
SaneProf Audible Pen | | Engraving Words ��

And what are your aspirations?I don't know if you were like me because the last few days of 2023 saw me reviewing my pla...

And what are your aspirations?

I don't know if you were like me because the last few days of 2023 saw me reviewing my plans for its successor, adjusting and polishing to be sure that nothing was missing and none was exaggerated.

So, here we are now. The bullet is already in the air and now is time to run. Don’t forget, it’s a very long one—a 365-lap race on an unforeseen terrain. How do you plan to reach the finishing line without burning out? What is your winning strategy?

Go ahead and activate it! Keep your fire burning, and let not yourself be eaten up by it. The stadium is full; people are watching. They wanna see what you’ll bring out of this race.

Go get the trophy; go have all the medals.
Make it an iconic one!

You have anticipated 2024 a lot; be sure to make the best of it. Make it your happiest year so far!

Happy New Year, buddy.

Here comes the radio game you all have been expecting!No more anticipation, for it has come to stay! THE DARK ROOM: A PL...

Here comes the radio game you all have been expecting!

No more anticipation, for it has come to stay!

THE DARK ROOM: A PLACE WHERE INTELLECTUALS SHINE is a game of trivia where occupants attempt trivia questions not just with their knowledge, but with their wits, and self-belief.

Inside The Dark Room, it is all man for himself, and you will be surprised to see how occupants make their way out of the tense environment by being self-illuminated.

I'm happy to present this week’s episode to you.

Featuring: Usman Sunday Caleb (Host) and Bally O. ThankGod II (Occupant)

Time: 09:00 PM SHARP!

Join us on air this Friday at

I'll be expecting you. 🥂

A friend once said out of his subconscious: “The greatest tool for social engineering is love.” I never understood that ...

A friend once said out of his subconscious: “The greatest tool for social engineering is love.” I never understood that statement until I started my Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate Course, where I learned about the LoveLetter attack, a Social Engineering Attack that tricked users into opening malicious links in their email, which led to a massive number of computers being compromised.

In reality, as well, falling in love with the wrong person usually leads to manipulation and nothing else. By default, you’ll find yourself doing all that you can to please your uninterested lover just to get his attention and care. In that regard, he can use you till you are exhausted. Isn’t that exploitation in action?

Now, tell me, what’s the essence of manipulation if it’s not exploitation?

Indeed, the greatest tool for social engineering is love.

Dear friend,I hope you're doing well and that life has been treating you kindly. It's always a pleasure to catch up and ...

Dear friend,

I hope you're doing well and that life has been treating you kindly. It's always a pleasure to catch up and share some thoughts with you. Today, I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind lately – the true essence of happiness.

Isn't it fascinating how happiness doesn't come with a price tag? It's a gift meant for everyone, freely available to anyone willing to embrace it. But in this complex world, there are moments when circumstances seem to put a price on happiness. Like when providing for others becomes a condition for our own happiness.

Yet, my friend, I've observed that both you and I are fortunate to possess an abundance of happiness within us. That's why I'd like to suggest something beautiful – being the reason behind someone else's smile. It might sound daunting at first, but it's truly simple and utterly priceless.

Imagine walking down the street and encountering someone in need, even if it's just a fraction of your resources. Sharing a little can create a ripple of positivity that extends far beyond that moment. Sometimes, it's not even about money – a few kind words, a touch of hope, or being a temporary companion can work wonders.

Picture this: you becoming the source of someone's happiness. That moment when they see you again, and they express their gratitude for your kindness – that feeling is indescribable. It's about recognizing that we hold the power to make a positive impact, to fill a void, and to make a difference. If we don't step up, someone else might, and it could be a missed opportunity to bring joy.

Remember, my friend, in each instance where you can uplift another soul, do it without expecting anything in return but their happiness. Let that be the reward, the sole expectation. As soon as that mission is fulfilled, move on with a heart full of contentment.

As you continue on your journey, I encourage you to spread love, kindness, and happiness. We're in the month of August, a time for more love and more fun. When you make others happy, you'll find yourself experiencing even more joy. It's a wonderful cycle that fuels positivity.

Take care of yourself, my dear friend, and know that your warmth and compassion are cherished by those around you. Your actions have the power to light up someone's world, and that's a gift beyond measure.

