PlayGround Remix - Bon Jovi, Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Mc.Sar & The Real Mccoy and Dr. Alban
ProJuiced by DJ Toca La - Edited by Featring Mbedeka
For full song and video click this link:
Result of a boring day...
"3 Love Letter ft. Lela, MP Stix & Jupiter Wave (Remix)" - ProJuiced and Remixed by DJ Toca La
- This is one of those recordings recorded years back in 2013 but we lost the original beats.
"Untitled" Work in progress ...💪😊😍💪💪
Good Morning Namibia! Let us Rise and Shine.....🙂🙂🙂🙂
This track was recorded back in December 12, 2012 under the Ekia Record Studio Fun Project. It was however never released and later on, we had lost the original beat. 9 years later, on a bored day, November 2 2021, DJ Toca La found himself producing some random dance beats around 120 BPM. As he was busy producing this particular beat, he slowed it down to 103 BPM and soon realised it could replace the lost beat of So Malemba. After done exactly that THERE WAS NO LOOKING BACK. You are now listening to the final outcome.
We hope that the two artists Qadju and Bra Gun will get to hear this piece of memorable moments.
All rights to Ekia Records