
GoSobo Giving writers alternative platform to break limitations and excel

LISTENING TO GOD"Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a lot of problems: I twisted my knee... my eyes itc...


"Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a lot of problems: I twisted my knee... my eyes itch... my finger is swollen... I have backache...’ Then, having got through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, ‘Goodness me, time is getting on. I must be off.’ The doctor might say, ‘Hang on, do you not want to hear what I have to say?’If we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake. We do all the talking and we don’t actually listen to him. But our relationship with God is meant to be a two-way conversation. When I’m praying, I find it helpful to write down thoughts that come into my mind that may come from the Spirit of God.In a media-saturated age we have many voices that come to us on TV, radio, the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email and text message. We have the voices of family, friends and colleagues. And sometimes we have the voice of Satan tempting us to disbelieve God’s word and to doubt that God has our best interests at heart.How do you hear the voice of God in the midst of the noise and distractions of life?"

Any suggestions?


Are You a Good Writer? Then, Enter for GoSobo Writing Competition: It's a Great opportunity.

1. PLEASE, Register & Read Guidelines Here


2. THE COMPETITION: Write on any topic you like, any genre, in 500-1000 words (Ms Word format), submit with your passport photo to, [email protected]

3. Follow GoSobo on Facebook


4. Join WhatsApp Group,


5. Submission of Entries:16th January - 20th February, 2025.

1ST PRIZE: N700,000 Editing, proofreading, cover design, ellook formatting, markup, etc will be provided free by a professional team for the publishing of 5 of your eBooks on GoSobo -your eBooks will be promoted free on all GoSobo social media handles 2ND PRIZE: N300,000 Editing, proofreading,



Get ready for training!

Theme: The 21st Century Writer

-Two Sessions
-Two topics

Date: 28th January (Tuesday)

Time : 7pm-9pm

Venue: WhatsApp

Hoping that by the date above, those of you who're yet to submit their entry for the GoSobo Writing Competition would have done so via the email address already posted on this Page.🤝

Empowering writers, inspiring readers, and building dreams—one story at a time. Discover tools, resources, and services for writers and readers alike.



As submission of entries began on 16th January and ends on 20th February 2025, it is important to notify those of you who have submitted (a write-up on any topic of your choice, genre of your choice, and in 500-1000 words) to plan and strategize your campaign for votes.
Immediately the voting platform is opened participants will be able to copy links to their individual pages to search for votes.

Participants (those who submitted an entry) have already qualified for post contest added value opportunities. And each of them will need the ability to plan and strategize to achieve a goal.

We insist on teaching that greatness, success, rising in life, and so on, do not happen by chance. The combination of your choices (how you waste, use or invest your time), in the application of knowledge/expertise, know-how, or skills, and discipline makes the difference.
So, even if you're the best writer you'll need to discipline yourself to plan how to win.

If you don't plan then you have planned to fail.

After Season 1 we shall categories participants according to their inputs -what they did to get votes (not just the number of votes) for different kinds of opportunities.

Never you joke or be careless with days of little beginnings. If you want to achieve more you must be ready to "stay awake" while the lazy sleeps.




There are methods, other than voting for arriving at a winner in a Writing Competition. We looked at each of them and considered local context before our decision to do monetary voting.
First, we have eliminated fear of tribalism by judges (we will not pretend about how this evil can affect and almost cripple merit)

Token voting (monetary) does two things. One, it pushes writers to engage in marketing their contents (this is the weakest part of efforts among many writers). Many writers do a great job Writing wonderful books, spend several millions bringing them out from press but never make time to factor promotion, marketing and sales. They think books or any other creative content sells by sentiments -it takes hardwork to convince people to rather spend their hard earned money buying your book than on other needs. This is an aspect we are going to spend time to train participants.

Many Nigerian writers have their books on Amazon but only a negligible few have sold a copy. So, what's the problem? One of it is, weak promotion, poor marketing and sales plan and strategy. We shall handle this during training. Token voting is to prepare everyone for where we're going. Honestly, if you're shy, ashamed, or passive about your product (your write-up is a product) and engaging in digital marketing/promotions, etc then just know that, though you develop a good content, it may just end up with you.

Now, not only does monetary voting help to push a writer to plan and strategize (which he or she will eventually apply to selling his or her books when published) it helps to keep the process open. Being an online voting everyone will have the opportuinity of seeing first-hand how each participant is doing. For example, if you have 100 votes everyone will see it. Even before the end of the competition each participant will be able to see what's happening with others.

