
Werker Political news and commentary on labour and economical matters


The pre-1994 alliance in South Africa between corporate South Africa on the one hand, and tribal hierarchy on the other hand has been re-established with the open merger this time between the DA on the one hand, and the ANC and the IFP on the other.
The union leadership is in dire straits as the class boundaries are clearly drawn and they have no clear position except to act as an agent in the attacks against the working class.
This coming period holds the promise of new lessons on how the class will respond and what leadership will emerge.
We live in "finsteren zeiten" in which even a candle's light may make a big difference.


Languages most often spoken in Namibian households are: Oshiwambo - also known as Ovambo (48.9% of households) Khoekhoegowab - also known as Khoekhoe (11.3%) Afrikaans - (10.4%)20 Mar 2024
The above presentation of language statistics in Namibia is based on National groups or what they call demography. It is wrong.
Urban population and the population in commercial farming make up roughly 60% (58%) of the Namibian population. The two groups in primary production and services speak Afrikaans as the functional language and cultural expression.
According to the 2004 census conducted under the statistician, Panduleni Kali, four percent (4%) of Namibians spoke English of which two percent (2%) spoke it competently. Afrikaans was the only language that grew by 4% annually. English declined.
The weight of Afrikaans in Namibia is historical. It was brought here by the Khoisan(first the Nama and then the Baster) in the 19th century.
Both groups used Dutch for official communications and religion.
Its weight is further an indication of the identification of national groups with the language.
Afrikaans was developed by the slaves in the Cape and the Khoi Khoi as a means of communication with the Dutch since 1652 when Van Riebeek arrived at the Cape.
The Afrikaners (Boere) in their resistance against British colonialism and imperialism developed Afrikaans into a scientific language through first their resistance poetry and literature and later on the backs of the black and red (Black (mid-Asian and Cape African) and Khoisan) proletariat when they took power in 1910. The proletariat provided the wealth - the material means - to develop the language. But they developed the expressive power of the language.
Afrikaans like any language expressive of the social economy of the region is an expression of the social economic development of South Africa and Namibia as an industrial region. It expresses the crucible of historical development in all its facets.
The mastery of language encapsulates its cultural conquests (literature, poetry, music - forms and power of expression - and its formal and technical expression).
In the historical development of language in Southern Africa misconceptions brought about by political obscurantism, that is, by different classes having diverse interests in the perversion of the history of language. The first major social intrusion was the black children's mass protests in Soweto in 1976 against Afrikaans as the medium of instruction. The protests should have been against Apartheid education and its deprivation of black children. This was graphically expressed by the solidarity uprisings with the Soweto children by the Cape Flats working classes, the progenitors of the Afrikaans language.
The second catastrophic social intrusion was the introduction of English and the banishment of Afrikaans in education as the main medium of instruction. To be able to speak a language you have to master its (Pathos(feeling) Ethos(values) Logos (logic)) that is historically and culturally forged. It severed at least 60% of the Nation from its basic culture of production and thus the means to procure its existence.
The reports that the crisis committee attaches to its communication with the interested parties are more than proof of the existentialist crisis through the destruction of education.
The reports that the crisis committee attaches to its communication with the interested parties are more than proof of the existentialist crisis through the destruction of education.
The struggle of tribal elements with the oral conduit of the British Empire could even have been comical if it were not that it in fact reflects the tragic caricature of a nation mutilating its chances of emerging from the still festering effects of colonialism.


I am taking no pleasure in the death of Hage Geingob nor in the bereavement of those who were close to him.
I reject the hypocritical and pretentious lamentations and praise-singing of scandalous opportunists that his death has unleashed.
Geingob presided over the destruction of the fish resources - a self-generating source of food - that rendered Namibia a net producer and exporter of food. The manner of destruction was exceptionally immoral shown by the destruction of the spawning grounds.
He followed Sam Nujoma and Lukas Pohamba and completed their destruction.
They corrupted and used young persons like Tauno Haitukulipis son as errand boys who became the fall guys after the scandal surfaced. Haitukilipi was gunned down in a firing squad in Angola. The cynicism knows no bounds and no end.
Geingob presided over the final destruction of education.
He presided over the alienation of the nation's natural resources for personal bribes and a continuation of cultural and physical genocide of the Namibian people.
He continued the mass murder of Namibians outside and the war of attrition inside this country.
He together with his predecessors and the SWAPO was promoted and protected by the imperialists.
I warn today that this is a nation that has not escaped the campaign of extermination.


This is the uncontextual nonsense of people who opine about things they have no functional knowledge. The capitalist world spend trillions of dollars to saturate the world with the most abrasive rubbish. They spend nothing on proper education of the world.
Karl Marx was and is the supreme scientist. He formulated the universal context of all branches of science including an understanding of society, its evolution, and its development.
His earth-shattering discovery is that what people think is a reflection of the real world in motion. This is what is called dialectical materialism.
Mechanical materialists formulated materialism as a real-world in stasis as reflected in thought. It was contradicted by Friedrich Hegel by Dialectical Idealism that presented changes in the world as a reflection of changes in thought.
Marx corrected the mechanical materialists and Hegel as the final scientific truth about this question.
The importance of Marx and his fundamental postulations is accepted by all serious thinkers in the world today. Not a single treatise has contradicted his discoveries.
I say discoveries because the history of the world is a verification of dialectical materialism from the beginning. (My apology about Kant)

The 2024 grades 11 and 12 results are out. A 3,8 % 'improvement' on the 2022 catastrophe of 80% failure claimed by the M...