With love,

Dear Friend,I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. As I put pen to paper, I'm reminded of something that often e...

Dear Friend,

I trust this letter finds you in good spirits. As I put pen to paper, I'm reminded of something that often escapes our busy minds—our shared humanity. In a world that sometimes seems to emphasize perfection, it's important to remember that none of us are truly complete.

When I say "incomplete," I'm not referring to mere superficial imperfections or appearances. I'm talking about the beautiful messiness that defines us as human beings. We all carry our burdens, whether they're the loss of a loved one, fears that linger in the shadows, or struggles that shape our existence. These are the threads of our individual tapestries, the colors that paint the canvas of our lives.

It's easy to forget that beneath the confident strides and radiant smiles, many harbor feelings of incompleteness. These emotions don't manifest as tattoos on our foreheads, but they're there, silently echoing in the private moments we all experience. It's during these moments that tears flow, and the weight of the world becomes too much to bear alone.

That's why I urge you, my dear friend, to become a beacon of compassion and kindness. Let your words be a soothing balm, as gentle and calming as a dove's embrace. Each utterance that escapes your lips should uplift, not break down. Our words have the power to heal or wound, and in this world, I implore you to be a healer.

As you move through your days, let love guide your actions. Embrace the chance to sprinkle kindness like confetti, showering those around you with understanding and warmth. Be a human reservoir of love, an embodiment of the caring spirit we all yearn for in our lives.

Remember, my friend, that your simple acts of kindness could be the lighthouse that keeps someone afloat amidst the stormy seas of life. Let your presence be a lifeline, a reason for them to continue their journey with renewed hope. The difference between persevering and succumbing to despair can often be found in the embrace of a kind soul.

So, promise me this—never let your words be the echoes of darkness that push someone to the edge. Instead, let them be the echoes of hope, the rays of sunshine that pierce through the clouds. Be the embodiment of positive change, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In closing, my dear friend, I want you to know that I cherish you and the light you bring into this world. May your journey be one of continuous growth and boundless love.

With heartfelt affection,

Show some love today. Happy Valentine's Day. ❤️💘Connect with me:

Show some love today.
Happy Valentine's Day. ❤️💘

Connect with me:


Last week I got a phished email, and it looked almost like my bank’s. You know, for a regular person, it couldn’t be more real, but for a…


Beware of hackers!

Last week I got a phished email, and it looked almost like my bank’s. You know, for a regular person, it couldn’t be more real, but for a…


Persuade, but don’t force.


Life is like a triangular prism; on the opposite side of your challenges lies a beautiful spectrum.


It’s your struggle but you ain’t alone 🥺
There are still people like you who manage theirs on the low 🥹

I'm sure you don't wanna miss Sanity Over InsanityConnect with SaneProf now to join the move

I'm sure you don't wanna miss Sanity Over Insanity

Connect with SaneProf now to join the move

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What is Sanity?What can you say about it? Get ready for Sanity Over Insanity by SaneProf

What is Sanity?

What can you say about it?

Get ready for Sanity Over Insanity by SaneProf

You know, what matters across individuals varies because we are all humans and as a result have different things we love, own, lack, cherish and need. Those are the basic factors that determines what we believe to matter to us. But there is something that matters to all mankind, and that is TODAY, A...



You know, every day we wake up to something, with the hope of getting it done at our desired time because we perceive them to be things that matter to us. We can refer to them as dreams, some call them aspirations, some say goals, some might even say routine. But when we come to think about it, we are only able to make those plans, renew and run towards them every time we run the race because we are privileged to wake up.

That simply implies that waking up matters more than all our daily plans just because we do not have control over it, we can not predict it, we can only assume and hope for waking when we close our eyes to sleep at night. So, what now? What really matters in this life? Well, I came across a quote by [name] which answered this question. It says, “what really matters is today, and the few tomorrows we have left”. When I sat myself down to think about that quote, I said to myself, “Yeah, this makes sense”, because the today that we have (the present) is what we are partially sure of, while the tomorrow right ahead of us, we are not 100% sure that it is going to be ours, we just plan ahead with hope. Now, what is the relationship between today and tomorrow?

