is inside will show outside. it will show on the outside, it will show, donโ€™t let anybody deceive you.

When I became General Overseer, I brought a group of teachers to come and teach in the Bible College and they began to teach series of things I did not bargain for. They were teaching that God is not interested in the outside, He is interested in the inside, this man (the G. O.) is legalistic, he is too strict. So I went to Oyingbo market to buy two oranges, one ripe and the other green all over. My Bible students were beginning to turn to rebels and God gave me wisdom, so I stood before the class and I said, which of these oranges will you take if I ask you to pick one? They all pointed at the yellow and ripe one, and I said why? They said because that one is going to be the sweeter one. How do you know when you have not seen the inside? They all said what is inside the orange portrays and shows what is reflecting outside. An orange is sweet from the appearance because its inside is sweet and vice versa to unripe oranges....

It was at this point that I passed the real message to the people and the Holy Spirit gave them a change of heart afterwards.

People of God, God cannot be mocked, you cannot begin to tell people that God only dwells in the heart of man, seeks the heart alone and not the facial appearance, It is A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL !!! ...

You cannot sit on the fence, it is either you are cold or hot... Say no to FASHION OF HELL ... Why not be and remain the way God created you? Why are you adding to what God has created? In other words, you are telling God that, "God ooh, see you are senseless to have created me this way I am, I am going to recreate myself back with make ups." (God forbid).

May you not be an enemy of God. Amen. "Let your dressing be in modest apparel, not of painting of face or using of gold, necklaces or earrings, but of pure heart, shamefacedness and modesty."

Have you considered Jezebel in the Bible? She was a perfect example of the usage of all these things, and she made all these things of demonic value. May you not be among her descendants in Jesus mighty name. Let your watchword be ''WORLDLINESS FORBIDDEN." Instead of the world copying good things from us (believers), we the believers are the one copying bad things from the world! Very shameful and pathetic!

Remember, "friendliness with the world equals to enmity with God.
Beware of the end time vices and change your ways now!

Characters of A Generation of Young Christians:
1. We are always right and we never accept correction. A corrector is seen as an enemy.
2. We love to sing in Church, but do not read our Bible at home.
3. We are full of lust, sensuality and emotions and we call it love.
4. We want to have wonderful marriages, but by the time we are 25 years we've already spent almost ten years in relationships. Sometimes, we may have had more boy lovers and girl lovers than even our parents.
5. Sexual activities are now part of our relationships, calling it romance.
6. We want to be rich in life, meanwhile, we spend all our finances on the latest ipads, iphone, laptops, cameras, smartphones, etc, which in many cases we use less than 30% of their functions.
7. We do not pay our tithes and offerings, claiming we are students.
8. We say we are Christian men & women but dress like Hollywood stars and we call it fashion.
9. We love pleasures rather than God.
10. In Church you will see us with our hands lifted up singing slow songs which we call worship but on our phones in our pockets, you will see pictures of naked and half naked women, hip hop, Antichrist, etc and we have a nice way of justifying it.
11. We are hardly convicted when we go to Church because *our hearts have been hardened* by the deceitfulness of sin and pride.

God foresaw all these and warned us in 2 Timothy 3: That "In the last days men and women will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power."

We need to change our ways, we have no excuse on judgement day.

ndepotv ๐ŸŒ


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๐Ÿ”ต How to Shoot Professional and quality videos with your Phone

๐Ÿ”ต How to Edit Videos with your Phone (the fast, simple and easy way)

๐Ÿ”ต How to Create Attention-Grabbing video Intro/Outro

๐Ÿ”ต How to animation effects (moving objects) to your videos

๐Ÿ”ต How to Create Whiteboard Animations (for Marketing and explainer purposes)

๐Ÿ”ต How to Create Cartoon Animations

๐Ÿ”ต How to Clone yourself in Videos

๐Ÿ”ต How to Remove Video Backgrounds

๐Ÿ”ต How to add Sound Effects to your videos

๐Ÿ”ต How to Create Marketing Videos

๐Ÿ”ต 5 Unique Business Models to Monetize your Videography Skill

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Pray: Oh Lord my God grant me favour in every of my steps thi decree if you will succeed greatly ...

Oh Lord my God grant me favour in every of my steps thi year...

so decree if you will succeed greatly in all your endeavors this year in Jesus Mighty name



Jesus Christ is sent to help lift promote deliver heal give you wisdom to take your to the next level of greatness and lighten your paths....the question is.. will You ALLOW HIM?


Abraham's barrenness ends after 25yrs & Isaac after 20yrs..I don't know how man yr(s) u've been waiting..I decree..2day marks d END..


Whosoever will be a TROUBLE to your life, ministry and business this year, you will NOT journey with him/her, If they are already in your life, God will push them out by fire by force in Jesus Mighty name..


Whoever troubles any child of God in ur area shall be troubled this year & 4ever..


Your business will yield unto you with her full strength this year..


Results of Cain's sin: Gen 4:11-12
1. Cursed on earth
2. D earth wl no longer yield for you in her strength anymore
3. He will be a fugitive and
4. He will be a vagabond

My admonition
Run away from sin this's a ruins life and destroy beautiful plans and destiny...

My prayers
Whatever curses (known or unknown) that do not allow your marriage, business, life and ministry to yield with her strength for you are totally destroyed today and forever in Jesus Mighty name..

Your ministry will yield unto you with her full strength this year

Your business will yield unto you with her full strength this year

Your marriage will yield unto you with her full strength this year

You will not be a fugitive and vagabond in the journey of this year in Jesus Christ name...

The power of curses over you is permanently broken today in Jesus name

You will live a fruitful life this year..
God bless you real and always..Amen.



Amazing Bible Fact

Methuselah was the oldest man at 969 yrs old (Gen 5:27).


12 days 360 degree covenant praise begins... connect now... God bless you as you do


12 days 360 degree covenant praise begins today.... begin your year with's a good way to start.. call 08037841086 for enquiry



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