What to do as a Mother when your Daughter sees her Me**es for the first time.
Sit her down and discuss the following with her or them:
1. Tell her the truth about what she is experiencing at this moment, educate her on Haida, teach her how to use sanatory pad and cleanness, teach her how to perform ghusl practically.
2. Inform her about the changes she is about to experience in her body from now on. Tell her how to take care of her self.
3. Tell her that from now on, whatever she does, good or bad, reward and sin are written for her. Tell her to be extra careful with salah, tell her now is the time when she gets more knowledge on Fiqhu and Risala. Tell her to be conscious of her self, by that, i mean, nudity, exposure, hijab and so on.
4. The most important. It might be difficult for u as a mother but you must try. Tell her that from now on, she cannot play with men or boys, she should not tolerate stupid jokes bcos she is not a girl anymore. Tell her if a man or boy touches her she will be pregnant, and if she is pregnant that is the end. Tell her that men will be coming to her soon, so she should be aware of it before the time comes. Tell her if by mistake a man touch her breast or play with it, as a form of joke, or intentionally she should report them to you. Tell her she cannot stay in isolation with man or boy.
Dear mother, why am I being explicit?
Bcos nowadays parents fail to inform their children of the obligation. So what happen? You see a teenager asking her boy friend, I saw red blood how in my pants, why saw something like breast coming from my chest, etc.
Many teenager nowadays get these education from outside rather than inside.
So, always be the first to inform your child about these. Do not say she is small. The moment she sees her me**es she is not a girl anymore, she is a potential mother or wife.
Good Luck , and pray for your daughter, because she is approaching a delicate stage of life. You must be vigilant too, extra vigilant in fact.