I want you to know that the life you live today will surely influence your tomorrow. If you go to bed today with an unfinished business, you will eventually wake back to it tomorrow. That makes it clear to us that, everything we do today is what shapes our tomorrow. Remember that your tomorrows are few, then why not just live today like you only have one tomorrow left in your tomorrow bundle? This might be funny but you have to understand that, your past is something you need to forget to have the vibes and energy of carving a great tomorrow for yourself. Fine, it is your life, no one will question you, but how do you want to make each tomorrow count?

Here are things you can do to live an evergreen today and an inspiring tomorrow.

1. Know who you are – You are on another man’s race if you do not know your true self. What I mean is that, if you do not know your true self, your capabilities, your limitations, your positive and negative energies, you will always want to be like someone else. You will fail to realize your purpose of living, you will just keep trying and failing at things because you were not meant to do them in the first place. Therefore, you need to find yourself. Question yourself the reason for your existence, ask yourself what you need to improve your society.

2. After determining who you are, then you need to take the big step of becoming better. For you to improve people, you need to improve yourself first. Therefore, ask yourself, “how can I be a better man?”. What is that thing you do before and you feel like is not socially acceptable? Or do you feel like it is not profitable to you or your health? Why not just stop doing them and think about the next line of action that can profess you as a changed and improved man? To become a better man, you just need to transcend from bad to good, good to better, and better to best. That’s just it.

3. You are now a changed man; you have done the necessities and you find yourself thinking about the next step. The next thing to do is to “forget the past”. I understand that some memories are hard to let go of, but if you want to live a great day to build a better tomorrow, you need to let them go! The past will come to haunt you, but if you get yourself together, bark at it and let it realize that you have moved on, I assure you that, it will never come back. If you refuse to let it go, if you keep romancing it in your cupboard, it will grow to become a fear you cannot, or let me say that you can never conquer. So, let go of your past so that you can create room for the fresh thoughts of today. That way you will live a great tomorrow.

4. What really matters? Remember that your today and the few tomorrows you have left need to be memorable, remarkable, and motivational. Why then not choose to start doing good to humankind? What you do today, is what will be said about you after you leave this mother earth. Your days are numbered, let the numbers speak well in your absence.

5. To be able to do all of these things I have mentioned earlier, you need to let love lead. Love is life, and we are all living life. Do you want to make a change, do you want to become a better man? Do you want to leave a good footprint in places you reach? Show love! This life is easier and best lived when you live with love.

I want to remind you again that as you go through your daily activities, as you make your plan for the day, always put into consideration that, that moment might be your last. Therefore, plan to make it effective, plan to make it evergreen, plan to make it lovely. Enjoy life, enjoy your few tomorrows, show love in it, because, “what really matters is today, and the few tomorrows we have left”


Author: SaneProf

I don’t know if you know about this quote, “Good things come to those who wait”. They do come but sometimes they come too late if you don’t know how to wait. Are you waiting for something? Are you hoping to achieve something good? Do not just sit and expect it to come and meet you, you need to do some things to attract it to you. When they say those who wait, it doesn't mean they just sit and support their cheeks with their palms expecting it. There are things they must have done, even while waiting they must have run a race. If you are waiting, learn to wait right.

First off, let me make it clear to you the difference between “standing” and “waiting”. When you stand, you maintain an upright posture for a period of time, while waiting is an act of being expectant, which is our theme for this article. You might be standing and not waiting, also you don’t need to stand while waiting. You can be waiting while running, jogging, singing, standing, sitting, simply put, while doing anything at all. Waiting is not a physical gesture, it is a psychological and abstract activity, it is an act of hope.

Now, you are asking, how then can I wait right? You see, waiting is different from waiting right; when you just wait, you seem to maintain a static mental mentality, you don’t progress, you just want to have dominance without claiming. On the other hand, when you wait right, you progress, you attract and you claim, you gain an unquestionable dominance. Let me digress a bit and give you a practical illustration of waiting and waiting right.

Let’s assume I take a magnet and place it on a point A, then set another iron bar on another point B which is 20m away from point A. Now, I take 2g of iron fillings and pour it 2cm around each points, what do you think will happen? Point A will attract the iron fillings and make it itself, while point B will just leave the fillings where they are. That’s exactly how it is, when you wait, you will be like point B, but when you wait right, you will be like point A.


