Have you heard of 86FB?
That football trading platform........ You are thinking of gambling?
Far from that.....
Pay attention,
86FB is a platform that gives you opportunity to place a correct score at the opposite position....
In the sense that when you stake a game to play 3-2 and they didnt do it, you WON.....
And when they played 3-2, you get your money back.....
You are asking how? ....Right question.
The company will refund you the amount you used to trade the game....
Wow. That sounds so amazing! Yes.... That is it.
On 86FB we don't gamble because we always win....
The good thing about this trading platform is that you get to make 3% of your trading capital daily and you can start with as little as 3500 naira......
Am particular about this because:
/ Football never dies .....so sure this company can never die .....
/ They have made it cheap for people so the average Nigeria can join and get earning........
๐You don't need to be a lover of football to do this business.....
๐It doesn't require any special football skills.....
๐You don't need to watch football to play it......
๐You only need your smart phone and little data.....
There is no limit to how much u can invest ....but its has to be a minimum of 3500.......
And please this is not a ponzi ....we don't pH and Gh.....
We play football games online...just like the bet9ja and the betking.....
Difference here is that you don't gamble .....you trade ....just like we trade in forex....we trade football
And yes.....when I say you always win a match I mean it ...we always win...because we play reversal games .....and even when there is a loss......the company pays us back the amount we traded for that game.....
...you trade and compound your money...
You want to learn more,
Click on this link:
NB: please don't click the link if you are not action taker......
See you on the other side.