Why should all Africans consider joining the Crowwe Project
FLASHBACK: Crowwe is not similar to X or any other existing social media platform. Crowwe is unique in its design, with the African fragrance of a village square level of freedom of expression.
That is why it is important for you and for Africa.
Crowwe on light mode is Snow White. You can read long texts posted on the platform with a friendly view to your eyes.
You can also watch TikTok videos directly on Crowwe without the need to download the video.
We are moving to AppStore, Huawei store. Amazon store and playstore very shortly.
Farfesa Sani Lugga ya fadi Halin da Najeriya zata iya tsintar kanta idan ta yaki Sojojin da suka yi Juyin Mulki a Jamhuriyar Nijar.
Enjoy crystal clear audio and video calls on Nigeria’s No.1 social media app
Join Crowwe now
Available on App and Play store, or visit www.Crowwe.com
#crowwetotheworld #nigeriasfirstsocialmediaapp #madeforafricabynigerians
Story post
Do you know you gain more visibility when you post on your crowwe story
#crowwetotheworld #socialchat #crowweforall #crowwecommunity #secretchat#getconnected
Crowwe chat
We all have that one chat that puts a smile on our faces, chat with loved ones on Crowwe today.
#crowwetotheworld #lovedones #exploremore #chat #connect #people #crowwecommunity #secretchat
Stay connected on Crowwe
#crowwetotheworld #crowweconnects #videochat #chatapp #pictures #explorepage #explore
Shin Ko Ka Sauke Manhajar Crowwe a wayar ka Kuwa?
Kalli wannan Shirin Drama cikin harshen Hausa domin fahimtar amfanin wannan manhaja gareka cikin kasuwanci da sauran al'amuran yau da kullum.
Kada ku manta Crowwe kafar sadarwace wadda tazo da sababbin tsare-tsare.