• Be Steadfast: If you want to wait right, you need to maintain your position; I don’t mean standing. Maintaining your position in the sense that, you keep your mind focused on a particular expectation, you don’t deviate, you don’t sway, you just want to achieve it or nothing. When you don’t get it early or at the desired time, you don’t just quit and choose a new focus, no, you continue to give it all it takes. That’s steadfastness.

• Be Attractive: Look at the illustration of the magnet and the iron bar for example, the magnet was able to attract the fillings because of its attractive nature. Don’t just be like the iron bar, make yourself attractive. You see, if you keep waiting, you might get it too late or never get it, therefore move out of your comfort zone, pursue it! Remember that heaven help those who help themselves. Now you might be asking yourself, “how do I go out of my comfort zone without loosing my steadfastness?” Here is an answer, if I want to become a popular writer and speaker, and I want to make myself attractive, I can’t just sit in my room and write an eighty leaves book, or record my voices and keep it on my computer, no! No one will notice me at all! What I need to do is to publish it and let it get to as much as possible people. In fact, perfecting the podcasts is not easy but, I just have to do them to be attractive, that’s exactly what the point is. Walk and work in line with your goal, let it be known about you, be humble and kind to people, that way you will attract the right people to yourself.

• Be Confident and Hopeful: Even when the going gets tough, remain confident in yourself that you are aiming for something big and it doesn’t usually come easy. Look at Abraham for example, he waited for couple of years and didn’t lose hope or change his path, he maintained focus and remained confident in the Lord. See, being expectant is not easy, people will mock you, say sorts of things to discourage you, can you handle the blasphemies? Just believe in yourself and trust the process, it’s part of the challenges attached to waiting right.

• Do it the right way: Yeah, for everything that can be done right, there is always a wrong way too, which can be referred to as a “shortcut”. Like the popular saying, “there is no shortcut to success”, you have to duly observe the protocols. Well, if you do it wrong today and get it right, can you defend it when the need arises? Is it money you want to have and you leave the right path for the wrong? My dear, time will tell. Everything is a test of time. If you have anything to do, do it right! What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. A lot of people will insult you for doing the right thing, they will want to drag you into their wrongs too, let your conscience handle the steering at that time. If your conscience is telling you that it’s not going to worth it, my brother, don’t go into it. Something good does not come with guilt and condemnation of heart.

Brother, Sister, I am not promising you a storm-free wait, what I am emphasizing on is that; if you are steadfast and persistent, attractive, confident and hopeful, and doing the right thing, you will overcome. Just keep the faith and trust the process. No one will help you on this, it is something you have to undergo yourself, and when the result comes out, you will become a champion.

Good things come to those who don’t just wait, but to those who wait right.


Someone Like Jonah
Author: SaneProf

Episode 3 (LAST)

So, how do you spot someone like Jonah? What is so special about them?

When you come across people like Jonah, the very first thing you will notice about them is that, they love to run away from responsibilities. Simply put, they are irresponsible, no matter how you try to force them into action, they will always find an escape route.

They are never short of excuses. When they receive a call to action, they will naturally find an excuse to explain why they should not yield to it. These excuses are their own way of being irresponsible.

The points above corroborates why they are usually not serious with things, be it this or that, they will just handle things with levity. On one word, they are lazy!

Does that mean anyome who is irresponsible, lazy and full of excuses is someone like Jonah? No, not all. You need to understand that there are some features that make them special from the former


They posses special grace: Not everyone who are disobidient and abandon their routes have the grace of going back to them. But, Jonah did reach his destination, because he received grace.

They know how to retrace their steps when they smell peril: In their lost journey, if at any point they realize that they will perish if they continue, they opt for restitution and go back to their starting point. Jonah for example, didn't want to perish and seek the face of God while in the big fish, through that he received mercy from God. For someone like Jonah, it is never too late for him to change.

They enjoy maximum protection even when they go astray: Just like Jonah, he was protected by God (by being kept in the belly of the fish), and that was how he received salvation.

No matter how far he has gone astray, he will still meet up, because he has the power of finishing the journey of three months in three days, this is something that really surprise me about people like him.