Lastly, non-monetary voting usually result in some participants mobilizing everyone and anyone to vote and by so doing sabotage the process. We all know that, this is very easy. So, we want participants to brace up and market their contents to people who'll be ready to spend N50 just to make them win.
Let me give you this secret, the data you'll have from the people who voted for you gives you an idea of the people to market first, to buy your book online when it's out. So, see the benefits and brace up for the challenge -because at the end you'd have built a network of people who'll help you rise.

As we are focused on growing and empowering skilled writers to earn more from their works, deservedly, we are not going to deceive anyone by making you think rising in life comes by just wishing it -writing and going to sit down while your dream work itself out? No Way!

Let's Work and Walk Together and See What Happens by the End of 2025. Many of you will be telling better stories than you did last year. We are here to push You away from continuing to do the same thing year in, year out and expect a different result in your Writing effort. You can rise. Yes, You Can!

You're highly welcome to GoSobo Writing Competitions platform for your empowerment! Participation in this competition gives you access to more.

Click to register,


Submission of entries is from 16th January - 20th February, 2025.

1ST PRIZE: N700,000 Editing, proofreading, cover design, ellook formatting, markup, etc will be provided free by a professional team for the publishing of 5 of your eBooks on GoSobo -your eBooks will be promoted free on all GoSobo social media handles 2ND PRIZE: N300,000 Editing, proofreading,

GoSobo Writing Competition: Season 1How is it going with your write-up?Please, make sure you read through the info provi...

GoSobo Writing Competition: Season 1

How is it going with your write-up?

Please, make sure you read through the info provided after the Submit button (registration form), and keep within the words limit, 500-1000 words only.
Some have already submitted entries that are more than 1000 words. Review your entry and ensure you keep it below 1000 words. Remember to provide your passport photo.

Any entry without a record showing that the participant registered will be dropped, they will not be uploaded. And by then it will be too late to register.

GoSobo Competition is not just meant for people to win money but structured into a system that empowers writers to harnness multiple opportunities. So, relax and write your best but be assured that, if your entry gets uploaded you qualify for more. In few days we shall run a free training (for registered participants only) and it'll be on issues around Amazon, other online bookstores, issues around writing in 2025 and beyond.

This is more than just a Writing Competition, it's a New Dawn!

CONGRATULATIONS                   🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🎉 We're glad that several are following and have already submitted their write-...


We're glad that several are following and have already submitted their write-ups. Congratulations to all of you.
The team will go through to ensure that each entry kept to the rules. Keep your eyes on this page and the WhatsApp chat group, to know when entries are uploaded. Before then you have opportunity to change your entry with a better one, if you wish.
Also, we shall run a free training for those who made a submission, only. So, we are shortlisting only the ones who made submissions.
Right now, if I were you I'll plan and strategize on how to mobilize votes so that when voting commences it'll be an easy ride.
Without plan and strategy even the most worthy of ideas stay just, ideas.

In life always recognize the need to work with success stages: don't go relaxing when you should be working. After submitting a write-up, work begins. And the work is to plan how to get votes. We're preparing you for something better. This writing competition does not end with the competition. There's more coming. You can do it!!!

It's A New WorldHey, this message is for you. It's a new world and there's no going back. Several things have changed an...

It's A New World

Hey, this message is for you. It's a new world and there's no going back. Several things have changed and more changes are coming. Since after COVID-19 a new paradigm became the dominant factor.

Learn today that, if you fail to add to your knowledge level you'll continue to think the same way, you won't have enough depth to stand the tide. And if your thinking capacity remains stagnant you'll continue to see life with no improvement in your ability to see the big picture. Now, that way you'll continue to do the same thing, the same way. And what happens?

For several hundreds of years we have seen life from the perspective that, change is the only permanent thing in life. But, in this new world that doesn't hold water any longer. You know why? It is because in this new dawn, the only permanent thing is not change but constant change. What is constant now is, constant change. Think deep about this and rise up to take your destiny in your hands. If you refuse or fail to adjust your approach to issues of life others will leave you behind and you'll have yourself to blame for allowing yourself to be held captive by small mindedness.

Open your eyes so as to use this one life you have been given wisely.

The GoSobo Writing Competition is kick-starting a new dawn for writers, one step at a time. The competition is just the beginning, it's not all about everything. More is coming...So, Write!

same way leads to same thing

GoSobo Writing Competition Season 1This is the competition: Let the Work BeginExpress your writing skills on any topic o...