The 2024 grades 11 and 12 results are out. A 3,8 % 'improvement' on the 2022 catastrophe of 80% failure claimed by the Ministry of Education.
The employment of incompetents continue: can't speak English, teach mathematics and science without comprehension. Considering proper education a curse.
I decided to publish a number of essays (rather than a book that was in writing since 1996) on Namibian education which along with South African education, is the worst for black children.


The thieves are calling the workers fools for dumping garbage.

The fools are the ones who don't realise this is a sign of power of the workers. Only fools do not know about 1971/72 to 1994 in Namibia and South Africa. Only fools will continue to steal the peoples' money when they see this happening.

medical irregularities nationally are a daily occurance

medical irregularities nationally are a daily occurance

This is the usual conduct of my in laws. We are a very serious family.

This is the usual conduct of my in laws. We are a very serious family.

Continued “Fishrot”To the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources !Hon Minister Derek Klaazen How is it possible that...

Continued “Fishrot”
To the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources !
Hon Minister Derek Klaazen

How is it possible that licenses on a particular Quota Species i.e. Horse-mackerel are granted to Freezer Trawler Operators in the Horse-Mackerel Sector with landing reports showing more than 35% up to 45 % of a total landings is By-catch instead of Horse-mackerel being landed under which the Trawlers were officially licensed ? Is the unwritten law not 5% Bycatch to be landed when licenced on HM ??
How can this be tolerated??
Please check the Tunacor Horse-mackerel Trawlers Mfv Tutungeni and Mfv Jupiter and Mfv Carapau By-catch landings for both Freezer and Wet Trawler landings !!
Who controls these landings ? Or is it another gap to attract bribes by ignoring landing reports as Fisheries officials throw a blind eye as they receive bribes !!
How is it possible that Freezer Trawlers have 30-45% bycatch of their entire landings ??!! But being licenced on HM? We will submit landing reports to support these statements but I am sure the MFMR has them all!!
The Captains of those HM Freezer Trawlers target other species inside or outside the 200 m as they are being paid commissions for their landings so they dont care what they land as long as they cover the Fuel costs with By-catch landings thats the ultimate target!!
Please also look at the size mix of over various species being landed !
Where are the Observers on the Trawlers are they receiving bribes too to ignore this or why was not so long ago a official letter sent by Fisheries that the amount of fish given or donated to Observers after they have completed their trip is reaching high volume levels and that Operators should refrain from doing so !!
Does this not tell you something to raise the Alarm Bells!!
How is it possible that two of the so called HM Wet Trawlers of Tunacor the Mfv Katima and Mfv Omake licenced under Horse-mackerel do exactly that target By- catch for their Hake and Monk factory instead of landing Horse-mackerel for their state of the art Horse-mackerel land based IQF factory ???
These two Hake Trawlers currently supposed to be catching Horse-mackerel can anyhow only catch a fraction of the Wet Horsemackerel quota allocated to Tunacor per year the balance is converted from Wet quota to Freezer quota and landed by Freezer Trawlers !
The HM quota or TAC is currently split as per NDP 5 into 60% Freezer and 40% Wet and should not be allowed !!! to be converted from Wet to Freezer this should only be allowed if approved by Cabinet or is the MFMR and the Minister abusing its power again to favour a few of the political Elite that all have interests in Freezer Quota Operations and Being Right Holders covered by proxy or Trusts !!
Can this be investigated by the ACC as from the MFMR no control will be exercised ever as all are receiving favours from operators !!
Who grants permission for wet Quota to be converted and for what reason as its not allowed ! As per NDP 5 !
Can you do a simple calculation of one season how much By-catch landed per season !!!
You will find that this is totally skew so where is the control of Fisheries Observers on board the Trawlers as they can see other species being landed in abundance !! Or is this another “ROT” to emerge once I present you with the Tunacor landing reports !!
Why dint you openly disclose the landing statistics !!
Hon Minister have you ever been on board a HM Freezer Trawler while transhipments are taking place in the Bay to Re**er Vessels taking the frozen Horsemackerel product packed in 20 kg or 30 kg cartons to DRC Congo or MozambiqueWhen ONLY the Net Weight per carton (20 kg or 30kg) is being recorded against the Quota allocated on which the Trawlers is licenced and thus only the Net landings of quota is recorded !! as per cartons Net Weight when IN FACT the weight of each Carton is 3-4 kg more ( 24 kg or 34 kg per carton instead of Net 20 & 30 kg )!!!!! Have you ever calculated the Net Effect of 3 kg per carton taken additional on top of the approved TAC !! This amounts to thousands of tons being stolen from Namibia as no Statuary Fees (Llevies & Quota Fees ) are paid for the additional tonnage taken illegally on top
Of the TAC out of our Fishing Grounds !
Lets say a Freezer Trawler brings 1200 tons every 14 days -1200 tons this equates to 40000 cartons packed as - 30 kg carton per trip 3 kg additional per 40000 cartons equates to 120000 kg which = 120 tons per trip x 22 Trawler trips per year = This equals to 2650 tonnes per Trawler per year !!
Has nobody at the Ministry ever discovered this or is this also just a cover up resulting in millions of losses to Goverment !!
How will the MFMR ever start controlling our Fish Resources if the simplest checks and balances as to recordings are not done correctly !!
Namibians not part of the Fishing Industry do not know where the loopholes are !!
We are watching !
Fishrot 2 - News Flash with factual documents to be made available to emerge
Please watch this space as to Landings reports in the Horsemackerel Sector
We will not give up as you as irresponsible Minister and Ministry of Fisheries are destroying the Fishing Sector for the Future for all Namibians !!


ERF4479, DODGE Avenue



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