Lucinma Global Network (LGN) is a network of organizations and professionals around the world, passionate about philanthropy, consulting, mentoring, broadcasting, media apostolate, coaching, counseling, training, talent development and every other aspect of human capacity development. The organization was founded by Dr. Princess Mokolo and since 2004 has focused on holi
stic human development programs. Lucia Global Renewal Network is a member of LGN with a focus on holistic effectiveness-emotional, psychological, mental, intellectual well-being & capacity development of individuals, groups, communities, nonprofit organizations, faith based organizations & their teams. The media apostolate of Lucia Global presents teaching series, webinars. conferences, newsletter/blog posts, video and other Christian media with a goal to help participants grow in intimacy with God and in their Christian Journey . Lucinma Community Learning & Resource Center and Lucinma Women Development Center actively seek to increase vocational skills, information technology literacy, and academic competency levels in the communities we serve (especially women, unemployed and youths) through high quality vocational education, technology training and career development programs. Our programs are designed to improve the income earning capacity of participants, provide quality skills to last them a lifetime and improve their self esteem. Lucinma Healthcare Services LLC in collaboration with Lucinma Community Health Forum focuses on delivering high quality health and wellness educational programs, advocacy, healthcare consulting & training and Human Resources management solutions. Our model campus/community development center and online learning communities create social and professional networking opportunities for all participants. Our programs provide a wide array of leisure learning, lifelong learning, and enrichment opportunities for women. Lucinma also provides educational programs on health and wellness. Our Technology institute provides computer literacy to diverse groups of professionals and nonprofessionals in the community at highly affordable rates with flexible tuition free scholarship available for those who qualify. Lucinma acts as a tangible vehicle of poverty reduction in the communities it serves, through its signature scholarship programs for eligible females from the following groups: indigent widows, indigent school leavers, teachers and unemployed graduates. Lucinma is also at the forefront of advocacy for improved preventive healthcare education and delivery for women related conditions and efficient management of chronic illness. Our publications, webinars seminars, conferences, talk shows and similar forums, provide interesting information and dialogue on family, health, parenting, business, entrepreneurship. technology, professional and general interest issues with special content areas that appeal to the interest of every family member. HISTORY AND BUSINESS OF LUCINMA WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE
Lucinma's Center of excellence in Akoka, Lagos, was established in July 2004 as an N.G.O focused on women development, economic/social empowerment and health and wellness advocacy. The center opened its doors on October 2, 2004 to the first batch of young women participants in its signature scholarship funded Finishing School program (life skills, employment readiness and leadership/entrepreneurship program for high school graduates), and widows enrolled in the Widows Empowerment program ( a model program for poverty alleviation for indigent widows through scholarship funded vocational skills acquisition). We take great pride in the impact our programs have made since 2004. We particularly treasure the countless success stories and testimonials from over hundreds of thousands our alumni and clients we have been able to impact. We are also very grateful to the management and staff of Prompt Enterprises for being such a giant pillar of support since Lucinma's inception. We are highly indebted to our team of resource persons, instructors and our dedicated volunteers. We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our very loyal individual donors many of whom we have adopted as members of Lucinma’s big family. We ask everyone to constantly lift our supporters up to God in prayer. May the good Lord continue to reward all friends and supporters of Lucinma Women Development Centre.