In case you don't know, someone like Jonah is very toxic, be it academically, naturally, psychologically, financially, whichever way it is, to your life. But how?

If as a student you end up locking up with someone like Jonah, he'll always give you reasons why you shouldn't see studying as something very important. Instead, he'll tell you there's more to life than studying and encourage you to be just like him. That way he will kill your momentum, your driving force will become zero and you start to imitate his lifestyle. That's just the beginning of the semester though; and what happens when the semester result is out? Someone like Jonah will be among the top five of the class while you are buried in the sadness of a bad result, then you'll start to wonder, "How?". That is just it, there's something he did that he didn't invite you to. Two or three weeks to exam, someone like Jonah came back to reality and got back to his books, studied overnight, consulted available resources in the library, and started a new life, a life of focus. While you on the other hand was busy living the prototyped lifestyle he gave you, it's then you'll know that you are lost. What happens thereafter? You'll sink into depression and premium sadness while someone like Jonah will become happy that he has become a changed person.

That's a practical description of who someone like Jonah is. Can you now see why you shouldn't let him get to you? Do you now understand how to spot one?

Please help share this article across your platforms to inspire someone too.



Well, I want you to know that, *"No man can think clearly when his fists are clenched", George Jean Nathan, that is exactly what happen when you react out of anger.

Normally, you are supposed to think before speaking, that way you'll evaluate your speeches and see which one is right or wrong to say before speaking, but the reverse is the case when you speak out of fury, you speak before you think, in this case, you let out your words before you weigh them, realizing which ones were right or wrong after making impacts.

“Words are like eggs dropped from great heights. You can no more call them back then ignore the mess they left when they fell”, Stephen R. Covey

Think before you speak and not Speak before you think

Have a great week❤️🥰

©️ SaneProf🖊️🎙️


Someone Like Jonah
Author: SaneProf

Episode 2: Who is Jonah?

This will walk us through a brief account of the story of Jonah according to the Bible in Jonah 1 :: NIV. "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me." Jonah was afraid of the people of Nineveh and tried to escape from his mission, therefore he rushed to Joppa to board a ship to Tarshish.

He was on board and his journey was smooth, not until God showed him his supremacy and caused the storm to rise against them on the surface of the sea. The storm was too strong and their ship was about sinking, other passengers started offloading their properties into the sea so their boat can become lighter and remain afloat, yet no reasonable change was noticed.

Then they casted lots and it was realized that Jonah was the cause of the plague which had came over them, so Jonah offered himself as a bait to the sea so there could be peace. He was bundled into the sea and alas, there was a restoration of calmness!

What happened to Jonah when he was thrown into the sea? Did he drown?

No, he had a destiny to fulfill, for that cause God sent a big fish to swallow him and he was kept in there for three days where he seeked repentance from God. Technically, he must have fasted in the fish because there was no way food and water would have gotten to him. Imagine how disgusting the belly of the fish would have looked like? When three days was due, he was brought back to the shore of Nineveh, his place of assignment, by the fish.

Just like in correctional centers, there is always an option of going back to the center or start a new life, Jonah was also left with no better option than to carry on with the mission he was trying to defer.

That was just a brief account of who Jonah was, so tell me, which features have you spotted about Jonah in this summary? You need to know these characteristics so you can easily define who Someone like Jonah is, that way you will be able to avoid them in your life

Watch for the next episode where I will be spotting out some features of Jonah and explaining to you who Someone like Jonah is.


Title: Someone Like Jonah
Author: SaneProf

Someone like Jonah? What is so special about Jonah? Was he not just a sleeper in the Bible?

That was exactly how dumbfounded I was when my Pastor made that statement. Actually, it was during a Sunday service and I was interpreting for him, then he said, "Eniyan biiti Jona"(Yoruba), then I interpreted as "Someone Like Jonah", still thinking about its relevance with the session.

What came after it revealed to me a new side of who Jonah really was. He was not just a disobedient servant or a sleeper, there are deep technical features which need to be gotten from his lifestyle.

So, who exactly is Jonah?

If eventually you get yourself entangled with someone like him, hmmm, it will be too dangerous for you and it might even ruin you if you realize it late.

Therefore, anticipate the next episode where I will be explaining in details who Jonah is.




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