GoSobo Writing Competition Season 1

This is the competition: Let the Work Begin

Express your writing skills on any topic of your choice, any genre and in 500-1000 words only, in such a way to get people everywhere to vote for you to WIN this maiden edition of GoSobo Writing Competition.

After writing, send the following to, [email protected]

i. Your 500-1000 words, in Ms Word document, write-up
ii. A good passport photo for voters to see and confirm it's you
iii. If possible for you, a 30 sec video seeking votes from people who come to the voting platform (not compulsory)

Last Submission Date
Midnight of 20th February 2025 (from 16th January -20th February, 2025).

We didn't want participants to submit their write-ups straight on the website/voting platform because the team want to take the pains to go through each just to ensure that it is standard. This is to save participants from mistakenly posting something embarrassing and from any oversight that might cost them deserved votes. We are also interested in identifying real skilled writers for added value engagement afterwards.



Good Luck to everyone👍👍👍

Help Us Share Widely 👍

Victor Damilola Garuba More than a Writing Competition: It's beyond just winning We appreciate the above tagged for his ...

Victor Damilola Garuba

More than a Writing Competition: It's beyond just winning

We appreciate the above tagged for his genuine interest, feedback and advice. Based on his observations we want to publish our response to his healthy feedback. Here it is,

Thank you for your feedback and advice. We did consider several things before deciding to go the voting route. First, we are not just about writing competition and the writing competition itself does not end with the competition, there are other aspects of it still unveiled.
Some of us in the team have written almost 100 books, published both here in Nigeria and on Amazon but the aggregate of our individual experiences shows that something has to be done if writers on this side of the world, both young and old, will find fulfillment, earn deservedly, and set the stage for using writing to define a better future for our societies.
Voting helps beyond the competition -we are looking at sales of books written by participants. This is why we are doing a short seminar before submission closes.

My first book was written in the '90s and down the years sales was a factor in my endeavor. In the developed world writers have learned to either outsource promotion, marketing and sales of their works or do it themselves. That is the missing link, not for everyone, but for many in their writing effort. There's no better way to learn and shake off the cloud of low sales than marketing your write-up to get votes that cost almost nothing. That way you begin to appreciate the difficult terrain called Writing Skill as people who write should be able to just live their lives making enough income from it to invest so as to build wealth. That's why we are going to be running free training for participants.
I can assure you that we recognize the lapses in a voting-based writing contest. But, we are going beyond the contest because of our past experiences and our hope to set a new stage for the better, for writers. This is why we did not allow direct upload to the voting site but submission first to the team. We are going to see the real writers even before upload and we have plans. That's all I can say now. Join the competition because it is beyond just winning.

WRITERS AND SOCIETY BUILDINGHave you had time to think about how societies are built? Take time to read through history ...


Have you had time to think about how societies are built? Take time to read through history and you'll realize the place of writers in society building or development. Unfortunately, this is a message many writers miss. We have many who are yet to see their role as writers in shaping history.

Just imagine major religions in the world and tell me what is being used to keep adherents going in one direction or the other. It is what has been written and what is being written. Also, think about what will happen to education and professions without people who write books!

GoSobo is looking ahead and is seeing the need to build writers who can see the big picture so as to write within the context of times and seasons for only this way can we contribute the most in shaping the future for the best.


GoSobo Writing Competition Take the time you have right now to think through what you're going to write about (any topic...

GoSobo Writing Competition

Take the time you have right now to think through what you're going to write about (any topic of your choice, genre of your choice and in 1000 words, ONLY). Good reading and good thinking usually result in good writing.

i. Don't copy someone else's write-up and send to us, that's plagiarism and it's illegal.
ii. Don't waste your time cheating yourself with any AI writing tool.


Welcome everyone to the GoSobo Writing Competition Season 1. We shall wait a little for more contestants to join before ...

Welcome everyone to the GoSobo Writing Competition Season 1.
We shall wait a little for more contestants to join before pushing out more info/updates.
As at this time we have almost 300 people who have indicated interest. So, we are looking at both the WhatsApp Group and here to be sure that greater percentage are on-board.

You're Welcome 🤗 🤗


All expressions of interest submitted so far captured. Join by sharing this post especially to reach people you know can't wait to be a part of this.

Share, share, share.

Send a message to learn more


GoSobo Writing Competition Season 1

Click to express your Interest,

Send a message to learn more


2025: Your willingness will decide several things concerning the dream you have for this year!




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