Fragoso Muhae

Fragoso Muhae Business oriented and hands-on Project Manager with experience in Mining and Energy.

I’m sooooo proud and overwhelmed with joy for having been part this amazing experience 😍

I’m sooooo proud and overwhelmed with joy for having been part this amazing experience 😍

PRESS RELEASE ————————————————————————– Nine Mozambicans Participate in Youth Leadership Fellowship in the United States August 29, 2023 – U.S. Embassy in

Today marks the end of an incredible journey as a 2023 Mandela Washington Fellow here in the U.S. The Mandela Washington...

Today marks the end of an incredible journey as a 2023 Mandela Washington Fellow here in the U.S.
The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders has been an unforgettable experience, and I'm overflowing with gratitude.

One of the highlights of this last weeks was the site visit to the Tesla Gigafactory in Nevada where I witnessed their dedication to accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy and the magnitude of their mission and the strides they've made in renewable technology.

The exchange of ideas in the business networking events like the one in Reno+Sparks Chamber of Commerce gave me a chance of connecting with like-minded professionals plan learning about the power of collaboration in making a real impact on the world's most pressing issues.

Throughout the fellowship, I've had the opportunity to meet other remarkable young people from various countries, all working passionately to drive change in their home nations. Their stories and projects have been a tremendous source of inspiration for me. Witnessing their determination and dedication has reinforced my belief in the potential of collective action to create lasting change in Africa.

During the closing ceremony, we were also privileged to hear from the U.S. Department of State H.E. Anthony Blinken and other prominent leaders from U.S. institutions. Their wisdom and encouragement have reinvigorated my commitment to my mission. They emphasized the importance of global partnerships and the role each of us can play as young African leaders in making the world a better place.

Here in Washington I also had a chance to interview VOA Português alongsinde the Ambassador of Mozambique to the United States of America H.E. Alfredo Nuvunga with which I briefly shared about the impact of this journey on me and how it have further fueled my desire to contribute to positive change in my Mozambique.

This journey may be coming to an end, but the connections made, the knowledge gained, and the experiences lived will forever shape my path ahead. As I bid farewell to Washington, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose and determination to make a difference, not just in my community but on a global scale.

Thank you, Mandela Washington Fellowship, for this life-changing opportunity.

The journey has only just begun.


Yesterday I participated in a round table during the first day of the Mandela Washington Fellowship summit. During the discussion I was compelled to shed light on the challenges and needs faced by me, as a working professional in the Mining Industry, and about the role that the leading nations have

It´s been a while, since I arrived to the U.S to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Lead...

It´s been a while, since I arrived to the U.S to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, where I´m placed at the University of Nevada, Reno , and it has been an unforgettable journey filled with growth, inspiration, and impactful experiences that have shaped me both personally and professionally.

One of the highlights of the Fellowship was the opportunity to visit some outstanding organizations that are making a difference in their respective fields.

One such visit was to Microsoft , where I had the privilege to witness firsthand their commitment to innovation, technology, and social impact. Exploring their cutting-edge facilities and engaging with passionate professionals has broadened my horizons and fueled my drive to leverage technology for positive change.

In addition to the field visit, I had the honor of participating in various volunteering opportunities that left a profound impact on me.
Celebrating the World Refugee Day was a truly heartwarming experience, as I had the privilege of engaging with resilient individuals who have overcome immense challenges. Working alongside organizations dedicated to supporting the local communities, such as Urban Roots and The Food Bank, reinforced my belief in the power of empathy and the importance of extending a helping hand to those in need. It was incredibly fulfilling to contribute to these initiatives and witness the positive change they bring to the lives of individuals and families.

The Mandela Washington Fellowship has also provided me with an unparalleled platform to develop leadership skills, collaborate with fellow changemakers, and gain exposure to diverse perspectives. The program's curriculum, expertly crafted by accomplished faculty members, has equipped me with invaluable insights and tools to address complex societal issues. I am grateful for the guidance and mentorship I received, which will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors.

To the UNR staff I would like to express my deepest appreciation for hosting this life-changing program and creating an environment that fosters growth and collaboration. Their dedication to empowering emerging leaders is truly commendable, and I am honored to have been a part of this remarkable journey.

Thank you all for your unwavering support and encouragement!

Can´t wait to see what the next weeks will bring


I just published a new article here on Facebook.
Click the link below to check it out 🙃

Inflação bate recordes na economia europeia, com especial foco e taxas recordes em países afetados pelas limitações no a...

Inflação bate recordes na economia europeia, com especial foco e taxas recordes em países afetados pelas limitações no acesso à energia Russa.

Aumento no preço da energia traduz-se numa taxa de inflação de 9,1% no mês de agosto na zona Euro

Realizou-se nos dias 6 e 7 de Outubro a 1ª edição do Fórum Carreira Mocambique, maior evento de desenvolvimento profissi...

Realizou-se nos dias 6 e 7 de Outubro a 1ª edição do Fórum Carreira Mocambique, maior evento de desenvolvimento profissional de Moçambique o qual contou com mais de 20 oradores nacionais e internacionais.

O evento foi um marco super importante para os jovens Moçambicanos dada a relevância e actualidade dos temas que foram abordados pelos nossos painelitas.

Como cofundador dessa iniciativa é com imenso prazer que agradeço a todos oradores, moderadores e participantes activos pelo engajamento e trabalho excepcional de partilha de conhecimento, dicas e experiências com vista a empoderar os jovens talentos nas suas jornadas profissionais e de negócios.

Agradecer igualmente aos nossos patrocinadores e parceiros por acreditarem na Brainstorm e encorajar para que continuem a apoiar esta iniciativa tão nobre e que em muito irá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de Moçambique.


Falta 1 hora para o início do Fórum Carreira, maior evento de desenvolvimento humano e profissional de Moçambique.

O evento é gratuito e será transmitido ao vivo pelas nossas redes sociais.


É com muita honra que farei parte desse painel composto pela  Mangueleze e Sheila Miquidade, onde dentre vários outros t...

É com muita honra que farei parte desse painel composto pela Mangueleze e Sheila Miquidade, onde dentre vários outros tópicos falaremos sobre comunicação, gestão da marca pessoal e employer branding.

Independentemente do estágio sua carreira ou da consciência/notoriedade da sua marca, quero convidar-te a participar dessa conversa super interessante onde o nosso principal objectivo é deixar-te ficar com as melhores práticas de posicionamento da sua marca de modo que consigas alcançar os seus objectivos profissionais e de negócios.

Junta-te a nós.

No dia 6 de Outubro dar-se-á início a primeira edição online do Fórum Carreira.

Mangueleze, Sheila Miquidade e Fragoso Muhae são os nossos convidados especiais para este evento.

Durante 1 hora (16:40 às 17:40), debruçarão sobre o tema, “Comunicação, branding pessoal e corporativo num mercado em mudanças e cada vez mais competitivo”.

O evento é gratuito e será transmitido ao vivo pelas nossas redes sociais.



Hotel Iglu


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