Do you know that a glass of Bitterleaf juice daily moderates sugar levels?
Bitterleaf scientifically known as Vernonia amygdalina is a bitter plant whose leaf extracts, stems and barks are used for culinary, medicinal and curative purposes.
Bitterleaf is taken either by drinking the water squeezed out from the leaf, eating it dried or putting in soups, applying it on your skin or using the stem in place of a chewing stick to wash your teeth, all can be of huge benefits to your health.
It's uses ranges from antimicrobial to decorative and also contains nutrients like proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, Vit. C, Vit. A, Vit. E, Vit B1, Vit. B12, Carotenoid, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, etc.
Amongst the numerous health benefits of Bitterleaf according to research are:
1) Ability to aid up metabolism in order to help one loose weight.
2) Helps control blood glucose levels when a glass of Bitterleaf juice is taken once daily either late in the night or early in the morning.
3) Repair of Pancreas.
4) Regulation of Cholesterol levels which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.
5) Relief of feverish conditions, joint aches, different levels of intestinal compliants, stomach aches as well as parasite induced disease like Malaria.
6) Taking of Bitterleaf juice helps in nourishing the skin, building up to your body, thus preventing harmful toxins from penetrating into your body.
7) It serves as blood cleansers and toner for the uterus.
8) Bitterleaf is applied externally to protect against leech that transmits Bilharziasis.
9) Blood oozing from fresh wound can be stopped by squeezing fresh green bitterleaves and dropping it on the wound.
On the whole, when you wash out the bitterness from Bitterleaf until it is no longer bitter, just know that you are not consuming the wholesome medicinal leaf but just a mere chaff.