Reading is not just a skill; it is a gateway. It is the torch that illuminates our minds, the beacon that guides us through the murky waters of ignorance and the light that shines when we find ourselves in the path of uncertainty. Without reading, you will stumble blindly, trapped in the shadows of unawareness. Francis Bacon wisely said, "Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." Reading enriches us, broadens our horizons, and fills our minds with ideas and perspectives that we might never encounter otherwise. It is through reading that we engage with the greatest minds of history, converse with the philosophers, scientists, and artists who have shaped our world. To neglect reading is to close the door to growth. It is to resign ourselves to a life of mediocrity, never reaching our full potential. As Malcolm X once declared, "People don't realize how a man's whole life can be changed by one book." One book, one sentence, one idea can transform you, setting you on a path to greatness. The Bible, in Hosea 4:6, warns, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." This destruction comes from the darkness of ignorance, a darkness that can only be dispelled by the light of learning. Reading is the means by which we acquire the knowledge to better ourselves and our communities. It is the antidote to the poison of ignorance.
Imagine a life without books. A life where the thoughts and discoveries of others are inaccessible because they weren't put down in a book. Think of a life where we are confined to our limited experiences, unable to explore the vast landscapes of knowledge that lie beyond our immediate reality. Such a life is akin to being trapped in a dark room, with no windows to the world outside. Reading is an act of liberation. It frees us from the chains of limited thinking, biases, and prejudices. It empowers us to question, to seek, and to understand.