Hey You!! Yes You!!!!
I am sure that you've also written your plans and goal for the year. I think you wrote them in a book not your mind Sha.
Also hope it's not the same plans you wrote for last year?
Now writing goal or plan is not really a problem, the problem is making sure they are fulfilled.
Please, ensure you don't decieve yourself in whatever you are doing this year. I hope you know that you can't do things in the same way and expect a different result.
Have you thought of why you were unable you achieve your goals last year? If yes
Have you thought of a new way to make this year's own work?
I'm not talking about physical things alone, even your spiritual life. I know you desire to be great and be that person you have dream of becoming. "Who no like better thing"
You see, one of the things to put in place before pursuing this year's goals is to take note of the mistakes you made last year and take it slow and steady.
Someone that can't pray 10mins per day last year and for this year's goals you wrote 2hrs daily +1hr vigil daily, Is this not a joke. My dear there are steps to doing things.
You want to have savings yet you still rely on your parents for funds. And who told you that you can't school and work..oh wait, you want to graduate before thinking of how to start living abi.
You want to save, Yet you can't take your eyes away from anything passing by. It's funny that, that same you will write that this year you want to save 5k per month.
Some people needs to leave some friendship in other to be focused.
You want to read 3hrs per day, pray and study 2 hrs and Yet you want to keep visiting friends and after you are back, straight to bed. Tell me how did you intend doing that without building boundaries for yourself.
My Dear nothing comes easy, you people you are celebrating today started somewhere.
Please be intentional about your plans this year.
Don't copy friend and dont set timetable that will choke you and at the end of the day, there will be nothing to show for.
In everything you do, ensure you take your walk with God serious. Be a witness of his Power.
Go back to your first love which is Jesus. It is God that will make your intentions come to past.